- InterPlay (2025 - 2033)
- ReAdapt - Tilpasning av vannkraft til framtidens klimaekstremer (2024 - 2027)
- FLXenabler - Flexible heating and cooling and geothermal energy storage as an enabler for decarbonized integrated energy systems (2023 - 2025)
- NordicH2ubs (2023 - 2026)
- NTRANS – Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies (2019 - 2027)
- FME ZEN (2017 - 2024)
- Impact of activating energy demand flexibility in the building stock: A case study of Norway as a highly electrified country in the European power market Les publikasjonen
- Enhancing bargaining power for energy communities in renewable power purchase agreements using Gaussian learning and fixed price bargaining Les publikasjonen
- Power purchase agreements for plus energy neighbourhoods: Financial risk mitigation through predictive modelling and bargaining theory Les publikasjonen
- ZEN and District heating: Tensions and opportunities Les publikasjonen
- The role of nuclear energy and baseload demand in capacity expansion planning for low-carbon power systems Les publikasjonen
- Long-term operational planning for flexible residential buildings with seasonal storage and capacity-based grid tariffs Les publikasjonen
- Merkostnader ved ZEN. En case studie av Nidarvollutbyggingen i Trondheim
- Who should own the PV? Assessment of ownership structures for local energy production in zero emission neighbourhoods
- Residential demand response in the European power system: No significant impact on capacity expansion and cost savings
- Value stacking flexibility services in neighborhoods participating in fast frequency reserve markets
Annen formidling
- Climate changes hydropower
- Klimaet endrer vannkraften
- Lønnner det seg å bygge klimavennlige nabolag?
- Innlegg: Lønner det seg å bygge klimavennlige nabolag?
- Innlegg: Lønner det seg å bygge klimavennlige nabolag?
- Energifleksibilitet i bygg og områder
- Nullutslippsområder. Fra pilotprosjekt til allemannseie
- Klimaet endrer vannkraften
- Smart strømstyring kan gi både lavere og flatere strømpriser
- The (warm) elephant in the room: Exploring the huge potential for power-to-heat synergy to unleash flexibility