- Name
- Oddbjørn Gjerde
- Title
- WP2 Lead
- Organization
- SINTEF Energi AS
Use case: New concept of using mobile battery in distribution grids
Challenge and objective
- The load and generation in future distribution grids are expected to vary more and be more unpredictable. With today's planning criteria the grid planning is based on a worst case, and can result in over investment. Provision of localized flexibility services to distribution grid operators on short notice, could lower grid investment costs.
Work performed
- Based on communication with DSOs the work flow of mobile battery operation is described in detail in a use case.
Significant results
- The idea is described in a Use Case.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Readily available and affordable mobile flexible resources would allow the DSOs to operate closer to grid limitations and postpone investments.

Reference in CINELDI
- A. Morch et.al.: "Use cases for future (2030-2040) smart distribution grid operation", CINELDI report 02:2019.