- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
iFleks – Future price elasticity in electricity consumption
Challenge and objective
- To understand how variable energy prices in the future will affect the electricity consumption in peak load periods when stronger price signals are expected and more technology solutions are available.
Work performed
- Price experiments and questionnaires among 4375 households and some office and public buildings during the winter 2020 and 2021.
- Smart meter data are analysed to study the connection between price and demand.
Significant results
- 2-11% reduction in electricity consumption in peak price hours based on manual measures. Approx. 50% of the households responded to price signals.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Improved understanding of demand response and the strength needed in price signals to achieve a reduction in peak load sufficient enough to postpone grid investments.

References in CINELDI
- T. Siebenbrunner, M. Hofmann: "Framtidig prisfølsomhet til sluttbrukere. Sluttrapport iFleks", Statnett 2022.
- "iFleks – Prisfølsomhet", Statnett web.