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Master of science / Researcher – Digital Production

Master of science / Researcher – Digital Production

SINTEF Manufacturing's Department of Industrial Ecosystems is a leading European research environment dedicated to developing innovative circular products, digital solutions, and sustainable production for value chains. The Digital Production Research Group supports a diverse range of industrial sectors with research and services on next-generation production and operations management systems. The group is growing rapidly, with an extensive project portfolio of national and international projects in various domains such as cyber-physical production systems, Digital Twin, applied AI in manufacturing, Digital product passport, and zero-defect manufacturing. Our aim is to expand the group with a dedicated researcher focused on advancing solutions in industrial artificial intelligence for manufacturing. This includes leveraging machine learning techniques, explainable AI, and supporting applications in data analytics, simulation, and digital twins.


Your Profile

We are seeking candidates with a strong analytical and technical foundation, who possess a university-level education (MSc or PhD). Preferred qualifications include expertise in industrial engineering, data science, AI techniques (e.g., ML, XAI, GenAI, NLP), software programming (e.g., Python, R, Java, C++, Julia), and experience in modelling and simulation within the realms of industry or research. Having an academic background in manufacturing and/or hands-on experience applying methods in the industry is advantageous. We value skills in teamwork, a proactive approach, a drive for applied research, practicality, and curiosity. If you share our passion for the digitalization of manufacturing and the pursuit of innovative solutions for intelligent decision-making, we would love to hear from you!


Your Responsibilities

Our projects are primarily directed towards industry and its challenges in current and future digital transformation processes. Your responsibilities include developing and implementing Artificial Intelligence for production, manufacturing processes, and value chains (both conceptually and in practical applications). This involves creating new intelligent decision support systems and innovative solutions. Our researchers initiate and execute projects in close cooperation with customers and partners to address contemporary problems, contributing to the dissemination of research results through scientific and popular scientific publications.


We offer:

  • A multicultural, creative, and social working environment with colleagues who want to make a difference.
  • Great opportunities for scientific and personal development in an organization that values responsibility and initiative.
  • Flexible working hours, salary based on qualifications, good pension, and insurance plans.

The position is based in Raufoss, Trondheim or Oslo. The working language is Norwegian, and fluency in English is also required.

Applications will be processed continuously. If you have questions regarding the position please contact Research Manager Giuseppe Fragapane.

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SINTEF Manufacturing


Oslo, Trondheim, Raufoss


Søk på stillingen

SINTEF Manufacturing er et institutt som jobber for å utvikle bærekraftige og konkurransedyktige produksjonsløsninger i Norge. Vi leverer spisskompetanse innen digitalisert og automatisert produksjon, produktutvikling og design, produksjonssystemer, bærekraft, sirkulærøkonomi, lean, verdikjedestyring og materialteknologi, samt laboratorie- og verkstedtjenester. Selskapet har cirka 100 ansatte med hovedkontor på Raufoss og forskningsavdelinger i Trondheim, og har i tillegg ansatte i Ålesund, Kongsberg og Horten.

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SINTEF er et av Europas største forskningsinstitutt, med flerfaglig spisskompetanse innenfor teknologi, naturvitenskap og samfunnsvitenskap. SINTEF er en uavhengig stiftelse som siden 1950 har skapt innovasjon gjennom utviklings- og forskningsoppdrag for næringsliv og offentlig sektor i inn- og utland. SINTEF har 2100 medarbeidere fra 80 nasjoner og en årlig omsetning på over tre milliarder kroner. 

Vår visjon: Teknologi for et bedre samfunn 

Les mer om SINTEF her.