- Drinking water and waste water management at Svalbard. - Lecture
- Feasibility Jump: an LP-free Lagrangian MIP heuristic - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen embrittlement in subsea pipelines - From natural gas to hydrogen gas transport - Academic lecture
- Integrating wind in offshore power systems - control, forecasting, and learning - Academic lecture
- Investigating scalable replacement of weather compensated control with MPC in buildings with legacy equipment - Academic article
- Probabilistic Geometry Reconstruction for Additive Manufacturing Digital Twins - Academic lecture
- "Check, Check, Check, We Got Those" – Catalogue Use in Information Security Risk Management - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- "Gold Standard" for mitigating environmental impacts. Summary of literature review - Report
- "Saving the environment" with liquid-cooled data centres - Interview
- ‘Blue-green’ roofs can prevent stormwater run-off - Interview
- ‘Hanging gardens’—comparing fauna communities in kelp farms and wild kelp forests - Academic article
- ‘It’s not like real therapy’: young people receiving child welfare services’ experiences of video consultations in mental healthcare in Norway: a mixed methods approach - Academic article
- ‘Nothing Gets Realised Anyway’: Adolescents’ Experience of Co-Creating Health Promotion Measures in Municipalities in Norway - Academic article
- ‘We have no services for you… so you have to make the best out of it’: A qualitative study of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients’ dissatisfaction with healthcare services - Academic article
- “Det er, som om min bedste ven er blevet dræbt.” Den bedste film om kunstig intelligens er lige blevet til virkelighed - Interview
- “My Heart Jumped. Do I Have Cancer?”—Results of a Co-design Study with Cervical Cancer Screening Participants - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- “Sustainability is not a vegan coffee shop.” Eliciting citizen attitudes and perspectives to localize the UN sustainable development goals - Academic article
- “They don’t take notes!” Tensions perceived by first-line workers in an action research project - Academic article
- 100 key questions to guide hydropeaking research - Poster
- 100 key questions to guide hydropeaking research and policy - Academic article
- 2023 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS) - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- 2023 IMAPS Nordic Conference on Microelectronics Packaging (NordPac) - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- 2023 Smartchain NFR Yearly Report - Report
- 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Measurement Using a Pulse Arrival Time Based Blood Pressure Model by a Prototype Wearable Sensor - Poster
- 25 or 70 tonnes heat exchanger - effects of model selection - Lecture
- 2D world in the Softcom lab – graphene, clay and beyond - Lecture
- 3 Degrees: Pioneering global change within the Cold-chain - Lecture
- 30 GW offshore wind in Norway : time series analysis based on numerical weather model datasets - Report
- 3D imaging of CO2 distribution via combined low-frequency and µCT measurements - Academic lecture
- 3D silicon detectors for neutron imaging applications - Academic article
- 4D FWI with short offset data: a reflection oriented approach - Abstract
- 600 participants from 37 countries at TCCS - Website (informational material)
- 7 years of TES research in FME HighEFF: From internal reports to a White Paper - Lecture
- A 2D FEM Model for Impedance and Loss Calculation of Armored Three-Core Cables with Inclusion of 3D Pitching Effects - Academic article
- A Barrier-Based Approach to Cyber Security in Critical Infrastructures - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- A blockchain-based framework for trusted quality data sharing towards zero-defect manufacturing - Academic article
- A brick layer model for surface conduction in porous ceramics - Academic article
- A brief summary of eight years of Klima 2050 – Incentives, responsibility and costs - Lecture
- A bubble coalescence kernel combining the characteristics of the film drainage, energy, and critical velocity models - Academic article
- A Calibration Study with CFD Methodology for Self-Propulsion Simulations at Ship Scale - Academic article
- A Case Study on the Impact of Vehicle-to-Grid on Reliability of Supply in a Norwegian Distribution System - Masters thesis
- A CFD Study of the Fluid Flow through Air Distribution Hoses in a Greenhouse - Academic article
- A Checklist for Supply Chain Security for Critical Infrastructure Operators - Academic lecture
- A chronological development of a framework for emission free construction sites in Norway - Academic article
- A comparative assessment of building sustainability schemes in Norway - Academic article
- A comparative assessment of the development of GHG emission criteria and benchmark values for buildings in Norway - Academic article
- A comparative assessment of the development of various GHG emission criteria and benchmark values for buildings in Norway - Academic lecture
- A Comparative Investigation of Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steels Processed through Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Academic article
- A comparative study of laser-arc hybrid welding with arc welding for fabrication of offshore substructures - Poster
- A comparative study of laser-arc hybrid welding with arc welding for fabrication of offshore substructures - Academic article
- A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Bifacial Photovoltaic Power Forecasting - Poster
- A comparative study on fatigue behavior of recycled Aluminum alloys and their welded joints - Lecture
- A Comparative Study on One-month Solar Radiation Datasets for Photovoltaic Energy Analysis in Trondheim - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A comparative study on thermochemical decomposition of lignocellulosic materials for energy recovery from waste: Monitoring of evolved gases, thermogravimetric, kinetic and surface analyses of produced chars - Academic article
- A comparative study to investigate two configurations of a two-stage evaporator in a CO2 heat pump chiller - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A comparison of Eulerian and Lagrangian methods for vertical particle transport in the water column - Academic article
- A computational iterative design method for bend-twist deformation in composite ship propeller blades for thrusters - Academic article
- A continuous OT cybersecurity risk analysis and mitigation process - Academic lecture
- A continuous OT cybersecurity risk analysis and mitigation process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Critical Look at Waste Composition Analyses: Challenges and Opportunities - Academic article
- A Critical Look at Waste Composition Analyses: Challenges and Opportunities - Poster
- A critical review on self-heating and self-ignition of biocarbon - Poster
- A Critical Review on Self-Heating and Self-Ignition of Biocarbon - Academic article
- A Criticism of Proposed Levels of Autonomy for MASS - Academic lecture
- A Criticism of Proposed Levels of Autonomy for MASS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Cyber-Physical All-Hazard Risk Management Approach: The Case of the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Copenhagen - Academic article
- A Digital Platform for Integrated Modelling and Optimization of Real Geothermal Storage Plants - Academic lecture
- A direct numerical simulation study on NO and N2O formation in turbulent premixed ammonia/hydrogen/nitrogen-air flames - Academic article
- A distributed algorithm for controlling continuous and discrete variables in a radial distribution grid - Academic article
- A FAST.Farm and MATLAB/Simulink interface for wind farm control design - Academic article
- A feasibility study of HFO refrigerants for onboard BOG liquefaction processes - Academic article
- A first-principles insight into thermodynamic and mechanical properties of Xonotlite and Wollastonite phases of high temperature geothermal well cement - Academic article
- A flashing flow model for the rapid depressurization of CO<inf>2</inf> in a pipe accounting for bubble nucleation and growth - Academic article
- A Flash-Lidar for In-Orbit Servicing - Academic lecture
- A framework for assessing the sustainable transition potential of municipal climate change mitigation plans - Academic literature review
- A Framework for Enabling Manufacturing Flexibility and Optimizing Industrial Demand Response Services - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A framework for physics based off-design and dynamic modelling and simulation of combined cycle power plants in weight and volume constraint environments - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- A framework for physics based off-design and dynamic modelling and simulation of combined cycle power plants in weight and volume constraint environments - Academic lecture
- A Framework for Solution Space Development in Mass Customization - Academic lecture
- A Framework for Solution Space Development in Mass Customization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Future Research Agenda for Lean Management - The lean education system - Academic lecture
- A gap analysis for automated cargo handling operations with geared vessels frequenting small sized ports - Academic article
- 'A ginormous can of worms': How a fight over snow crabs could lead to a win for oil drilling access - Interview
- A Global Collaboration to Empower Africa's Energy Future - Interview
- A Global Collaboration to Empower Africa's Energy Future - Interview
- A Global Collaboration to Empower Africa's Energy Future - Website (informational material)
- A global survey on the current state of practice in Zero Defect Manufacturing and its impact on production performance - Academic article
- A Guide for Identifying Human Factors in Accident Investigations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A high-fidelity approach to modeling weather-dependent fuel consumption on ship routes with speed optimization - Academic article
- A Highly Active and Reusable Multicomponent high Entropy Metal Oxide Catalyst for Nitroarenes Hydrogenation - Academic article
- A holistic sustainability assessment of a zero-emission development in Norway - Academic article
- A Holistic Sustainability Evaluation of Positive Energy Districts - Planetary Boundaries Framing the Transformation of Districts - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A human rights-based approach to assistive technology provision in global policy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Human-Centered and Evidence-Informed Development Process of EPIO; An eHealth Self-Managment Intervention for People Living with Chronic Pain - Academic lecture
- A Hybrid Approach to Detect Bad Hole Cleaning - Academic lecture
- A Hybrid Approach to Detect Bad Hole Cleaning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A hybrid Eulerian-Langrangian CFD model for predicting cavitation intensity - Lecture
- A kinetic Monte Carlo study of positive streamer interaction with complex dielectric surfaces - Academic article
- A Lean Framework for Developing Circular Business Models - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Learning Approach for Future Competencies in Manufacturing using a Learning Factory - Academic article
- A literature review of smart technology domains with implications for research on smart rural communities - Academic literature review
- A Little Less Conversation: How existing governance can strengthen the future global plastics treaty - Academic article
- A longitudinal explanatory case study of coordination in a very large development programme: The impact of transitioning from a first- to a second-generation large-scale agile development method - Academic article
- A Longitudinal Study of Self-Disclosure in Human–Chatbot Relationships - Academic article
- A Low Emission Coastal Cruise Vessel–MV Havila Capella - Academic article
- A mapping of electric construction machinery and electric construction sites in Norway - Academic article
- A method for generating complete EV charging datasets and analysis of residential charging behaviour in a large Norwegian case study - Academic article
- A Method for the Production of WWTP Transformed Silver Nanoparticles for Use in Accumulation and Toxicity Studies - Poster
- A Methodology for Tuning of Computational Vessel Models Utilizing Wave Measurements From X-Band Marine Radar and Wave Buoy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A minute sensor to the rescue - Interview
- A mixed-methods feasibility case series of a job retention vocational rehabilitation intervention for people with multiple sclerosis - Academic article
- A model to extend BIM interoperability for cast in-situ concrete monitoring - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Model-Based Controller for an Isolated Inverter for Electric Vehicle Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A modeling and simulation based assessment of switching fuels for a norwegian fishing vessel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Modelling Framework for Rapid Evaluation of Speed Limitations During Extrusion of Aluminium Profiles - Academic lecture
- A Modelling Framework for Rapid Evaluation of Speed Limitations During Extrusion of Aluminium Profiles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Monte Carlo sampling procedure for rare events applied to power system reliability analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Monte Carlo sampling procedure for rare events applied to power system reliability analysis - Academic lecture
- A multi-objective optimisation framework to design membrane-based energy recovery ventilation for low carbon buildings - Academic article
- A Narrative Inquiry into Hope: Exploring Adolescents' Experiences and Expectations in Oral Health Context - Academic lecture
- A Need for Privacy-Assistive Technology in Notice and Consent Paradigm in IoT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A new approach to waste incineration removes CO2 from the atmosphere - Interview
- A new approach to waste incineration removes CO2 from the atmosphere - Interview
- A New Architectural Framework for Digitalization of Maritime Intelligent Transport Systems - Academic article
- A new facility for viscosity measurements of CO2- rich mixtures at conditions relevant to CO2 capture, transport, and storage - Doctoral dissertation
- A new power prediction method using ship in-service data: a case study on a general cargo ship - Academic article
- A new simulation framework for modelling CO2 adsorption processes - Poster
- A new statistical approach to training load and injury risk: separating the acute from the chronic load - Academic article
- A novel R744 multi-temperature cycle for refrigerated transport applications with low-temperature ejector: Experimental ejector characterization and thermodynamic cycle assessment - Academic article
- A Numerical Assessment of Mooring System Modelling Uncertainties in Hydrodynamic Model Testing of Floating Wind Turbines - Academic lecture
- A Numerical Assessment of Mooring System Modelling Uncertainties in Hydrodynamic Model Testing of Floating Wind Turbines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A numerical study on the effects of DP steel microstructure on the yield locus and the stress–strain response under strain path change - Academic article
- A Parameterization Scheme for Wind Wave Modules that Includes the Sea Ice Thickness in the Marginal Ice Zone - Academic article
- A Performance Evaluation of OWL 2 DL Reasoners using ORE 2015 and Very Large Bio Ontologies - Academic article
- A Performance Evaluation of OWL 2 DL Reasoners using ORE 2015 and Very Large Bio Ontologies - Academic lecture
- A Pragmatic Model for Bath Temperature Evolution During Alumina Feeding - Academic article
- A rapid realist review of clinical neuropsychology rehabilitation programmes to improve psychological wellbeing and quality of life for people with acquired brain injuries - Academic literature review
- A Readiness Level Assessment Framework for Zero Defect Manufacturing (ZDM) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A recipe for plastic: Expert insights on plastic additives in the marine environment - Academic article
- A Reference Data Model to Specify Event Logs for Big Data Pipeline Discovery - Academic article
- A Reinforcement Learning framework for Wake Steering of Wind Turbines - Academic article
- A review of data-driven fault detection and diagnostics for building HVAC systems - Academic article
- A Review of macroeconomic approaches to modelling Wellbeing, Inclusion, and Sustainability - Academic literature review
- A review on hydrogen embrittlement and risk-based inspection of hydrogen technologies - Academic literature review
- A risk model for recreational craft accidents - Lecture
- A risk model for recreational craft accidents - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A road pricing pilot on technical solutions and users experiences in Norway - Academic lecture
- A Rural-urban Comparison of Living Conditions in Households with and without Disabilities in Uganda - Academic article
- A sea of conflict: Relevant Normative Insights on Deep-sea Mining - Lecture
- A simple dynamic optimization-based approach for sizing thermal energy storage using process data - Academic article
- A Smart Web-Based Platform for Aquaculture Systems Empowered by Intelligent Agents - Academic lecture
- A study of energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions in Norwegian small-scale processing of whitefish - Academic article
- A Survey on Current Practices, Strategies and Research Needs for Circular Manufacturing of Plastics - Academic article
- A system architecture definition for remote operations of autonomous passenger vessels - Lecture
- A System Dynamics model for Norwegian Offshore Wind - Poster
- A Systematic Review of Data Quality in CPS and IoT for Industry 4.0 - Academic literature review
- A Systematic Review of Secure IoT Data Sharing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Systematic Review of Secure IoT Data Sharing - Academic lecture
- A systematic review of state-of-the-art technologies for monitoring plastic seafloor litter - Academic literature review
- A Systematic Study of the Effect of Environmental, Lubrication, and Infrastructure Parameters on the Tribological Behavior or Rail/Wheel Interaction - Academic lecture
- A Systematic Study of the Effect of Environmental, Lubrication, and Infrastructure Parameters on the Tribological Behavior or Rail/Wheel Interaction - Lecture
- A Techno-Economic Analysis of Pioneering CCTS Chains - Poster
- A technology stack for semantic interoperability - Academic lecture
- A Testbed for Digital Twin Technologies in Manufacturing and Engineering - Academic lecture
- A transformer outage duration model with application to asset management decision support - Academic lecture
- A transformer outage duration model with application to asset management decision support - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A unified and simple medium for growing model methanogens - Academic article
- A volume-averaged model for acoustic streaming induced by focused ultrasound in soft porous media - Academic article
- A volume-averaged model for acoustic streaming induced by focused ultrasound in soft porous media - Academic lecture
- A Web-Based Platform for Efficient and Robust Simulation of Aquaculture Systems using Integrated Intelligent Agents - Academic article
- A Web-Based Platform for Efficient and Robust Simulation of Aquaculture Systems using Integrated Intelligent Agents - Presentation - Academic lecture
- ABM modeling and development in the Behaviour project - Lecture
- Absolute localization of an ROV in a Fish Pen using Laser Triangulation - Lecture
- Absolute localization of an ROV in a Fish Pen using Laser Triangulation - Academic article
- Accelerated climate aging tests of structural insulated panels with waste-based core materials - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Accelerated material development for laser powder-bed fusion using the arc melting process - Academic article
- Accelerated Stress Testing and Performance Evaluation of Carbon-Coated Aluminum Bipolar Plates for Lightweight Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells - Masters thesis
- Accelerating Carbon Capture using Oxyfuel technology in Cement production - D5.2 and D5.3 Techno-economic evaluation of retrofitting 2nd generation oxyfuel technology for newbuild plants - Report
- Accelerating energy- and sustainability transitions in ports - Academic lecture
- Accessibility of Assistive Technology and Welfare Technology for Older Persons in Norway - Chapter
- ACCESSTOUR project - Academic lecture
- Accountability in Managing Artificial Intelligence: State of the Art and a way forward for Information Systems Research - Academic lecture
- Accounting for component condition and preventive retirement in power system reliability analyses - Academic article
- ACCSESS – providing access to cost-efficient, replicable, safe and flexible CCS - Lecture
- Accumulation of Gadolinium in lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) - Masters thesis
- Accuracy Analysis of a Dynamic State Estimator with a Hardware in the Loop Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Accuracy and User Acceptability of 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring by a Prototype Cuffless Multi-Sensor Device Compared to a Conventional Oscillometric Device - Academic article
- Accuracy of non-invasive cuffless blood pressure in the intensive care unit: Promises and challenges - Academic article
- Accuracy of wave slamming FEA response calculations based on slamming pressure measurements - Lecture
- Achieving Enhanced Phasor POD Performance by Introducing a Control-Input Model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Achieving National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) via Nordic Cooperation on Energy System Modelling - Popular scientific article
- Acid preservation of cultivated Alaria esculenta and Saccharina latissima - Academic lecture
- Acid preservation of cultivated brown algae Saccharina latissima and Alaria esculenta and characterization of extracted alginate and cellulose - Academic article
- Acoustic imaging - 3D acoustic tomography in water tank - Lecture
- Activation of poplar and spirulina with H<inf>3</inf>PO<inf>4</inf>: Marked influence of biological structures of the biomasses on evolution structure of activated carbon - Academic article
- Active control of wind turbine speed can lead to fewer bird strikes - Interview
- Active control of wind turbine speed can lead to fewer bird strikes - Interview
- Active control of wind turbine speed can lead to fewer bird strikes - Website (informational material)
- Active control of wind turbine speed can lead to fewer bird strikes - Interview
- Active Magnetic Ranging While Drilling: Performance Test - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active Magnetic Ranging While Drilling: Prototype Tool Test - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active recreational and silvicultural co-use of forested areas: an innovative forest management study - Poster
- Active recreational and silvicultural co-use of forested areas: an innovative forest management study - Abstract
- Active recreational and silvicultural co-use of forested areas: an innovative forest management study - Poster
- Aczel-Alsina-based aggregation operators for intuitionistic hesitant fuzzy set environment and their application to multiple attribute decision-making process - Academic article
- Adapting Cyber-Risk Assessment for the Planning of Cyber-Physical Smart Grids Based on Industrial Needs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adapting the LedaFlow multiphase flow simulator to CCS - Academic lecture
- Adapting wind turbines to bird behaviour - Interview
- Adaptive distributionally robust optimization for long-term hydropower scheduling - Academic lecture
- Adaptive Generalized Super-Twisting Tracking Control of an Underwater Vehicle - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adaptive Generalized Super-Twisting Tracking Control of an Underwater Vehicle - Academic lecture
- Adaptive Hybrid 1D Modeling for Digital Twin of Hydropower Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adaptive ocean sampling using surrogate models with spatially varying anisotropy in three dimensions - Academic lecture
- Adaptive oceanographic sampling using surrogate models with spatially varying anisotropy in three dimensions - Academic lecture
- Adaptive reuse of industrial heritage building – comparative life cycle assessment using a case study - Academic article
- Adaptive sampling strategies for risk-averse stochastic optimization with constraints - Academic article
- Adaptive Speed Control of ROVs with Experimental Results from an Aquaculture Net Pen Inspection Operation - Academic article
- Adaptive Speed Control of ROVs with Experimental Results from an Aquaculture Net Pen Inspection Operation - Academic lecture
- Adaptive Timestepping, Linearization, and A Posteriori Error Control for Multiphase Flow of Immiscible Fluids in Porous Media with Wells - Lecture
- Adaptively Learned Modeling for a Digital Twin of Hydropower Turbines with Application to a Pilot Testing System - Academic article
- Additive Manufacturing of High Strength Aluminium Alloys by Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Lecture
- Additive manufacturing terminologies - Encyclopedia article
- Additive manufacturing with plastics and composites – trends and examples from R&D projects - Lecture
- Addressing inequality: a school-based intervention to improve pupils’ well-being and social inclusion - Abstract
- Addressing inequality: a school-based intervention to improve pupils’ well-being and social inclusion - Poster
- Addressing issues of cognition and employment in multiple sclerosis - Academic lecture
- Adherence to physical activity following stroke - Academic lecture
- Adopt or adapt? Seafaring communities of practices faced with increased automation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Advance Surgery Scheduling with downstream constraints and cancellations - Academic lecture
- Advanced control logic in thermal systems using Modelica - Website (informational material)
- Advanced Electron Diffraction of Quasicrystalline Precipitates in Al Alloys - Poster
- Advanced engine setup and alternative fuel considerations - Academic lecture
- Advancing Classification of Structure Loss in Cz Ingots with Machine Learning - Lecture
- Advancing Edge AI Technologies and Applications - Lecture
- Advancing Edge AI Technologies and Applications - Academic lecture
- Advancing Edge Artificial Intelligence: System Contexts - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Advancing Edge IoT Technologies - Lecture
- Advancing Energy Storage Competence through Copper Phthalocyanine-Stabilized Titanium Nitride Hybrid Nanocomposites for Symmetric Supercapacitors - Academic article
- Advancing Next-Generation IoT and Edge Computing Research and Innovation - Report
- Advancing the large-scale development of PCC process by providing essential VLE data for aqueouis solutions of amines - Poster
- Advantage of CO2 heat pump chiller for the application in Indian hotels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- AEGIS - New waterborne logistics - Lecture
- AEGIS and Maritime ITS - Lecture
- AEGIS D2.6: Roadmap for automated waterborne transport - Report
- AEGIS D8.5: Public recommendations for waterborne transport to West Coast of Norway - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Affective social anthropomorphic intelligent system - Academic article
- Ageing of Polymer Materials in Amine-based Solvents for CO2 Capture - Poster
- Ageing of Technical Air and Technical Air with 7.5% C5-Fluoroketone by Free-Burning Arcs - Academic article
- Agile smallsat operation tool-chain development: Hypso-1 hyperspectral earth observation experiences - Poster
- AI as Your BFF? A New Wave of Chatbots Want to Get Personal With You - Interview
- AI as Your BFF? The Latest Chatbots Want to Get Personal With You - Interview
- AI for greener logistics - Lecture
- AI in the Wild: Sustainability in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Peter Dauvergne - Book review
- AI in the workplace: How generative AI may impact knowledge workers. - Lecture
- AI shows promise for energy systems, but machines still have much to learn - Interview
- AI Uncertainty in expert decision making: A qualitative evidence synthesis - Academic lecture
- AI, robotics and digitalization - Lecture
- AI-based robot-learning for grasping and manipulation - Academic lecture
- AI-enabled chatbots, the new therapists... But can they replace humans? - Interview
- AIOTI Strategic Research and Innovation - Lecture
- Airborne Remote Sensing of Upper-Ocean and Surface Properties, Currents and Their Gradients From Meso to Submesoscales - Academic article
- Airtightness development in large timber buildings: Case study of a zero-emission building in Norway - Lecture
- Airtightness Development in Large Timber Buildings: Case Study of a Zero-Emission Building in Norway - Academic article
- Alginate hydrogel characteristics regulate fibroblast biology - Academic lecture
- Alginate hydrogel characteristics regulate NHDF biology - Poster
- Alginate hydrogel characteristics regulate NHDF biology - Poster
- Alkali metal distribution in composite cement pastes and its relation to accelerated ASR tests - Academic article
- All eyes on me: Predicting consumer intentions on social commerce platforms using eye-tracking data and ensemble learning - Academic article
- Alternative proteins for fish feed - Academic lecture
- Alternative Rope Materials in Towed Fishing Gear to Reduce Plastic Waste, A Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties and Tolerance Against Wear and Tear - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aluminium-Copper joining for battery applications - Poster
- Aluminum - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- AMADEA - Adaptable Maritime Decision Support Architecture - Report
- AMADEA - Adaptable Maritime Decision Support Architecture - Lecture
- AMAZE: Advanced Manufacturing of Zn Electrodes for Rechargeable Zn-air Batteries - Poster
- Ammonia and methane emissions from small herd cattle buildings in a cold climate - Academic article
- Ammonia as maritime fuel - Newsletter #1 - Briefs
- Ammonia as maritime fuel - Newsletter #2 - Briefs
- Ammonia from solid fuels: A cost-effective route to energy security with negative CO2 emissions - Academic article
- Ammonia Fuel Bunkering Network project making rapid progress - Website (informational material)
- An adaptive Newton-ASPEN solver for complex reservoir models - Academic lecture
- An Adaptive Newton–ASPEN Solver for Complex Reservoir Models - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An analytical solution for linear elastic geomechanical responses in a layered vertical transversely isotropic medium. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An approach for VLE model development, validation, and implementation in Aspen Plus for amine blends in CO2 capture: the HS3 solvent case study - Academic article
- An assessment of physical and chemical conditions in alginate extraction from two cultivated brown algal species in Norway: Alaria esculenta and Saccharina latissima - Academic article
