Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- The Effect of Composition and Temperature on the Hydrogen Reduction Behavior of Sintered Pellets of Bauxite Residue-Lime Mixtures
- Comparative Study of Hydrogen Reduction of Bauxite Residue-Calcium Sintered and Self-Hardened Pellets Followed by Magnetic Separation for Iron Recovery
- Properties of self-hardened CaO-added bauxite residue pellets, and their behavior in hydrogen reduction followed by leaching and magnetic separation for iron and alumina recovery
- Kinetics Study on the Hydrogen Reduction of Bauxite Residue-Calcite Sintered Pellets at Elevated Temperature Les publikasjonen
- Isothermal Hydrogen Reduction of a Lime-Added Bauxite Residue Agglomerate at Elevated Temperatures for Iron and Alumina Recovery Les publikasjonen
- Hydrogen Reduction of High Temperature Sintered and Self- Hardened Pellets of Bauxite Residue produced via the Addition of Limestone and Quicklime
- Rheological properties of Al2O3–CaO–SiO2 slags Les publikasjonen
- Circular Alumina Production - Overview of energy and CO2 management possibilities for the Pedersen process in Mo Industiral Park.
- Representation of the Multiphysical Properties of SiO2-Al2O3-CaO Slags by Deep Neural Networks
- Production of Sustainable Hydrogen and Carbon for the Metallurgical Industry
Annen formidling
- Characterisation of manganese ores and slags for production of ferromanganese and Al-Mn master alloys
- Hydrogen reactivity of Nchwaning ore
- A Techno-Economic Study Comparing the Bayer and Pedersen Processes for Alumina Production and Bauxite Residue Treatment
- High temperature hydrogen reduction of bauxite residue for Iron recovery
- SFI Metal Production
- Recovery of Copper, Iron, and Alumina from Metallurgical Waste by Use of Hydrogen
- Representation of the Multiphysical Properties of SiO2-Al2O3-CaO Slags by Deep Neural Networks
- Introduction to the Ensureal project
- Production of sustainable hydrogen and carbon for the metallurgical industry
- Forskere ved SINTEF: Dette kan bli et nytt industrieventyr for Norge i Rana