Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Flere publikasjoner
- Laboratory method for investigating the influence of industrial process conditions on the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from carbonaceous materials
- PAH emission from individual carbonaceous materials in a laboratory-scale and its relationship with PAH emission from a mixture of carbonaceous materials in pilot-scale experiments producing MG-Si
- CO2 Free FeMn/Mn Production Through Molten Oxide Electrolysis
- Sustainable Metal Production: Use of Biocarbon and the Concern of Dusting
- New Methods to Determine PAH Emission Dynamics During Electrode Mass Processing Les publikasjonen
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in industrial emissions - Challenges and strategies to measure, monitor, control and reduce PAH emissions Les publikasjonen
- SINTSENSE:Low-Cost Monitoring of VOC Emissions from the Ferroalloy Industry
- Surplus energy utilization at Herøya and Grenland
- NECast final report
- Particulate matter and related airborne emissions from silicon and ferrosilicon production
Annen formidling
- Industrial off-gas: An untapped resource
- Industrielle avgasser: en uutnyttet ressurs
- Industrial off-gas: An untapped resource
- Sustainable Metal Production – Use of Biocarbon and the Concern of Dusting
- HighEFF resultater for Eramet
- New Methods to Determine PAH Emission Dynamics During Electrode Mass Processing
- PAHssion prosjektet - industrielle PAH utslipp
- Industrial PAH emissions
- New technologies for climate neutral metal production
- The PAHssion project