- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Radial power flow with battery operation
Challenge and objective
- Perform a techno-economic assessment of a Battery energy storage system (BESS) installation (A1) in a radial LV grid to maintain the voltage level within mandatory limits, and compare the results to traditional grid reinforcements (A0).
Work performed
- Developed a simulation model in Python consisting of a model for running the battery as efficient as possible, a power flow solution model based on the backward/forward sweep algorithm, and an economic assessment.
Significant results
- The battery is able to maintain the voltage level above the limit of 0.9 pu (A1 in figure) for all hours.
- The cost of installing the battery is 77 % higher than the corresponding line costs, resulting in a break-even cost of the BESS of 3900 NOK/kW and 1160 NOK/ kWh for power and energy capacity, respectively.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Investigate the potential for using batteries for system support as alternative to traditional grid reinforcement.

Reference in CINELDI
- M.R. Brubæk: "Battery Storage as Alternative to Grid Reinforcement in the Low-Voltage Network", MSc thesis, NTNU, 2020.