- An asset-based approach for vulnerability assessment of cyber-physical power grids - Report
- An ensemble modelling approach for spatiotemporally explicit estimation of fish distributions using data assimilation - Academic article
- An environmental disturbance observer framework for autonomous surface vessels - Academic article
- An experimental and numerical study of a three-lobe pump for pumped hydro storage applications - Academic article
- An expert elicitation on flow models for wind farm control - Academic lecture
- An Extended Fully-Implicit Hybrid Model for Simulating CO2 Storage and Migration in Vertically Heterogeneous Formations - Academic lecture
- An impact-based environmental risk assessment model toolbox for offshore produced water discharges - Academic article
- An implantable nano-based vehicle for treatment of brain cancer - Popular scientific article
- An inclusive Lifecycle Approach for IoT Devices Trust and Identity Management - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Innovative Decision Model Utilizing Intuitionistic Hesitant Fuzzy Aczel-Alsina Aggregation Operators and Its Application - Academic article
- An innovative toolbox for the optimal design and operation of integrated local energy communities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Integrated Modeling Framework for Simulating Complex Transient Flow in Fractured Reservoirs with 3D High-Quality Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An intelligent collaborative image-sensing system for disease detection - Academic article
- An intelligent framework for forecasting and investigating corrosion in marine conditions using time sensor data - Academic article
- An introduction to ontologies - Part I - Academic lecture
- An introduction to ontologies - Part II - Academic lecture
- An Intrusive Hybrid-Analytics and Modelling with Deep-Learning for Efficient and Accurate Predictions of Hole-Cleaning Process during Wellbore Drilling Simulations - Poster
- An Intrusive Hybrid-Analytics and Modelling with Deep-Learning for Efficient and Accurate Predictions of Hole-Cleaning Process during Wellbore Drilling Simulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An IoT-Based Framework for Personalized Health Assessment and Recommendations Using Machine Learning - Academic article
- An Obituary for Morten Levin - Book review
- An Open-Source Continuum Model for Anion-Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis - Poster
- An Optimization-Based Decision Support Tool for Incremental Train Timetabling - Academic article
- An Overview of Currently Applied Ferrochrome Production Processes and Their Waste Management Practices - Academic literature review
- An overview of the measurement landscape needs for CCS - Academic lecture
- Analysing the Need for Safety Crew Onboard Autonomous Passenger Ships – A Case Study on Urban Passenger Transport in Norwegian Waters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis of 5G and LTE Signals for Opportunistic Navigation and Time Holdover - Academic article
- Analysis of Aberration Effects on Flow Imaging and Quantification in Echocardiography - Academic article
- Analysis of Accuracy of Flexibility Baseline Prediction Methods for Office Building at Different Measuring Points - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis of design and spatial factors for users' acceptance of rescue rooms in Norwegian road tunnels: An experimental study using VR - Academic lecture
- Analysis of microplastics in Hywind Scotland - Academic lecture
- Analysis of nitro- and oxy-PAH emissions from a pilot scale silicon process with flue gas recirculation - Academic article
- Analysis of Partial Discharge Activity for Multi-Stress Accelerated Aged Stator Bars - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions from a Pilot Scale Silicon Process with Flue Gas Recirculation - Academic article
- Analysis of Risk Factors in Motorcycle Riding and Distribution of Attention Using Eye Tracking, Interview, and Video—Preliminary Study - Academic lecture
- Analysis of Risk Factors in Motorcycle Riding and Distribution of Attention Using Eye Tracking, Interview, and Video—Preliminary Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analysis of Short-run and Long-run Marginal Costs of Generation in Power Market - Academic lecture
- Analysis of S–N data for new and corroded mooring chains at varying mean load levels using a hierarchical linear model - Academic article
- Analysis of Spatial Decorrelation of Small-Scale Tropospheric Delay Using High-Resolution NWP Data - Academic article
- Analysis of the energy efficiency of the ZEB-lab 200 kWh latent heat storage pilot - Academic lecture
- Analysis of visual and acoustic measures for evacuations in road tunnels using virtual reality - Lecture
- Analysis of visual and acoustic measures for evacuations in road tunnels using virtual reality - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analyzing Micro Parameters of Diagonal Stride in Cross-country Skiing using Microsensors on Snow - Academic lecture
- Analyzing SDG interlinkages: identifying trade-offs and synergies for a responsible innovation - Academic article
- Analyzing the Feasibility of an Unmanned Cargo Ship for Different Operational Phases - Academic lecture
- Analyzing the Feasibility of an Unmanned Cargo Ship for Different Operational Phases - Academic article
- Analyzing User-Generated Web-Based Posts of Adolescents' Emotional, Behavioral, and Symptom Responses to Beliefs About Depression: Qualitative Thematic Analysis - Academic article
- And so it begins – The adoption of the ‘Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction’ treaty - Academic article
- Angepasste Geschwindigkeit der Windräder soll Vogel-Kollisionen verhindern - Interview
- Angepasste Geschwindigkeit der Windräder soll Vogel-Kollisionen verhindern - Interview
- Anharmonicity effects and thermal expansion of thermoelectric (M,M’,M”)NiSn (M,M’,M”=Ti, Zr, Hf) half-Heusler alloys - Academic article
- Anisotropic Poroelastic Modelling of Depletion-Induced Pore Pressure Changes in Valhall Overburden - Academic article
- ANITA-2 – the Advanced Multicomponent Air Analyser for ISS – First Year of Operation, Hardware Behaviour, Expected Lifetime and Reliability as well as Future Updates for ANITA-3. - Lecture
- ANITA2 – the Advanced Multicomponent Air Analyser for ISS – Gas Measurement Results From the ISS Air in 2022 - Lecture
- Anomaly Detection in Power Markets and Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Antifouling solutions in aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Applicability of surface-to-borehole EM to CO2 storage monitoring in the North Sea setting - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of a Novel Two-Stage Evaporator in Air-Conditioning Applications - Masters thesis
- Application of CFD on VIM of semi-submersible FOWT: A Case Study - Academic article
- Application of Maneuvering Based Control for Autonomous Inspection of Aquaculture Net Pens - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of Maneuvering Based Control for Autonomous Inspection of Aquaculture Net Pens - Academic lecture
- Application of NMR spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of phthalic acid in fish muscles: The case of Atlantic Cod from Norwegian Sea - Academic article
- Application of Polymethylpentene, an Oxygen Permeable Thermoplastic, for Long-Term on-a-Chip Cell Culture and Organ-on-a-Chip Devices - Academic article
- Applications of Monte Carlo methods in the Department of Climate and Environment - Poster
- Applying transmission model techniques and biosensor data to improve animal health and welfare in Norwegian dairy herds - Academic lecture
- Applying Vector Fitting for Measurement-based Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Model Identification of a Grid-Forming Converter - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Approaches for assessing chemical and particulate emissions from offshore wind turbines to the marine environment - Academic lecture
- Approximating Ramping Constraints in Hydropower Scheduling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Approximating the flow-based domain for long-term market analysis in hydropower-dominated power systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aquaculture technology and governance - going down rabbit holes - Academic lecture
- Aquaculture technology governance - from streamlined efficiency to complex heterogeneity - Academic lecture
- Aquagraph: A Powerful Data Visualization Tool (A Game Changer for Aquaculture) - Lecture
- Aquagraph: A powerful Data Visualization Tool (A GAME Changer for Aquaculture) - Lecture
- AquaNor LIVE 2023 - Health (Part III) - Interview
- Arbeid med LCA - Lecture
- Arctic Science Dipolomacy - Lecture
- Are daphnia more sensitive to weathered or pristine microplastics derived from common consumer products? - Poster
- Are Nordic Saltmarshes Europe’s Way to ‘Live in Harmony with Nature’? Scientists Driven Future Scenarios via a Participatory Workshop - Academic article
- Are seaweeds suitable indicators to assess spatiotemporal patterns in critical elements concentrations? An insight on the use of seaweeds as biomonitors in Norwegian coastal areas - Poster
- Are seaweeds suitable indicators to assess spatiotemporal patterns in critical elements concentrations? An insight on the use of seaweeds as biomonitorsin Norwegian coastal areas - Poster
- Are Self-Worth, Social Competence, and Family Functioning Associated With Mental Health in Adolescent Siblings of Children With Chronic Illness? - Poster
- Are technologically critical metals (rare earth elements, REE) accumulating in harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) from Norwegian coastal waters? - Poster
- Area specific resistance of in-situ oxidized Mn-Cu and Mn-Co metal powders as contact layers for the solid oxide cell air side - Academic article
- ARFIDAAS phase 1 and 2: Quick Overview - Academic lecture
- Artificial intelligence (AI) competencies for organizational performance: A B2B marketing capabilities perspective - Academic article
- Artificial intelligence (AI) for user experience (UX) design: a systematic literature review and future research agenda - Academic literature review
- Artificial Intelligence: Case studies and applications with focus to the energy sector - Popular scientific lecture
- ARV Climate Bootcamp - Popular scientific lecture
- Aspen Plus ENRTL Model for HS3 Blend, a Novel Solvent for CO2 Capture - Academic lecture
- Aspen Plus ENRTL Model for HS3 Blend, a Novel Solvent for CO2 Capture - Academic article
- Assembling Method-based Toolboxes for the Implementation of Industry 4.0 Technologies in the Digital Lean Manufacturing World - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assembling the patient - medical secretaries' experiences from the implementation of a new electronic health record - Academic lecture
- Assessing cell migration in hydrogels: An overview of relevant materials and methods - Academic literature review
- Assessing Hardware in the Loop Approaches for Wide-Area Monitoring Control and Protection Devices - Academic article
- Assessing the fate and behaviour of particulate emissions from graphene-based corrosion-resistant coatings in aquatic environments - Poster
- Assessing the impact of employing machine learning-based baseline load prediction pipelines with sliding-window training scheme on offered flexibility estimation for different building categories - Academic article
- Assessing the implications of hydrogen blending on the European energy system towards 2050 - Academic article
- Assessing the resilience of sustainable autonomous shipping: New methodology, challenges, opportunities - Academic article
- Assessment of heating and cooling demands of a glass greenhouse in Bucharest, Romania - Academic article
- Assessment of hydrogen-based fuels - Lecture
- Assessment of nylon versus polyester ropes for mooring of floating wind turbines - Academic article
- Assessment of the LES-FGM framework for capturing stable and unstable modes in a hydrogen / methane fuelled premixed combustor - Academic article
- Assessment of the volatility of degradation products - Academic lecture
- Assessment of Yield Stress in Oil-Based Drilling Fluids - Academic article
- Association between patient-reported cognitive function and location of glioblastoma - Academic article
- Assurance offshore CO2 monitoring, a cross-disciplinary approach. - Poster
- AST-SafeSec: Adaptive Stress Testing for Safety and Security Co-Analysis of Cyber-Physical Systems - Academic article
- Asymmetric cellular bi-stability in the gap between tandem cylinders - Academic article
- Atomic Layer Deposition of Titanium Oxide-Based Films for Semiconductor Applications—Effects of Precursor and Operating Conditions - Academic article
- Atomic Structure of Hardening Precipitates in Al-Mg-Si Alloys: Influence of Minor Additions of Cu and Zn - Academic article
- Attractive Workplaces: What Are Engineers Looking for? - Academic article
- Author Correction: Marginal abatement cost of alternative marine fuels and the role of market-based measures (Nature Energy, (2023), 10.1038/s41560-023-01334-4) - Errata
- AutoConf : Automated Configuration of Unsupervised Learning Systems using Metamorphic Testing and Bayesian Optimization - Academic lecture
- AutoConf: Automated Configuration of Unsupervised Learning Systems Using Metamorphic Testing and Bayesian Optimization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autoencoder-Based Anomaly Detection for Safe Autonomous Ship Operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autoencoder-Based Anomaly Detection for Safe Autonomous Ship Operations - Lecture
- Automated 2-D and 3-D Left Atrial Volume Measurements Using Deep Learning - Academic article
- Automated Behavior Labeling for IIoT Data - Academic lecture
- Automated Mooring Systems - Academic article
- Automated Mooring Systems - Academic lecture
- Automated Non-Destructive Weld Inspection in Splash/Subsea Zone - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Automated Planning for Inspection and Maintenance operations using Unmanned Ground Vehicles - Academic article
- Automated Tool Trajectory Generation for Robotized Deburring of Cast Parts Based on 3D Scans - Academic article
- Automated tracking of cell migration in phase contrast images with CellTraxx - Academic article
- Automatic and autonomous robotic inspection in the energy sector - Lecture
- Automatic Calibration of Ship-mounted Cameras’ Extrinsic Parameters - Masters thesis
- Automatic Estimation of Ship-Mounted Cameras’ Orientation by Hand-Eye Calibration - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Automatic Estimation of Ship-Mounted Cameras’ Orientation by Hand-Eye Calibration - Academic lecture
- Automatic measurements of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction by artificial intelligence: clinical validation in real time and large databases - Academic article
- Automatic segmentation of mediastinal lymph nodes and blood vessels in endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) using a deep neural network - Academic lecture
- Automation and sustainability in the port sector - Academic lecture
- Automotive Intelligence - Edge AI, Hardware and Software Integration - Lecture
- Autonomous Drones for Infrastructure Inspection - Lecture
- Autonomous Drones for Infrastructure Inspection - Lecture
- Autonomous Grasping Using Novel Distance Estimator - Academic article
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture - Popular scientific lecture
- Autonomous Shipping Initiatitive for European Waters - Proposal for development of MASS code and commercialisation of autonomous operation technology - Lecture
- Autonomous Vehicles - Trust, Safety and Security Cases: The Complete Picture - Academic article
- Azimuthal Dependence of Velocity Changes – Valhall Case - Academic lecture
- Bandgap and band offset engineering in κ-Ga2O3-based thin films (Invited talk)) - Lecture
- Barriers for Accessing Assistive Products in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs) - Academic article
- Barriers for decarbonization in the Norwegian coastal fishing fleet - A background study focusing on safety and environmental performance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Basic design of an ORC demonstrator system for implementation in an Iron & Steel plant through the DECAGONE project - Academic lecture
- Battery Module Liquid‐cooled Heat Sink : modelling and design - Report
- BattMo.jl: A high-performance, open-source, battery simulation toolbox written in Julia - Poster
- BattMo: An open-source toolbox for continuum modelling of electrochemical devices - Academic lecture
- Behavior of Cu-Y2O3 and CuCrZr-Y2O3 composites before and after irradiation - Academic article
- Benchmark of sensing technologies - Report
- Benefit of piloting capasites for the industry - Academic lecture
- Best Practices and Lessons Learned in eHealth in Four Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries in Africa - Academic article
- Biases From Spectral Leakage in Remote Sensing of Near-Surface Currents - Academic article
- Bioavailability and effects of different forms of gadolinium (Gd) in three fish species - Poster
- Biobased phase change materials in energy storage and thermal management technologies - Academic literature review
- Biocarbon in Aluminium Production - Academic lecture
- Biocarbon Materials in Metallurgical Processes—Investigation of Critical Properties - Academic lecture
- Biocarbon Materials in Metallurgical Processes—Investigation of Critical Properties - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Biocarbon Production via Plasticized Biochar: Role of Feedstock, Water Content, Catalysts, and Reaction Time - Academic article
- Biocarbons produced under pressurized conditions: characterisation of the volatiles - Academic lecture
- BioCarbUpgrade - Upgrading biocarbon for sustainable metallurgical industries - Website (informational material)
- BioCarbUpgrade Newsletter 1-2023 - Briefs
- BioCarbUpgrade newsletter 2-2023 - Briefs
- Biochar: Renewable carbon from biomass for the metallurgical industry - Website (informational material)
- Biochemical composition of Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) (Annelida: Nereidae) reared on different types of aquaculture sludge - Academic article
- Bioconversion of Phytosterols into Androstenedione by Mycolicibacterium - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Biodegradable plastics for marine applications - Academic lecture
- Biodegradable plastics for marine applications: challenges and possible solutions - Lecture
- Biodegradable, anti-freezing and self-healable hydrogel mulch film for weed control - Academic article
- Biodegradation of a Range of Non-Polymeric and Polymeric Surfactants in Seawater - Poster
- Biodiesel, Batteries, Hydrogen or Catenary: which zero-emission technology goes where? - Academic lecture
- Biogas upgrading by pressure swing adsorption using zeolite 4A. Effect of purge on process performance - Academic article
- Biogenic Solution Map Based on the Definition of the Metabolic Correlation Distance between 4-Dimensional Fingerprints - Academic article
- Biological Uptake of Organic Contaminants from Car Tire Particles - Academic lecture
- Biomass based activated carbon electrodes for capacitative deionization in the context of nitrate and phosphate removal - Academic article
- Biomonitoring of rare earth elements in Southern Norway: Distribution, fractionation, and accumulation patterns in the marine bivalves Mytilus spp. and Tapes spp. - Academic article
- Biorefinery and applications of Norwegian Brown Algae - Lecture
- BioSynGas newsletter, October 2023 - Brochure
- BioSynGas newsletter, October 2023 - Brochure
- BioSynGas Project meeting WP1: Experimental investigation of HTG - Lecture
- Biotechnology and calanoid copepods in the norwegian sea, a case study where biology influences technological processes - Lecture
- Biotechnology for sustainable food and feed production - Lecture
- Black Liquor and Wood Char-Derived Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Materials for Supercapacitors - Academic article
- Blanching of two commercial Norwegian brown seaweeds - for reduction of iodine and other compounds of importance for food safety and quality - Poster
- Blood-borne extracellular vesicles of bacteria and intestinal cells in patients with psychotic disorders - Academic article
- Blue hydrogen: the real bridge between fossil fuels and renewable energy - Website (informational material)
- BMI and labour market outcomes - a Mendelian randomization approach - Academic lecture
- Boosting the R&I activity on Smart Grid Technologies : The Needs Springing from the Green Deal in Achieving Energy Transition: Plenary Talk - Introduction
- Bounding E2E Execution Time in Distributed RT Systems - Academic lecture
- Bounding the End-to-End Execution Time in Distributed Real-Time Systems: Arguing the case for Deterministic Networks in Lingua Franca - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Breidablikk – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - 2023:00459 A - Report
- Brokering between tenants for an international materials acceleration platform - Academic literature review
- Bronchoscopy using a head-mounted mixed reality device—a phantom study and a first in-patient user experience - Academic article
- Bubbles! - Lecture
- Buddying Up to AI (interview) - Interview Journal
- Budgeting in public hospital trusts: Surplus, optimism, and accuracy - Academic article
- Builders rush to learn from the ZEB lab showcase - Interview
- Building High-Quality Data Sets for Trusted AI Applications - the enRichMyData Project - Lecture
- Building multi-system nexuses in low-carbon transitions: Conflicts and asymmetric adjustments in Norwegian ferry electrification - Academic article
- Building resilience for an inclusive education system in Tanzania - Poster
- Building system data integration using semantic - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Building the world's largest Chemical Looping Combustion (CLC) unit - Academic article
- Bulk substitution of F-terminations from Ti3C2Tx MXene by cation pillaring and gas hydrolysation - Academic article
- Business Development in Large-Scale Agile Software Development: Barriers and Enablers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Buy renewable electricity from your neighbor, but at what price? - Website (informational material)
- Calculation of the Damage Factor for the Hydrogen-Enhanced Fatigue in the RBI Framework - Academic lecture
- Calibration of Open-Path Dust Laser for Continuous Monitoring of Diffuse Emissions - Academic lecture
- Calibration of strain gauges on a model runner blade combining numerical and experimental data - Academic article
- Can high quality gelatine be obtained from preserved whitefish skins? - Academic lecture
- Can higher resource utilisation be achieved in seafood supply chains? Status and Challenges from Iceland and Norway - Academic lecture
- Can higher resource utilization be achieved in seafood supply chains? Status and challenges from Iceland and Norway - Lecture
- Can winding ageing be modelled? A scrapping investigation of transformer with stable load - Academic lecture
- Captured Waste: Drivers and barriers to the Implementation of Carbon Capture and Storage in the Waste-to-Energy Industry - Masters thesis
- Carbon Capture in Molten Salts – a new Case Study Based on Recent Research Milestones - Poster
- Carbon footprint assessment of a wood multi-residential building considering biogenic carbon - Academic article
- Case studies of human activity in the Ocean-based economy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Case study: Offshore CCS – carbonated water injection - Lecture
- CasTGAN: Cascaded Generative Adversarial Network for Realistic Tabular Data Synthesis - Academic article
- Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 for industrial nitric acid production using Ag-promoted MnO2/ZrO2 catalysts - Academic article
- Cathodic protection of aluminium - Lecture
- Cathodic protection of aluminium alloys in seawater - Academic lecture
- Cation-induced speciation of port-size during mordenite zeolite synthesis - Academic article
- CC(U)S in ports - Academic lecture
- CCS at the Klemetsrud WtE plant in Oslo, Norway - Academic lecture
- CCS for the process industry – an example from FME NCCS - Lecture
- CCS is needed and Ready to Address Climate Change – Open Letter to International Leaders - Interview
- Cellulose graphitic carbon directed iron oxide interfaced polypyrrole electrode materials for high performance supercapacitors - Academic article
- Cementitious composites for supercritical geothermal well applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Centre for Research-Based Innovations SWIPA - activities and selected results - Lecture
- Ceramic membrane reactors for the electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into chemical energy carriers - Academic lecture
- CFD Analysis of Mixing Process of Detergents in Rotational and Displacement Vessels - Academic article
- Challenges and emerging practices in design of automation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges and needs for high power combined charging of ferries and electric vehicles - a Norwegian case study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges and Opportunities for a Framework Integrating Sustainability, Well-being, and Inclusion - Academic lecture
- Challenges and Opportunities of Implementing the Operators' Perspective: Experiences from Automated Drilling Projects - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges and Solutions for Autonomous Systems Safety – Findings from three International Workshops (IWASS) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges of TSO-DSO Voltage Regulation Under Real-Time Data Exchange Paradigm - Academic article
- Challenges with onboard strain measurements on a model Francis turbine runner - Academic article
- CHANGE - An underwater robotics concept for dynamically changing environments - Academic lecture
- CHANGE – Aquaculture dedicated robotic solutions - Academic lecture
- Changes in the cement paste due to pyrrhotite reaction during accelerated mortar bar testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Changes of nuclear DNA content estimates during the life cycle stages of sugar kelp, Saccharina latissima - Poster
- Characterisation of Bubble Layer lubrication mechanism by means of Bubble Image Velocimetry - Academic lecture
- Characterising Microplastics to Complement Leachate Analysis - Poster
- Characteristic features of shale barrier materials - Academic article
- Characteristics of continuous CO2 hydrate formation process using a NetMIX reactor - Academic article
- Characterization and Modeling of CO2 Transport through Fluorinated Thermoplastics - Academic article
- Characterization of Aluminium TiC nano-composite filler wire inoculated weld metal - Masters thesis
- Characterization of hollow glass microspheres with potential for regional climate intervention to preserve snow and ice surfaces - Academic article
- Characterization of immune cell populations in syngeneic murine tumor models - Academic article
- Characterization of industrial hydrocarbon samples from anode baking furnace off-gas treatment facility - Academic lecture
- Characterization of industrial hydrocarbon samples from anode baking furnace off-gas treatment facility - Academic article
- Characterization of Low- and High Mg-Containing Aluminum White Dross Using Deterministic Image Analysis of EPMA Scans - Academic lecture
- Characterization of piscine orthoreovirus-1 attachment to salmonid erythrocytes - Academic lecture
- Characterizing Bio-carbon for Metallurgical Processes Using Micro X-ray Computed Tomography with High Temperature Experiments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Characterizing Bio-carbon for Metallurgical Processes Using Micro X-ray Computed Tomography with High Temperature Experiments - Academic lecture
- Charge Collection in SOI Microdosimeters and Their Radiation Hardness - Academic article
- Charging electric vehicles on long trips and the willingness to pay to reduce waiting for charging. Stated preference survey in Norway - Academic article
- Chatbot Research and Design: 6th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2022, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 22–23, 2022, Revised Selected Papers - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Chatbots and large language models - how advances in generative AI impact users, organizations and society. - Academic lecture
- Chatbots as Part of Digital Government Service Provision – A User Perspective - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chatbots for active learning: A case of phishing email identification. - Academic article
- ChatGPT to support the design process - Academic lecture
- ChatGPT: comprehension and writing support. - Lecture
- Chemical characterization of amine solvents - Lecture
- Chemical Demulsification in a direct contact thermal energy storage - Academic lecture
- Chemical Demulsification in a Direct Contact Thermal Storage - Academic lecture
- Chemical destabilization of emulsions in a direct contact heat storage column - Academic lecture
- Chemical Destabilization of emulsions in a direct contact heat storage column - Academic lecture
- Chemically enhanced phase separation in direct contact thermal energy storage - Academic lecture
- Chemically enhanced phase separation in Direct Contact Thermal energy storage - Academic lecture
- Chemicals leaching from car tire rubber microplastics are the key drivers of toxicity towards early life stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Poster
- chombo-discharge: An AMR code for gas discharge simulations in complex geometries - Academic article
- CINELDI Annual report 2022 - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Hardware security testing of the Heimdall Neuron - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Resilience in the power distribution grid – state of the art - Report
- Circle Attention: Forecasting Network Traffic by Learning Interpretable Spatial Relationships from Intersecting Circles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Circular Economy and the triple bottom line in Norway - Academic article
- Circular economy for aquatic food systems: insights from a multiscale phosphorus flow analysis in Norway - Academic article
- Circularity and MSW treatment in a systems perspective - Lecture
- Circularity and MSW treatment in a systems perspective - Lecture
- Clamping Pressure Behavior of Pressboard under Thermal Cycling: Experimental and Numerical results - Poster
- Clamping pressure during step loading of power transformer with and without prior energisation - Academic lecture
- Classical density functional theory for interfacial properties of hydrogen, helium, deuterium, neon and their mixtures - Academic article
- CLC as a BECCS technology – Testing waste and biomass in a 150 kW pilot - Academic lecture
- Clean Cooling for All: Technology cooperation lessons, challenges and opportunities linked to the clean cooling transition - INDEE+ briefing presentation - Lecture
- Clean Refrigeration Technologies for Indian Seafood Processing Units - Academic lecture
- CLIMAREST Website - Website (informational material)
- Climate Change and health effects in a Nordic Perspective - Lecture
