- Name
- Magnus Korpås
- Title
- WP3 Lead
- Organization
Multimarket Services for Stationary Batteries - Case of Providing Primary Frequency Reserves
Challenge and objective
- Can a battery energy storage system (BESS) of prosumer provide more services along with its primary objective by value stacking?
Work performed
- An optimization framework was developed to test stacked value of participation of BESS in FCR-N market while maximizing the usage of local solar PV generation by considering BESS degradation
Significant results
- Exposing domestic battery energy storage system to FCR-N market without sacrificing its primary purpose by value stacking can bring potential reduction in their annual electricity bill by 3.5 %.
Impact for distribution system innovation
- Maximizing local solar PV generation.
- Providing TSO service from a resource located at DSO network.

Reference in CINELDI
- I.E. Olsen: "Multimarket Services for Stationary Batteries - Case of Providing Primary Frequency Reserves", Specialisation project report, NTNU, December 2022.