- EnergyModelsX: Flexible Energy Systems Modelling with Multiple Dispatch - Academic article
- From generation to application: Exploring knowledge workers’ relations with GenAI - Academic lecture
- (Micro)plastic and aquaculture: from problems to potential solutions - Academic lecture
- ‘This job is not for a person’: Underwater robots take on tough tasks in aquaculture - Popular scientific article
- “Choose voice control before touchscreens” - Interview
- “Digital Twin and Asset Management” holds successful internal workshop - Interview
- “Good user pathways”: Towards more coherent and user-centred pathways - Academic lecture
- “New” resources in old waters - the governance of ungoverned mesopelagic organisms - Academic lecture
- “SINTEF-TriPOD” in underground design – A demonstration for two projects in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- ”It should last long without harming the environment”: perspectives on sustainability in an environmental and historical IT-project - Academic article
- 2023 a record year for wind installations - Interview
- 2023 Was a Record Year for Wind Installations - Interview
- 24 People to Follow in 2024 for Responsible Artificial Intelligence in Norway - Interview
- 2nd life batteries - Challenges and opportunities - Lecture
- 3D obstacle avoidance and path planning for unmanned underwater vehicles using elastic bands - Multimedia product
- 3D Pointcloud Registration In-the-wild - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 3D printed Zn electrodes for Zn-air batteries - Lecture
- 3D-graded electrospun steam electrode architectures - Poster
- 4D FWI with Reflection Oriented Workflow: Application to CO2 Monitoring at Sleipner Field - Abstract
- 66 kV vs. 132 kV collection grids - Poster
- 6-DoF Closed-Loop Grasping with Reinforcement Learning - Academic lecture
- 6-DoF Closed-Loop Grasping with Reinforcement Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- 8 years of HTHP research in HighEFF - Lecture
- 8 years of TES research in HighEFF - Lecture
- A 2-Parameters Weight Definition in Least-Squares Regression Towards Data Fitting with Uncertainty - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A 3D kinetic Monte Carlo study of streamer discharges in CO2 - Academic article
- A Case Study of Continuous Adoption in the Norwegian Public Sector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Case Study on Meeting Practices - Academic lecture
- A Checklist for Supply Chain Security for Critical Infrastructure Operators - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A chemo-enzymatic method for preparation of saturated oligosaccharides from alginate and other uronic acid-containing polysaccharides - Academic article
- A Comparative Assessment of the Inherent Safety of Hydrogen-Fuelled Power Systems - Academic article
- A comparison of vintage and modern X65 pipeline steel using hollow specimen technique for in-situ hydrogen testing - Academic article
- A competence set for sustainable urban development: framing a research agenda - Academic article
- A complete experimental study on hard granites: Microstructural characterization, mechanical response, and failure criterion - Academic article
- A Comprehensive Assessment of the Morphological Development of Inflorescence, Yield Potential, and Growth Attributes of Summer-Grown, Greenhouse Cherry Tomatoes - Academic article
- A comprehensive overview of industrial demand response status in Europe - Academic article
- A computer tool for optimisation and simulation of marine operations - Academic lecture
- A Conceptual Model for Automation of Small Ports - Academic article
- A Conceptual Model for Automation of Small Ports - Lecture
- A Coordinated Approach Using Hyperspectral Satellite and USV for Algae Bloom Monitoring in Norwegian Coastal Waters - Academic article
- A Coordinated Approach Using Hyperspectral Satellite and USV for Algae Bloom Monitoring in Norwegian Coastal Waters - Academic lecture
- A Design Perspective: What Distinguishes Floating Wind Farms With Conventional- and Shared Mooring Systems? - Academic lecture
- A Design Perspective: What Distinguishes Floating Wind Farms With Conventional- and Shared Mooring Systems? - Academic lecture
- A Design Perspective: What Distinguishes Floating Wind Farms With Conventional- and Shared Mooring Systems? - Academic lecture
- A digital lean world: from digital lean manufacturing to Lean 4.0 - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Digital Twin of the Trondheim Fjord for Environmental Monitoring—A Pilot Case - Academic article
- A dynamic modelling approach to explore zero emission building stock opportunities towards 2050 – Case study of a university campus - Academic article
- A fast simulation method for thermal management in wire arc additive manufacturing repair of a thin-walled structure - Academic article
- A Framework Addressing Challenges in Cybersecurity Testing of IoT Ecosystems and Components - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A framework for integrated resource planning in surgical clinics - Academic article
