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SINTEF på EAGE Annual 2024

SINTEF vil være til stede med en rekke innslag på den 85. EAGE Annual (Conference & Exhibition) i Oslo, 9.-14. juni 2024


Hall D, Stand 2200, Nova Spektrum, Lillestrøm
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For første gang på mer enn 20 år arrangeres EAGE Annual i Norge, hvor om lag 6000 geofysikere fra hele verden samles.

Med temaet "Technology and talent for a secure and sustainable energy future" er det en naturlig arena for SINTEF som Norges ledende forskningsinstitutt innen geovitenskap (og et av Europas største totalt sett).

Når konferansen arrangeres i Norge vil SINTEF være enda sterkere til stede enn vanlig. Spesielt vil SINTEFs internasjonalt ledende rolle innen CCS/CO2 lagring og våre mange aktiviteter innen disse temaene bli presentert.

I tillegg til å ha en stor stand (Hall D, standnummer 2200) hvor vi håper å møte alt fra forskningskunder og samarbeidspartnere til jobbsøkere.

SINTEF vil bidra til følgende:

Bastien Dupuy er medarrangør av workshop 1 - CCS-overvåking «Lessons Learned, Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies» (9. juni - 10. juni).

Benjamin Emmel og Amir Ghaderi er medarrangører av workshop 5 - Storskala CO2- og energilagringsstudier og utfordringer knyttet til forsegling/lekkasje (14. juni).

Michael Jordan, Alv-Arne Grimstad, Ane Lothe, Marcin Duda og Peder Eliasson arrangerer ekskursjon 4: Svelvik CO2 Field Lab med ekstern støtte fra Cathrine Ringstad, Martin Raphaug og GEOPTICS (10. juni).

Du finner mer informasjon om arrangementet og påmelding på den offisielle nettsiden.


Vi håper også du vil være med på en av våre mange muntlige presentasjoner:

Søndag 9. Juni

Title: "Experience from the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab"
Authors: Michael Jordan
Session: Workshop 1 - CCS Monitoring “Lessons Learned, Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies”
Time: 10:30 - 10:50

Title: "Generative Adversarial Networks for elastic full waveform inversion: Sleipner case"
Authors: Bhargav Boddupalli, Børge Arntsen, Peder Eliasson, Espen Raknes, Fandy Fachtony, Bastien Dupuy, Ludovic Metivier and Mrinal Sen
Session: Workshop 14 - Beyond Elastic: The multicomponent part of seismic
Time: 13:00 - 13:20

Title: "Reflection oriented workflow time lapse FWI"
Authors: Fandy Fachtony, and Bastien Dupuy
Session: Workshop 1 - CCS Monitoring “Lessons Learned, Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies”
Time: 16:30 - 16:50

Title: "Neural networks driven full waveform inversion for CO2 monitoring"
Authors: Bhargav Boddupalli, Børge Arntsen, Peder Eliasson, Espen Raknes, Fandy Fachtony, Bastien Dupuy, Ludovic Metivier and Mrinal Sen
Session: Workshop 1 - CCS Monitoring “Lessons Learned, Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies”
Time: 16:50 - 17:10

Mandag 10. Juni

Title: "Sparse long-term, low-cost reservoir monitoring"
Authors: Michael Jordan and Peder Eliasson
Session: Workshop 1 - CCS Monitoring “Lessons Learned, Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies”
Time: 10:00 - 10:20

Onsdag 12. Juni

Title: "Processing machine-learning fault scores from 3-D seismic to map fault density in the overburden of CO2-reservoirs"
Authors: Ane Lothe and Julian Gomez
Session: ML & AI for Geological Characterization II
Time: 10:10 - 10:30

Title: "Machine Learning and hybrid modelling as a means to transform the geoscience industry"
Authors: Peder Eliasson and Ane Lothe
Session: Digital Transformation Area theatre (Exhibition) - Small Organisations with Big Impact
Time: 11:30 - 11:50

Title: "Utilising reservoir behaviour in efforts to integrate renewable energy sources in oil and gas production"
Authors: Alv-Arne Grimstad
Session: Energy Transition Area theatre (Exhibition) - Lower Emission
Time: 16:10 - 16:30

Title: "Variational Bayesian AVO Inversion with Unknown Observation Error Covariance"
Authors: Dias Urozayev, Amir Ghaderi, and Peder Eliasson
Session: AVO and QI
Time: 16:10 - 16:30

Title: "Sparse seismic data analysis at the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab, Norway"
Authors: Michael Jordan, Nicolas Barbosa, and Bastien Dupuy
Session: CCS - Monitoring Methods
Time: 16:30 - 16:50

Torsdag 13. Juni

Title: "Laboratory estimations of dry dynamic normal fracture compliances using seismic and ultrasonic frequencies"
Authors: Nicolas Barbosa
Session: Rock Physics: Anisotropy, Cracks and Fluids
Time: 10:30 - 10:50

Title: "Rock physics-guided seismic survey optimization for CO2 injection monitoring - model building"
Authors: Tilman Kluver, Nicolas Barbosa, Bastien Dupuy, Per Bergmo, Peder Eliasson
Session: 4D Reservoir Monitoring I
Time: 10:50 - 11:10

Fredag 14. Juni

Title: "Managing pore pressure for regional CO2 storage resources – SINTEF experience and tools"
Authors: Alv-Arne Grimstad
Session: Workshop 5 - Large scale CO2 and energy storage studies and their sealing/leakage challenges
Time: 14:15 - 14:40

Via our stand and various presentations we will be representing several of our on-going research projects:

  • NCCS - An international research cooperation on CO2 capture, transport and storage (CCS), co-financed by the Research Council of Norway, the industry, and research partners
  • LINCCS - LINCCS aims to be a key driver of the green transition by uniting industrial actors working on the Norwegian Continental Shelf
  • DISCO2STORE - Discontinuities in CO2 Storage Reservoirs
  • PressureAhead
  • Svelvik CO2 Field Lab
  • COSMOS - Advanced chemicals production from biogenic CO2 emissions for circular bio-based industries.
  • EM4CO2 - Accelerating CSEM technology for efficient and quantitative CO2 monitoring.
Photo: EAGE



Messeveien 8, 2004 Lillestrøm