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TMS 146th Annual Meeting and Exhibit

The TMS 146th Annual Meeting and Exhibit will be arranged in San Diego 26th of February to the 2nd of March, which includes the 3rd Pan American Materials Congress and the Energy Materials conference. Personnel from the SFI Metal Production will give 10-15 lectures. Anne Kvithyld SINTEF, will arrange a seminar in the honor of the professors emeriti Christian Simensen and Thorvald Abel Engh, and SINTEF, NTNU and Hydro Aluminium will arrange a workshop about refractory linings used in aluminium production.


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Simensen and Abel Engh have made a significant contribution to the general field of melt refining in aluminum and other materials including steel, magnesium and silicon. They have been ambassadors for Norway, spending extended periods abroad as well as having supervised many PhD students and collaborated extensively with industry and other researchers. The seminar honoring them will cover topics such as modeling, degassing, filtration, analytical techniques for characterizing microstructures and inclusions and melt oxidation.

For more information about the conference, please see the web page http://www.tms.org/meetings/annual-17/AM17home.aspx 



San Diego, California, USA