Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- Development of CO2 dry ice heat pump system
- Hydrogen bunkering from a fuel island onto fishing vessels
- Full conversion to natural refrigerants - Feasible and likely to happen?
- Performance comparison of a lab and industrial scale propane-butane cascade heat pump
- Numerical modelling of the solid- and fluid dynamic phenomena controlling the ring plate valve motion and tumbling
- Hydrogen re-liquefaction Process for Boil-off Gas Handling on a Large-scale Liquid Hydrogen Carrier Les publikasjonen
- Low carbon power generation for offshore oil and gas production
- Ultra-low temperature refrigeration system of CO2 using cyclone separator/evaporator
- Composition and Structure Analysis of Hard Grey Scale (HGS) Formed on Cold Surfaces Exposed to Aluminium Production Off-gas Les publikasjonen
- Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozon layer: report of the Technology and Economic Assessment Panel. Volume 3: Decision XXXIII/5 - Continued provision of information on energy-efficient and low-global-warming-potential technologies
Annen formidling
- Smart choices when buying a fridge, heat-pump-dryer, or air-to-air heat pump can reduce global warming
- Smarte valg når du kjøper kjøleskap, tørketrommel eller varmepumpe kan redusere global oppvarming
- Varmepumpe-tabbene som kan koste deg dyrt
- Einar Brendeng var vitenskapelig rådgiver ved Sintef
- Klimavennlig hydrogen fra gass er fullt mulig
- COP29: Sustainable cooling is crucial for managing climate change
- COP29: Bærekraftig kjøling for å håndtere klimaendringer
- IIR at COP29 in Baku: Week 1 in review [1/2]
- 5 varmepumpetabber
- Misvisende forenklinger i hydrogendebatten