- Climate Change Prediction and Adaptation in Ecohydraulics - Short communication
- CLIMIT Summit - CaptureX - Academic lecture
- Closing video for the TCCS-12 in June 2023 - Multimedia product
- Clustering and Precipitation during Early-Stage Artificial Aging of Al–Si–Mg(–Cu) Foundry Alloys - Academic article
- CO<inf>2</inf> capture from flue gases in a temperature swing moving bed - Academic article
- CO2 capture in Energy-Intensive Industry – Integration and Adaptation - Lecture
- CO2 capture in Energy-Intensive Industry – Integration and Adaptation - Other
- CO2 DataShare - Sharing CCS data with the world - Poster
- CO2 EPOC: The effect of CO2 on polymer materials used in the CO2 transport network - Academic lecture
- CO2 feedstock – challenges and opportunities based on solvent-base technology for CO2 capture from oil refineries and industrial clusters with multiple emission sources - Academic lecture
- CO2 Free FeMn/Mn Production Through Molten Oxide Electrolysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CO2 mineralisation to bind CO2 in construction materials - Academic lecture
- CO2 sorption and diffusion in fluorinated polymers in the carbon transport value chain - Poster
- CO2 sorption and transport in polymers for carbon capture and transport applications - Academic lecture
- CO2 speichern wie Norwegen? - Interview
- CO2 storage - Popular scientific lecture
- CO2 storage capacity: scale and urgency - Lecture
- CO2 Storage Forum: Terminology around storage risk - Lecture
- CO2Flow - Advancing LedaFlow for robust and accurate multiphase flow simulations to enable transport and injection of CO2 - Website (informational material)
- Coastal Electrification Using Hydrogen Technology and Distribution Grid Flexibility Potential - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Coastal Electrification Using Hydrogen Technology and Distribution Grid Flexibility Potential - Popular scientific lecture
- Co-creating public health measures with adolescents in municipalities: municipal actors’ views on inhibitors and promoters for adolescent involvement - Academic article
- Co-designing an integrated hospital at home (HaH)- service for hospital-level intravenous antibiotic treatment in Norway - Academic lecture
- Cognition and thinking problems in MS - Lecture
- Cognitive screening and rehabilitation - Academic lecture
- Cognitive screening and rehabilitation in MS - Academic lecture
- Cognitive screening and rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis - Academic lecture
- Cold thermal energy storage for air conditioning in a supermarket CO2 booster refrigeration system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Collection, Thermal Treatment, and Remelting End-of-Life Al Packaging in Norway - Academic article
- Collective Intelligence Function in Extreme Weather Conditions: High-Resolution Impact Assessment of Energy Flexibility on Building Energy Performance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Collision Risk Assessment and Forecasting on Maritime Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Colonic distribution of FMT by different enema procedures compared to colonoscopy – proof of concept study using contrast fluid - Academic article
- Coloured PV modules based on optical interference coatings - Lecture
- Combined Approach to Evaluate Hydrate Slurry Transport Properties through Wetting and Flow Experiments - Academic article
- Combined Cognitive and Psychological Interventions Improve Meaningful Outcomes after Acquired Brain Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Academic literature review
- Combined low-frequency and micro-CT approach to reveal two-phase fluid saturations - Academic lecture
- Combined low-frequency and micro-CT approach to reveal two-phase fluid saturations - Academic lecture
- Combined reinforcement learning (RL) and model predictive control (MPC) for optimal building energy use - Academic article
- Combining Q-learning and Deterministic Policy Gradient for Learning-Based MPC - Academic lecture
- Combining Q-learning and Deterministic Policy Gradient for Learning-Based MPC - Academic article
- Comeback of wood - Popular scientific lecture
- Comment on: “Rationalizing Product Formation in Piperazine Degradation: A Computational Study” - Academic literature review
- Community of Practitioners – Ensuring relevance and resilience of future Multimodal Traffic Management. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Community of Practitioners – Ensuring relevance and resilience of future Multimodal Traffic Management. - Academic lecture
- Compact high-resolution 3D real-time imaging for robotic vision with sub-mm accuracy - Academic lecture
- Comparative Assessment of the Carbon Footprint of on-site and off-site Wall Element Constructions - Academic article
- Comparative Study of Hydrogen Reduction of Bauxite Residue-Calcium Sintered and Self-Hardened Pellets Followed by Magnetic Separation for Iron Recovery - Academic article
- Comparative study of the effects of galvanic corrosion on the strength and the failure of aluminium and stainless steel bolted joints - Academic article
- Comparative study of XLPE cable cores and factory joints subjected to TB 722 Wet Ageing Testing - Academic lecture
- Comparative study of XLPE cable cores and factory joints subjected to TB 722 Wet Ageing Testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative techno-economic analysis of zero-emission technologies for rail in Czechia - Academic lecture
- Comparing Canadian and Norwegian moisture indices for building climate adaptation - Academic article
- Comparing Efficiency of Green Methods for Surimi Skin and Bone Gelatin Extraction - Academic article
- Comparing embodied GHG emissions between environmental product declaration and generic data models: Case of the ZEB laboratory in Trondheim, Norway - Academic article
- Comparing results from annoyance surveys – Factors affecting the results of a survey - Academic lecture
- Comparing the effects of reduced social contact on psychosocial wellbeing before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal survey from two Norwegian counties - Academic article
- Comparison of ensemble-based data assimilation methods for sparse oceanographic data - Academic article
- Comparison of LedaFlow Slug Capturing Simulations and Large Scale Slug Flow Experiments - Academic lecture
- Comparison Of Membrane-Based Pre- And Post-Combustion CO2 Capture Options Applied In Energy-Intensive Industrial Applications - Academic article
- Comparison of Morison Forces With CFD Modelling for a Surface Piercing Column of a FOWT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparison of physical properties and fishing performance between biodegradable PLA and conventional PA trammel nets in grey mullet (Mugil cephalus) and red-lip mullet (Liza haematocheila) fishery - Academic article
- Compatibility of CO2 and non-metallic materials in the CO2 transport chain - Lecture
- Compensation Capability of Intra-Arm Balancing Control for a Multiport Converter based on Modular Multilevel Topology - Academic article
- Compilation of Development Metrics Applicable to Wave Energy Converters (WECs): Current Status and Proposed Next Steps - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Compilation of Development Metrics Applicable to Wave Energy Converters (WECs): Current Status and Proposed Next Steps - Academic lecture
- Complex Fermi surfaces for high ZT - Poster
- Complexity challenges for transition policy: lessons from coastal shipping in Norway - Academic article
- Composable distributed real-time systems with deterministic network channels - Academic article
- Composition and Material Properties of an MnO/H2 Based Thermal Plasma - Poster
- Composition, properties and other factors influencing plastics biodegradability - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comprehending socio-relational factors of mental wellbeing in the oldest old within Nordic and Mediterranean countries - Academic article
- Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Peak Tracking for Screening of Constituent Biodegradation in Petroleum UVCB Substances - Academic article
- Computation and prediction of intrinsic thermoacoustic oscillations associated with autoignition fronts - Academic article
- Computer vision methods for fish detection and tracking - Poster
- Concept of circular manufacturing and its development history - Academic lecture
- Concept-based reasoning in medical imaging - Academic article
- Conceptual Framework for Development of Intelligent Control Systems for Thermoplastics Injection Molding - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Conceptualization and quantification of the Norwegian feed system - Poster
- Concluding destructive investigation of a nine-year-old marine-exposed cracked concrete panel - Academic article
- Condensed tannins, novel compounds and sources of variation determine the antiparasitic activity of Nordic conifer bark against gastrointestinal nematodes - Academic article
- Conditional Pulse Density Modulation for Inductive Power Transfer Systems - Academic article
- Conditions for just offshore wind energy: Addressing the societal challenges of the North Sea wind industry - Academic article
- Conference paper presentation "The HORM Diagramming Tool: A Domain-Specific Modelling Tool for SME Cybersecurity Awareness" - Academic lecture
- Conference paper presentation "The InVizAR Project: Augmented Reality Visualization for Non-Destructive Testing Data from Jacket Platforms" - Academic lecture
- Configurable gear shifter for HGV using haptic rendering, force fields and FSM - Academic article
- Configuring Secretarial Workflows in the Epic EHR Suite - Academic article
- Conformal deposition of BxC on Si chip-substrates for solid-state neutron detectors - Poster
- Conformal deposition of BxC thin films for solid-state neutron detectors - Poster
- Connecting data consumers to data sources - Academic lecture
- Connectivity between aquaculture sites - risk of particle transport and associated spread of disease - Academic lecture
- Conseptualization of the Norwegian feed system - a food systems approach - Academic lecture
- Consequences of the Early Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Home-Healthcare Recipients in Norway: A Nursing Perspective - Academic article
- Consequences of Uncertainty from Intraday Operations to a Capacity Expansion Model of the European Power System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Conserved Molecular Players Involved in Human Nose Morphogenesis Underlie Evolution of the Exaggerated Snout Phenotype in Cichlids - Academic article
- Constrained Pressure Residual Preconditioner Including Wells for Reservoir Simulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Constructing noise-reaction questions for community noise surveys in nine different languages. Experiences and lessons learned - Academic article
- Consumption-based effects on land use and biodiversity - Report
- Container-Based Data Pipelines on the Computing Continuum for Remote Patient Monitoring - Academic article
- Context-Aware Digital Twins to Support Software Management at the Edge - Academic lecture
- Context-Aware Digital Twins to Support Software Management at the Edge - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control for Inductive Power Transfer system with Constant Voltage Load - Academic lecture
- Continuous Control Set Model Predictive Control for Inductive Power Transfer System with Constant Voltage Load - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Amyloid-β Plaques in a Murine Alzheimer's Disease Model - Academic article
- ContrastNER: Contrastive-based Prompt Tuning for Few-shot NER - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Control Methods for Operation of Pumped Storage Plants With Full-Size Back-to-Back Converter Fed Synchronous Machines - Academic article
- Controller design and measurement selection for dynamic load curtailment at a charging site - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- CONWIND – research on smart operation control technologies for offshore wind farms - Poster
- Cooling and pre-cooling options for low-pressure liquid CO2 ship terminals - Academic lecture
- Coopetition in the platform economy from ethical and firm performance perspectives - Academic article
- Coordination mechanisms in local energy communities for connection of industrial consumers in congested grids - Academic lecture
- Coordination of Frequency Reserves in an Isolated Industrial Grid Equipped with Energy Storage and Dominated by Constant Power Loads - Academic article
- COP28: How CCS can contribute to net-zero emissions - Website (informational material)
- COP28: How we can curb methane emissions - Website (informational material)
- COP28: Hydrogen’s role in the energy transition - Website (informational material)
- COP28: Making offshore wind a pillar of the decarbonised energy system - Website (informational material)
- COP28: Why we need carbon dioxide removal - Website (informational material)
- COP28: Why we need to talk about sustainable cooling - Website (informational material)
- Co-products from the Atlantic salmon filleting industry – Their properties, stability and potential as human food ingredients - Academic article
- Correction to: A Highly Active and Reusable Multicomponent high Entropy Metal Oxide Catalyst for Nitroarenes Hydrogenation (Topics in Catalysis, (2023), 10.1007/s11244-023-01846-z) - Errata
- Correction to: A novel severe plastic deformation method for manufacturing AZ31 magnesium alloy tube (The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, (2018), 98, 1-4, (897-903), 10.1007/s00170-018-2179-3) - Errata
- Correction to: Pilot-Scale Test of Flue Gas Recirculation for The Silicon Process (Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, (2022), 10.1007/s40831-022-00639-0) - Errata
- Correlating Oxygen Electrode Degradation to Cr Vaporization from Metallic Interconnects in Solid Oxide Cell Stacks - Academic article
- Correlation between weather and corrosivity – analysis of time resolved sensor data on three different coastal locations - Academic lecture
- Corrosion and protection of aluminium in marine environments - Lecture
- Corrosion in Alu-Steel connections, membrane materials, and couplings in modular structures - Lecture
- Corrosion performance of different alloys exposed to HTL conditions – a screening study - Poster
- Corrosion performance of different alloys exposed to HTL conditions - A screening study - Academic article
- Corrosion Resistance of AISI 442 and AISI 446 Ferritic Stainless Steels as a Support for PEMWE Bipolar Plates - Academic article
- Corrosivity model for marine atmospheric corrosion - Academic lecture
- Co-Simulation Model for Optimal Wind-Hydro Coordination Using Wind Farm Control Dynamics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cosmological neutrino mass constraints from the WiggleZ dark energy survey - Poster
- Cost comparison tool - Shore power vs. power generated on board - Lecture
- COSY - Composition-based prediction of crystallographic symmetry. Software made in the context of HEATER and granted to the public domain - Software
- Could today's conservation requirements be the nail in the coffin for Svalbard's cultural heritage? - Interview
- Coupled Mechanical and Permeability Model for Grain Crushing and Pore Collapse - Academic lecture
- Coupled Mechanical and Permeability Model for Grain Crushing and Pore Collapse - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Coupling-strength criteria for sequential implicit formulations - Academic article
- CPS4CIP 2023 Preface - The 4th International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Security for Critical Infrastructures Protection - Editorial
- Criteria for Realistic and Expedient Scenarios for Tabletop Exercises on Cyber Attacks Against Industrial Control Systems in the Petroleum Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Critical Conditions For Factory Ramp-Up Planning In SMEs - Academic lecture
- Crude Oil Density Prediction Improved by Multiblock Analysis of Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry, Fourier Transform Infrared, and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Data - Academic article
- Crude oil exposure of early life stages of Atlantic haddock suggests threshold levels for developmental toxicity as low as 0.1 μg total polyaromatic hydrocarbon (TPAH)/L - Academic article
- CruiZE project – results report : Cruising towards Zero Emissions - Development of innovative and integrated cooling and heating concepts onboard cruise ships - Report
- Cryo-XPS for Surface Characterization of Nanomedicines - Academic article
- CT Imaging of 3D Printed Steel Particle Beds - Chapter
- CT scans and saturation estimation - Academic lecture
- Cultivation of Mycolicibacterium spp. Mutants in Miniaturized and High-Throughput Format to Characterize Their Growth, Phytosterol Conversion Ability, and Resistance to the Steroid Products - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cultural diversity, seamanship, and conflict solving on board - Lecture
- Cultural heritage in a changing climate - Other
- Cultural heritage in a changing climate: The crucial role of snow management and the influence of warming permafrost on historical buildings in Ny-Ålesund - Other
- Current Municipal Solid Waste Management in a Large City and Evaluation of Alternative Management Scenarios - Academic article
- Current status and knowledge gaps regarding the toxicity of microplastic and nanoplastic - Academic lecture
- Curve fitting-based deformation tracking for vision-based robotic applications - Academic lecture
- Customer journeys - Encyclopedia article
- Cuttings bed creation and removal when circulating field applied oil-based drilling fluids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cuttings Transport With Oil- and Water-Based Drilling Fluids - Academic article
- Cyber Attack Simulation and Detection in Digital Substation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cyber Resilience in the O&G Industry - Lecture
- Cyber security consequences for security of electricity supply and cyber security considerations in grid planning - Academic lecture
- Cyber security in cyber-physical electricity grids - Interview
- Cyber security in cyber-physical electricity grids - Website (informational material)
- Cyber-physical hardening of the digital water infrastructure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cyber-Physical Power System Testing platform for Topology Identification in Power Distribution Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cyber-physical testing in marine technology - Academic lecture
- Cybersecurity Awareness and Capacities of SMEs - Academic article
- Cybersecurity Awareness and Capacities of SMEs - Academic lecture
- Cybersecurity in railway - alternatives of independent assessors’ involvement in cybersecurity assurance - Lecture
- Cybersecurity in railway - alternatives of independent assessors’ involvement in cybersecurity assurance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cybersecurity in the electricity grid - Website (informational material)
- D1.1 AM spare parts in the maritime industry - Report
- D1.1 Territories’ CE activities and state-of-the-art of CE - Report
- D3.1 Gap analysis - Report
- D4.1 Design guidelines of a climate positive circular community in Oslo - Report
- D7.1: Knowledge-sharing events - Report
- DAC – results and possibilities - Academic lecture
- Daily life participation among children with and without functional difficulties: A comparative study - Academic lecture
- Damage-aware distributed wind farm control with farm scale turbulence and wake effects - Poster
- Danish ambassador to Norway visits SINTEF to discuss hydrogen and CCS - Website (informational material)
- Das europäische Kreislaufwirtschaftsprojekt TREASoURcE installiert stationäre Batteriesysteme für Energiespeicherzwecke an zwei Demonstrationsstandorten in Norwegen und Finnland - Interview
- Das europäische Kreislaufwirtschaftsprojekt TREASoURcE installiert stationäre Batteriesysteme für Energiespeicherzwecke an zwei Demonstrationsstandorten in Norwegen und Finnland - Interview
- Data Acquisition tools, Farming Intelligence and Autonomy - Lecture
- Data and AI for circular economy - Lecture
- Data compilation of interviews Portugal and Norway - Report
- Data for characterization of the optical properties of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) blood - Academic article
- Data in Open Innovation Environments - Academic lecture
- Data Integration Framework for Virtual Reality Enabled Digital Twins - Academic lecture
- Data sharing - Role of ontologies - Academic lecture
- Data sharing practices and best data management for microplastics pollution - Academic lecture
- Databygg - data-driven intelligent building control - Lecture
- Data-Driven Development in Public Sector: How Agile Product Teams Maneuver Data Privacy Regulations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Data-driven energy management of a neighborhood with renewable energy sources - Academic article
- Data-driven modeling of hydrodynamic loading using NARX and harmonic probing - Academic article
- Data-driven modelling of linear and quadratic transfer functions of floating structures - Lecture
- Data-driven modelling with coarse-grid network models - Academic article
- Data-Driven Modelling with Coarse-Grid Network Models - Academic lecture
- Data-Driven Spatio-Temporal Modelling and Optimal Sensor Placement for a Digital Twin Set-Up - Academic article
- Data-Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning for Attitude Control of Fixed-Wing UAVs: Field Experiments - Academic article
- Dataset for a Norwegian medium and low voltage power distribution system with industrial loads - Academic article
- Dataset; Microclimate measurements in ventilated air gaps –instrumentation and first results - Database
- DC-Voltage Control Design under Saturation Nonlinearity by Using Singular Perturbation Theory - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Decagone - Status and highlights Heat Exchangers and Thermal Storage - Lecture
- Decarbonization of maritime transport: Sustainability assessment of alternative power systems - Academic article
- Decarbonizing integrated chlor-alkali and vinyl chloride monomer production: Reducing the cost with industrial flexibility - Academic article
- Decarbonizing ports and shipping in Norway - Academic lecture
- Decarbonizing the European energy system in the absence of Russian gas: Hydrogen uptake and carbon capture developments in the power, heat and industry sectors - Academic article
- Decentralised clinical trials in rehabilitation - Academic lecture
- Decentralized decision-making and scaled autonomy at Spotify - Academic article
- Deciphering the structure of a high-entropy Heusler antimonide - Academic lecture
- Decision support for matching flexibility measures to flexibility needs in power system planning - Poster
- Decision support for matching flexibility measures to flexibility needs in power system planning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Decision Support Framework Using Knowledge Based Digital Twin for Sustainable Product Development and End of Life - Academic article
- Decomposed ammonia – a new and powerful alternative for cutting emissions offshore - Website (informational material)
- Decoupled Active and Reactive Power Controllers for Damping Low-Frequency Oscillations using Virtual Synchronous Machines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Deep active learning for nonlinear system identification - Academic article
- Deep Dark Oceans Music Video project - datavisualisation of Hyperspectral data in collaboration with Department of Engineering Cybernetics and Creativity and Cognition Studios, University of Technology Sydney - Popular scientific lecture
- Deep Generative Models for Realistic Image Anonymization - Doctoral dissertation
- Deep Learning for Improved Precision and Reproducibility of Left Ventricular Strain in Echocardiography: A Test-Retest Study - Academic article
- Deep Learning-Based Functional Measurements from Parasternal Short-Axis in Echocardiography are Related to Hypertension and Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction - Academic lecture
- Deep learning-based method for fish behavioural change quantification - Academic lecture
- Deep Recurrent Graph Convolutional Architecture for Sensor Fault Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation in Digital Twins - Academic article
- Defect level in κ-Ga2O3 revealed by thermal admittance spectroscopy - Academic article
- Defining a Remote Work Policy: Aligning Actions and Intentions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Defining the Scale to Build Complex Networks with a 40-Year Norwegian Intraplate Seismicity Dataset - Academic article
- Deflecting Dendrites by Introducing Compressive Stress in Li7La3Zr2O12 Using Ion Implantation - Academic article
- Degradation behaviour of fresh and pre-used ethanolamine - Academic article
- Degradation of monofilaments for fishing gear due to natural and artificial weathering - Poster
- Degradation of plastic materials in the natural environment: mechanisms, importance and implications - Academic lecture
- Degradation of plastic materials in the natural environment: mechanisms, importance and implications - Academic lecture
- Degradation of plastic materials in the natural environment: mechanisms, importance and implications - Academic lecture
- Degradation of plastic materials in the natural environment: mechanisms, importance and implications - Academic lecture
- Delivering cognitive screening and rehabilitation within multiple sclerosis service pathways - Lecture
- Demonstrating interactions of distribution network and local energy communities operating in hierarchically autonomous control architecture paradigm - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Demonstrating interoperability based on data documentation and ontologies - Academic lecture
- Demonstrating sustainable value creation from industrial CO2 by its thermophilic microbial conversion into acetone - Lecture
- Demonstrating sustainable value creation from industrial CO2 by its thermophilic microbial conversion into acetone - Lecture
- Demonstration of a Standalone, Descriptive, and Predictive Digital Twin of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Demonstration of autonomous underwater vehicle operations - Popular scientific lecture
- Demystifying evidential Dempster Shafer-based CNN architecture for fetal plane detection from 2D ultrasound images leveraging fuzzy-contrast enhancement and explainable AI - Academic article
- Dental professionals’ views on motivational interviewing for the prevention of dental caries with adolescents in central Norway - Academic article
- Deposition Mechanism, Structure and Corrosion Protection of ZrO2-Based Conversion Coatings on AA6060 Primary and Recycled Aluminum Alloys - Abstract
- Deposition of carbon from methane on manganese sources - Academic article
- Depressurization of CO<inf>2</inf> in a pipe: Effect of initial state on non-equilibrium two-phase flow - Academic article
- Depressurization of dense phase CO2 in pipes at different initial temperatures: Non-equilibrium effects - Academic lecture
- Derechos fluviales - Lecture
- Derisking geothermal energy by digitalization: a framework for modelling and optimization of underground thermal energy storage systems - Academic lecture
- De-risking legacy well integrity to unlock storage potential of the Frigg field, North Sea Norway - Abstract
- Design and construction of an autonomous, industrial and user friendly laboratory for indoor controlled vertical farming - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design and construction of an autonomous, industrial and user friendly laboratory for indoor controlled vertical farming - Academic lecture
- Design and Evaluation Framework for Modular Hybrid Battery Energy Storage Systems in Full-Electric Marine Applications - Academic article
- Design and high-throughput screening of an AA10 LPMO combinatorial library with an engineered substrate-binding surface - Academic lecture
- Design Considerations for a Directed Energy Deposition Cell - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design optimization of compact gas turbine and steam combined cycles for combined heat and power production in a FPSO system–A case study - Academic article
- Design optimization of ventilation systems regarding emissions from materials and operation - Academic lecture
- Designing a flexible energy system model using multiple dispatch - Academic lecture
- Designing Composite Adaptive Propeller Blades with Passive Bend–Twist Deformation for Periodic-Load Variations Using Multiple Design Concepts - Academic article
- Det er på tide å spørre brukerne - Interview
- Developing 3D Modelling of Liquid Water and Vapor Transport and Condensation in Insulated Systems to Understand Corrosion Under Insulation - Academic lecture
- Developing a Data Marketplace: Discovering Data in Distributed Databases - Website (informational material)
- Developing a deep learning pipeline for automated salmon welfare analysis by respiration frequency - Masters thesis
- Developing a patient care pathway for emotional support around the point of multiple sclerosis diagnosis: A stakeholder engagement study - Academic article
- Developing a platform for future treatment of multidrug-resistant microbial infections - Academic lecture
- Developing a process model component for membrane based sub-sea gas separation - Academic lecture
- Developing an artificial neural network controller for accelerating the hot deformation of the titanium aluminide TNM-B1 using reinforcement learning and finite element simulations - Academic article
- Developing an immersed boundary method for compressible flow - Academic article
- Developing and delivering a digital cognitive screening and rehabilitation programme for routine clinical use - Academic lecture
- Developing CCS infrastructure for industry decarbonisation: the role of the state, territory and sectoral context - Academic lecture
- Developing shared mobility solutions for new neighbourhoods: the role of mobility and logistics planning - Academic lecture
- Developing Slimmer Timber Window Frame - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Developing tablet audiometry for screening children’s hearing in Tanzania - Lecture
- Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies: an overview of low-TRL EU-funded research projects - Academic article
- Development needs and knowledge gaps of CESAR1 solvent - Academic lecture
- Development of a social skills training programme to target social isolation using virtual reality technology in primary mental health care - Academic article
- Development of a spray-ejector condenser for the use in a negative CO<inf>2</inf> emission gas power plant - Academic article
- Development of an Advanced, Efficient and Green Intermodal System with Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping – AEGIS - Lecture
- Development of climatic damage predictive tool for timber facade moisture-related damage - Academic article
- Development of emission free construction sites in Norway - Lecture
- Development of Highly Active and Durable Low Loading PEMWE Catalyst Layers - Poster
- Development of holistic management solution for the decentralised wastewater sector - Academic lecture
- Development of smart control system for leakage warning in compact roofs - Academic article
