Kontaktperson, prosjekter
Kontaktperson, fagområder
- Norway and Europe: Securing future energy and welfare
- Perspective on the hydrogen economy as a pathway to reach net-zero CO2 emissions in Europe Les publikasjonen
- Elegancy - enabling a low-carbon economy via hydrogen and CCS Les publikasjonen
- TCCS–11. CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage. Trondheim 22nd–23rd June 2021. Short Papers from the 11th International Trondheim CCS Conference
- Energi og industri - Mulighetsrom verdikjeder - NHO Veikart for fremtidens næringsliv Les publikasjonen
- TCCS–10. CO2 Capture, Transport and Storage. Trondheim 17th–19th June 2019. Selected papers from the 10th International Trondheim CCS Conference
- Building Nordic Excellence in CCS NORDICCS - The Nordic CCS Competence Centre
- Open Access to World-class Research Facilities: The European CCS Laboratory Infrastructure, ECCSEL
- BIGCCS Centre-supporting Large-Scale CCS Implementation Les publikasjonen
Annen formidling
- Resultatet av COP29 ble en tillitskrise – det siste verden trengte
- As our energy demands increase, the planet continues to overheat. But there is hope.
- SINTEF at Hydrogen Week 2024: From research to market deployment
- Varmerekorder kan kreve kontroversiell løsning
- SINTEF tar klimainitiativ på FNs klimatoppmøte COP29
- COP29: Hvordan skal vi finansiere klimaløsningene?
- SINTEF på Hydrogen Week 2024: Fra forskning til markedsdistribusjon
- New Executive Committee set to lead low-carbon energy research community amid a pivotal year for Europe’s political landscape
- Vestfold - 02.09.2024
- CO2 avgiften vil gå opp