- Name
- Susanne Sandell
- Title
- WP1 Lead
- Organization
- SINTEF Energi AS
Distribution Grid Fault Location Based on Entropy Minimization
Challenge and objective
- The small number of monitoring devices in distribution systems require special methods in managing fault conditions, due to the high level of uncertainty of the state of the system and the measurement data.
- These methods should be able to take into account these uncertainties in fault location to minimize outage times.
Work performed
- A novel method for fault location is proposed, based on the concept of entropy minimization.
- The method is tested on different distribution network topologies, with different levels of automation.
Significant results
- Analyses show the capability of the method:
- to support operators in optimal strategies for fault location in MV grids,
- to conduct reliability analysis of the system.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- The algorithm demonstrates a computational efficiency which opens a potential for usage in planning of optimal placement of sensors based on iterative heuristics.

Reference in CINELDI
- M. Garau, B.E. Helvik: "Power Unavailability Reduction in Distribution Grid Fault Management with Entropy Minimization", 5th International Conference on System Reliability and Safety (ICSRS). IEEE, ISBN 978-1-6654-0049-7. s. 32-41, 2021.