CINELDI's Knowledge base
This knowledge base contains CINELDI's research so far, and will be updated during the project. The results contribute to the digitalisation and modernisation of the electricity distribution grid to ensure higher efficiency, flexibility and resilience.
The knowledge base is targeting people in the power and technology industries, students and other researchers. The results are summarised, with references to published papers, to make it easy for you to find what you are looking for.
Smart grid operation
Advanced monitoring and operation of the future distribution grid requires the secure utilization of new ICT technologies and the development of new operational concepts.
Flexibility and Interaction TSO/DSO
New solutions for flexible resources in different products and ancillary services, to increase observability between the distribution and transmission systems, and to develop business models for customer flexibility.
Microgrids/local energy systems
Concepts, technologies, and models for microgrids and their interaction with the distribution system, together with real-time monitoring between all assets, grid customers and flexible resources.
Flexible resources in the power system
Methods and strategies for the cost-effective integration of flexible resources in smart distribution grids for improved efficiency of the system operation and a realistic alternative to grid investments.
Smart grid scenarios and transition strategy
Visions and scenarios for a smart grid, and guidelines and recommendations for implementing results in the electricity industry.
All results
A - D
- A Data-driven Approach to Grid Impedance Identification for Impedance-based Stability
- A data set of a Norwegian energy community
- A Feasibility Study of Blockchain Technology As Local Energy Market Infrastructure
- A framework for remote Energy Management System (EMS) development using MPC
- A Long-term Strategy Framework for Flexible Energy Operation of Residential Buildings
- A real-time cyber-physical testbed to assess protection system traffic over 5G networks
- A Robust Circuit and Controller Parameters’ Identification Method of Grid-Connected Voltage-Source Converters Using Vector Fitting Algorithm
- A systematic review of machine learning techniques related to local energy communities
- Accelerating electric vehicle charging investments: A real options approach to policy design
- Active distribution grid planning
- Adaptive Controller for Improved Stability
- Alternative grid connection agreements for integrating fast-charging stations in the distribution system
- Analysis of Accuracy of Flexibility Baseline Prediction Methods for Office Building at Different Measuring Points
- Analytical market model for systems with renewables and storage
- Baseline estimation methods – a literature review
- BATTPOWER: Fast computation Multi-Period OPF
- Blockchain Support for Time-Critical Self-Healing in Smart Distribution Grids
- Calculation of Customer Baseline Load with different methodological approaches
- Case study on planning a fast charging station
- Charging profiles for Heavy Duty Electric Vehicles
- Checklist for evaluation of results from research and pilot projects 2021
- CINELDI knowledge base
- Code platform "Flexible Load Analysis"
- Comprehensive classifications and characterizations of power system flexibility resources
- Coordination mechanism through high-level UC development between DSO and TSO
- Coordination schemes and market architecture
- Cyber-Physical Power System Testing Platform for Topology Identification in Power Distribution Grids
- Cyber-Physical Power System Testing Platform for Topology Identification in Power Distribution Grids
- Cyber-risk assessment method for the planning phase of cyber-physical smart grids
- Definition and characterization of services to be provided by flexibility elements
- Delayed Integrity Check
- Demand flexibility modelling for optimal distribution grid planning
- Demonstrating Interactions of Distribution Network and Local Energy Communities Operating in Hierarchically Autonomous Control Architecture Paradigm
- Designing grid tariffs and local electricity markets for peak demand reduction in distribution grids
- Distributed ADMM* strategy for optimal control of DERs and OLTCs in a radial distribution grid
- Distribution Grid Fault Location Based on Entropy Minimization
- Driving forces and mini scenarios for the future electricity distribution grid
- Driving forces for intelligent distribution system innovation
- DSOs cooperation with vendors in handling cyber-attacks in control systems
E - N
- Economic evaluation of operation strategies for battery systems
- Effect of Communication Failures on State Estimation of 5G-Enabled Smart Grid
- Electric Vehicle Adoption Dynamics on the Road to Deep Decarbonization
- Electric vehicles (EVs) in Norway and the potential for demand response
- EV fleet charging profile tool for grid planning
- Experience from Norwegian intelligent electricity distribution pilot projects
- Extended vulnerability analysis framework
- Flexibility market for solving grid problems
