
Doctoral theses:
2023 - doctoral theses
- Måløy, Håkon.
Learning neural representations for the processing of temporal data in deep neural networks. : NTNU Grafisk Senter 2023 241 s.
NTNU OCEAN - Slette, Hans Tobias. Vessel Operations in Exposed Aquaculture: Achieving safe and efficient operation of vessel fleets in fish farm systems experiencing challenging metocean conditions. Doctoral thesis at NTNU, 2023:42
2022 - doctoral theses
- Holmen, Ingunn Marie.
Safety in Exposed Aquaculture Operations Strategies and methods for reducing risk. Trondheim: Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet 2022
2021 – doctoral theses
- Jónsdóttir, Kristbjörg Edda. 2021. Current flow processes at fullscale Atlantic salmon farm sites. Doctoral thesis at NTNU, 2021:133. ISBN 978-82-326-5910-4
- Mathisen, Bjørn Magnus. 2021. Using similarity learning to enable decision support in aquaculture. Doctoral thesis at NTNU, 2021:236. ISBN 978-82-326-5625-7
- Hassan, Waseem. 2021. Fish on net: Acoustic Doppler telemetry and remote monitoring of individual fish in aquaculture. Doctoral thesis at NTNU, 2021:259. ISBN 978-82-326-5327-0
2020 – doctoral theses
- Haugaløkken, Bent O. A. 2020. Autonomous Technology for IMR Operations in the Norwegian Aquaculture. Doctoral thesis at NTNU, 2020:9. ISBN 978-82-326-4384-4
- Sandøy, Stian S. 2020. Acoustic-Based Probabilistic Localization and Mapping for Unmanned Underwater Vehicles in Aquaculture Operations. Doctoral thesis at NTNU, 2020:208. ISBN 978-82-326-4765-1
2019 – doctoral theses
- Hvas, Malthe. 2019. Physiology and welfare of Atlantic salmon and cleaner fish in exposed aquaculture. Doctoral thesis at University of Bergen. ISBN 9788230845271
- Vilsen, Stefan A. 2019. Method for Real-Time Hybrid Model Testing of Ocean Structures Case Study on Slender Marine Systems. Doctoral thesis at NTNU, 2019:166. ISBN 978-82-326-3930-4
2018 – doctoral thesis
- Shen Y. 2018. Operational limits for floating-collar fish farms in waves and current, without and with well-boat presence. Doctoral thesis at NTNU, 2018:367