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Development of a less polluting, automated façade system integrated into building managements systems

An innovative project offering a CO2-reducing, remote façade maintenance system that will contribute to green change both nationally and internationally.


A sustainable façade is not just a buzzword, but a solution needed in the construction sector - as today's European buildings are responsible for the 40% of the energy usage and 36% of the CO2 emissions.

Driven by the recent technology developments in the Contech and Proptech, the period of integration, new systems and sustainability in the construction products market has enormous potential as it gradually moves to more sustainable and advanced digital solutions.

This project offers an innovative CO2-reducing, remote façade maintenance system that will contribute to green change of the construction and real estate industry at both a national and international scale.

Specific objectives

  1. Development of a new product which reduces CO2 emissions and the operational costs of buildings by empowering IoT systems therein. (To create a minimally polluting, automated façade system integrated into a building’s management system);
  2. Contribute to the development of innovative solutions that will help reduce the negative impact on the environment in the field of construction;
  3. Conversion of aluminum systems to wood-based structures will reduce the CO2 footprint by up to 70-75% and primary energy consumption from non-renewable sources by 53-56%;
  4. Integrated sensors will allow monitoring of the parameters of the new facade system, integrating it with common building management systems and implementing a predictable service model.

Partners: Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet), Kaunas University of Technology, SINTEF AS, UAB Staticus (project coordinator).

The project is funded by 2014-2021 Norwegian financial mechanism program "Business Development, Innovation and SMEs" Norwaygrants - Apie programą - Programos (eeagrants.lt)

Original source: Norwaygrants - Projektai - Programos (eeagrants.lt)




2022 - 2023

Utforsk fagområdene