Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Andre prosjekter
- Innovative heat exchanger design using extruded aluminium profiles for PCM-based TES systems
- Thermochemical Energy Storage: an approach to integration pathways
- On soot sampling: Considerations when sampling for TEM imaging and differential mobility spectrometer Les publikasjonen
- Experimental and theoretical study of electron density and structure factors in CoSb3
Annen formidling
- Exploring supercooling phenomena through extensive experimental method design
- Thermochemical Energy Storage: an approach to integration pathways
- Thermochemical Energy Storage: The next generation thermal batteries?
- Klimateknologier
- Thermochemical storage: The next generation thermal batteries?
- Phase Change Material for Cruise Ships
- Experimental investigation of latent heat storage integrated on top of wood stoves
- What types of PCM are available today
- Fundamental models for PCM - Literature review on PCMs and PCM pre-selection
- Inventory of PCM characterization equipment