- A framework for regional high-level technical screening ofpromising CCUS value chains - Academic lecture
- A Framework for Selection of Promising CCUS Value Chains in the Baltic and Mediterranean Regions: CCUS ZEN Project Study - Poster
- A Framework to Prevent Legionella in Service Lines and Premise Plumbing with Flushing - Lecture
- A fully kinetic phase diagram-coupled multicomponent columnar-to-equiaxed grain transition model with an application to additive manufacturing - Academic article
- A guided tour on error control, adaptive time stepping, stopping criteria, applied to DD, reservoir models, and mixed-dimensional systems - Academic lecture
- A hierarchical framework for minimising emissions in hybrid gas-renewable energy systems under forecast uncertainty - Academic article
- A holo-omics analysis shows how sugar kelp can boost gut health in Atlantic salmon - Academic article
- A journey through SPACE: Unpacking the Perceived Productivity of GitHub Copilot - Academic lecture
- A Lagrangian Model-Based Analysis of Protist Plankton Variability and Its Impact on Organic Matter Dynamics Along Transit Pathways Through the Fram Strait - Academic article
- A Light-Weight Tool-Supported Method for Cyber Risk Assessment in the Planning of Cyber-Physical Smart Grids - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Light-Weight Tool-Supported Method for Cyber-Risk Assessment in the Planning of Cyber-Physical Smart Grids - Academic lecture
- A low-cost Si@C composite for lithium-ion batteries anode materials synthesized via freeze-drying process using kerf loss Si waste - Academic article
- A MaxSAT approach for solving a new Dynamic Discretization Discovery model for train rescheduling problems - Academic article
- A method for threat modelling of industrial control systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A methodology for optimal placement of energy hubs with electric vehicle charging stations and renewable generation - Academic article
- A Modelling Framework for Rapid Evaluation of Speed Limitations During Extrusion of Aluminium Profiles - Academic article
- A modified DC Hebb–Wagner polarization method for determining the partial protonic electrical conductivity in mixed-conducting BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6−δ - Academic article
- A modified derivative-free SQP-filter trust-region method for uncertainty handling: application in gas-lift optimization - Academic article
- A MOOC About MOOC Making - Academic lecture
- A MOOC ABOUT MOOC MAKING – FINDINGS AND RESULTS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A MOOC ABOUT MOOC MAKING PEDAGOGIES - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A multiscale modelling of 2-aminoethanol (MEA) within the Python-ecosystem - Masters thesis
- A Multi-Vessel Universal Shore-to-Ship Charging System: Configuration and Control Architecture - Academic article
- A New AI Literacy For The Algorithmic Age: Prompt Engineering Or Eductional Promptization? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A New AI Literacy For The Algorithmic Age: Prompt Engineering Or Eductional Promptization? - Academic lecture
- A new cold cooling system using krypton for the future upgrade of the LHC after the long shutdown 4 (LS4) - Academic article
- A novel approach combining multiple model chains to estimate solar energy potential - Lecture
- A Novel Approach Combining Multiple Model Chains to Estimate Solar Energy Potential - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Novel Approach to Residential Load Modelling for Grid Planning Purposes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Novel Approach to Residential Load Modelling for Grid Planning Purposes - Academic lecture
- A novel biomonitoring platform with caged lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) eggs for of spreading of rubber- and plastic-associated chemicals from urban run-off into a harbour area in Central Norway - Poster
- A Novel Biosurfactant-Based Oil Spill Response Dispersant for Efficient Application under Temperate and Arctic Conditions - Academic article
- A novel circular manufacturing assessment method for the aluminium industry - Chapter
- A Novel Cross-Attention-Based Pedestrian Visual–Inertial Odometry With Analyses Demonstrating Challenges in Dense Optical Flow - Academic article
- A Novel Electrode Model for Søderberg Electrodes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A novel framework for assessing the fracture toughness through the wall thickness of hydrogen pipelines - Academic article
- A novel framework for assessing the smartness and the smart readiness level in highly electrified non-residential buildings: A Norwegian case study - Academic article
- A Novel generalization of sequential decision-theoretic rough set model and its application - Academic article
- A Novel Hybrid Physics/Data-Driven Model for Fractured Reservoir Simulation - Academic article
