Kontaktperson, prosjekter
- Behavioral Aspects of Agile Software Development: A Case Study on Meeting Practices
- Exploring the Organizational Models for Data Science in Agile Software Development: Challenges and Strategies from a Multi-Case Study
- Software Product Management in Large-Scale Agile
- Transforming Software Development with Generative AI: Empirical Insights on Collaboration and Workflow
- Slack Use in Large-Scale Agile Organizations: ESN Tools as Catalysts for Alignment?
- Business Development in Large-Scale Agile Software Development: Barriers and Enablers
- Organizational Debt in Large-Scale Hybrid Agile Software Development: A Case Study on Coordination Mechanisms
- Data-Driven Development in Public Sector: How Agile Product Teams Maneuver Data Privacy Regulations
- Pair Programming Practiced in Hybrid Work
- Responding to change over time: A longitudinal case study on changes in coordination mechanisms in large-scale agile
Annen formidling
- Generative AI in Software Engineering Must Be Human-Centered: The Copenhagen Manifesto
- Hybrid meetings
- ESN Tools as Catalysts for Alignment?
- A Case Study on Meeting Practices
- Pair Programming Practiced in Hybrid Work
- The Future of Hybrid Software Development: Challenging Current Assumptions
- Konsentrerer vi oss virkelig dårligere enn en gullfisk? Det moderne mennesket makter bare å konsentrere seg i 47 sekunder, hevdes det. Men noe skurrer.
- En bedre møtehverdag med fart, flyt og smidighet
- Special section on IST for ICSOB2021
- Hjernen blir sliten av digitale møter