PROMAC has examined different approaches to the production of proteins and health promoting ingredients for human food and animal feed through the sustainable production and processing of macroalgae. The project focuses on the three species (Alaria esculenta, Saccharina latissima and Palmaria palmata). In addition, 3 spin-off projects have been financed to further explore preservation process of seaweeds after harvesting, including effects on the quality of the raw material and energy requirements.
PROMAC (Energy-efficient PROcessing of MACroalgae in blue-green value chains) is a 2015-2018 project funded by the HAVBRUK2 program from the Norwegian Research Council. The project, coordinated by Møreforsking AS, draws on key expertise from both Norwegian (SINTEF, NIBIO, NTNU and NMBU) and European (CEVA, MATIS and SLU) research institutes, as well as industrial partners (Tafjord Kraftvarme, Felleskjøpet Fôrutvikling, Firmenich, Blue Legasea, The Northern Company, Orkla Foods, Hortimare and Marinox).
More information about the project at