Flere publikasjoner
- Recommendations for residential cooker hood solutions and airflow rates
- Parametric simulation to optimize moisture removal from urban apartment blocks
- Input data for moisture profiles in multi-family residential buildings: how much extract is needed?
- The impact of smoke extraction strategy on ventilation components and particle pollution
- Engineering tool for designing a ventilation strategy for small school fires based on the comfort ventilation
- Fire safety of ventilation systems and fire incidence reports in Norwegian schools Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Parametric simulation to optimize moisture removal from urban apartment blocks
- Input data for moisture profiles in multi-family residential buildings: how much extract is needed?
- Ventilasjon for fukt i nye leiligheter
- Oppbygging av arketypemodell for kontorbygg: sammenligning av simulert og målt energi- og effektbruk i kontorbygg
- Calibrating an archetype model for predicting space heating energy consumption in older residential buildings: a case study of a building in Oslo and Trondheim
- Engineering tool for designing a ventilation strategy for small school fires based on the comfort ventilation
- The impact of smoke extraction strategy on ventilation components and particle pollution
- Finnes det én riktig luftmengde for alt?
- Simuleringer av effekt (WP5)
- COFACTOR: Plan for arbeidet med simulering