Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Kontaktperson, ekspertise
- Assessment of Three Critically ASR-Deteriorated Bridges
- Assessment of Norwegian Bridges Affected by ASR
- Laboratory and field investigations of alkali-silica reaction prevention by supplementary cementitious materials: Influence of the free alkali loading
- Changes in the cement paste due to pyrrhotite reaction during accelerated mortar bar testing
- Alkali metal distribution in composite cement pastes and its relation to accelerated ASR tests Les publikasjonen
- Alkali-Aggregate Reactions (AAR): Laboratory vs. field relation – State-of-the-art report (STAR)
- Management and Extension of Service Life of infrastructures affected by Alkali‐silica reaction (MESLA)
- Profiling the internal damage within an ASR-affected dam with the Damage Rating Index (DRI).
- Applying the Damage Rating Index for the spatial damage assessment in concrete specimens affected by alkali-silica reaction
- RILEM Technical Committee 258-AAA. Development of a performance-based testing concept
Annen formidling
- Assessment of Three Critically ASR-Deteriorated Bridges
- Assessment of Norwegian Bridges Affected by ASR
- Management and Extension of Service Life of infrastructures affected by Alkali‐silica reaction (MESLA)
- Alkali-Aggregate Reactions (AAR): Laboratory vs. field relation – State-of-the-art report (STAR)
- Extended abstract: PARTNER Project post-documentation study - condition assessment of field exposure site cubes. Part II - results of microstructural analyses
- Extended abstract: Correlating field and laboratory investigations for preventing ASR in concrete-the LNEC cube study
- Extended abstract: Evaluation of laboratory test methods for assessing the alkali-reactivity potential of aggregates by field site tests
- Preface: RILEM technical committee 258-AAA–Development of a performance-based testing concept
- Correction to: Recommendation of RILEM TC 258-AAA: RILEM AAR-0 outline guide to the use of RILEM methods in the assessment of the alkali-reactivity potential of concrete (Materials and Structures, (2021), 54, 6, (206), 10.1617/s11527-021-01687-w)
- Characterization of amorphous and crystalline ASR products formed in concrete aggregates