- Development of smart control system for leakage warning in compact roofs - Lecture
- Developments in Marine Propulsors - Editorial
- DFT modelling of thermodynamic and kinetic parameters in electrochemical proton ceramic conducting cells - Poster
- DFT on electrodes for high-temperature electrolysis - Academic lecture
- Dielectric Performance of Transformer Liquids–Summary of a CIGRE Study - Academic article
- Diet rather than temperature determines the biochemical composition of the ragworm Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) (Annelida: Nereidae) - Academic article
- Diffraction modeling for scattering objects with non-rigid surfaces - Academic lecture
- Diffusion of Water and Ions in High Voltage XLPE Cable Cores Submerged in Salt Water and Impacts on Testing - Academic lecture
- Diffusion of Water and Ions in High Voltage XLPE Cable Cores Submerged in Salt Water and Impacts on Testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital bioprospecting for exploring biodiversity and discovering novel bioactive compounds and industrial enzymes - Academic lecture
- Digital bioprospecting for exploring biodiversity and discovering novel bioactive compounds and industrial enzymes - Poster
- Digital Culture, Knowledge, and Commitment to Digital Transformation and Its Impact on the Competitiveness of Portuguese Organizations - Academic article
- Digital Energy Platforms Considering Digital Privacy and Security by Design Principles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital innovation's contribution to sustainability transitions - Academic lecture
- Digital innovation's contribution to sustainability transitions - Academic article
- Digital roadmap methodology for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies - Academic lecture
- Digital roadmap methodology for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital Skiguru – Quantifying “Ski Feeling” using Microsensors - Academic lecture
- Digital support for monitoring cast in-situ concrete - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital technologies in architecture, engineering, and construction - Academic article
- Digital Transformation – A Flow Perspective - Academic article
- Digital Transformation – A Flow Perspective - Lecture
- Digital Twin for Autonomous Surface Vessels to Generate Situational Awareness - Academic lecture
- Digital Twin for Autonomous Surface Vessels to Generate Situational Awareness - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital twin of SIF - Lecture
- Digital Twinning of Autonomous Systems - Academic lecture
- Digital Twins in Wind Energy: Emerging Technologies and Industry-Informed Future Directions - Academic article
- Digital twins offer researchers access to new knowledge - Popular scientific article
- Digital twins offer us access to new knowledge - Interview
- Digitalization and real-time control to mitigate environmental impacts along rivers: Focus on artificial barriers, hydropower systems and European priorities - Academic article
- Digitalization and Robotics in Aquaculture - Popular scientific lecture
- Digitalization and Robotics in Aquaculture - Popular scientific lecture
- Digitalization, Automation and Robotics in Aquaculture - Lecture
- Digitally Enhancing Kanban Lean Practice in Support of Just-in-Time Reconfigurable Supply: A Case Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dimensioning and sizing of an energy storage for ports when considering both fast and slow load variations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dimensioning and techno-economic-assessment of thermal energy storages in the food processing industry using energy load profiles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dimensioning and techno-economic-assessment of thermal energy storages in the food processing industry using energy load profiles - Academic lecture
- Direct air capture (DAC) deployment: National context cannot be neglected. A case study applied to Norway - Academic article
- Direct observation of interfacial energetics at Ta3N5/electrolyte and Ta3N5/NiOx/electrolyte heterojunctions by operando ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy during photoelectrochemical water splitting - Academic lecture
- Direct Production of Pressurized Hydrogen using Tubular Proton Ceramic Electrolysers - Lecture
- Directed Energy Deposition - Additive Manufacturing Answers Ship's Requirements - FlexiMan project demonstrator waterjet impeller - Lecture
- Discovery of a new marker to identify myeloid cells associated with metastatic breast tumours - Academic article
- Discovery of xylan- debranching enzymes by functional metagenomics - Academic lecture
- Discovery of xylan- debranching enzymes by functional metagenomics - Poster
- Discrimination of target strength spectra from three coinciding Arctic species (Boreogadus saida, Gadus morhua, Pandalus borealis) - Academic lecture
- Disorder induced non-linearity in the growth of viscous fingers - Lecture
- Dispersive thoughts on shale - Academic lecture
- Disrupting and Adding Value to maritime supply chains by using Additively Manufactured Spare parts - Poster
- Distinguishing between anthropogenic and natural dissolved organic matter by means of spectroscopic indices - Academic lecture
- DNN-based anomaly prediction for the uncertainty in visual SLAM - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Do oil droplets and chemical dispersants contribute to uptake of oil compounds and toxicity of crude oil dispersions in cold-water copepods? - Academic article
- Do we have a sustainable healthcare system? - Academic lecture
- Does soak time influence the effect of artificial light on catch efficiency in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) pot fishery? - Academic article
- Don’t burn your Christmas tree in the fireplace! - Website (informational material)
- Doping and Laser Sintering of Li7La3Zr2O12 for Solid-State Batteries - Academic lecture
- Drawing the frame of the shale barrier window - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Drawing the frame of the shale barrier window - Academic lecture
- Drifting through robustness and resilience in the critical cyber domain - Academic lecture
- Drilling Parameter Optimization in Real-Time - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Drivers and barriers for use of assistive technology among children with autism and/or intellectual disabilities: Parents perspective - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Drone GPR for snow and ice measurements: possibilities and limitations - Academic lecture
- Drone technologies in scientific research: snow and ice studies - Popular scientific lecture
- Drugging DNA repair - Academic lecture
- Dual Hardware-In-the-Loop platform for testing and validation of WEC subsystems - Academic lecture
- Dual shear gun for efficient drilling fluid shearing : Laboratory experiments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Durability of Polymer-Based Wellbore Sealants in a Corrosive Environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Durability of Polymer-Based Wellbore Sealants in a Corrosive Environment - Academic lecture
- Durch Abtrennung von CO2: Müllverbrennung bremst Klimawandel effektiv - Interview
- Dynamic Airspace Configurations - Academic lecture
- Dynamic analysis of a dual-spar floating offshore wind farm with shared moorings in extreme environmental conditions - Academic article
- Dynamic Analysis of an Offshore Fish Farm Integrated With a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Using Shared Mooring Line - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic Analysis of Large-Scale Transfer Operations for Liquid Hydrogen - Academic lecture
- Dynamic Analysis of Large-Scale Transfer Operations for Liquid Hydrogen - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic behavior of droplets impacting cylindrical superhydrophobic surfaces with different structures - Academic article
- Dynamic changes in habitat quality and the driving mechanism in the Luoxiao Mountains area from 1995 to 2020 - Academic article
- Dynamic CO2 Storage Capacity for a Fault-Bounded Structure in the Trøndelag Platform, Offshore Mid-Norway - Academic lecture
- Dynamic modelling of combined cycle - Oseberg case - Lecture
- Dynamic moisture diffusion in transformer winding insulation - Academic article
- Dynamic Spectrum Management and Routing Solutions for Multi-Radio Mobile Ad Hoc Networks - Academic article
- Dynamic stochasticmodeling for adaptive sampling of environmental variables using an AUV - Academic article
- Dynamics of Interlayer Na-Ions in Ga-Substituted Na2Zn2TeO6 (NZTO) Studied by Variable-Temperature Solid-State 23Na NMR Spectroscopy and DFT Modeling - Academic article
- Dynamics of large-scale bubbling fluidized bed combustion plants for heat and power production - Academic article
- Dynamics of Underwater Gas Blowout in Sonic Regime: Laboratory-Scale Study - Academic article
- Dypingite revisited - Popular scientific article
- Dypingite series defined by the content of molecular H2O - Poster
- ECG augmented pulse oximetry in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)—A pilot study - Academic article
- Echocardiographic Reference Ranges of Global Longitudinal Strain for All Cardiac Chambers Using Guideline-Directed Dedicated Views - Academic article
- Economic aspects of metal recycling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Economic assessment of integrating fast-charging stations and energy communities in grid planning - Academic article
- Economies of Scale and Scope in Norwegian hospitals - Academic lecture
- Edge AI LoRa Mesh Technologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Edge AI Technology Trends - Lecture
- Edge Computing on Wheels - Edge AI, Hardware and Software Platforms for Autonomous Vehicles - Lecture
- Edge IoT Industrial Immersive Technologies - Spatial Computing Continuum - Lecture
- Edge-based Data Profiling and Repair as a Service for IoT - Academic lecture
- Editorial for the special issue on the International Workshop on Autonomous System Safety (IWASS) - Editorial
- Editorial: Environmental impacts and risks of car tire and styrene-butadiene rubber: microplastic pollution and contaminant transport - Editorial
- Editorial: Special issue on advances in zero defect manufacturing - Editorial
- eDNA & accuracy: overcoming the challenges - Popular scientific article
- Education and body mass index before and after the obesity epidemic – the HUNT Study - Academic lecture
- Educational Data Analytics for Teachers and School Leaders - Non-fiction book
- EERA DeepWind offshore wind R&I conference gathers record crowd - Website (informational material)
- Eerste fabriek ter wereld die vuil verbrandt en CO2 afvangt en opslaat - Interview
- EF gasification of sewage sludge digestate - Lecture
- Effect of (5%) CO2 on the Oxidation Rate During Cooling of Industrial Aluminum White Dross - Academic article
- Effect of artificial lights on catch efficiency and capture patterns in Asian paddle crab (Charybdis japonica) gillnet fishery - Academic article
- Effect of atmospheric stability on the dynamic wake meandering model applied to two 12 MW floating wind turbines - Academic article
- Effect of body motion on the wave loads computed with CFD on the INO-WINDMOOR floater - Poster
- Effect of body motion on the wave loads computed with CFD on the INO-WINDMOOR floater - Academic article
- Effect of bubble size on ultrasound backscatter from bubble clouds in the context of gas kick detection in boreholes - Academic article
- Effect of climatic parameters on marine atmospheric corrosion: correlation analysis of on-site sensors data - Academic article
- Effect of CO2 on non-metallic materials to be used in CO2 transport via ship - Poster
- Effect of CO2 on non-metallic materials to be used in the ship scenario for CO2 transport - Academic lecture
- Effect of CO2 tax on energy use in oil production: waterflooding optimization under different emission costs - Academic lecture
- Effect of Copper Catalyst Content and Zinc Promoter on Carbon Formation in the Direct Synthesis of Methylchlorosilanes - Academic article
- Effect of demand-controlled ventilation strategies on indoor air pollutants in a classroom: A Norwegian case study - Academic article
- Effect of gillnet twine thickness on capture pattern and efficiency in the Northeast-Arctic cod (Gadus morhua) fishery - Academic article
- Effect of graphene coatings on the morphology of submillimeter thin copper wires after salt spray aging - Academic article
- Effect of grid section design on trawl size selectivity - Academic article
- Effect of heat treatment and defects on the tensile behavior of a hot work tool steel manufactured by laser powder bed fusion - Academic article
- Effect of hydrogen on mechanical performances - results from the HyLINE project - Academic lecture
- Effect of Pink Perch Gelatin on Physiochemical, Textural, Sensory, and Storage Characteristics of Ready-to-Cook Low-Fat Chicken Meatballs - Academic article
- Effect of Pretreatment on the Nitrogen Doped Activated Carbon Materials Activity towards Oxygen Reduction Reaction - Academic article
- Effect of pulse-current-based protocols on the lithium dendrite formation and evolution in all-solid-state batteries - Academic article
- Effect of Radial Pressure and Lubricant Types on Partial Discharge Inception in a Slip/On Medium Voltage XLPE Cable Termination - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of Radial Pressure and Lubricant Types on Partial Discharge Inception in a Slip-On Medium Voltage XLPE Cable Termination - Poster
- Effect of Radical Polymerization Method on Pharmaceutical Properties of Π Electron-Stabilized HPMA-Based Polymeric Micelles - Academic article
- Effect of Raw Materials on Temperature Development during Prereduction of Comilog and Nchwaning Manganese Ores - Academic article
- Effect of recycled Al in Al-Si foundry alloys - Academic lecture
- Effect of Strain on Cation Octahedral Tilt and Functional Properties of Mn3GaN - Poster
- Effect of Supercritical CO2 and Thermal Loading Cycles on Class G Well Cement Properties - Academic lecture
- Effect of Supercritical CO2 and Thermal Loading Cycles on Class G Well Cement Properties - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of TiC nanoparticle addition in metal screw extruded AA7108 filler wire - Masters thesis
- Effective Learning Method Using Extended Reality: Digital TWI - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effective preservation of seaweed and the impact on properties of importance for use as food ingredient - Academic lecture
- Effects of chemical dispersants on feathers from Arctic seabirds - Academic article
- Effects of Circularity Interventions in the European Plastic Packaging Sector - Academic article
- Effects of Codend Mesh-Shape and Size on the Size Selectivity of Demersal Trawl Targeting Banded Scad (Alepes djedaba) in the Beibu Gulf, South China Sea - Academic article
- Effects of Exposure Timing on cyp1a Expression, PAH Elimination, and Lipid Utilization in Lumpfish Embryos Exposed to Produced Water - Academic article
- Effects of gadolinium (Gd) and a Gd-based contrast agent (GBCA) on early life stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio) - Academic article
- Effects of Lean and Industry 4.0 Technologies on Job Satisfaction: A Case-Based Analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effects of Lignin Gasification Impurities on the Growth and Product Distribution of Butyribacterium methylotrophicum during Syngas Fermentation - Academic article
- Effects of mine tailing exposure on the development of early life stages of the marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus - Academic article
- Effects of petrogenic pollutants on North Atlantic and Arctic Calanus copepods: From molecular mechanisms to population impacts - Academic article
- Effects of powder properties on the 3D printing of BaTiO3 ceramic resins by stereolithography - Academic article
- Effects of prior experience, gender, and age on trust in a banking chatbot with(out) breakdown and repair - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effects of sintering additives on defect chemistry and hydration of BaZr0.4Ce0.4(Y,Yb)0.2O3−δ proton conducting electrolytes - Academic article
- Effects of temperature, salinity and diet on embryonic and early larval development in Littorina littorea (Gastropoda: Littorinimorpha) - Academic article
- Efficient 3D real-time adaptive AUV sampling of a river plume front - Academic article
- Efficient Adaptation and Calibration of Ad joint-Based Reduced-Order Coarse-Grid Network Models - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Efficient farm-wide synthetic turbulence modelling - Academic lecture
- Efficient in-situ machine learning workflows for simulation of subsurface CO2 storage in OPM Flow - Poster
- Efficient Nonlinear Solution Strategies for Geothermal Energy Simulation - Academic lecture
- eHealth policy framework in Low and Lower Middle-Income Countries; a PRISMA systematic review and analysis - Academic literature review
- EL CIEMAT firma un acuerdo con ocho organismos de investigación para crear un Centro Europeo de Excelencia en Energía Eólica - Interview
- EL CIEMAT firma un acuerdo con ocho organismos de investigación para crear un Centro Europeo de Excelencia en Energía Eólica - Interview
- EL CIEMAT firma un acuerdo con ocho organismos de investigación para crear un Centro Europeo de Excelencia en Energía Eólica - Interview
- El proyecto europeo de economía circular TREASoURcE instalará sistemas de almacenamiento de energía en baterías estacionarias en dos centros de prueba en Noruega y Finlandia - Interview
- Elastic dispersion in shale: Laboratory tests and rock physics modeling - Academic article
- Elastic dispersion in shale: Laboratory tests and rock physics modelling - Academic lecture
- Electrical Conductivity Measurements of the Binary NaCl-CaCl2, the Ternary NaCl-CaCl2-BaCl2 and the Quaternary NaCl-CaCl2-BaCl2-ZnCl2 Molten Salts - Academic lecture
- Electrical Conductivity Measurements of the Binary NaCl-CaCl2, the Ternary NaCl-CaCl2-BaCl2 and the Quaternary NaCl-CaCl2-BaCl2-ZnCl2 Molten Salts - Academic lecture
- Electrical properties and microstructure of crystalline silicon ingots grown from quartz crucibles with and without diffusion barriers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrical Treeing and Partial Discharge Behavior in Epoxy Nanocomposites With In Situ Synthesized SiO2 - Academic article
- Electricity markets during a period with extreme prices - Experiences from the NordPool market - Academic lecture
- Electricity markets during a period with extreme prices - Experiences from the NordPool market - Chapter
- Electrification by high temperature heat pumps? - Lecture
- Electrification of Excavators: Electrical configurations, carbon footprint, and cost assessment of retrofit solutions - Academic article
- Electrification of the Coastal Fishing Fleet Using Hydrogen and Ammonia-Fed Fuel Cells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrocatalytic valorisation of industrial black liquor - Poster
- Electrochemical characterization of Ba0.95La0.05(Fe0.7Ni0.2Zn0.1)O3-δ for proton ceramic electrochemical cells - Poster
- Electrochemical Depolymerisation of Kraft Lignin in Black Liquor - Poster
- Electrochemical Investigations of Ag and Bi in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical Investigations of Ag and Bi in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Abstract
- Electrochemical Recovery of Au and Ag from Ore Deposits using Innovative Deep Eutectic Solvent Ionic Liquids - Poster
- Electrochemically treated lignin in phenolic resins for plywood panels - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Electrochemical-thermal simulations in 3D using BattMo, the Battery Modelling Toolbox - Lecture
- Electromagnetic fields (EMF) - an environmental risk driver for offshore wind? - Academic lecture
- Electromechanical and biological evaluations of 0.94Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3–0.06BaTiO3 as a lead-free piezoceramic for implantable bioelectronics - Academic article
- Electromembrane extraction merging with micro-nanotechnology for robust bridging of organ-on-a-chip and mass spectrometry - Academic lecture
- Electron microscopy studies of semiconducting materials - Academic lecture
- Embedded Artificial Intelligence: Devices, Embedded Systems, and Industrial Applications - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Embedding ROS and Edge AI-Based Perception Capabilities in AV Platforms - Lecture
- Embedding ROS and Edge AI-Based Perception Capabilities in AV Platforms - Academic lecture
- Emission levels and emission factors for modern wood stoves - Academic lecture
- Emission Levels and Emission Factors for Modern Wood Stoves - Academic article
- Emission measurement tests to study the potential for performance improvement of the absorber emissions monitoring system (ACEMS) prototype - Academic lecture
- EMPIRE Dataset Update - Report
- Employees are using ChatGPT for advice, but is this a good thing? - Interview
- Empowering CO2 Eco-Refrigeration with Colossal Breathing-Caloric-Like Effects in MOF-508b - Academic article
- Emulsion evolution: Experiments and modelling with LedaFlow - Academic lecture
- Enabling circularity: Analysis of factors influencing MSW sorting behaviour in Central Norway - Poster
- Enabling circularity: Analysis of factors influencing MSW sorting behaviour in Central Norway - Academic article
- Enabling Deep Customization for multi-tenant SaaS, Migration and towards Controlling Tech Debts - Academic lecture
- Enabling DevOps for IoT engineering & Towards DevOpsAdapt for Critical Infrastructures - Popular scientific lecture
- Enabling Real-Time Autonomy in Challenging Underwater Environments - Academic lecture
- Enabling Real-Time Autonomy in the Challenging Aquaculture Domain - Academic lecture
- Encapsulation of salmon oil using complex coacervation: Probing the effect of gum acacia on interfacial tension, coacervation and oxidative stability - Academic article
- End of life at the top of the world—stakeholder perspectives for plastics and circular transitions in the Arctic - Academic article
- Energetics of formation and stability in high pressure steam of barium lanthanide cobaltite double perovskites - Academic article
- Energy Demand and Cost Analysis for a Hydrogen Fueled RoPax Ferry Using Design Lab Framework - Lecture
- Energy demand of seaweed processing - Lecture
- Energy demand reduction as part of the clean energy transition in Europe : research and policy strategy - Report
- Energy efficiency and conservation - Nordic Energy Outlooks - Final report WP3 - Report
- Energy efficiency and district heating to reduce future power shortage. Potential scenarios for Norwegian building mass towards 2050 - Report
- Energy efficiency in the dairy industry: Rørosmeieriet - Academic lecture
- Energy Efficiency Increase by Improved Operation and Control in Wood Stoves - Academic lecture
- Energy Efficiency Increase by Improved Operation and Control in Wood Stoves - Academic article
- Energy efficiency of oil and gas production plant operations - Academic article
- Energy efficiency: How to unlock 20 TWh of conflict-free energy - Website (informational material)
- Energy efficient and climate friendly refrigeration systems onboard fishing vessels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Energy efficient and climate friendly refrigeration systems onboard fishing vessels - Academic lecture
- Energy efficient and climate friendly refrigeration systems - Lecture
- Energy efficient brine freezing - Academic lecture
- Energy Efficient Distillation with Dividing Wall columns - Academic lecture
- Energy Flexibility-Environmental Outcomes Tradeoffs Workshop Report and Research Roadmap - Report
- Energy flow analysis Rørosmeieriet - Lecture
- Energy Innovation in the European Manufacturing Industry: Highlights from FLEX4FACT's First Year - Website (informational material)
- Energy mapping of Måløy - Lecture
- Energy system modelling of a future zero-emission neighbourhood with seasonal thermal energy storage - Academic lecture
- Energy Systems Test Case Discovery Enabled by Test Case Profile and Repository - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Energy Upgrading of Basement ExteriorWalls: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Academic article
- Energy use and energy efficiency in cruise ship hotel systems in a Nordic climate - Academic article
- Energy use and energy efficiency in cruise ship hotel systems in a Nordic climate - Lecture
- Energy Use and Energy Efficiency Measures for a Passenger Ferry - Masters thesis
- Enhanced CO2/H2 separation by GO and PVA-GO embedded PVAm nanocomposite membranes - Academic article
- Enhanced Combustion by Photo Ignition of Carbon Nanotubes in a Constant Volume Chamber - Academic article
- Enhancement of Steady State Response of Indirect Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control - Lecture
- Enhancement of Steady State Response of Indirect Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enhancing Citizen Engagement: Experiences from a Virtual Reality Workshop - Academic lecture
- Enhancing wind field resolution in complex terrain through a knowledge-driven machine learning approach - Academic article
- ENOUGH: Demonstrator activities for a more sustainable food chain - Academic lecture
- Ensuring accurate Key Performance Indicators for Battery applications by implementing consistent Reporting Methodologies - Academic article
- Entrainment by breaking waves: Measurements and modelling - Academic lecture
- Environmental Assessment, Cost Assessment and User Experience of Electric Excavator Operations on Construction Sites in Norway - Academic article
- Environmental impact assessment of on-site and off-site construction logistics activities – A case study analysis from Norway - Academic article
- Environmental risk assessment of accidental ammonia spills to the marine environment - Academic lecture
- Enzymatic activity in mesopelagic species: enhancing the quality and sustainability of the raw material - Lecture
- Ergodic Performance Analysis of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Enabled Bidirectional NOMA - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Erratum to: Dynamic Changes in Habitat Quality and the Driving Mechanism in the Luoxiao Mountains Area from 1995 to 2020 (Ecosyst. Health Sustain) - Errata
- Erratum to: Phase-field simulation of lack-of-fusion defect and grain growth during laser powder bed fusion of Inconel 718 (International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, (2023), 30, 11, (2224-2235), 10.1007/s12613-023-2664-z) - Errata
- Escape panels in trawls: does placement matter when every individual contacting the panel can escape? - Academic article
- Establishing a Security Champion in Agile Software Teams: A Systematic Literature Review - Popular scientific chapter/article
- Estimating Embodied and Operational Emissions of Residential Building Stock in Western Asia and Northern Africa: A Comparative Study - Academic lecture
- Estimating Resource Use and Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Western Asian and Northern African Residential Buildings - Poster
- Estimating Surface Concentrations of Calanus finmarchicus Using Standardised Satellite-Derived Enhanced RGB Imagery - Academic article
- Estimating uncertainty in reliability of supply analyses considering component condition - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Estimating uncertainty in reliability of supply analysis considering component condition - Academic lecture
- Estimation of environmental impacts from renewable energy technologies for application in a multi-criteria decision model - Academic article
- Estimation of fat content in soft tissues using dual frequency ultrasound—A phantom study - Academic article
- Estimation of fish catch potential using assimilation of synthetic measurements with an individual-based model - Academic article
- Estimation of the proportions of aluminum-fluorine species in NaF-AlF3 mixtures by in situ Raman spectroscopy and theoretical simulations - Academic article
- Ethical Dilemmas in Nuclear Power - Academic lecture
- Ethical dimensions of social conflict in offshore wind - Academic lecture
- Ethical system: Preparing for an ethical dialogue in a Nordic context - Academic lecture
- Ethics of Climate Change Adaptation—The Case of Torrential Rains in Norway - Academic article
- European recommendations for explainable-AI-ready data in materials modelling and characterization - Academic lecture
- Europees onderzoek naar windenergie wint momentum - Interview
- Evaluating clinical diversity and plausibility of synthetic capsule endoscopic images - Academic article
- Evaluating hyperspectral Secchi depth retrieval through hybrid modeling and regression - Academic article
- Evaluating Performance Metrics for Deep Neural Network-based Speech Enhancement Systems - Doctoral dissertation
- Evaluating the hydrogen storage potential of shut down oil and gas fields along the Norwegian continental shelf - Academic article
- Evaluating the Potential of Bio-based Lubricants as a Sustainable Alternative to Conventional Ones - Lecture
- Evaluating the Stormwater Management Model for hydrological simulation of infiltration swales in cold climates - Academic article
- Evaluation and Suppression of Oscillations in Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Constant Voltage Load and Pulse Skipping Modulation - Academic article
- Evaluation of a Representative Selection of SPARQL Query Engines Using Wikidata - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of a Representative Selection of SPARQL Query Engines using Wikidata - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of a Tool to Increase Cybersecurity Awareness Among Non-experts (SME Employees) - Academic article
- Evaluation of an autonomous, short sea shipping feeder-loop service through advanced simulations - Academic article
- Evaluation of an autonomous, short sea shipping feeder-loop service through advanced simulations - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of CLC as a BECCS technology from tests on woody biomass in an auto-thermal 150-kW pilot unit - Academic article
- Evaluation of frost prevention strategies for membrane energy exchangers - Academic article
- Evaluation of hot and warm forming of age-hardenable aluminium alloys into manufacturing of automotive safety critical parts - Academic article
- Evaluation of Methodologies for Assessment of SO3 Concentration in Industrial Off-Gas - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of simplified heat transport for power cables in pipes - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of simplified heat transport for power cables in pipes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of Smart Charging Integrated with Smart Energy Management and Advance Booking in an eMobility Urban Living Lab - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of the Factors Determining Hydrogen Embrittlement in Pipeline Steels: An Artificial Intelligence Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of the Factors Determining Hydrogen Embrittlement in Pipeline Steels: An Artificial Intelligence Approach - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of VIV Prediction Practice of Deep-Water Steel Lazy Wave Risers (SLWRs) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of water leaching on properties of woody biomass for biocarbon production - Poster
