- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Designing grid tariffs and local electricity markets for peak demand reduction in distribution grids
Challenge and objective
- Designing grid tariffs that are cost reflective, fair and efficient?
- Ensuring efficient coordination of flexible resources in distribution grids through price signals and local electricity markets.
Work performed
- PhD thesis submitted, including three articles from 2022:
- Capacity subscription grid tariff efficiency and the impact of uncertainty on the subscribed level.
- Grid Tariffs for Peak Demand Reduction: Is there a Price Signal Conflict with Electricity Spot Prices?
- A Comparison of the Peak Demand Reduction Performance of Various Energy-based and Capacity-based Tariffs at Different Grid Levels.
Significant results
- PhD thesis defended.
- Large comparison of grid tariff design performance on multiple grid levels on a realistic case study.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Provides knowledge for decision-makers on grid tariff design choice, as well as the importance of good coordination mechanisms that handles coincidence factors in distribution grids.

Reference in CiNELDI
- S. Bjarghov: "Designing grid tariffs and local electricity markets for peak demand reduction in distribution grids", Doctoral thesis, NTNU, December 2022.