- Name
- Oddbjørn Gjerde
- Title
- WP2 Lead
- Organization
- SINTEF Energi AS
Optimal control of domestic hot water tanks in a housing cooperative
Challenge and objective
- There is a need to reduce the peak demand in the grid, and many housing cooperatives have thermal storage that are not utilised in a "smart" way today.
- Aim: Quantify the benefit that electric domestic hot water tanks can give to a housing cooperative and the distribution grid by optimising the operation of the hot water tanks.
Work performed
- Created a linear optimisation model for a housing cooperative, with PV generation and electric vehicle charging, including shared thermal energy storage heated by heat pumps and electric heating element.
- Quantified reduced costs and grid exchange when operating domestic hot water tanks optimally.
- Quantified the differences in electricity costs and grid exchange when optimising each apartment block in the energy community individually or centrally
Significant results
- Individual optimisation of hot water tanks led to a 4.4% reduction in peak import. Central optimisation led to a reduction of 10.6%.
- Assuming a local collective grid tariff led to a 2.6% cost reduction for the energy community.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Allowing local collective grid tariffs might lead to benefits for the distribution grid and a higher utilisation of existing assets.

Reference in CINELDI
- K. Berg, V. H. Lenes, and K. B. Lindberg, "Optimal control of domestic hot water tanks in a housing cooperative - benefits for the grid", IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), pp. 1–5, Oct. 2023.