Designing grid tariffs and local electricity markets for peak demand reduction in distribution grids

Challenge and objective

  • Designing grid tariffs that are cost reflective, fair and efficient?
  • Ensuring efficient coordination of flexible resources in distribution grids through price signals and local electricity markets.

Work performed

  • PhD thesis submitted, including three articles from 2022:
    1. Capacity subscription grid tariff efficiency and the impact of uncertainty on the subscribed level.
    2. Grid Tariffs for Peak Demand Reduction: Is there a Price Signal Conflict with Electricity Spot Prices?
    3. A Comparison of the Peak Demand Reduction Performance of Various Energy-based and Capacity-based Tariffs at Different Grid Levels.

Significant results

  • PhD thesis defended.
  • Large comparison of grid tariff design performance on multiple grid levels on a realistic case study.

Impact for distribution system innovation

  • Provides knowledge for decision-makers on grid tariff design choice, as well as the importance of good coordination mechanisms that handles coincidence factors in distribution grids.
Designing grid tariffs and local electricity markets for peak demand reduction in distribution grids

Magnus Korpås

WP3 Lead
+47 970 42 009
Magnus Korpås
WP3 Lead


Reference in CiNELDI