- Evaluation of Water Leaching on Properties of Woody Biomass For Biocarbon Production - Academic article
- Every animal matters! Evaluating the selectivity of a Mediterranean bottom trawl fishery from a species community perspective - Academic article
- Everything you need to know about wood logs and wood briquettes - Website (informational material)
- Examining Heterogeneous Patterns of AI Capabilities - Academic article
- Examining how AI capabilities can foster organizational performance in public organizations - Academic article
- Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support Using a Smart Mirror - Academic article
- Experience from the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab - Lecture
- Experiences from Operating the Earth Observation Satellite HYPSO-1 - Lecture
- Experiences with ampacity rating calculations for wind farm export cable - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and numerical investigation of bubble migration in shear flow: Deformability-driven chaining and repulsion - Academic article
- Experimental and numerical investigation of high-pressure jetting fluids impinging on submerged hard rock under deep geothermal downhole drilling conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and Numerical Results of a Non-DLE Aeroderivative GT Combustion System Burning Methane-Ammonia Blends at Intermediate Pressures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental and Numerical Study on Tapping of Two Liquids through a Single Tap-Hole - Academic article
- Experimental characterization of cyclic behaviour of pure lead: Temperature sensitivity and strain-rate effects - Academic article
- Experimental characterization of elastomers for the CO2 transport applications - Poster
- Experimental comparison of gaseous and electrochemical hydrogen charging in X65 pipeline steel using the permeation technique - Academic article
- Experimental development of Thermal Energy Storage materials and systems: Utilization of Mn-rich sludge - Lecture
- Experimental Investigation of Annular Displacement with Fluids of Different Density - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental investigation of phase change material integrated in a gasketed-plate heat exchanger - Lecture
- Experimental investigation of the development of surfactant stabilized oil-water pipe flow downstream of a choke valve - Academic article
- Experimental Investigation of the Diffusion Flame Performance of an Oxy-fuel Burner with Direct Front Nozzle Water to Flame Zone Injection - Academic lecture
- Experimental review of the performances of protective coatings for interconnects in solid oxide fuel cells - Academic article
- Experimental study of floating bridge global response when subjected to waves and current - Academic article
- Experimental study of seismic dispersion: Influence of clay mineral content - Academic article
- Experimental Study of Seismic Dispersion: Influence of Clay Mineral Content - Academic lecture
- Experimental Study of the Charring of I-Joists and Recession of Combustible Insulation in Light Timber Frame Assemblies with Comparison to Eurocode 5 - Academic article
- Experimental study of the mutual interactions between waves and tailored turbulence - Academic article
- Experimental study of the mutual interactions between waves and tailored turbulence - Poster
- Experimental study of the sealing properties of cement plug during the early age - Lecture
- Experimental study of wave-turbulence interactions - Academic lecture
- Experimental study of Wave-turbulence interactions - Academic lecture
- Experimental study of Wave-turbulence interactions - Academic lecture
- Experiments and modelling of near-horizontal bubbly flow - Academic lecture
- Experiments and modelling of near-horizontal bubbly flow - Academic article
- Experiments on air-water slug flow in a horizontal pipe using high speed imaging - Academic lecture
- Experiments on Different Ambient Energy Resources for Ultra‐low Power IoT Devices - Report
- Explainability and Interpretability Concepts for Edge AI Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) from a user perspective: A synthesis of prior literature and problematizing avenues for future research - Academic article
- Exploitation and IPR management strategy – final version - OpenENTRANCE D8.2 - Report
- Exploiting Cooperative Downlink NOMA in D2D Communications - Academic article
- Exploring supercooling phenomena through extensive experimental method design - Academic lecture
- Exploring the Association between Individual-Level Attributes and Fidelity to a Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention within a Randomised Controlled Trial - Academic article
- Exploring the effect of digital CSR communication on firm performance: A deep learning approach - Academic article
- Exploring the grounds for cyber resilience in the hyper-connected oil and gas industry - Academic article
- Exploring the need for a CERT for the Norwegian Construction Sector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Exploring the possibilities of a regression model for the prediction of wetting index from crude oils - Academic lecture
- Exploring the Quantum Landscape in Norway and Advancements in Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm - Academic lecture
- Exploring virulence factors of Tenacibaculum maritimum - Poster
- Exploring virulence factors of Tenacibaculum maritimum - Poster
- Extended Reality for Sustainable Urban Development and Citizen Engagement - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Extending the lifetime of CO₂ capture solvents - Popular scientific article
- ExtremeXP, Task 4.2 research activities - Academic lecture
- Fabrication and analysis of plasma polymerized coatings on elastomers for tailored wettability and friction properties - Poster
- Fabrication of Ru loaded MgB2 with guar gum hybrid for photocatalytic degradation of crystal violet - Academic article
- Facilitators and Barriers to the Sustainability of eHealth Solutions in Low- And Middle-Income Countries: Descriptive Exploratory Study - Academic article
- Factors Affecting the Fire Safety Design of Photovoltaic Installations Under Performance-Based Regulations in Norway - Academic article
- Factors influencing the results of a social survey - Academic lecture
- FASIT, the Norwegian reliability data collection system - experiences and utilitarian values - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fast charging stations can be built more quickly with these 3 tips - Interview
- Fast charging stations can be built more quickly with these 3 tips - Website (informational material)
- Faster, broader, and deeper! Suggested directions for research on net-zero transitions - Academic article
- Fatigue Analysis of Inter-Array Power Cables between Two Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Including a Simplified Method to Estimate Stress Factors - Academic article
- Fault Detection, Localization and Clearance for MMC based on Indirect Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control - Lecture
- Fault Detection, Localization and Clearance for MMC based on Indirect Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fault stability modelling approaches - Poster
- Feasibility Jump: an LP-free Lagrangian MIP heuristic - Academic article
- Feasibility Study for an Unmanned Deep Sea Bulk Ship and Short Sea Container Ship - Report
- Feasibility study for unmanned ferry service for Levanger – Ytterøy: Technical requirements, Retrofit opportunities and Safety Considerations - Report
- Federated Learning for Medical Applications: A Taxonomy, Current Trends, Challenges, and Future Research Directions - Academic article
- Female-led Dutch healthtech RespiQ secures €4M to transform COPD patient care - Interview
- FEM-constrained optimization: principle, applicability and one demo - Lecture
- Fermentation of seaweed and its addition in seafood products - Academic lecture
- FIB-SEM investigation and uniaxial compression of flexible graphite - Academic article
- Field Measurement of Vibration Level Difference Across Vertical Junctions in a Timber Frame Building - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Final Report. Klima 2050 - Report
- Final scenarios for multimodal traffic management. ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable D2.4. - Report
- FINE: Flexible Integration of Local Energy Communities (LEC) into the Norwegian Electricity Distribution System - Lecture
- Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control for Inductive Power Transfer Charging EV systems with Constant Voltage Load - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control for Inductive Power Transfer Charging EV systems with Constant Voltage Load - Academic lecture
- Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control to Suppress Oscillations in Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Constant Voltage Load - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Finite-Control-Set Model Predictive Control to Suppress Oscillations in Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Constant Voltage Load - Academic lecture
- Fire safety design of photovoltaic installations in Norway - Popular scientific article
- Fire Safety of Mid-Rise Buildings with Light Timber Structures – Studies of the Fire Resistance of a Novel Construction System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fire spread in a large compartment with exposed cross-laminated timber and open ventilation conditions: #FRIC-01 – Exposed ceiling - Academic article
- Fire spread in a large compartment with exposed cross-laminated timber and open ventilation conditions: #FRIC-02 - Exposed wall and ceiling - Academic article
- Firms' role in a circular economy towards a net-zero society - exploring time and temporality, scale and scaling - Academic lecture
- First Generation Hazardous Waste Inventory for Developing A Master Plan for Hazardous Waste Management in Myanmar - Academic article
- First insights into the immunomodulatory effects of the b-glucan Laminarin on Atlantic salmon leukocytes - Poster
- Fish welfare monitoring in a RAS facility using machine learning and stereo vision for automated 3D position tracking - Poster
- Five Recommendations to Accelerate Carbon Capture in Europe - Website (informational material)
- Five ways to reduce emissions from the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Website (informational material)
- FLAMES – High-Speed Flash-LiDAR CMOS Imager for Landing Missions - Academic lecture
- Flexbuild final report. The value of end-use flexibility in the future Norwegian energy system - Report
- Flexibility Characterization, Aggregation, and Market Design Trends with a High Share of Renewables: a Review - Academic article
- Flexibility chart 2.0: An accessible visual tool to evaluate flexibility resources in power systems - Academic article
- Flexibility needs to be appreciated! - Website (informational material)
- Flexibility potential of energy intensive industries in Grenland - Lecture
- Flexible activation for grid purposes - experiences from a Norwegian pilot - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Flexible and smart energy systems to decarbonise buildings - Lecture
- Flexible Hybrid and Single-Component Aerogels: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications - Academic article
- Flexible operation of Francis turbines - Doctoral dissertation
- Flickering guiding light from the International Maritime Organisation's policy mix - Academic article
- Floating coastal infrastructure - Lecture
- Floating offshore wind: Cost reductions will come with deployment - Website (informational material)
- Flow topology in the gap and wake of convex curved tandem cylinders - Academic article
- Fluorescence for non-contact detection of living salmon lice on salmon skin - Academic article
- FLUST: A fast, open source framework for ultrasound blood flow simulations - Academic article
- Food retail and food service refrigeration - Chapter
- Fool Me Once, Shame on Me - A Qualitative Interview Study of Social Engineering Victims - Academic article
- For how long can you keep warm during a power outage? - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Forecasting and control in presence of uncertain intermittent renewables - Poster
- Formation of micro-cracks at the surface of a high voltage cable screen induced by aluminum corrosion - Academic lecture
- Formation of micro-cracks at the surface of a high voltage cable screen induced by aluminum corrosion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Formulation of a Ready-to-Cook Soup Mix Using Microencapsulated Protein Hydrolysate Obtained from Pink Perch By-Product - Academic article
- Formulation of AlSi10MnMg foundry alloy from IBA Al - Academic lecture
- Formulation of AlSi10MnMg with IBA Al – effect on microstructure and properties - Academic lecture
- Fossil‐free and resource efficient transport - Nordic Energy Outlooks - Final report WP4 - Report
- Fouling monitoring in a circulating fluidized bed boiler using direct and indirect model-based analytics - Academic article
- Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy for characterization of liquid protein solutions: A comparison of two sampling techniques - Academic article
- Fourteen months operation of a 200 kWh latent heat storage pilot - Lecture
- Fourteen months operation of a 200 kWh latent heat storage pilot - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Framework for Autonomous Navigation for a Permanent Resident Aquaculture Net Grooming Robot - Academic lecture
- Framework for Autonomous Navigation for a Permanent Resident Aquaculture Net Grooming Robot - Academic article
- Framework for the documentation of nature-based solutions for stormwater management - Academic article
- Framing the Covid-19 pandemic: A case study of the role of Norwegian public service broadcasting in times of crisis - Academic article
- Framtidens avfallsmengder og sammensetning – SCENARIO ARTIKKEL (Scenario Analysis Tool for Estimating Future Waste Composition and Amounts towards a Circular Economy) - Lecture
- Free energy of critical droplets - From the binodal to the spinodal - Academic article
- Frequency support by wave farms in low inertia power systems - Academic article
- Frequency-Adaptive Energy Control for Grid-Forming MMCs Under Unbalanced Conditions - Academic article
- From 3D to 1D – effective numerical modelling of pulse-echo measurements in pipes - Academic lecture
- From 3D to 1D: Effective numerical modelling of pulse-echo measurements in pipes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- From -5°C to 118°C with a new developed R290 / R600 HTHP cascade - Lecture
- From academia to society: How to empower citizens in times of crisis - Popular scientific article
- From forced Working-From-Home to voluntary working-from-anywhere: Two revolutions in telework - Academic article
- From industrial cyberattacks to influence operations: experiences from the maritime sector and northern sea areas - Academic lecture
- From Industry 4.0 to Smolt 4.0 – Next generation of smolt production by applying the principles of Precision Fish Farming (PFF) - Popular scientific article
- From molecules to satellites - how can we use multi-sensor approaches to extract plankton traits? - Poster
- From Pandemic Governance to PED Agenda in the New Normal - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- From Problem to Solution - Cold Research in an Applied Perspective - Academic lecture
- From process digital twins to part digital twins in additive manufacturing - Lecture
- From steel to silicon; A journey through TEM characterization of industrially relevant materials - Poster
- From Tipping points to Tripping points? The role of new technologies for Sustainable Development - Popular scientific lecture
- Fucoidan in functional aquafeeds: Modulation of gut health in Atlantic salmon pre-smolts. - Academic lecture
- Fuel cell short stack testing - Chapter
- Full-scale CCS in Norway: timeline and financing - Website (informational material)
- Fully nonlinear phase-resolved wave modelling in the Norwegian fjords for floating bridges along the E39 coastal highway - Academic article
- Functional assays for personalized medicine - Poster
- Functionalized aromatic bio-monomers for polyester synthesis - Academic lecture
- Function-as-a-Service for the Cloud-to-Thing Continuum: A Systematic Mapping Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fundamentals of Solidification - Lecture
- Future HVDC grids – yes please, but what is the price tag? - Website (informational material)
- Future modern production for electrolyzer stack assembly - Lecture
- Gaia Data Platform: a MediaWiki-based platform for data collection in the Gaia Vesterålen project - Multimedia product
- Galvanic corrosion in aluminium - steel joints - Lecture
- Galvanic corrosion in bolted joints - Lecture
- Gamma-radiation hardness and long-term stability of ALD-Al2O3 surface passivated Si - Academic article
- Gas-Atomized Nickel Silicide Powders Alloyed with Molybdenum, Cobalt, Titanium, Boron, and Vanadium for Additive Manufacturing - Academic article
- Gasification of wood powder in a small-scale entrained flow gasifier - Academic lecture
- Gasification of wood powder in a small-scale entrained flow gasifier - Academic article
- Gastrocnemius Muscle Fascicle Behaviour during Diagonal Stride Skiing - Poster
- GECO: A Twitter Dataset of COVID-19 Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories Related to the Berlin Parliament and Washington Capitol Riots - Academic article
- General practitioners ending their practice and impact on patients' health, healthcare use and mortality: a protocol for national registry cohort studies in Norway, 2008 to 2021 - Academic article
- Generation of rule-adhering robot programs for aluminium welding automatically from CAD - Academic article
- GeoEnergy 2023 - Lecture
- Geological storage of CO2 - SINTEF expertise - Lecture
- Geomechanical scenarios: non-linear effects - Academic lecture
- Geothermal power production in Norway? - Lecture
- Geothermal power production in Norway? - Lecture
- Gerd Kjølle wants more women in the power industry - Website (informational material)
- Getting serious about lean - Lecture
- Ghost fishing efficiency by lost, abandoned or discarded pots in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery - Academic article
- Gillnet colour affects catch efficiency in pearlspot (Etroplus suratensis) tropical estuary fishery - Academic article
- Global employment and skill level requirements for ‘Post-Carbon Europe’ - Academic article
- Global Transformer Architecture for Indoor Room Temperature Forecasting - Academic article
- GNSS RFI in Europe: Status and Predictions - Academic lecture
- GNSS Technology for Precise Positioning in CCAM: A Comparative Evaluation of Services - Academic article
- Goethite-activated carbon as a persulfate activator for effective Escherichia coli inactivation - Academic article
- GoForIT project - Academic lecture
- GoNorth – Exploring the Arctic Ocean - Academic lecture
- GoNorth discovers new hydrothermal field between Svalbard and Greenland - Website (informational material)
- GoNorth expedition 2023 - Multimedia product
- GoNorth heads for the Gakkel Ridge - Website (informational material)
- GoNorth-Exploring the Arctic Ocean - Poster
- Governing early childhood education and care quality development among diverse private ECEC providers in Norway - Academic article
- Governing plastic pollution in the Arctic - Academic lecture
- Governing Plastics: The UN Treaty to End Plastic Pollution - Academic lecture
- Grain refinement of aluminium welds by Ti, TiB2, and TiC filler wire inoculation - Academic article
- Graph Convolutional Networks for probabilistic power system operational planning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Graph-Inceptor: Towards Extreme Data Ingestion, Massive Graph Creation and Storage - Academic lecture
- Graph-Inceptor: Towards Extreme Data Ingestion, Massive Graph Creation and Storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Graphite crucible interaction with Fe–Si–B phase change material in pilot-scale experiments - Academic article
- Graph-Scrutinizer: Towards Massive Graph Analytics and Reasoning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Green and recyclable mesoporous silica supported WO3–ZrO2 solid acid catalyst for biodiesel production by transesterification of Ankol seed oil with methanol - Academic article
- Green or blue hydrogen? Demand response in industrial high temperature heating - Academic lecture
- Green or blue? Enabling industrial decarbonization and demand response with hydrogen for high temperature process heating - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- GreenCharge Project - Lecture
- Greener logistics with AI - Academic lecture
- Grid Balancing with Electrolysers and Wind Power - Academic lecture
- Grid-connected cabin preheating of Electric Vehicles in cold climates – A non-flexible share of the EV energy use - Academic article
- Ground systems software for automatic operation of the HYPSO-2 hyperspectral imaging satellite - Academic lecture
- Ground systems software for automatic operation of the HYPSO-2 hyperspectral imaging satellite - Academic article
- Group psychological intervention for emotional distress in haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: A feasibility randomised clinical trial - Academic article
- Growth and Biochemical Composition of Cultivated Mixed Biofilm on Wastewater from Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) - Masters thesis
- Growth dynamics of untreated meningiomas - Academic article
- Guest Editorial A Glimpse into the Cutting Edge of Interventional Ultrasound - Editorial
- Guest editorial for the special issue on “marine hydrodynamics for innovative design” - Editorial
- Guest editorial: Lean and learning in the age of digitalization - Editorial
- Guideline for follow-up of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) in the operating phase - Report
- Guidelines and assessment methods for end users to estimate, quantify and challenge climate change and ecological impacts of medium- and high-voltage switchgear - Academic lecture
- Guidelines and assessment methods for end users to estimate, quantify and challenge climate change and ecological impacts of medium- and high-voltage switchgear - Chapter
- Guidelines for policy-science interface : OpenENTRANCE D2.5 - Report
- Guidelines for standardised classification and failure reporting for safety equipment in the petroleum industry, Ver 04 - Report
- H2020 project: Open ENergy TRansition ANalyses for a low-carbon Economy (2019-2023) - Lecture
- Handbook of Recycling: State-of-the-art for Practitioners, Analysts, and Scientists - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Handling disruptions in Total Airport Management using what-if enabled systems - Academic lecture
- Handling of ammonia accidental fuel leakages on ships - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Handling of ammonia accidental fuel leakages on ships - Academic lecture
- Hands-On experiments with quantum gates and quantum circuits: QAOA for MaxCut - Lecture
- Harmful Conspiracies in Temporal Interaction Networks: Understanding the Dynamics of Digital Wildfires through Phase Transitions - Academic article
- Hayes et al (2023) 100 Key Questions to Guide Hydropeaking Research and Policy. - Academic article
- Health and Safety Standards for Cold Work in the Norwegian Petroleum Industry - Lecture
- Health care costs and health care utilization of patients with ME/CFS in Norway, a retrospective registry study - Academic lecture
- Health care expenditure and utilization of patients with ME/CFS in Norway, a retrospective registry study - Academic lecture
- Health index calculation using failure modes, effects, and criticality analysis for high-voltage circuit breakers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Health, climate and the role of technology - Academic lecture
- Hearing loss and access to hearing aids and services in low- and middle-income countries - Academic lecture
- Heat integration and heat exchanger network design for oxyfuel cement plants - Academic article
- Heat integration for oxyfuel cement plants - presentation - Academic lecture
- Heat pumps and energy-efficient climate control of a greenhouse in Bucharest, Romania - Academic lecture
- Heating only heat pumps - Chapter
- Heavy Metal Emissions through Particulate Matter from Aluminium Electrolysis - Academic article
- Helserom Helgeland - an innovation project about collaboration between primary and specialist health care - Lecture
- Herchel-Bulkley models used for drilling fluid applications - Poster
- Herschel-Bulkley models used for drilling fluids applicaionts - Poster
- Herschel-Bulkley parameter evaluation of oil-based drilling fluids - Academic lecture
- HFC Høstmøte 2023: Systemperspektiv på sikring/beredskap - Lecture
- HFC-Forum: Menneskets rolle i nye teknologier og driftskonsepter – Will Industry 5.0 herald the revenge of the humans? - Lecture
- High Latitude Ionospheric Gradient Observation Results from a Multi-Scale Network - Academic lecture
- High Latitude Ionospheric Gradient Observation Results from a Multi-Scale Network - Academic lecture
- High Latitude Ionospheric Gradient Observation Results from a Multi-Scale Network - Academic article
- High strength die-attach for structural monitoring sensors - Academic lecture
- High Thermoelectric Performance of Bi-Doped Mg<inf>2</inf>Si<inf>0.4</inf>Sn<inf>0.6</inf> and Mg<inf>2</inf>Si<inf>0.6</inf>Sn<inf>0.4</inf> based on Recyclable Si Kerf Derived from PV Manufacturing - Academic article
- HighEFF annual report 2022 - Report
- HighEFF at Arendalsuka - Website (informational material)
- HighEFF workshop – How to get from knowledge building on surplus heat recovery to practical and attractive demonstrators? - Website (informational material)
- HighEFF's 2023 Cross-Sector Workshop: Shaping the future of industrial energy efficiency - Website (informational material)
- Highlighting the role of semantics in data sharing - Academic lecture
- Highlights from the NCCS Centre - Lecture
- High-performance catalysts - Lecture
- High-performance fixed-bed in situ mass analyzer—ISMA - Academic article
- High-Rate Epitaxial Growth of Silicon Using Electron Beam Evaporation at High Temperatures - Academic article
- High-Temperature Heat Pumps Task 1 – Technologies - Report
- High-temperature sulfur capture by a Mn-Mo sorbent: An investigation of regeneration conditions and SO2 formation and prevention - Academic article
- Household Energy Practices in Low-Energy Buildings: A Qualitative Study of Klosterenga Ecological Housing Cooperative - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How autonomous will the autonomous ship be? - Lecture
- How Can (or Why Should) Process Engineering Aid the Screening and Discovery of Solid Sorbents for CO2 Capture? - Academic article
- How can a buying company develop a Toyota-style supplier network while its lean capabilities are still evolving? - Academic article
- How can authorities be enablers in the deployment of CCAM? An experienced-based expert study from Norway - Academic article
- How can control engineering save birds in wind farms? - Website (informational material)
- How can we decarbonise cement production? - Multimedia product
- How can we recycle problematic fishing gear containing copper and lead? - Popular scientific article
- How do drivers' attitudes to low emission zones change after experiencing it? – A pilot study in Norway - Academic article
- How do incumbent firms introduce short sea autonomous shipping and cargo operations in their offerings? - Lecture
- How do we integrate local energy communities into grid planning? - Website (informational material)
- How does a Sepsis Biosensor work? And what gold nanoparticles do we need for that? - Lecture
- How does Norwegian hydropower fit into the European power system? - Website (informational material)
- How has social media been affecting problem-solving in organizations undergoing Lean Production implementation? A multi-case study - Academic article
- How local governance can facilitate transitions on the last mile by improved data about urban freight transport. Case study and mapping in the city of Trondheim. - Academic lecture
- How people with knee pain understand why their pain changes or remains the same over time: A qualitative study - Academic article
- How representative are organisations of persons with disabilities? Data from nine population-based surveys in low- and middle-income countries - Academic article
- How research can contribute to cost-effective operation of wind farms - Lecture
- How technology can improve disaster management through better community engagement - Popular scientific lecture
- How to accurately fast-track sorbent selection for post-combustion CO2 capture? A comparative assessment of data-driven and simplified physical models for screening sorbents - Academic article
- How to choose the right wood-burning stove for your home - Website (informational material)
- How to deliver more flexibility from existing hydropower – findings from the HydroConnect project - Lecture
- How to ensure reliable noise calculations with Cnossos-EU - Academic article
- How to ensure reliable noise calculations with Cnossos-EU - Academic lecture
- How to evaluate caprock units using ML, Horda Platform area - Lecture
- How to keep the lights on in the energy transition - Lecture
- How to mitigate household flood damage - Interview
- How to Plug In the Fishing Fleet: Connectors in charging infrastructure for small fishing boats - Academic article
- How to represent damage data in BIM Models? – A literature review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How to support ATCOs in Dynamic Airspace Configurations Environment - Academic lecture
- How to use the IMO Compendium for Operational Data during Port Calls / AEGIS - Lecture
- How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows - Academic article
- How vortex dynamics affects the structural load in step cylinder flow - Academic article
- HPLC separation of intact LNPs - Lecture
- Human Factors and safety in automated and remote operations in oil and gas: A review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Human in the Data-Driven Zero Defect Manufacturing Loop: Case Examples from Manufacturing Companies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Human metapneumovirus driven IFN-β production antagonizes macrophage transcriptional induction of IL1-β in response to bacterial pathogens - Academic article
- Humanitarian Design: Joint Efforts in the Face of Uncertainty - Report
- Hvordan bruke grønne offentlige anskaffelser til å redusere klimagassutslipp? I: ZEN Årsrapport 2022 - Report
- Hybrid AI for industrial systems - Lecture
- Hybrid Analytics and Modellling Applications in Fluid Flow: Case Study - Wind Energy, Drilling, Greenhouse and Urban City. - Popular scientific lecture
- Hybrid and cognitive digital twins for the process industry - Academic article
- Hybrid Dynamic Surrogate Modelling for a Once-Through Steam Generator - Academic article
- Hybrid graph convolution neural network and branch-and-bound optimization for traffic flow forecasting - Academic article
- Hybrid molecular dynamic Monte Carlo simulation and experimental production of a multi-component Cu–Fe–Ni–Mo–W alloy - Academic article
- Hydration, stability and electrochemistry of electrode materials for proton ceramic electrochemical cells - Academic lecture
