Human Factors in Control
HFC forum møtereferat
I 2022 hadde HFC forum følgende møter:
«Human and Organisational performance; Safety learning from Normal Work» - 19th and 20th of October
(Invitation/Program, Participants, HFC Brochure, References, Evaluation)
Handouts (Copy of all presentations) - Welcome:
0) J. T. Ludvigsen/Equinor - Welcome -
1) M. Nazaruk/Psychology Applied - "Learning from Normal Work"
2) G-E. Torgersen/USN - "Læring for det uforutsette"
3) O. Skaar/IOGP - "IOGP's implementation of Human Performance"
4) Ø. Laugstøl/NSIA (K. Halvorsen/NSIA) - "«Just Culture» i luftfart"
5) S. Mallam/USN - "Engaging sharp-end operators for organizational learning"
6) E. Solberg/IFE - "Improving learning by adding the perspective of success to event investigations"
7) B. Kirwan/Eurocontrol - "Towards a Safety Learning Culture in the Shipping Industry"
8) L. Savioli/ENI - "Normal Work in Practice: The impact of the Leadership Mindset, Values and Beliefs"
9) T. Porathe/NTNU - "Where is the current international research focus within the autonomous ship domain?"
10) R. S. Bridger/CIEHF - "Why organisations should employ HF experts in accident investigations"
11) O. Sæle og A. Førland/Equinor - "How to use learning teams as a way of learning from incidents"
«New technology, emerging risks – What capabilities and competence do we need?». 3rd and 4th of May, meeting
(Invitation/Program; Participants; HFC Brochure, References, Evaluation))
Handouts (Copy of all presentations) - Welcome:
1) M. Berling & A.J. Ringstad/Equinor - Storulykke og HOP - Human and organisational performance & Functional human – machine teaming in safety critical systems
2) L. I. Vestly/PTIL - Human Factors and Digitalization
3) O.A. Alsos/NTNU - NTNU – Kapasitetsløft innen Human Factors
4) C. Bjørkli/UiO - Perspektiver fra utdanningssektoren
5) E. Roth/Cog. Eng. - Considerations in Designing and Evaluation of Intellig. Decision Aids
7) O.A. Engen/UiS - Risikostyring i en usikker fremtid
8) J. Emblemsvåg/NTNU - The risks of Nuclear energy
9) K. Nerem/Norsk Hydrogen - Sikkerhet i Hydrogenproduksjon
10) T. Relling/NTNU - A systems perspective on maritime autonomy
11) K. Nordby/AHO - Open Remote
12) M. Eitrheim/NTNU - Opportunities and barriers for truck platooning