The project focuses on converting biogenic CO2 emissions into added-value chemicals for the production of sustainable bioproducts.
The project will employ an integrated hybrid solution that combines innovative biotechnological and intensified electrochemical/catalytic conversion processes along with renewable sources such as green H2 and biomass.
The technologies under consideration include gas fermentation, electrocatalytic reduction, biocatalyzed conversion, liquid fermentation, and catalytic conversion to allow an integrated process with zero or negative greenhouse gas emissions.
The technologies will be tested and validated from laboratory to pilot scale, and the resulting molecules will be integrated into the production of high-performance biopolymers and renewable chemicals.
SINTEF aims to develop a high temperature PEM electrolyser (110-200 °C) to be integrated in a catalytic reactor converting bio-CO2 emissions and water to syngas using the testing infrastructure of the Norwegian Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Centre. Furthermore, SINTEF will contribute to the development of a reactor for the direct conversion of syngas to BTEX.
The COSMOS project has recieved funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101000790.