- HydroCen - Norwegian Research Centre for Hydropower Technology – Pumped storage in Europe considering the global energy crisis - Academic lecture
- Hydrochemical quality and microplastic levels of the groundwaters of Tuticorin, southeast coast of India - Academic article
- Hydroelastic response of concrete shells during impact on calm water - Academic article
- Hydroelastic response of Froude scaled stiffened steel panels exposed to design-critical wave slamming - Academic article
- HydroFy Final Report : Recent developments in European power market design – with implications for hydropower - Report
- Hydrogel modelling the extracellular matrix for investigating the effect of acoustic radiation force on nanoparticle transport - Poster
- Hydrogen activation through frustrated Lewis pairs: A quantum chemical perspective. - Poster
- Hydrogen activation through frustrated Lewis pairs: A quantum chemical perspective. - Poster
- Hydrogen diffusion in X65 pipeline steels - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen embrittlement assessment of pipeline materials through macro and micro mechanical tensile testing - Poster
- Hydrogen for harvesting the potential of offshore wind: A North Sea case study - Academic article
- Hydrogen in our time - Website (informational material)
- Hydrogen re-liquefaction Process for Boil-off Gas Handling on a Large-scale Liquid Hydrogen Carrier - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- HYDROGENi: A Norwegian Centre for Environment-friendly Energy Research - Lecture
- Hydropower Aggregation by Spatial Decomposition within the SDDP Algorithm - Academic lecture
- Hydropower flexibility - Academic lecture
- Hydropower Scheduling Toolchains: Comparing Experiences in Brazil, Norway, and USA and Implications for Synergistic Research - Academic article
- Hydrotalcite-Derived Nickel-Cobalt Catalysts for Steam Reforming of Bio-Syngas Hydrocarbon Impurities - Poster
- Hydrotalcite-Derived Nickel-Cobalt Catalysts for Steam Reforming of Bio-Syngas Hydrocarbon Impurities - Academic lecture
- Hydrothermal gasification (HTG/SCWG) in a continuous reactor - Lecture
- Hydrothermal Gasification of Biogas Digestate: a Parametric Study using a Matlab-based Code - Academic article
- Hydrothermal Gasification of Biogas Digestate: a Thermodynamic Study on Effects of Process Parameters Using Aspen Plus - Academic article
- Hygrothermal Simulation of Interior Insulated Brick Wall—Perspectives on Uncertainty and Sensitivity - Academic article
- HyLINE WP1 summary report: Hydrogen uptake, diffusion and trapping in pipeline steels - Report
- HyLINE WP4 summary report - Structural integrity assessment and numerical model development - Report
- HyPeak: A science-policy network to promote sustainable hydropeaking - Poster
- Hyperspectral Data from HYPSO-1 - Lecture
- HYPSO-1 CubeSat: First Images and In-Orbit Characterization - Academic article
- I Just Want to Help: SMEs Engaging with Cybersecurity Technology - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ICT security and independence - Report
- Identification and Investigation of Extreme Events Using an Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Approach With a Laplace Equation Solver and Coupling to a Navier-Stokes Solver - Academic article
- Identification of Fish Behaviour under the Influence of External Impact Factors - Academic lecture
- Identification of oxygen ion conductivity of Ba doped Bi0.5Na0.5TiO3 (Ba-BNT) based matrix impregnated by lithium/potassium electrolyte for molten carbonate fuel cells - Academic article
- Identification of viscous effects and examination of parameters influencing QTFs for a FWT substructure with heave plates - Poster
- Identifying Defects in Fishnets in Fish Farms - Poster
- Identifying pain and distress in non-verbal persons with intellectual disability: Professional caregivers' and parents' attitudes towards using wearable sensors - Academic article
- Illegal fishing: A challenge to fisheries management in Norway - Academic article
- Immersive Intelligent Edge IoT Technologies - Lecture
- IMMUNOmodel: Coming together to model immunotherapy response and toxicity in cancer - Poster
- IMO off course for decarbonisation of shipping? Three challenges for stricter policy - Short communication
- Impact analysis for a potential circular economy strategy for the plastic sector in Estonia - Report
- Impact Assessment and Exploitation Final Report for Improving Building Information Modelling by Realtime Tracing of Construction Processes - Report
- Impact of biorefinery processing conditions on the bioactive properties of fucoidan extracts from Saccharina latissima on SHK-1 cells - Academic article
- Impact of clay on elastic dispersion - Academic lecture
- Impact of energy pricing regimes on production schedules under solar-hydro hybridization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of ground gear design on catch efficiency in demersal trawl fishery - Academic article
- Impact of Overburden Anisotropy on Stress Changes and 4D Seismic Response - Academic lecture
- Impact of Reservoir Evaporation on Determining Power Purchasing Agreement under Solar-Hydro Hybridization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of wakes on floating wind turbines in a shared mooring system - Academic lecture
- Impact of wind farm wake steering control on blade root load - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impacts of existing and planned hydropower dams on river fragmentation in the Balkan Region - Academic article
- Impedance-Based Stability Analysis of Power Systems Incorporating Inverter-Based Resources: Techniques, Methods, and Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Implementation of finite element analysis and hybrid IEC-models in online ampacity tool - Poster
- Implementation of finite element analysis and hybrid IEC-models in online ampacity tool - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Implementing national care coordination guideline for people with complex care needs: evidence from a pilot study - Academic lecture
- Implications of single-stage deep learning networks in real-time zooplankton identification - Academic article
- Implicit representations: from traditional to learning approaches - Academic lecture
- Improved engineering method for the safe design of CO₂ pipelines - Website (informational material)
- Improved investment cost model and overhead cost consideration for high voltage direct current infrastructure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improving safety of interactions between conventional and autonomous ships - Academic article
- Improving the size selectivity and exploitation pattern of cocktail shrimp (Trachypenaeus curvirostris) in shrimp trawl fishery of the South China Sea - Academic article
- Improving wind power market value with various aspects of diversification - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- In depth characterization of physicochemical critical quality attributes of a clinical drug-dendrimer conjugate - Academic article
- In search of a smarter grid - Feature article
- In search of a smarter grid - Website (informational material)
- In situ and operando transmission electron microscopy investigations of MXene-based anodes for Li-ion all-solid-state batteries - Academic lecture
- In situ and Operando Transmission Electron Microscopy investigations of novel 2D-based anodes for Li-ion all-solid-state batteries - Academic lecture
- In situ and operando transmission electron microscopy: real-time nanoscale insights into emerging materials for batteries - Academic lecture
- In situ biomonitoring using caged lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) eggs reveal plastic and rubber associated chemicals in a harbour area in Central Norway - Academic article
- In situ heating and STEM studies of the evolution of precipitates in an Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy - Academic lecture
- In situ NAP-XPS characterization of a working Pd-Ag hydrogen permeation membrane - Poster
- In situ NAP-XPS characterization of PdAg single crystals and polycrystalline thin films - Academic lecture
- Inclusive hearing care for schoolchildren in rural Ethiopia: A school-based hearing screening intervention - Masters thesis
- Increased Emergency Preparedness in Coastal Aquaculture - Academic article
- Increasing sustainability in food production by using alternative bait in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery in the barents sea - Academic article
- Increasing the pace of decarbonization with industrial flexibility - Website (informational material)
- INDet: Lessons Learnt from Boron-coated 3-D Silicon Detector Production - Academic lecture
- Indicators for climate change adaptation and how to use them to assess sustainability - Lecture
- Indoor environment, allergy and why I was granted Crown Prince Haakon's Research Award - Academic lecture
- Industrial adaption of polymer membranes for gas separations - Academic lecture
- Industrial Control Systems Security Checklist: A Guiding Document for Developing Secure Industrial Control Systems, V1.0 - Report
- Industrial flexibility, sector coupling and wind power production to mitigate power grid capacity limitations - Academic lecture
- Industrial off-gas: An untapped resource - Popular scientific article
- Industrial off-gas: An untapped resource - Website (informational material)
- Industrial ontology development using EMMO - Academic lecture
- Industrial refrigeration, heat pumps and heat engine - Chapter
- Industrial Scale Hollow Fiber Hybrid Facilitated Transport Membrane Modules For Efficient CO2 Removal From Flue Gas Streams – Design, Development And Pilot Testing Performances - Academic lecture
- Industry 4.0 for the Process Industry: Using OPC UA to Implement an Information Model for Follow-Up of Safety Instrumented Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Industry 5.0 and Manufacturing Paradigms: Craft Manufacturing - A Case from Boat Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Industry 5.0 and Manufacturing Paradigms: Craft Manufacturing - A Case from Boat Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- Inertial Sensor-Based Estimation of Temporal Events in Skating Sub-Techniques While In-Field Roller Skiing - Academic article
- Inferring feature importance with uncertainties with application to large genotype data - Academic article
- Influence of Atmosphere and Temperature on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emissions from Green Anode Paste Baking - Academic article
- Influence of constituent particles on fracture of aluminum alloys under high-triaxiality loading - Academic article
- Influence of hydrogen import prices on hydropower systems in climate-neutral Europe - Academic article
- Influence of wake meandering paths on floating wind turbine response - Academic lecture
- Information films for children in dental care - Academic lecture
- Information model for functional safety - Report
- Information modeling of SIF/SIS in I4.0 context - Lecture
- Information Security Aspects of Industrial Control Systems: An Introduction for ICS Integrators and Asset Owners, V1.0 - Report
- Ingestion of car tire crumb rubber and uptake of associated chemicals by lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) - Academic article
- Ingestion of car tire crumb rubber and uptake of associated chemicals into blood of the Arctic lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) - Academic lecture
- Ingestion of car tyre rubber by lumpfish increases exposure to toxins - Popular scientific article
- Inherent safety of clean fuels for maritime transport - Academic article
- Initial Results with Real-Time Testing of Smart-WAMS for Power Oscillation Monitoring - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Initial study of application of CFD on VIM of semi-submersible FOWT - Poster
- Innovation first! Managing operational risk in aquaculture technology development - Academic lecture
- Innovation in the Norwegian aquaculture industry - Academic literature review
- Innovation policy in the Norwegian aquaculture industry: Reshaping aquaculture production innovation networks - Academic article
- Innovation projects overview - Lecture
- Innovation sprint - Offshore logistics optimisation - Lecture
- Innovations for improved emergency preparedness in the Norwegian aquaculture industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Innovations in hydropeaking research - Editorial
- Innovative coatings and materials from industrial biotechnology - Lecture
- Innovative reheat approach of the TES system during the hotel’s standstill operation utilizing a CO2 heat pump/chiller unit - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Innovative stochastic probability distribution of fault permeabilities in 3D geo-pressure modelling - Academic lecture
- Innovative technologies for treatment of mixed and sorted waste fractions - Lecture
- Innovative technologies for treatment of mixed and sorted waste fractions - Report
- Input to energy efficiency consultation - Website (informational material)
- In-situ Stress Determination – Downhole Methods - Academic lecture
- Inspections and Investigations on Herøysund Bridge, 2023 - Academic lecture
- Integrated CO2 refrigeration and heat pump system for a dairy plant: Energy analysis and potential for cold thermal energy storage - Academic lecture
- Integrated CO2 refrigeration and heat pump system for a dairy plant: Energy analysis and potential for cold thermal energy storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated design and operational optimization of energy systems in dairies - Academic article
- Integrated Planning for safe and efficient maritime autonomous transport operations - Academic lecture
- Integrated Planning for safe and efficient maritime autonomous transport operations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated R744 Heat Pump/chiller for Hotel: State-of-the-Art Implementation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated technologies based on heat pumps, thermal energy storage and smart control systems - Report
- Integrating cybersecurity and safety barrier management - Lecture
- Integrating Machine Learning Techniques into the Decision-making Process for Hydro Scheduling - Academic lecture
- Integrating safety and cybersecurity barrier management - Lecture
- Integrating Smart Manufacturing to Lean: A Multiple-Case Study of the Impact on Shop-Floor Employees’ Autonomy and Empowerment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integration of Cold Thermal Energy Storage at a Pelagic Fish Processing Plant: A Modelling Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integration of digestate thermal hydrolysis and Hydrothermal carbonization in conventional biogas plants - Lecture
- Integration of Fast-Charging Stations in the Distribution System - Masters thesis
- Integration of heat treatment and forming techniques to reduce energy consumption in high volume production of car components - Academic lecture
- Integration of Life Cycle Assessment and Value Stream Mapping to Ensure Sustainable Development: A literature Review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integration of Renewable Energy Sources into Electricity Markets via Optimized Wind Farm and Hydropower Scheduling - Poster
- Integration of Thin Film Electrodes for Microfluidic Electrochemical Cells - Lecture
- Integriertes CO2- Kälteanlagensystem einer Molkerei: Energieflussanalyse und Potenzial für einen kalten thermischen Energiespeicher - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Intelligent Ship Transport Systems - ISTS - Lecture
- Interconnects and coatings - Chapter
- Interlaboratory comparison of three low-sulfur marine fuel oils between laboratories in Canada, China, Sweden, USA, and Norway WP3 – PAME/EPPR characterization methodology - Report
- Intermetallic Phase Layers in Cold Metal Transfer Aluminium-Steel Welds with an Al–Si–Mn Filler Alloy - Academic article
- International Hydrogen and Materials Integrity Workshop 2023 - Other product
- Interoperability enabled by data documentation - Academic lecture
- Interphase Engineering of LiNi0.88Mn0.06Co0.06O2 Cathodes Using Octadecyl Phosphonic Acid Coupling Agents - Academic article
- INTERPORT - Integrated Energy Systems in Ports - Lecture
- Interpretable Differential Diagnosis of Non-COVID Viral Pneumonia, Lung Opacity and COVID-19 Using Tuned Transfer Learning and Explainable AI - Academic article
- Interrogation of the Interfacial Energetics at a Tantalum Nitride/Electrolyte Heterojunction during Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting by Operando Ambient Pressure X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy - Academic article
- Interview at "The Battery Lab" podcast, Episode 8 "Batteries for grid-scale energy storage with Dr. Roberto Scipioni" - Interview
- Into the Hive-Mind: Shared Absorption and Cardiac Interrelations in Expert and Student String Quartets - Academic article
- Intraperitoneal administration of cabazitaxel-loaded nanoparticles in peritoneal metastasis models - Academic article
- Introducing Cambridge Prisms: Plastics - Editorial
- Introducing hope in design for health and well-being - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Introduction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Introduction to digital technologies for urban applications - Focus on Extended & Virtual Reality - Academic lecture
- Introduction to Graph Data - Lecture
- Introduction to Norway-China collaborative project of BigDataMine - Academic lecture
- Introduction to ontologies and how they can be used for data documentation and semantic interoperability - Academic lecture
- Introduction to ontology-based frameworks via EMMC - Academic lecture
- Introduction to Sure2Coat - Lecture
- Introduction to the more general findings regarding the AEGIS logistical systems - Lecture
- Introduction to the OIP workshop - Lecture
- Introduction to the Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Cross-Sectoral Innovation Conference (RAIC 2022) - Popular scientific lecture
- Introduction to use cases for optimisation: QAOA - Academic lecture
- Introduction to webinar on automated task planning for autonomous robot and drone teams - Lecture
- Introduction to workshop on I&M robotics in day-2-day operations - Learning across industries - Lecture
- In-use conditions of air-tightening materials applied in the air gap of ventilated building envelope constructions: A parametric study for different European climates - Academic lecture
- In-use conditions of air-tightening materials applied in the air gap of ventilated building envelope constructions: A parametric study for different European climates - Academic article
- Investigating electrochemical charging conditions equivalent to hydrogen gas exposure of X65 pipeline steel - Academic article
- Investigating the characteristics of a dynamic model of a once-through steam generator for waste heat recovery - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Investigating the characteristics of a dynamic model of a once-through steam generator for waste heat recovery - Academic lecture
- Investigating the influence of temperature and atmosphere on the formation and decomposition of PAHs from carbonaceous materials used in industrial processes: Method development - Poster
- Investigating the role of flexible electrical appliances in a demand charge grid tariff scenario - a Norwegian case study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation and analysis of a CO2 heat pump chiller with novel two-stage evaporator - Academic lecture
- Investigation and analysis of a CO2 heat pump chiller with novel two-stage evaporator - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation into the OECD 309 Surface Water Mineralisation Test – Exploring Impacts of Sample Collection and Storage, Experimental Factors, and Reference Compounds - Poster
- Investigation into the OECD 309 Surface Water Mineralisation Test – Exploring Impacts of Sample Collection and Storage, Experimental Factors, and Reference Compounds (pres) - Academic lecture
- Investigation of CO2 refrigeration system and thermal energy storage for passenger ships - Academic lecture
- Investigation of CO2 refrigeration system and thermal energy storage for passenger ships - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of control strategies for adsorption-based CO2 capture from a thermal power plant under variable load operation - Academic article
- Investigation of gasification reactivity and properties of biocarbon at high temperature in a mixture of CO/CO2 - Academic article
- Investigation of hybrid power plant configurations for an offshore vessel with co-simulation approach - Academic article
- Investigation of hydroxyl (OH) groups uniformity in fused quartz crucibles used for Czochralski silicon production - Poster
- Investigation of OH groups uniformity in fused quartz crucibles used for Czochralski silicon production - Lecture
- Investigation of potential benefits of using extensive hotspot monitoring in power transformers - Poster
- Investigation of the feasibility for a combined offshore wind and wave energy plant in the Norwegian waters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of the Formability of AA6010 in an Integrated Forming and Hardening Process Aiming to Reduce the Energy Consumption in High Volume Production of Automotive Components - Academic article
- Investigation of the Formation and Detection of Casing-Cement Debonding in Small Scale Samples - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of the Importance of Frame Height Compared to Test Specimen Height During Laboratory Sound Absorption Measurements - Academic lecture
- Investigation on adsorption of sodium fluoro-aluminates on graphite by density functional theory - Academic article
- Investigation on three-inverter fed two OEWIM drives - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation towards efficient walk-to-work (W2W) operability simulations - Academic lecture
- Investigation, numerical model, and monitoring for Follo line - a metro project in Oslo - Academic article
- Investigations on CO2 Reactivity and Thermal Strength of Carbon Sources for Ferroalloy and Silicon Production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigations on CO2 Reactivity and Thermal Strength of Carbon Sources for Ferroalloy and Silicon Production. - Academic lecture
- Invisible subjects at the Pier. Telling compelling stories without faces and voices - Academic lecture
- InVizAR project: Augmented Reality visualization of invisible fields utilizing sensor data - Report
- Involving Older People With Frailty or Impairment in the Design Process of Digital Health Technologies to Enable Aging in Place: Scoping Review - Academic literature review
- Involving users in the development of a modeling language for customer journeys - Academic article
- Iodine intake and excretion from sheep supplemented with macroalgae (Laminaria hyperborea) by-product - Academic article
- IoT and edge computing applications for smart communities - Lecture
- IoT Capabilities in Regaining Travelers' Confidence Through Touchless Travel: An Empirical Study for the Revival of the Airline Sector - Academic article
- Iridium Deposition By Galvanic Displacement of Cu in a One-Pot Configuration - Academic lecture
- Iridium Deposition By Galvanic Displacement of Cu on a One-Pot Configuration - Lecture
- Is Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Really So Expensive? An Analysis of Cascading Costs and CO2 Emissions Reduction of Industrial CCS Implementation on the Construction of a Bridge - Academic article
- Is Geoengineering The Answer To The Global Climate Crisis? - Feature article
- Is it possible to include new perspectives in Norwegian marine governance or do we end up in a tragedy of path-dependencies? - Academic lecture
- Is it worth doing a battery PhD? - Lecture
- Is salt precipitation an issue during geological storage of hydrogen in saline aquifers? from thermodynamic perspective using PC-SAFT EoS - Lecture
- Is there a bright future for marine gelatine? - Academic lecture
- Is there a limit to the potential effects of shortening lastridge ropes on the size selectivity of diamond mesh codends? - Academic article
- Is two weeks enough fro an equitable and effective treaty design? Hurdles and gaps in the BBNJ process - Lecture
- ISO 28005 –Brief Overview - Lecture
- Isothermal Pre-Reduction Behavior of Nchwaning Manganese Ore in H2 Atmosphere - Academic article
- ITChES: Integration of Thermochemical Energy Storage - Lecture
- Jakten på det autentiske - Interview
- Jammertest 2022: Jamming and Spoofing Lessons Learned - Academic article
- Joint well-placement and well-control optimization for energy-efficient water flooding of oil fields - Academic article
- June 2023 demonstration – Short report & guide Gaia Vesterålen - Technical report for H5 and H7 - Report
- Just Energy Transition in Europe - Lecture
- Keeping the human element to secure autonomous shipping operations - Academic article
- Keeping winter roads open: Integrating snow avalanche risk assessment data from uncrewed aerial vehicles into roadway agencies' decision support systems - Academic lecture
- Key Normative Issues for Future Ethical Evaluation of Seabed Mining - Report
- Keynote presentation - MDS4IoT: Access Control for Edge-based Data Sharing and towards Security Orchestration - Academic lecture
- Kicking off the GreenShift events - Website (informational material)
- Kicking off the GreenShift Events: Uniting Europe for a Sustainable Energy Transition - Website (informational material)
- Kinematic motion models based vessel state estimation to support advanced ship predictors - Academic article
- Kinetic Modelling of FeMn Pilot Experiments: Investigating the Effect of Charge Type and Pre-treatment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Kinetics of the CO<inf>2</inf> gasification of woods, torrefied woods, and wood chars. Least squares evaluations by empirical models - Academic article
- Kinetics Study on the Hydrogen Reduction of Bauxite Residue-Calcite Sintered Pellets at Elevated Temperature - Academic article
- Knowledge Graph storage systems: do they scale? - Lecture
- Knowledge obstacles when transitioning towards circular economy: an industrial intra-organisational perspective - Academic article
- Knowns and Unknowns: An Experience Report on Discovering Tacit Knowledge of Maritime Surveyors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- KSP-K CHARISMA: CHARacterization and 4D Imaging of near well CO2 flow in fractureS and Micro-Annuli - Academic lecture
- L’IA, votre meilleure amie? Une nouvelle vague de chatbots veut se rapprocher de vous - Interview
- L’inactivité des machines de construction est une catastrophe climatique – l’intelligence artificielle peut être la solution – NRK Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio - Interview
- Laboratory Setup for Ageing of New Environmentally Friendly Insulation Gases - Academic lecture
- Laboratory-Scale Experiments to Predict Barite Sedimentation in Drilling Fluids in Wells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Large eddy simulations of diesel ignited ammonia dual fuel combustion - Academic lecture
- Large-scale Offshore Wind Development and Decarbonization Pathways of the Norwegian Energy System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Laser beam remelting of stainless steel plate for cladding and comparison with conventional CMT process - Academic article
- Laser sintering of LLZO films for solid-state batteries - Poster
- Laser welding of AA2065 and AA7021Al Alloys using purpose made welding wires - Academic article
- Lateral Buckling of Tensile Armor Wires in Flexible Pipe Subject to Axial Compressive and Cyclic Bending Load - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Latest developments in the carbon footprint of salmon products exported from Norway and cost-effective reduction measures - Popular scientific article
- LCA results for core formulations and SIP alternatives - Academic lecture
- LCA WTW approach to cost and energy effective shipping decarbonization - Academic lecture
- LCA WTW approach to cost and energy efficient shipping - Lecture
- LC-Orbitrap MS/MS based untargeted lipidomics of marine microalgae - Poster
- Leachates immunotoxicity from rubber-based materials to Mytilus edulis - Lecture
- Leaching of environmental contaminants from smartphones and their toxicity to marine organisms - Poster
- Leakage Detection - Lecture
- Lean and action learning: towards an integrated theory? - Academic article
- Lean and Digitalization Status in Manufacturing Companies Located in Norway - Academic article
- Lean Management in Services - Encyclopedia article
- Leapfrog to a sustainable agricultural cold chain in low-income economies. The EU ENOUGH programme: Tools and methodologies to help decarbonising the EU food supply chain sector - Lecture
- Learned multiphysics inversion with differentiable programming and machine learning - Academic article
- Learning analytics and Artificial Intelligence: transforming education - Academic lecture
- Learning deep abdominal CT registration through adaptive loss weighting and synthetic data generation - Academic article
- Learning for Model Predictive Control - Doctoral dissertation
- Learning From the Norwegian Electric Vehicle Success: An Overview - Academic article
- Learning neural representations for the processing of temporal data in deep neural networks - Doctoral dissertation
- Left-Ventricular Volume Estimation in Contrast-Enhanced Echocardiography Using Deep Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Legacy wells screening and monitoring for large-scale storage - Abstract
- Leisure activities and mental well-being among adolescents across Norwegian municipalities - Abstract
- Leisure activities and mental well-being among adolescents across Norwegian municipalities - Academic lecture
- Lesbian and gay individuals' path into foster parenting in Norway—Barriers and facilitators at the person and system levels - Academic article
- Lesson learned from H2-related incidents: criticality of maintenance operations - Academic article
- Lessons learned from HIAD 2.0: Inspection and maintenance to avoid hydrogen-induced material failures - Academic article
- Lice shielding skirts through the decade: Efficiency, environmental interactions, and rearing challenges - Academic literature review
- Life cycle emission and cost assessment for LNG-retrofitted vessels: the risk and sensitivity analyses under fuel property and load variations - Academic article
- Life cycle management strategies for handling environmental hotspots of fishing nets - Poster
- Light’s invisible properties can be used to detect cancer - Interview
- Linear Darboux polynomials for Lotka–Volterra systems, trees and superintegrable families - Academic article
- Linking muscle architecture and function in vivo: conceptual or methodological limitations? - Academic article
- Lipid oxidation during ensilaging of salmon by-products and effect of pH and antioxidants - Poster
- Lipid oxidation during ensilaging of salmon by-products and effect of pH and antioxidants - Poster
- Lipoprotein subfraction profiling in the search of new risk markers for myocardial infarction: The HUNT study - Academic article
- Liposomes - Human phagocytes interplay in whole blood: effect of liposome design - Academic article
- Literature review on surface-active components in emulsions and foams: Theory and modelling efforts - Academic literature review
