- Stabilitet av oljeemulsjoner - Effekt av temperatur og emulsjonsbryter
- Experiments to Study Weathering of Surface Oil Slicks Resulting from Sub Sea Dispersant Injection (SSDI) Operation
- Rengjøring av tanker benyttet til mellomlagring av oljeemulsjon om bord på oljevernfartøy
- Reducing oil droplet sizes from a subsea oil and gas release by water jetting a laboratory study performed at different scales
- Interlaboratory comparison of three low-sulfur marine fuel oils between laboratories in Canada, China, Sweden, USA, and Norway WP3 – PAME/EPPR characterization methodology Les publikasjonen
- Dispergeringsforskriften – Revidering av testmetodikk Les publikasjonen
- Investigation of the spreading tendency of emulsified oil slicks on open systems
- Application of chemical herders do not increase acute crude oil toxicity to cold-water marine species Les publikasjonen
- Toxicity and developmental effects of Arctic fuel oil types on early life stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) Les publikasjonen
- Fate and behavior of Sanchi oil spill transported by the Kuroshio during January–February 2018
Annen formidling
- Enhancing the dispersant efficiency by applying artificial energy aftger dispersant treatment
- Developmental effects of fuel oils on early life stages of atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
- Novel Oil Spill Technology-Subsea Mechanical Dispersion & Surface water flushing of thin oil films
- Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) - A review of fate and behaviour of HFO spills in cold seawater, including biodegradation, environmental effects and oil spill response Les publikasjonen
- Laboratory Characterization of the Weathering Properties and Toxicity of Marine Diesel Oils and "New Generation" of marine Fuel Oils
- Aerial Surveillance and Ground-truth Monitoring of Light Crude Oil/Condensate Slicks during Full-scale Field Experiments -Behaviour and Effect of Response Options
- Biological monitoring of benzene after exposure to fresh Crude oil spilled at sea in an oil spill field trial
- Light Crude Oil Slicks Behaviour and Effect of Response Options during Full-scale Field Experiments
- Effectiveness of Chemical dispersants used in broken ice conditions
- Ground-truth Monitoring and Areal Surveillance of Oil Slicks from Light Crude oil released during Full-scale Field Experiments in the North Sea, 2016