- TULIPS - DemonsTrating lower pollUting soLutions for sustaInable airPorts acrosS Europe (2022 - 2025)
- CleanOFF Hub (2021 - 2025)
- Virtual-FCS - Virtuell og fysisk plattform for brenselcelle systemutvikling (2020 - 2022)
- Lavutslippsenteret (2019 - 2027)
- MoZEES - Forskningssenter for miljøvennlige transportsystemer (2017 - 2024)
- Simulation study on preventing explosive mixture formation in PEM electrolysers’ water recovery tanks Les publikasjonen
- Electrolysers towards EU MAWP 2023 targets and beyond
- The influence of concentration and temperature on the membrane resistance of ion exchange membranes and the levelised cost of hydrogen from reverse electrodialysis with ammonium bicarbonate Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Preventing explosive mixture formation in PEM electrolysers’ water recovery tanks
- Design of PEM fuel cell systems for stationary and mobile applications using VirtualFCS
- Prevention of explosive mixtures in electrolyser plants' water recovery tanks
- Transient model for 2.5 MW PEMWE system powered by wind
- Introduction to Virtual FCS library a multi-scale cyber-physical platform for designing and optimising fuel cell battery hybrid systems
- Fuel cell- battery hybrid systems dynamics
- Fuel Cells for Reducing Emissions from the Petroleum Industry: Experience from Work in the LowEmission Research Centre
- VIRTUAL-FCS VIRTUAL & physical platform for Fuel Cell System development Tutorial
- VIRTUAL-FCS VIRTUAL & physical platform for FuelCell System development, Tutorial: Introduction to Modelica and VFCS Library Fuel cell and Battery Models
- DESTINY -How to optimize the utilization of PV in off-grid energy systems?