- Literature study on challenges of reliability and resilience analysis in green hydrogen production - Poster
- Local electricity market pricing mechanisms’ impact on welfare distribution, privacy and transparency - Academic article
- Local Ground Monitoring Network of Solar Irradiance at High Latitude: the NTNU-SINTEF SolarNet - Lecture
- Locally refined spline surfaces and volumes for representation and analysis of geo-spational points - Lecture
- Long night's journey into day: a qualitative study of the implementation of a shared electronic health record - Academic lecture
- Long-term development of shale barrier efficiency: Laboratory tests on an outcrop shale - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Long-term development of shale barrier efficiency: Laboratory tests on an outcrop shale - Academic lecture
- Long-term dynamics, population structure and connectivity of the helmet jellyfish Periphylla periphylla in a Norwegian fjord and adjacent waters - Academic article
- Long-term microbial community structures and dynamics in a commercial RAS during seven production batches of Atlantic salmon fry (Salmo salar) - Academic article
- Long-term multi-frequency GNSS RFI monitoring campaign results and analysis - Academic lecture
- Long-term projection of electricity price in Europe - Poster
- Loss of CpFTSY Reduces Photosynthetic Performance and Affects Insertion of PsaC of PSI in Diatoms - Academic article
- LOUISE - Low-cost CO₂ capture by chemical looping combustion of waste-derived fuels - Lecture
- Low carbon power generation for offshore oil and gas production - Academic article
- Low carbon ventilation solutions for future buildings - Interview
- Low temperature crystallization as a method to fractionate fatty acids in salmon and herring oils - Lecture
- Low-Cost Angle of Arrival-Based Auxiliary Navigation System for UAV using Signals of Opportunity - Academic article
- Low-cost monitoring - Lecture
- LowEmission Annual report 2022 - Report
- LowEx – Off-gas measurements during melting of Al-scrap - Report
- Low-parameter linear model to activate the flexibility of the building thermal mass in energy system optimization - Academic article
- Low-pressure liquid CO2 terminal - a model study of the loading of a liquid CO2 tanker - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- MACH-2 project: A novel hybrid process for membrane-assisted hydrogen production with CO2 capture through liquefaction - Academic lecture
- Machine Learning (ML) diffusion in the design process: A study of Norwegian design consultancies - Academic article
- Machine learning and milk analyses make it easier to monitor cow and herd health - Popular scientific article
- Machine learning based assessment of preclinical health questionnaires - Academic article
- Machine learning for predicting dimensions of extrusion blow molded parts: A comparison of three algorithms - Academic article
- Machine Learning Methods for Structure Loss Classification in Czochralski Silicon Ingots - Lecture
- Machine Learning Models for Predicting Cuttings Concentration in Annulus Based on Flowloop Experimental Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Machine learning to estimate fault density in overburden - a puzzle piece in de-risking of CO2 storage - Poster
- Machine learning-assisted predictions of soot distributions from luminosity images for renewable fuels - Poster
- Machine learning-based estimation of buildings' characteristics employing electrical and chilled water consumption data: Pipeline optimization - Academic article
- Machine-Learning-Based Prediction of HVAC-Driven Load Flexibility in Warehouses - Academic article
- Machines will be the drivers of tomorrow. But how will we get there? - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Magat Hybrid Power Plant - Status and preliminary results - Academic lecture
- Magnesiothermic Reduction of Silica: A Machine Learning Study - Academic article
- Magnesium Hydroxy Carbonate Hydrates—Nature-Inspired Water Filters for Heavy Metal Sequestration - Academic lecture
- Magnetic-Responsive Carbon Nanotubes Composite Scaffolds for Chondrogenic Tissue Engineering - Academic article
- Magneto-Telluric data sensitivity for leakage risk of offshore CO2 storage - Academic lecture
- Magnetron sputtering of GDC films for co-ionic membrane reactors - Lecture
- Main bearing fatigue sensitivity to synthetic turbulence models - Poster
- Maintaining Constant Export Oil and Gas Rates in Offshore Installations Powered by Fluctuating Wind Energy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Make Data Smart 2023: Closing Plenary Session panel discussion "Revolutionising organisational practices with Data&AI: Overcoming challenges and maximising potential - Academic lecture
- Making research accessible using a digital tool: Communicating future scenario predictions from recurrent neural networks using a lightweight web application - Academic lecture
- Making scientific data available for AI - Academic lecture
- Man0EUvRE - Energy System Modelling for Transition to a net-Zero 2050 for EU via REPowerEU - Lecture
- Managing industry transitions in ETO: the case of yard intralogistics - Academic article
- Maneuvering between skepticism and optimism about hyped technologies: Building trust in digital twins - Academic article
- Manganese production from MnO by use of hydrogen plasma - Poster
- Manganese production from MnO by use of hydrogen plasma - Poster
- Manganese Production with Hydrogen Plasma - Academic lecture
- Manganese Production with Hydrogen Plasma - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Manifestation of negative compressibility in partially saturated rocks: theory and experiment - Academic lecture
- Manifestation of negative compressibility in partially saturated rocks: theory and experiment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mannuronate C-5 epimerases and their use in alginate modification - Academic literature review
- Mapping effects and consequences of the establishment of offshore wind for the Norwegian fishing industry: Insights from Hywind Tampen - Academic lecture
- Mapping of Marine Rest Raw Material in the Norwegian Seafood Industry: A Decade of Results - Academic article
- Mapping Sites for Retrofitting non-Powered Dams in Romania as Renewable Power Sources - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mapping the AEC startup ecosystem - Survey (2023) - Website (informational material)
- Mapping the evolution of anti-Muslim hate speech in Norwegianl social media - Academic lecture
- MARE Ship Finance Forum - Lecture
- Marginal abatement cost of alternative marine fuels and the role of market-based measures - Academic article
- Marine and Algae Lipids: Opportunities and Challenges - Academic lecture
- Marine biofouling and the role of biocidal coatings in balancing environmental impacts - Academic literature review
- Marine experiences with aluminium - Lecture
- Marine food powders: a solution for reducing food waste - Website (informational material)
- Marine-derived bio-actives and their nanoformulation into high-added value products - Lecture
- Maritime Emergency Preparedness – Drifting Ships - Academic lecture
- Maritime Emergency Preparedness – Drifting Ships - Academic article
- Maritime Intelligent Transport Systems - Lecture
- Maritime logistics optimisation for predictive maintenance at offshore wind farms - Academic article
- Markedskartlegging brosme - En betraktning av dagens status - Report
- Market developments towards 100% RES - Lecture
- Market Manipulation in Stock and Power Markets: A Study of Indicator-Based Monitoring and Regulatory Challenges - Academic article
- Market Study on Inspection and Maintenance Robotics in Norway - Suppliers, Market Needs and Challenges - Report
- MARMAN prosjektet - Popular scientific lecture
- Mass Customization in Networks: A Typology of Collaboration Forms - Academic lecture
- Mass Customization in Networks: A Typology of Collaboration Forms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mass mortality events in marine salmon aquaculture and their influence on occupational health and safety hazards and risk of injury - Academic article
- Master and activity scheduling in surgical departments - Managing waiting lists across units ans specialties - Academic lecture
- Material anisotropy of metals processed by AM and methodologies to approach it - Lecture
- Materials characterisation and software tools as key enablers in Industry 5.0 and wider acceptance of new methods and products - Academic article
- Materials for Hydrogen Storage and Transport: Implications for Risk-Based Inspection - Academic article
- MCSINC. Summarising the main findings of work package 1: Demands and requirements for machine sensing infrastructure. - Report
- Meaningful Human Control in Critical-Safety Systems - Lecture
- Meaningful Human Control in Critical-Safety Systems - Academic lecture
- Meaningful Human Control in Critical-Safety Systems - Academic lecture
- Meaningful Human Control in Critical-Safety Systems - Academic lecture
- Measurement of the Wood Stove Impact on the Electric Power Consumption of a Norwegian Detached House - Academic article
- Measurement technologies for pipeline transport of carbon dioxide-rich mixtures for CCS - Academic article
- Measurements of bubble size distribution underneath breaking waves - Poster
- Mechanical Performance Assessment of Subsea Pipeline Base Metals for Hydrogen Transport - Academic lecture
- Mechanism of nanoplastics capture by jellyfish mucin and its potential as a sustainable water treatment technology - Academic article
- Mechanisms and Thermochemistry of Reactions of SiO and Si2O2 with OH and H2O - Academic article
- Mechanisms of SiO oxidation: Implications for dust formation - Academic article
- Medical evacuation and patient care in cold weather operations -following a user-centered approach to develop a new prehospital hypothermia wrap system - Lecture
- MediMARE: Mediation in Maritime Disputes. Guidebook - Report
- Medium scale distribution chains for hydrogen - Academic lecture
- MEMBRALIGN - Membranes with Aligned nanostructures for CO2 separation - Academic lecture
- Membrane process design for biohydrogen purification with simultaneous CO2 capture: Feasibility and techno-economic assessment - Academic article
- Membranes at sea – From global motions to local material behaviour - Lecture
- Membranes for CO2 capture and blue H2 production - Activities at SINTEF - Lecture
- Mesopelagics–New gold rush or castle in the sky? - Academic article
- Metabolic effects of diet containing blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and blue mussel-fed salmon in a mouse model of obesity - Academic article
- Metabolite interactions in the bacterial Calvin cycle and implications for flux regulation - Academic article
- Metal- and covalent-organic framework mixed matrix membranes for CO2 separation: A perspective on stability and scalability - Academic article
- Metal Screw Extrusion, state of the art and beyond - Academic lecture
- Metamorphic Testing for Web System Security - Academic article
- Meta-Parametrization of Photovoltaic Module Technologies for a Comprehensive Evaluation of Solar Energy Projects in Road Infrastructure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Metatranscriptome analysis reveals the putative venom toxin repertoire of the biofouling hydroid Ectopleura larynx - Academic article
- Methane storage in metal-organic framework HKUST-1 with enhanced heat management using 3D printed metal lattices - Academic article
- Method Development for Temperature Dependent Lifetime Spectroscopy - Poster
- Method for Estimating the Potential of Small Wind Power in the Urban Built Environment - Academic article
- Methodology for Evaluating Grid Development Strategies Considering Real Options and Risks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Methodology for Evaluating Grid Development Strategies Considering Real Options and Risks - Poster
- Methods to Account for Design for Disassembly: Status of the Building Sector - Academic article
- Methods, indicators and solutions for sustainable hydropower - Academic lecture
- Metocean portal - Lecture
- Microalloying of Liquid Al–Mg Alloy Studied In-Situ by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Microbial based early-warning tool for H2S occurrence in RAS- A demonstration of principle - Academic lecture
- Microfabricated Liquid Junction-Based Nanosprayers for Capillary Electrophoresis Coupling with Mass Spectrometry Detection - Poster
- Microfibers: Fashion's tiny big problem - Lecture
- Microfluidic Nanospray Emitters with a Liquid Junction for Sensitive Bioanalyses - Lecture
- Microfluidic Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensors based on Nanoimprint Resist for Sensitive Detection of Pesticides in Water - Lecture
- Microplastics Derived from Commercial Fishing Activities - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Arc-Melted NiSi11Cx Alloys - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Microstructure and Salt Fog Corrosion of Wrought Mg-Al-Zn and Mg-RE Alloys - Academic article
- Microstructured membrane reactors for process intensification - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Mid term result presentation of SmartChain-Smart solutions for advancing supply systems in blue bioeconomy value chains - Lecture
- Mid-Norway is now a “hydrogen valley” - Website (informational material)
- Migrating monoliths to cloud-native microservices for customizable SaaS - Academic article
- Migration of biocides and silicone oils in PDMS based antifouling coatings for the marine industry - Poster
- Miktoarm PEG–PCL Star Copolymer (AB6) Blend Composite Solid Electrolyte for All-Solid-State Lithium Metal Battery - Academic article
- Milk analysis reveals ‘invisible’ disease in dairy cows. Norwegian SciTech News Research News - Popular scientific article
- Mind the gap – Relevant design for laboratory oil exposure of fish as informed by a numerical impact assessment model - Academic article
- Miniaturised sensors for environmental applications at SINTEF Digital - Lecture
- Miniaturized Flash Lidar for Landing Applications - Academic lecture
- Minimizing emissions from current clean-burn wood stove technology by automating the combustion air supply and improving the end-user interaction – two important primary measures - Academic lecture
- Mitigation measures for preventing collision of birds with wind turbines - Academic lecture
- Mitigation measures for preventing collision of birds with wind turbines - Academic lecture
- Mitigation measures for preventing collision of birds with wind turbines - Academic article
- Mitigation measures for preventing collision of birds with wind turbines - Academic lecture
- m-NLP Inference Models Using Simulation and Regression Techniques - Academic article
- Mobile Connectivity Beyond the Coast-Line: A Case Study for Next Generation Shipping - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Model predictive control of compact combined cycles in offshore power plants integrating a wind farm - Poster
- Model predictive control of compact combined cycles in offshore power plants integrating a wind farm - Academic article
- Model test of a hydroelastic truncated floating bridge with a stay-cable tower - Academic article
- Model-Based Architecture for Multisensor Fault Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation in Natural-Gas Pipelines - Academic article
- Model-informed classification of broadband acoustic backscattering from zooplankton in an in situ mesocosm - Lecture
- Model-informed classification of broadband acoustic backscattering from zooplankton in an in situ mesocosm - Academic lecture
- Modeling and simulation of an anion-exchange membrane electrolyzer using BattMo: a unified open source platform for electrochemical systems - Academic lecture
- Modeling Contact Resistance and Water Transport within a Cathode Liquid-Fed Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzer - Academic article
- Modeling of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Operations for Aquaculture - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling of Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) Operations for Aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Modeling the Effect of Excess Vacancies on Precipitation and Mechanical Properties of Al–Mg–Si Alloys - Academic article
- Modelling a Norwegian ammonia value chain for maritime transport - Lecture
- Modelling and experimental framwork for accelerated development of materials to be processed by the Laser Powder Bed Fusion technology - Academic lecture
- Modelling and Optimization of Shallow Underground Thermal Energy Storage - Academic article
- Modelling interactions between kelp cultures and the ocean carbon system - Academic lecture
- Modelling of a Proton-Exchange Membrane Electrolysis Cell with Liquid-Fed Cathode - Academic lecture
- Modelling of fatigue damage in granitic rock by piezoelectric effect in quartz phase due to alternating current excitation - Academic article
- Modelling of Fibre Rope Mooring for a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling of Hydraulic Fracturing Risk on Cement Sheath Integrity - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling of Hydraulic Fracturing Risk on Cement Sheath Integrity - Academic lecture
- Modelling of major phases formation during solidification of Ferro-Silicon-Magnesium - Academic lecture
- Modelling of major phases formation during solidification of Ferro-Silicon-Magnesium - Academic article
- Modelling of Nonlinear Contact Resistance in a Finite Element Framework - Academic lecture
- Modelling of running ductile fracture by coupling the phase-field evolution with a local damage model - Academic lecture
- Modelling of Synthetic Fibre Rope Mooring for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines - Academic article
- Modelling overflow using mixed integer programming in short-term hydropower scheduling - Academic article
- Modelling the effects of transport electrification on mineral supply chains - Lecture
- Modelling the growth, biomass, and composition of cultivated Saccharina latissima in Norway - Lecture
- Modelling the spatial evolution of excess vacancies and its influence on age hardening behaviors in multicomponent aluminium alloys - Academic article
- Modelling the spatial evolution of vacancies across grains in multicomponent aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Modelling the spatial evolution of vacancies across grains in multicomponent aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Modelling the spatial evolution of vacancies across grains in multicomponent aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Modelling uncertainty in gas and CO2 prices – consequences for electricity price - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Moderate and severe traumatic brain injury: Lesion frequency distribution maps of brain contusions on early MRI and its association with functional outcome at 12 months - Poster
- Moderation of people’s subjective reactions to road noise - Academic article
- Moderator – SWIPA Annual Conference 2023 - Lecture
- Modular Collision Avoidance Using Predictive Safety Filters - Academic lecture
- Modular Multi-level Energy Storage System - Report
- Modulating the HVAC Demand of a Warehouse to Provide Load Flexibility for Charging Electric Trucks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Moisture safety strategy for construction of CLT structures in a coastal Nordic climate - Academic article
- Molecular insights into alginate β-lactoglobulin A multivalencies—The foundation for their amorphous aggregates and coacervation - Academic article
- Momentum Flux Measurements of Liquid Injection of Ammonia using a GDI Injector - Poster
- Monitoring and Control of networks for CCS - Lecture
- Monitoring casing corrosion of legacy wells using CSEM: implications for large-scale energy and CO2 storage projects in shut-down hydrocarbon fields - Academic article
- Mooring line damping with shared mooring lines - Lecture
- More matter with less art: on Hamlet and the lack of real climate action - Website (informational material)
- Mortality and subsequent healthcare use among older patients discharged to a municipality with excess demand for elderly care - Academic article
- Morten Levin, July 11, 1946- April 9, 2023 - Book review
- MRST vertical equilibrium model analysis for CO2 storage - Academic lecture
- MRST: Status and outlook - Lecture
- MSW for energy recovery - 2020-2035 Scenarios for a large city - Academic article
- MSW for Energy Recovery - 2020-2035 Scenarios for a Large City - Poster
- Multi-Conductor Cable Modeling with Inclusion of Measured Coaxial Wave Propagation Characteristics - Academic article
- Multifractal time evolution for intraplate earthquakes recorded in southern Norway during 1980–2021 - Academic literature review
- Multi-label Video Classification for Underwater Ship Inspection - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multi-label Video Classification for Underwater Ship Inspection - Lecture
- Multi-level Data Assimilation: Statistical Background and Application to the Shallow-Water Model - Poster
- Multi-material additive manufacturing - Academic lecture
- Multi-material additive manufacturing - Lecture
- Multi-material additive manufacturing through electrostatic metal powder attraction and laser-induced forward transfer - Academic lecture
- Multi-material Joining of an Aluminum Alloy to Copper, Steel, and Titanium by Hybrid Metal Extrusion & Bonding - Academic article
- Multi-Modal SLAM for Accurate Localisation in Self-similar Environments - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multimode Power Oscillation Damping Controller Synthesis using Vector Fitting - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multiphase flow researchers at the International Conference on Multiphase Flow – Kobe 2023 - Short communication
- Multiphysics monitoring of CO2 storage - Abstract
- Multiple-Attribute Decision Making Based on Intuitionistic Hesitant Fuzzy Connection Set Environment - Academic article
- Multipurpose screening of a marine bacteria strain collection - Poster
- Multipurpose screening of a marine bacteria strain collection - Academic lecture
- Multi-resolution learning with operator- and recurrent neural networks - Academic lecture
- Multi-resolution learning with operator- and recurrent neural networks - Poster
- Multisensor UAS testing to support avalanche forecasting and monitoring - Abstract
- Multi‐stage validation of a solar irradiance model chain: An application at high latitudes - Academic article
- Multi-stakeholder initiatives and decarbonization in the European food supply chain - Academic article
- Muscle function during cross-country skiing at different speed and incline conditions - Academic article
- MVDC MgB2 superconducting cables for hybrid power transmission - Academic lecture
- MVDC MgB2 superconducting cables for hybrid power transmission - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- MViST: A Multi-label Vision Spatiotemporal Transformer for Underwater Ship Inspection - Lecture
- Müllverbrennung bremst den Klimawandel aus - Interview
- Müllverbrennung bremst Klimawandel - Interview
- Müllverbrennung bremst Klimawandel effektiv - Interview
- NaDeNo – Unleashing the potential of hard-to-deliver drugs - Poster
- Nanoparticle Dynamics in Composite Hydrogels Exposed to Low-Frequency Focused Ultrasound - Academic article
- Natürliche Kältemittel: Notwendigkeit und Einsatzbereiche - Vortrag für Studierende in der Vorlesung Energie- und Kältetechnik an der Ostfalia Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften - Lecture
- Navigating the Future: Highlights from the European Heat Pump Summit - Website (informational material)
- Navigating the metric maze: a taxonomy of evaluation metrics for anomaly detection in time series - Academic article
- Navigation under Nordic conditions - Academic lecture
- NCCS: The Norwegian CCS Research Centre (NCCS) – The Impact of CCS research in Norway - Lecture
- NDT methods and sensors for existing concrete structures. Literature review - Report
- Near-optimal multi-accelerator architectures for predictive maintenance at the edge - Academic article
- Needs and Challenges Concerning Cyber-risk Assessment in the Cyber-physical Smart Grid - Academic lecture
- NEIC TES-AC: Piloting cold thermal energy storage for flexibility in supermarket refrigeration systems - Academic lecture
- NEMECYS in a nutshell - Lecture
- NEMO: Real-Time Noise and Exhaust Emissions Monitoring for Sustainable and Intelligent Transportation Systems - Academic article
- Nested computational fluid dynamic modeling of mean turbulent quantities estimation in complex topography using AROME-SIMRA - Academic article
- Net Hero Podcast - what wind do we need? - Sound material
- net_chan: Deterministic network channels for distributed real-time systems - Academic article
- Neural Implicit Shape Editing using Boundary Sensitivity - Poster
- Neural Implicit Shape Editing using Boundary Sensitivity - Academic lecture
- Neural operator learning with recurrent neural networks - Poster
- New concrete from old buildings - Interview
- New Design Solutions and Procedures for Ensuring Meaningful Human Control and Interaction with Autonomy: Automated Ferries in Profile - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New development of sprayed concrete with improved waterproofing, durability and sustainability performance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New EU-project with seaweed and windmills: OLAMUR, Offshore Low-trophic Aquaculture in Multi-Use scenario Realisation - Poster
- New experimental constraint on the W 185 (n,γ) W 186 cross section - Academic article
- New initiative commits to further strengthen European leadership in wind energy - Interview
- New initiative commits to further strengthen European leadership in wind energy - Interview
- New insights into orthophosphoric acid assisted rapid aqueous processing of NMC622 cathodes - Academic article
- New insights into the impact of polystyrene micro/nanoplastics on the nutritional quality of marine jacopever (Sebastes schlegelii) - Academic article
- New insulation liquids for transformers – Asset or liability? - Website (informational material)
- New Methods to Determine PAH Emission Dynamics During Electrode Mass Processing - Academic lecture
- New Methods to Determine PAH Emission Dynamics During Electrode Mass Processing - Academic article
- New report on the future development of Norwegian hydropower - Website (informational material)
- New research from SINTEF and TU Delft shows that CCS can result in significant CO2 reductions at a marginal cost - Website (informational material)
- New tools for cybersecurity in the power system tested in the Smartgridlab - Website (informational material)
- New tools for targeted cloning and over-expression of biosynthetic gene clusters - Poster
- Newletter #11 Nov-Mar2023 - Briefs
- NEXFLOW: Next generation oil-water dispersion models in production systems - Academic lecture
- NEXFLOW: Next generation oil-water dispersion models in production systems - Academic lecture
- Next generation of ejector-supported R744 booster systems for commercial refrigeration at all climates - Academic article
- Next-generation Intelligent Edge IoT Continuum - Lecture
- Nieuw Europees topcentrum voor onshore en offshore windenergie - Interview
- Nieuw initiatief Europees topcentrum voor windenergie - Interview
- Nieuw initiatief Europees topcentrum voor windenergie - Interview
- Nieuw initiatief Europees topcentrum voor windenergie - Interview
- Nieuw initiatief Europees topcentrum voor windenergie - Interview
- No correlation between windy conditions in northern and southern Norway means money in the bank for the offshore wind sector - Interview
- No correlation between windy conditions in northern and southern Norway means money in the bank for the offshore wind sector - Website (informational material)
- No observed developmental effects in early life stages of capelin (Mallotus villosus) exposed to a water-soluble fraction of crude oil during embryonic development - Academic article
- Noninvasive intracranial pressure assessment by optic nerve sheath diameter: Automated measurements as an alternative to clinician-performed measurements - Academic article
- Nonlinear domain-decomposition preconditioning for robust and efficient field-scale simulation of subsurface flow - Academic article
- Non-target and suspect screening reveal complex pattern of contamination in Arctic marine zooplankton - Academic article
- Nordic approaches to housing and ageing - Current concepts and future needs - Academic article
- Nordic Hydrogen Hubs (NordicH2ubs) - Roadmaps towards 2030 and 2040 - Academic lecture
- NOR-HYPE: A distributed hydrological model for environmental applications in Norway - Report
- NorthWind Annual report 2022 - Report
- NorthWind at Arendalsuka - Website (informational material)
- NorthWind Innovations 2023 - Report
- NorthWind partner SINTEF responds to government consultation about offshore wind - Website (informational material)
- NorthWind represented at Statkraftkonferansen 2023 - Website (informational material)
- NorthWind visits HVDC platform assembly site - Website (informational material)
- NorthWind’s “Sustainable Wind Development” work package holds annual meeting in Trondheim - Website (informational material)
- Norway - Ongoing activities in the field of high temperature heat pump - Lecture
- Norway country report - Lecture
- Norway Unlikely to Curb European Power Price Influence - Interview
- Norway’s position in the global hydrogen value chain A macroeconomic perspective - Report
- Norwegian efforts towards a materials acceleration platform: combining high-throughput experiments, modelling, and machine learning/artificial intelligence - Lecture
- Norwegian hourly residential electricity demand data with consumer characteristics during the European energy crisis - Academic article
- Norwegian researchers are currently developing wind turbines that can adapt their blade rotation speeds to prevent bird strikes. - Interview
- Norwegian seaweed research and industry – Past, present and the future - Lecture
- Novel bifunctional alginate epimerases and lyases producing well‐defined oligomers - Poster
- Novel combinatory method for surface and crystallinity analysis of crystalline materials: Combinatory analysis method for crystalline materials surface - Academic article
- Novel perovskites for flexible gas production via chemical looping - Poster
- Novel Powder Feedstock towards Microstructure Engineering in Laser Powder Bed Fusion: A Case Study on Duplex/Super Duplex and Austenitic Stainless-Steel Alloys - Academic article
- Novel retarder solutions for HPHT well cements - Academic lecture
- Novel sampling and measurement NIR solutions in practice Part 1 - Lecture
- Novel tag-based method for measuring tailbeat frequency and variations in amplitude in fish - Academic article
- Novel technique to study the wet chemical etching response of multi-crystalline silicon wafers - Academic article
- Now is the time to stop talking up the benefits of natural gas - Feature article
- Now is the time to stop talking up the benefits of natural gas - Website (informational material)
- NTNU-SINTEF SolarNet: A solar irradiation monitoring network at high latitudes - Academic article
- NTNU-SINTEF SolarNet: A solar irradiation monitoring network at high latitudes - Poster
- NTRANS Socio-technical pathways and scenario analysis - Report
