Kontaktperson, programvare
- Experiments to Study Weathering of Surface Oil Slicks Resulting from Sub Sea Dispersant Injection (SSDI) Operation
- Predicting ignitability of oil slicks for in-situ burning operations as a function of weathering and oil properties
- Effects of chemical dispersants on feathers from Arctic seabirds
- DREAM produced water plume and uptake simulations - Predictions and comparisons with data from the 2021 Water Column Monitoring at Ekofisk: plume trajectory and PAH uptake in mussels and copepods Les publikasjonen
- Comparison of the Coupled Model for Oil spill Prediction (CMOP) and the Oil Spill Contingency and Response model (OSCAR) during the DeepSpill field experiment
- Attachment of APAM to mineral particles in seawater Les publikasjonen
- North sea produced water PAH exposure and uptake in early life stages of Atlantic Cod Les publikasjonen
- Modelling of oil thickness in the presence of an ice edge Les publikasjonen
- The use of PAH, metabolite and lipid profiling to assess exposure and effects of produced water discharges on pelagic copepods
- Analyser av flammepunkt og helsefarlige forbindelser for oljeemulsjoner i kystnær beredskap Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Creation of a toolbox for the implementation of restoration actions in coastal marine areas: the CLIMAREST project
- Modelling Uptake of PAHs in Early Life Stages of Fish From Produced Water Sources in the Norwegian North Sea
- PHARMARINE - Transport via ocean currents of human pharmaceutical products and their impact on marine biota in the European Arctic
- North Sea Produced Water PAH Exposure and Uptake in Early Life Stages of Atlantic Cod - A modelling study
- Vertical mixing in oil spill modelling
- Developmental effects of fuel oils on early life stages of atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)
- Vertical mixing and horizontal drift of oil spills: simulations with the opensource oil spill model OpenOil
- Using targeted and non-targeted screening analyses to assess bioaccumulation and toxicity of produced water components on copepod populations in the North Sea
- Marine disposal of mine tailings: Impacts on pelagic ecosystem components in Norwegian fjords.
- Marine Snow in the Context of Oil Spill Response