Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- Centralized vs Decentralized Production Planning in ETO Environments: A Theoretical Discussion
- Practical guidelines for production planning and control in HVLV production
- Practical Guidelines for Production Planning and Control in HVLV Production
- A Handbook for Product development using 3 Dimensional Concurrent Engineering Les publikasjonen
- A Framework for Lean Flow in Turbulent High-Variety Low-Volume Manufacturing Environments
- Designing lean flow in engineer-to-order manufacturing
- Takt-time control in high-variety/low-volume production
- A New Value Stream Mapping Approach for Engineer-to-Order Production Systems
- Logistikk og distribusjon for matspesialiteter i Midt Norge Les publikasjonen
- Supply chain control principles in local food production: a Norwegian case study Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Fabrikkplanlegging og layout ved oppskalering av produksjon
- TRAZEPO T1.1. Kartlegging. Oppsummering og drøfting av hovedinntrykk.
- A Framework for Lean Flow in Turbulent High-Variety Low-Volume Manufacturing Environments
- Designing lean flow in engineer-to-order manufacturing
- A method for designing flow oriented engineer-to-order production systems
- A New Value Stream Mapping Approach for Engineer-to-Order Production Systems
- Supply chain control principles in local food production: a Norwegian case study
- Applying a BITESIZE lean change methodology to intermodal terminal operations
- Development and Implementation of a Computerized Yarn Production Management Tool
- Improving Surgical Trays Logistics - reduction of complexity