Jørgen Randers is professor emeritus at BI Norwegian Business School. He has for many decades been devoted to future studiesstarting from his co-authorship of "The Limits to Growth", the famous report to The Club of Rome in 1972. In addition to his contributions in the field of future studies, Jørgen is also an expert on the climate problem, energy policy, and system dynamics.
From 1981 to 1989 Jørgen served as the president of BI. From 1994 to 1999 he reshaped WWF –the Worldwide Fund for Nature –as its deputy director general. As professor of climate strategy at BI he is also a trusted advisor and board member, lately spending most of his time in the Far East, helping the cities of Shanghai and Seoul with their long term plans, and the Chinese government with their Green Transition 2030 to 2050. He has published many books and papers. Among them his glance into the future of the planet entitled "2052 -A Global Forecast for the Next Forty Years", published in 2012. In September he launched his new recent book "EinProzentistGenug" (1 percent is enough) in Berlin.
It is always good to listen to someone who can tell you about the future! This man even has a PhD from MIT instead of crystal ball -what more could you ask for?
Read more about Jørgen's work by visiting: http://www.2052.info/