- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Coordination schemes and market architecture
Challenge and objective
- The growing need for ancillary services requires implementation of coordinated market schemes allowing procurement of flexible resources from the distribution grid for ancillary services in both distribution and transmission networks.
Work performed
- In cooperation with H2020-project SmartNet (2016-2019) a set of alternatives for the future TSO-DSO coordination schemes has been developed and comparatively evaluated
Significant results
- Five coordination schemes for TSO-DSO interaction, necessary for procurement and activation of ancillary services. Relevant for the operation of transmission and distribution grids, market architectures and input to regulations.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Creates a starting point for development of technologies, defines the required TSO-DSO data exchanges, outlines new business models for aggregation and trading of flexibilities.

Reference in CINELDI
- A.Z. Morch, H. Sæle, D. Siface, G. Migliavacca, H. Gerard, I. Kockar: "Market architecture for TSO-DSO interaction in the context of European regulation", EEM2019 Conference.