- A novel method for evaluating ship concept performance in transport systems - Academic lecture
- A novel method for evaluating ship concept performance in transport systems - Academic article
- A packed programme for AQUA 2024 - Interview
- A Peridynamic Approach to Simulate Sea Ice Fracture with a Focus on Its Time-Dependent Material Behaviour - Academic lecture
- A Physics-Informed Scaling Method for Power Electronic Converters in Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Beds - Academic article
- A Pilot Trial Investigating Use of Carbonated Ores in HCFeMnProduction - Academic lecture
- A Pole Detection and Geospatial Localization Framework using LiDAR-GNSS Data Fusion - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A portable dry film FTIR instrument for industrial food and bioprocess applications - Academic article
- A Practical Computational Model To Estimate PAH Emission From Furnaces - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A pragmatical physics-based model for predicting ladle lifetime - Academic article
- A qualitative approach to identify risk factors for reduced fish welfare and mortalities in Norwegian Atlantic salmon smolts - Academic lecture
- A qualitative study exploring how vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis can be integrated within existing healthcare services in the United Kingdom - Academic article
- A Reactor-Network Framework to Model Performance and Emissions of a Longitudinally Staged Combustion System for Carbon-Free Fuels - Academic article
- A Reactor-Network Framework to Model Performance and Emissions of a Longitudinally-Staged Combustion System for Carbon-Free Fuels - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A RECIPE FOR PLASTIC: Expert insights on plastic additives in the marine environment - Poster
- A Research Agenda for Lean Management - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- A Review of Methods for Modelling Flooding, Its Progression and Outcome in Damaged Ships - Academic literature review
- A Review Of Overhead Power Line Component Degradation Models - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Review of Overhead Power Line Component Degradation Models - Academic lecture
- A Review of Overhead Power Line Component Degradation Models - Academic lecture
- A review of recent advances in additive manufacturing with polymer materials - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Rigorous Life Cycle Assessment Framework for Disruptive Manufacturing of Maritime Spare Parts – Comparing Additive Manufacturing and Conventional Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- A seawater field study of crude and fuel oil depletion in Northern Norway at two different seasons – Chemistry and bacterial communities - Academic article
- A Simple Protocol for Estimating the Acute Toxicity of Unresolved Polar Compounds from Field-weathered Oils - Academic article
- A sociotechnical approach to Workplace Innovation - Lets talk about participation and democracy! - Lecture
- A study of the fire performance of combustible thermal insulation through fire experiments - Poster
- A Study of the Long-Term Electrochemical Stability of Thin-Film Titanium–Platinum Microelectrodes and Their Comparison to Classic, Wire-Based Platinum Microelectrodes in Selected Inorganic Electrolytes - Academic article
- A Study on Bio-Coke Production—The Influence of Biochar Addition to the Coking Blend on Bio-Coke Quality Parameters - Academic article
- A study on the influence of impurity content on fatigue endurance in a 6082 Al-alloy - Academic article
- A Study on Usage of Formal Knowledge Sharing Systems in Project-Based Organizations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A supply-chain perspective on producing and upscaling bioplastic from cultivated brown seaweed - Academic article
- A survey-based mapping of the building and construction entrepreneurial ecosystem - Academic lecture
- A survey-based mapping of the building and construction entrepreneurial ecosystem - Academic article
- A systematic analysis of digital tools for citizen participation - Academic article
- A Systematic Mapping Study and a Review of the Optimization Methods of Structures in Architectural Design - Academic article
- A Taxonomy for Cloud Storage Cost - Academic article
- A technical-regulatory perspective on the realization of autonomous waterborne logistics - Lecture
- A time scale regard on percussion drilling - Academic article
- A translational framework to DELIVER nanomedicines to the clinic - Academic literature review
- A two-capillary viscometer for temperatures up to 473 K and pressures up to 100 MPa—operation and verification at low pressure - Academic article
- A Virtual Extrusion Test for Rapid Evaluation of Extrudability of 6xxx-Series Aluminum Profiles - Academic article
- A Virtual Extrusion Test for Rapid Evaluation of Extrudability of 6xxx-Series Aluminum Profiles - Academic lecture
