08.00: Coffee and mingle
08.15: Welcome and introduction
08.25: Quiz- Part I
08.30: Shraddha Mehta- Barriers in achieving sustainability in seafood value chains: Is consumer preference a barrier too?
08.50: Quiz- Part II
08.55: Hanne Dalsvåg- Sustainable food: perception and actions among Norwegian students
09.10: Quiz results
09.20: Wrap up
09.30: Ending
Consumer's Role in Sustainable food systems
Are you curious to learn more about what role we consumers play in the food chain and how our food choices can make a positive sustainability impact? At litteraturhuset you will be able to get some insights into SINTEF Ocean's ongoing projects and take part in an exciting food quiz.
- Sted
- Litteraturhuset i Trondheim
- Adresse
- Kongens gate 2
- Start
- Legg til i kalender
- Slutt
- Påmeldingsfrist

Kongens gate 2