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Norsk English

Experiences from integrating distributed generation in Norway: results from a DSO survey 2010/2011


This paper reports the results from a survey conducted in 2010/2011 among 14 Norwegian distribution system operators (DSOs) concerning their experiences with integration of distributed generation (DG) in distribution networks. The survey shows what kind of problems DSOs experience caused by DG connected to their networks, how the DSOs approach the problems and what kind of planning methodologies and tools the DSOs are using to overcome the problems. The results of the survey show that most of the DSOs have experienced problems with DG units connected to their network, despite the network reinforcements that have been necessary to integrate many of the DG units. The survey also shows that several of the DSOs are expecting a considerable increase in the number of DG units in their distribution networks in the years to come. This increase will probably be accelerated by the introduction of green certificates by 01.01.2012[1], which is expected to increase the profitability of many DG projects. Some of the DSOs have started to address the challenges in their planning methodologies, improving their planning procedures in order to optimize the DG integration process and decrease the need of expensive grid reinforcements. Still, only a few go beyond the normal planning procedures for networks without DG.


Vitenskapelig Kapittel/Artikkel/Konferanseartikkel





  • SINTEF Energi AS / Energisystemer
  • SINTEF Energi AS / Elkraftteknologi




Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE)


CIRED 2012 Workshop: Integration of Renewables into the Distribution Grid, Lisbon, Portugal, 29-30 May 2012

Hefte nr.




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