- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Just Flexibility? The Envisioned Role of End Users in Future Electricity Systems
Challenge and objective
- Energy demand and everyday energy use has gained increased attention as an element of reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change.
- The thesis draws on social science perspectives on energy, primarily from science and technology studies (STS).
Work performed
- PhD-thesis submitted, including four articles:
- Identifies how expert actors in industry and researchers who work within smart energy developments envision solutions to en-courage more flexible electricity consumption among end-users.
- Deals with different framings of flexibility among traditional householders and experts and the potential social consequences of more flexible electricity consumption for the users.
- Studies material, structural and social factors of students’ electricity consumption and their under-standings of flexible consumption, individually and collectively.
- Focuses on rigid and flexible household consumption and studies changes in energy cultures in recent decades, and how these changes relate to increased demand for flexibility.
Significant results
- Highlighting the role of electricity consumption in daily life, and how social life and societal structures enforce temporal rhythms that create peaks of electricity consumption.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Knowledge about households and their focus on electricity consumption

Reference in CINELDI
- I.F. Fjellså: "Just Flexibility? The Envisioned Role of End Users in Future Electricity Systems", Doctoral thesis, NTNU, October 2022.