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Flood Risk Management at a Legal Perspective


A risk presents a result of potential adverse consequences to human beings, economic activities, society and manageability and the environment etc. and associated frequencies of hazardous events. It therefore has close relation with our daily activities in the relevant aspects, such that risk related analyses should be strictly regulated by laws and regulations. Risk and vulnerability analyses (RVA) are usually implemented at two levels of macro and micro. The macro-based analysis can provide overall risk scenarios for various types of hazards for a certain region, and it is accordingly useful for decision makers at national, regional and municipal levels. As an addition, it is also important to carry out RVA at micro level for individual professional sectors, e.g. risk analysis for water-related disasters, that is helpful for making out guidelines of planning, design, and setting up targets for operation and maintenance, and also for revision of guidelines due to emerging changes in climate or by other drivers. In spite of risk and vulnerability analysis (RVA) methodology, standards and regulations having been developed and applied for decades, we still need regulations or guidelines for the analyses in specific professional fields, and evaluation of their applications in practice. Revising legislation will has less significance without an evaluation regarding fitness with local practice, analysis of efficiency and economical cost of measures in current guidelines and for predicted changes. Taking flood risk analysis as an example, the paper has aims to study how the laws and regulations guide planning, design and risk analysis for urban drainage systems rivers; and to investigate, through a case study, how risk management analysis results can be used for legal purposes and how to strengthen the communication between researchers, engineers and managers in professional fields with law makers and lawyers.


Vitenskapelig foredrag




  • Linmei Nie
  • Kristina Heilemann


  • SINTEF Community / Infrastruktur

Presentert på

SamRisk seminar - Flood Risk Management at a Legal Perspective


University in Oslo


15.06.2009 - 16.06.2009


Faculty of Law, University in Oslo



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