- Flexibility modelling method for atomic loads
- Flexibility Solutions in Distribution Networks
- Grid battery cost model with degradation
- Guideline for the compliance of grid planning tool with EU overall strategies and regulatory conditions
- Harmonic Virtual Impedance Design for Optimal Management of Power Quality in Microgrids
- iFleks – Future price elasticity in electricity consumption
- Impact of Virtual Oscillator Control on the instantaneous properties of VSC output voltage in distorted island grids
- Implementation of framework for distribution grid planning with active measures
- Improving Smart Grid Cyber Security through 5G Enabled IoT and Edge Computing
- Incorporating energy storage and variable renewables in power flow analysis
- Industrial Evaluation of an Approach to Identification and Modelling of Cybersecurity Risks
- Infrastructure-as-Code SmartGrid lab
- Instantaneous Frequency Identification in Microgrids
- Just Flexibility? The Envisioned Role of End Users in Future Electricity Systems
- Load Analysis for Evaluating Flexibility Needs in the Planning of an Industrial Distribution Grid
- Long-term value of flexibility for building operation
- Mapping of barriers and potential for flexibility
- Mapping of Norwegian DSOs' use of flexibility solutions for industrial grid customers
- Method and tool for analysing the performance and dependability of advanced communication technologies
- Method for Identification and Modelling of Cybersecurity Risks in the Context of Smart Power Grids
- Methodology for evaluating grid development strategies considering real option value and risk
- Methods for Cost Allocation Among Prosumers and Consumers Using Cooperative Game Theory
- Methods for Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of Battery Energy Storage in Power Grids
- Modelling and Simulation Approaches for Local Energy Community Integrated Distribution Networks
- Modelling framework for study of the differences between centralized and decentralized smart grid services
- Modelling TSO-DSO coordination: The value of distributed flexible resources to the power system
- Multimarket Services for Stationary Batteries - Case of Providing Primary Frequency Reserves
- Multimarket Services for Stationary Batteries - Considering Activation of Frequency Containment Normal Operation Reserves
- MV Reference grid data set
- New smart grid stencils for the Microsoft Threat Modelling Tool
O - Å
- Observability in TSO/DSO interface
- Operational functions and applications for the next generation distribution control centres
- Open-Source Distribution System Load Flow
- Operation model for ZEB with emission compensation
- Operational model for atomic loads
- Optimal coordination of renewable sources and storage in energy-constrained power systems
- Optimal Operation of Battery Storage for a Subscribed Capacity-Based Power Tariff Prosumer
- Orchestrating households as collectives of participation in the distributed energy transition
- Potential for household flexibility
- Practical application of active distribution grid planning to pilot area with new energy solution
- Quantification of electric water heater flexibility potential in Norway
- Quantifying the benefits of shared battery in a DSO-energy community cooperation
- Radial power flow with battery operation
- Real-time power hardware-in-the-loop simulation platform to evaluate ancillary services in microgrids
- Reduced-Order Model of Distributed Generators with Internal Loops and Virtual Impedance
- Reference grid data set
- Repository of mini scenarios
- Review of the impact of flexibility resources in distribution systems on the security of electricity supply
- Risk considerations by tighter integration of AMI/SCADA/DMS
- Scenarios for collaborative preparedness exercises
- Scenarios for the future distribution grid anno 2030-2040
- Shifting patterns – The patterned enactments of flexible electricity consumption in and by households
- Simulation tool for reliability evaluation of modern distribution systems
- Single line to ground-fault locations method developed and tested in simulation
- State estimation algorithm for monitoring distribution grid
- Steps towards aggregation, management and leveraging of flexibility
- Stochastic Model for flexibility procurement and activation by DSOs
- Stochastic Petrinet model for dependability assessment and integrated power grid and ICT support
- Study operational coordination between TSO and DSO
- Synchronization Controller for Seamless Interconnection of Mirogrids with Heterogeneous Sources
- Testbed for Advanced Distribution Management Systems: Assessment of Cybersecurity
- The impact of degradation on the investment and operation of a community battery for multiple services
- TSO-DSO CIM Profile for Voltage Control
- Use case for assessment of utilization of flexibility in ancillary services
- Use case: New concept of using mobile battery in distribution grids
- Use of flexible resources in grid operation – today and in the future
- Use of results on driving forces and scenarios by the CINELDI partners (in the industry)
- Value-stacking of flexibility