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Seaweed Applications - Muligheter og utfordringer 2023

Velkommen til den andre Seaweed Applications-konferansen arrangert av SINTEF og NTNU på Jægtvolden utenfor Trondheim, 22. - 24. mars 2023.


Jægtvolden, Inderøy
Legg til i kalender


  • 09.01.2023 (Early Bird)

  • 17.03.2023 (Final Deadline)

There will be a flash presentation and poster session (submit abstract during conference registration)

Hold meg oppdatert, sign me up   Program (PDF)

We aim to offer an exciting program of presentations from leading researchers and industries, and social discussions and networking in the beautiful surroundings of the Trondheim Fjord.

  • The registration fee covers room and board for two nights and full access to all conference sessions and activities. Early birds registering before December 31st as well as Ph.D. and Master students get a discount on the registration fee.
  • Please find the tentative schedule and link to registration on this page. For updates to the program and other news on the conference, please follow this page or reach out to the organizers.
  • For your travel, you may fly to Trondheim Airport Værnes (TRD), and take the train from the airport to Røra station (1 hour). For tickets and schedules, visit https://www.vy.no/en. If you need assistance with your travel or accommodation, please contact the organizers.

Hosted by:



Jektvollvegen 89, 7670 Inderøy