- Nucleation and Phase Development of Precipitates in age-hardenable Aluminium Alloys studied by 4D-STEM - Academic lecture
- Nucleation and Phase Development of Precipitates in Age-hardenable Aluminium Alloys Studied by 4D-STEM - Academic article
- Numerical and Experimental Investigation of a Geometrically Simplified, Two-Dimensional FlameSheet™ Hydrogen Burner - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Assessment of a Rich-Quench-Lean Staging Strategy for Clean and Efficient Combustion of Partially Decomposed Ammonia in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical investigation of an ammonia-water absorption-compression high-temperature heat pump for hot water and steam production in food processing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Investigation of Rich-Lean Staging in a SGT-750 Scaled Dry Low Emission Burner With Partially Decomposed Ammonia - Academic article
- Numerical modelling of high-power laser spot melting of thin stainless steel - Academic article
- Numerical Models For Upscaling Of Caprock Properties From Small Sample Laboratory Testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Models For Upscaling Of Caprock Properties From Small Sample Laboratory Testing - Academic lecture
- Numerical Non-Linear Wave Environment based on HOS and SSGW - Software
- Numerical simulation of an integrated CO2/chiller and thermal storage system for a hotel in tropical weather conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Simulation of Casting Process of Fiber Reinforced Self-compacting Concrete (SCC) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Simulation of Cold Flow and Combustion in a Swirl Stabilized Combustor - Academic lecture
- Numerical simulation of solid-liquid transition of carbon dioxide in pillow plate heat exchangers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical tools for: (1) multi-modular simulations: comparison with model tests (2) shared mooring layout optimisation of floating wind parks - Lecture
- Nyhavna – a future zero-emission neighbourhood - Lecture
- Nylon Fibre Ropes for the Mooring of Floating Wind Turbines - Lecture
- Observation Of Al-Cu Interface Instability During Room Temperature Storage - Academic article
- Observation of Al-Cu interface instability in a HYB joint TEM sample during room temperature storage - Poster
- Occurrence and tissue distribution of 33 legacy and novel per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in Baikal seals (Phoca sibirica) - Academic article
- Ocean-based aquaculture operations. Organizational, technical, and regulatory conditions - Academic lecture
- Offshore logistics optimisation roadmap - Lecture
- Oil spill modelling for preparedness and potential impacts in the Barents Sea region - Academic lecture
- On developing a post processing approach to investigate PAH evolution for industrial applications - Poster
- On the Atomic Structure of the β′′ Precipitate by Density Functional Theory - Academic article
- On the Cost Competitiveness of Blue and Green Hydrogen - Academic article
- On the exergy efficiency of CO2 capture: The relation between sub-process and overall efficiencies - Academic article
- On the Foundation of Autonomous Mobility: Establishing Fundamental Principles for a Digital Driver - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- On the generalizability and transferability of water pipe break models between utilities - Academic lecture
- On the importance of legacy wells for large-scale CCS and energy storage - Abstract
- On the installation of offshore wind turbines: Challenges and future perspectives - Academic lecture
- On the Predictive Power of Objective Intelligibility Metrics for the Subjective Performance of Deep Complex Convolutional Recurrent Speech Enhancement Networks - Academic article
- On the preservation of second integrals by Runge-Kutta methods - Academic article
- On the Relation between Assistive Technology System Elements and Access to Assistive Products Based on 20 Country Surveys - Academic article
- On the Use of a Cluster Identification Method and a Statistical Approach for Analyzing Atom Probe Tomography Data for GP Zones in Al–Zn–Mg(–Cu) Alloys - Academic article
- On track on the care pathway: Care coordination, information, and communication needs among Norwegian cancer patients - Academic lecture
- Online consultations - Academic lecture
- Ontology – a language connecting humans and computers - Academic lecture
- Ontology – a language connecting humans and computers - Academic lecture
- Ontology – a language connecting humans and computers - Academic lecture
- Ontology-driven semantic interoperability in practice - Poster
- Open access grid model in IPN Vannfly - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Open Hatch Carriers – Future Vessel Designs & Operations - Academic article
- Open-access CO₂ data is essential for accelerating CCS deployment - Website (informational material)
- Open-ENTRANCE D6.2 Case study results - Report
- OpenMod4Africa to address energy poverty - Interview
- OpenMod4Africa to address the challenge of energy poverty - Interview
- Operability analysis of control system for ROV launch-and-recovery from autonomous surface vessel - Academic article
- Operando observation of interfacial energetics at the Ta3N5/electrolyte heterojunction by ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for photoelectrochemical water splitting - Academic lecture
- Operation related maintenance and reinvestment costs for hydropower scheduling - Academic article
- Operational functions and applications for the next generation distribution control centres (CINELDI report 01:2023) - Report
- Operational research challenges transforming hydropower from energy to flexibility provider - Lecture
- Operation-based Reliability Assessment of Shore-to-Ship Charging Systems Including On-Shore Batteries - Academic article
- Optical interference coatings for coloured building integrated photovoltaic modules: Predicting and optimising visual properties and efficiency - Academic article
- Optical measurement instrument for detection of powdery mildew and grey mould in protected crops - Academic lecture
- Optical properties and structure relationship in ZnO:Fe with inversion domain boundaries and ZnFe2O4/ZnO heterostructures - Poster
- Optical properties of ZnFe2O4 nanoparticles and Fe-decorated inversion domain boundaries in ZnO - Academic article
- Optimal deployment of energy services for economic upliftment of low-income communities: A South African case study - Academic article
- Optimal Generation Capacity Allocation and Droop Control Design for Current Sharing in DC Microgrids - Academic article
- Optimal mixers restricted to subspaces and the stabilizer formalism - Academic lecture
- Optimal preventive policies for parallel systems using Markov decision process: application to an offshore power plant - Academic article
- Optimal price-based scheduling of a pumped-storage hydropower plant considering environmental constraints - Academic article
- Optimal ship lifetime fuel and power system selection under uncertainty - Academic article
- Optimal Surface Fitting of Point Clouds Using Local Refinement: Application to GIS Data - Academic monograph
- Optimal utilization of compression heat in liquid air energy storage - Academic article
- Optimisation of materials and processes design via an Open Translation Environment: the OntoTrans project approach - Academic lecture
- Optimization approach of DED process to fulfil the requirements on material properties and component performance of waterjet impeller - Academic lecture
- Optimization of FK-506 production in Streptomyces tsukubaensis by modulation of Crp-mediated regulation - Academic article
- Optimization of geometric design of extruded products incorporating properties, cost and CO2 footprint - Academic lecture
- Optimization of Geometric Design of Extruded Products Incorporating Properties, Cost and CO2 Footprint - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimization of Procedures for Rock Mass Grouting in Tunnelling - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Optimization of single-step gelatin extraction from pink perch (Nemipterus japonicus) skin and bone obtained from surimi industry using a green solvent - Academic article
- Optimization of the model predictive control meta-parameters through reinforcement learning - Academic article
- Optimization of thermal insulation thickness pertaining to embodied and operational GHG emissions in cold climates – Future and present cases - Academic article
- Optimization of Wind Scheduling for Improved Power Market Integration Through Up-Regulation Prices - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing deep learning inference for resource-constricted platforms - Academic lecture
- Optimizing deep learning inference for resource-constricted platforms - Masters thesis
- OPTIROOT – Optimization of produce quality and storage conditions to reduce loss during long-term storage of root vegetables in Norway – mapping of stores - Academic article
- Orchestration within plastics governance – From global to Arctic - Academic article
- Organic chemicals associated with rubber are more toxic to marine algae and bacteria than those of thermoplastics - Academic article
- Organizational Debt in Large-Scale Hybrid Agile Software Development: A Case Study on Coordination Mechanisms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Organizing for Additive Manufacturing: The Establishment of Interest Groups for Promoting Sustainable Production Through Additive Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- Organoids, Organ-on-a-chip and Mass Spectrometry - Academic lecture
- Organoids, organ-on-a-chip, separation science and mass spectrometry: An update - Academic literature review
- Orientation mapping of cholesterol monohydrate in gallstones utilizing X-ray diffraction tensor tomography - Lecture
- Origin of Leakage Currents and Nanowire-to-Nanowire Inhomogeneity in Radial p-i-n Junction GaAs Nanowire Array Solar Cells on Si - Academic article
- Orthogonal and complementary measurements of properties of drug products containing nanomaterials - Academic article
- Outcome measures in MS: Focus on motor and cognitive performance measures - Academic lecture
- Overburden 4D seismic analysis: Influence of stress and pore-pressure changes accounting for elastic contrast between a reservoir and its anisotropic surrounding rocks - Academic article
- Overexposure and Injuries: The Rising Crisis in Young Football Talent - Interview
- Oxidation of Methanol to Formaldehyde over Silver Using an Annular Reactor - Poster
- Oxidation study of Al-Mg alloys in furnace atmospheres using hydrogen and methane as fuel - Academic lecture
- Oxidative degradation of monoethanolamine (MEA) in the presence of different metal ions - Poster
- Oxygen Exchange Kinetics of BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6-d - Poster
- Oxygen production at intermediate temperatures using Ca2AlMnO5+δ double perovskite-type oxides - Academic article
- Pair Programming Practiced in Hybrid Work - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pair Programming Practiced in Hybrid Work - Academic lecture
- Panel on IWASS 2023 The Safety Case for Autonomous Systems - Lecture
- Paper Club: Detecting wrong classifications from hyper-confident Neural Networks - Popular scientific lecture
- Paradoxes of Norway’s energy transition: controversies and justice - Academic article
- Parametric tests to study the potential for performance improvement of the absorber emissions monitoring system (ACEMS) prototype instrument developed at SINTEF - Academic lecture
- Partial Discharge Activity in Rotating Machine Type II Insulation Systems as a Function of Temperature and AC Supply Frequency - Academic article
- Particle size effects on pulse isotope exchange measurements - Poster
- Passive seismics and use of fibre-optic sensing for cost-efficient CO2 monitoring - Academic lecture
- Passivity-Based Nonlinear Control for DC/DC Boost Converter in Wireless Power Transfer Systems with Constant Power Load - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pathogen-specific patterns in milking traits from automatic milking systems - Poster
- Pathways towards carbon reduction through technology transition in liner shipping - Academic article
- Patterns of mental healthcare provision in rural areas: A demonstration study in Australia and Europe - Academic article
- Peer Review Report For: Social responsibility in research and innovation practice and policy across global regions, institutional types, and fields: Interview data and qualitative content analysis outputs revealing the perspectives and experiences of professionals [version 1; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations] - Academic article
- Penicillium chrysogenum as a fungal factory for feruloyl esterases - Academic article
- Performance analysis of a CO2 based milk chiller with evaporative cooling arrangement operating in hot climate - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance analysis of a CO2/NH3 cascade refrigeration system with subcooling for low temperature freezing applications - Academic article
- Performance evaluation and control scenarios for targeted heat injection and extraction in an existing geothermal borehole field in Norway - Academic article
- Performance evaluation and failure mode analysis of a long-term ageing test on HV submarine cables with tree-retardant XLPE insulation and factory joints - Academic lecture
- Performance evaluation and failure mode analysis of a long-term ageing test on HV submarine cables with tree-retardant XLPE insulation and factory joints - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance Evaluation of IEC 61850 GOOSE Messages over a 5G Network for Protection Coordination in Smart Grid - Academic lecture
- Performance Evaluation of IEC 61850 GOOSE Messages over a 5G Network for Protection Coordination in Smart Grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance, physiological, and perceptual responses of an entire sprint cross-country skiing competition - Poster
- Performance-based fire safety design of PV installations in Norway – key challenges - Academic lecture
- Permanent LiDAR Monitoring in Alpine Environments – Web-Based Realtime Guidance Using Analysis of Multi-Temporal Datasets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Permeability of Manganese Charge Materials - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Persistence Initialization: a novel adaptation of the Transformer architecture for time series forecasting - Academic article
- Phase Angle Feed-Forward Control for Improving the Power Reference Tracking of Virtual Synchronous Machines - Academic article
- Phase mapping of precipitates in Al alloys by 4D-STEM - Academic lecture
- Phase-field simulation of lack-of-fusion defect and grain growth during laser powder bed fusion of Inconel 718 - Academic article
- Phonon-Mediated Quasiparticle Lifetime Renormalizations in Few-Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride - Academic article
- Phosphorus deactivation on co-based catalysts for Fischer-Tropsch - Academic article
- Physical Activity Behavior and Its Association With Global Cognitive Function Three Months After Stroke: The Nor-COAST Study - Academic article
- Physical Work Demands of Maintenance Workers on Onshore Petroleum Facilities in Norway: An Observational Study Utilizing Wearable Sensor Technology - Academic article
- Physicochemical characterization and quantification of nanoplastics: applicability, limitations and complementarity of batch and fractionation methods - Academic article
- Pilot plant testing of HS-3 solvent - Academic lecture
- Pilot plant testing of HS-3 solvent - Academic lecture
- Pilot project: battery energy storage system used for fast frequency reserve - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pipe flow experiments with oil-water dispersions: effect of natural surfactant on flow behavior - Academic lecture
- Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV): Binding to Atlantic salmon erythrocytes - Lecture
- Planning for Health Equity: How Municipal Strategic Documents and Project Plans Reflect Intentions Instructed by the Norwegian Public Health Act. - Academic article
- Planning for sustainable growth in aquaculture - The Norwegian Case - Lecture
- Plastic in the Ocean - Academic lecture
- Plastic Pollution and Ocean Governance - Academic lecture
- Plastic research at SINTEF Ocean, emerging areas of research on microplastics, and life at a research institute in Europe? - Lecture
- Plastic, Microplastic and Nanoplastic Research at SINTEF Ocean - Poster
- Plastics in Aquaculture: A circular economic guidebook - Popular scientific lecture
- Plastics in aquaculture: A circular economy guidebook - Report
- PNECs and degradation data for amines and amine degradation products - Report
- Polar Climate and Cultural Heritage: outline of the PCCH-Arctic project and first results - Other
- Polestar 2 with Time-to-red/Green Light Optimal Speed Advisory (GLOSA) and Road Works Warning (RWW) - Evaluation of speed adaption with drivers in Polestar 2 vehicles - Report
- Policy and Incentives for Change - Lecture
- Policy recommendations for sustainable plus energy neighbourhoods and buildings - Norway - Report
- Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a broad applicability marker for LC-MS/MS-based biodistribution analysis of nanomedicines - Poster
- Polyhedral Complex Extraction from ReLU Networks using Edge Subdivision - Academic lecture
- Polyhedral Complex Extraction from ReLU Networks using Edge Subdivision - Poster
- Polyhedral Complex Extraction from ReLU Networks using Edge Subdivision - Poster
- Polyhedral Complex Extraction from ReLU Networks using Edge Subdivision - Academic article
- Polynomial Fitting of Operating Point Dependency in Small-Signal State-Space Models for Power Electronic Converters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- PoroTwin: A Digital Twin for a FluidFlower Rig - Academic article
- PoroTwin: A Digital Twin for a Meter-Scale Porous Media - Lecture
- PoroTwin: A Digital Twin for a Meter-Scale Porous Medium - Academic lecture
- Positioning Paper EARTO Input on Healthcare Research and Innovation for the Next Strategic Plan of Horizon Europa (2025-2027) - Report
- Possibilities of ice slurry systems onboard fishing vessels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Possibilities of ice slurry systems onboard fishing vessels. - Academic lecture
- Post Processing Approach to Model Microsilica Formation - Academic article
- Potential for automated follow-up of safety equipment - Report
- Potential for Saccharina latissima Flour as a Functional Ingredient in the Baking Sector - Academic article
- Potential for surplus-heat-to-power conversion in current and future aluminium production process with off-gas recycling - Lecture
- Potential for surplus-heat-to-power conversion in current and future aluminium production process with off-gas recycling - Academic lecture
- Potential for surplus-heat-to-power conversion in current and future aluminium production process with off-gas recycling - Lecture
- Potential in upgrading and extension of existing hydropower - Academic lecture
- Power market models for the clean energy transition: State of the art and future research needs - Academic article
- Power oscillation damping method suitable for network reconfigurations based on converter interfaced generation and combined use of active and reactive powers - Academic article
- Power train degradation modelling for multi-objective active power control of wind farms - Academic article
- Powering Europe's Green Revolution: Paving the Way to a More Resilient and Sustainable Battery Industry [Research and Innovation Roadmap on Battery Technologies] - Report
- Powering the Future: Integrating Offshore Wind Energy on Oil and Gas Installations - Website (informational material)
- Practical challenges towards data-driven applications in buildings: lessons-learned from two real-life case studies - Academic lecture
- Practical challenges towards data-driven applications in buildings: lessons-learned from two real-life case studies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Practical Innovations in CCU: The SINTEF Approach to a Sustainable Future - Lecture
- Practical Optimization in the Construction Industry - Academic lecture
- Practice makes the model: A critical review of stormwater green infrastructure modelling practice - Academic article
- Precious and technology metals - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Predicting and optimising the performance of coloured solar cell modules based on interference coatings - Academic lecture
- Predicting Hvac-Based Demand Flexibility in Grid-Interactive Efficient Buildings Utilizing Deep Neural Networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of guidewire-induced aortic deformations during EVAR: a finite element and in vitro study - Academic article
- Prediction of Heave and Pitch Low Frequency Wave Forces and Motions of a Semi-Submersible Floating Wind Turbine and Comparison With Model Test Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of integral and local aerodynamic loads on wind turbine blades using high-fidelity CFD - Academic lecture
- Prediction of integral and local aerodynamic loads on wind turbine blades using high-fidelity CFD - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of integral and local aerodynamic loads on wind turbine blades using high-fidelity CFD - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of power, energy and hydrogen demand in a zero-emission port - Masters thesis
- Prediction of wind turbine noise - Academic lecture
- Predictions of prices and volumes in the Nordic balancing markets for electricity - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Preliminary Life Cycle Assessment of butyl butyrate production process based on Miscanthus energy crop - Academic lecture
- Preparation of aromatic hydrocarbons from catalytic pyrolysis of digestate - Academic article
- Prepare to fail or failing to prepare? Acute performance after the 11+ with and without strength exercises - Academic article
- Prepared for the worst? Emergency preparedness in Norwegian fish farming – Status and further improvements - Academic article
- Preparing for zero-emission buildings at sea - Website (informational material)
- Presentation of book Wind Power Policies in the Nordic Countries: Comparative Patterns - Lecture
- Presentation of projects ENOUGH and PCM-STORE - Lecture
- Pre-treatment and painting of aluminium for marine exposure - Lecture
- Prevalence and cause of hearing loss and access to hearing aids and services in low- and middle-income countries. - Academic lecture
- Principles and challenges of floating wind turbine control systems - Lecture
- Principles of digitalisation and IT-OT integration - Report
- Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges - Lecture
- Privacy-Aware IoT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Privacy-Preserving User Pose Prediction for Safe and Efficient Human-Robot Interaction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Privatization and Coercive Isomorphic Pressure in Norwegian Early Childhood Education and Care (1987-2020) - Academic article
- Probabilistic forecasting-based stochastic nonlinear model predictive control for power systems with intermittent renewables and energy storage - Academic article
- Probabilistic Planning of Distribution Networks with Optimal DG Placement Under Uncertainties - Academic article
- Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Autonomous Systems Safety - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Autonomous Systems Safety - Report
- Process mapping for AM - Academic lecture
- Process Modelling and Pinch Analysis for an Integrated System of Anaerobic Digestion with Digestate Recycling via Hydrothermal Gasification - Academic article
- Production and analysis methods for pristine and degraded microplastic and nanoplastic reference materials - Poster
- Production and analysis methods for pristine and degraded microplastic and nanoplastic reference materials - Academic lecture
- Production and characterization of biochar from biomasses - Poster
- Production and characterization of spruce wood and bark biochar - Academic lecture
- Production of acetone from industrial CO2: recent progress of the PYROCO2 project - Lecture
- Production, Characterization and Conversion of Biocarbon under Different Conditions - Academic lecture
- Productive pragmatism: Industrial democracy under neoliberal capitalist conditions - Academic article
- Productivity Decline Mechanisms in Gravel Packed Perforations - Academic article
- Productivity Improvement in SMEs - An Organizational Culture Perspective - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Progress of engineered nanoparticles as theranostic nanocarriers - Lecture
- Progress on the Global Plastic Treaty negotiations: What to expect - Academic lecture
- Promoting Activity, Independence, and Stability in Early Dementia and mild cognitive impairment (PrAISED): Randomised controlled trial - Academic article
- Properties of self-hardened CaO-added bauxite residue pellets, and their behavior in hydrogen reduction followed by leaching and magnetic separation for iron and alumina recovery - Academic article
- Prospects of the Novel CSAR Concept for Fully Electric or Flexible Electric–Thermal Hybrid CO2 Capture from CHP Plants - Academic article
- Protection of water critical infrastructure agains cyber and physical threats: the STOP-IT approach - Academic lecture
- Proteolytic activity in low trophic marine species - Lecture
- Providing emotional support around the point of multiple sclerosis diagnosis (PrEliMS): A feasibility randomised controlled trial - Academic lecture
- Pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks - Academic lecture
- Pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks for learning PDEs - Academic lecture
- Pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks with state-dependent external forces - Academic article
- Public Acceptance of NCS C+ negative emission technologies - Academic lecture
- PYROCO2 - Demonstrating sustainable value creation from industrial CO2 by its thermophilic microbial conversion into acetone - Poster
- Quality and valorisation of residues: food waste system in Oslo - Lecture
- Quality Changes of Cultivated Saccharina latissima as Influenced by Preservation Method During Short Term Storage - Academic article
- Quantification of Flow Rates and Flow Volumes in Valve Regurgitation Using 3-D High Frame-Rate Ultrasound - Academic article
- Quantification of the Impact of Azimuth and Tilt Angle on the Performance of a PV Output Power Forecasting Model for BIPVs - Academic article
- Quantifying social sustainability - Lecture
- Quantifying the benefits of shared battery in a DSO-energy community cooperation - Academic article
- Quantitative studies on the microstructure of ternary CaO–Al2O3–SiO2 glasses by Raman spectroscopy, 27Al MAS NMR and quantum chemistry ab initio calculation - Academic article
- Quantum Computing: Separating Hype from Realistic Expectations - Academic lecture
- QUantum reservoir computing - Lecture
- Questionable practice undermines the doctoral process - Feature article
- Race development and performance-determining factors in a mass-start cross-country skiing competition - Academic article
- Race For Raw Materials: Europe's Clean Energy Ambitions In A Shifting World - Feature article
- Radio-Frequency Interference Considerations for Utility of the Galileo E6 Signal Based on Long-Term Monitoring by ARFIDAAS - Academic article
- Raidionics: an open software for pre- and postoperative central nervous system tumor segmentation and standardized reporting - Academic article
- Rain resistance of open-joint facade claddings – Experiences from laboratory measurements - Academic article
- Rain resistance of windows – Lessons learned from two decades of laboratory testing - Academic article
- Raman spectroelectrochemistry: shining a light on the advances in EC-SERS sensing - Academic lecture
- Rank Histogram Estimators for Multi-Level Data Assimilation - Academic lecture
- Rapid Simulation and Optimization of Geological CO2 Sequestration Using Coarse Grid Network Model - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rapid solidification of Al-Si alloys using differential fast scanning calorimetry - Academic article
- Rare earth element pollution recording in the saltwater mussel Mytilus spp. in Norwegian coastal waters - Poster
- Rare earth element pollution recording in the saltwater mussel Mytilus spp. in Norwegian coastal waters - Poster
- Rare earth elements in the marine environment in Norway, environmental monitoring and effect studies - Lecture
- Rational Function Approximation of Transformer Branch Impedance Matrix for Frequency-Dependent White-Box Modeling - Academic article
- Rational Simplification of High Fidelity Wind Turbine Models Used for Mooring Analysis - Academic article
- Reaching IMO 2050 GHG Targets Exclusively through Energy efficiency measures - Academic article
- Reactions of methyl chloride on Cu rich active material in the Rochow-Müller process. - Poster
- Reactivity of alternative SCMs from Nordic Countries – Input for the R3 test - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real time intravital imaging of SonoTran cavitation-induced delivery of antibody in tumor tissue - Poster
- REALISE CCUS project close-out & findings - Lecture
- Realizing LTI models by identifying characteristic parameters using least squares optimization - Academic lecture
- Realizing LTI models by identifying characteristic parameters using least squares optimization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real-time guidance by deep learning of experienced operators to improve the standardization of echocardiographic acquisitions - Academic article
- Real-time guiding by deep learning during echocardiography to reduce left ventricular foreshortening and measurement variability - Academic article
- Real-time optimization of fast and slow dynamics with a look-ahead strategy - Academic lecture
- Real-Time Performance of Industrial IoT Communication Technologies: A Review - Academic literature review
- Real-time simulation and monitoring of fish distribution in aquaculture net cage - Academic lecture
- REBUS - REuse of Building materials - a USer perspective - Lecture
- REBUS framework for Life Cycle sustainability Assessment - Lecture
- Recent developments in power market design - focusing on hydropower - Academic lecture
- Recent developments in the field of circular manufacturing business models in Norway - Academic lecture
- Recent developments on catalyst and microporous layer development, and high temperature PEM electrolysis at SINTEF in Oslo - Lecture
- ReCoMFi – Recycling of Composite Materials as Fillers - a research perspective - Lecture
- Recommendations for advancing media preparation methods used to assess aquatic hazards of oils and spill response agents - Academic literature review
- Recommendations for the advancement of oil-in-water media and source oil characterization in aquatic toxicity test studies - Academic article
- RECONC (2020-2024) - Resirkulert tilslag fra betongslam med CO2-bindende egenskaper - Lecture
- Recovering and Hot Deformation Processing of Recycled Spray Formed 7055 Aluminum Alloy Powders - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Recovering and Hot Deformation Processing of Recycled Spray Formed 7055 Aluminum Alloy Powders - Academic lecture <