- A Volume-of-Fluid method for multicomponent droplet evaporation with Robin boundary conditions - Academic article
- A Wave Drift Force Model for Semi-Submersible Types of Floating Wind Turbines in Large Waves and Current - Academic article
- A Way Forward for the MDCG 2019-16 Medical Device Security Guidance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- A Web-Based Intervention to Support a Growth Mindset and Well-Being in Unemployed Young Adults: Development Study - Academic article
- A whole-body transcriptome assembly of the annelid worm Hediste diversicolor - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- A willingness to sacrifice? Unpacking the un-tapped potential for transformative change in mobility transitions - Academic lecture
- Ab-initio calculations of anharmonicity in thermoelectric materials via the stochastic temperature-dependent effective potential (sTDEP) method - Poster
- Accelerating precipitation hardening by natural aging in a 6082 Al-Mg-Si alloy - Academic article
- Accidents Review And Control Assessment For Reliable Operation Of PEM Water Electrolyzer Stacks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Accuracy of instrument tip position using fiber optic shape sensing for navigated bronchoscopy - Academic article
- Accurate space-group prediction from composition - Academic article
- Achieving Sector-Wide Sustainability Transitions: Insights from a National Transition Management process - Academic lecture
- Acid preservation of Laminaria hyperborea with formic and acetic acid and its effects on alginate - Academic article
- Acoustic response of patchy-saturated porous media: Coupling Biot's poroelasticity equations for mono- and biphasic pore fluids - Academic article
- ACT4 SPARSE monitoring concepts - Lecture
- Active Magnetic Ranging from Bottom Hole Assembly: Tool Performance - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active Magnetic Ranging in Geothermal Drilling: Identifying Ghost Targets - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active Magnetic Ranging Solution While Drilling for Geothermal Loop: Test in Low-Conductive Formation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active Magnetic Ranging While Drilling: Tool Function and Tests Results - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Active Pose - Autonomous Hole-Filling Techniques for 3D Surface Reconstruction in Underwater Exploration - Academic article
- Active Pose - Autonomous Hole-Filling Techniques for 3D Surface Reconstruction in Underwater Exploration - Academic lecture
- Adaptable Runtime Monitoring for Intermittent Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adaptive Kalman Filter-based Estimator with Sea Trail Data to Calculate Ship States in Complex Navigation Conditions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Adaptive Tool Trajectory Generation for Robotic Deburring using Structured Light 3D Camera sensor - Academic article
- Additive Manufacturing of 7xxx Aluminium Alloys by Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Academic lecture
- Additive Manufacturing of 7xxx Aluminium Alloys by Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Academic article
- Additive manufacturing of duplex stainless steels with coaxial laser directed energy deposition - Doctoral dissertation
- Additive manufacturing of Proton-Conducting Ceramics by robocasting with integrated laser postprocessing - Academic article
- Address Social Injustices in Taxonomy: Implement Extended Revisions of Names with Ethical Issues and Persistent Identifiers for Tracing Name Changes - Short communication
- Addressing Health Disparities: Comparison of Predictors of Health among Adults Living with and without Physical or Psychological Disabilities - Academic lecture
- Addressing the Challenges of Underwater Motion Planning towards Enabling Autonomous Aquaculture Operations - Multimedia product
- Addressing the Challenges of Underwater Motion Planning towards Enabling Autonomous Aquaculture Operations - Poster
- Addressing the Challenges of Underwater Motion Planning towards Enabling Autonomous Aquaculture Operations - Abstract
- Addressing the Challenges of Underwater Motion Planning Towards Enabling Autonomous Aquaculture Operations - Poster
- Adolescents' views on oral health care and promotion in Norway: everyday practices, recommendations, and future visions - Academic article
- Adoption, acceptability and sustained use of digital interventions to promote physical activity among inactive adults: a mixed-method study - Academic article
- Adsorption and Reaction Mechanism of Inert Carriers (Al2O3 and TiO2) Loaded with Fe2O3 in Chemical Looping Gasification Based on Density Functional Theory - Academic article
- Advance in Diffuse Dust Emission Monitoring - Academic article
- Advanced data cluster analyses in digital twin development for marine engines towards ship performance quantification - Academic article
- Advanced digital lab infrastructure for the development of smart power grid - Popular scientific lecture
- Advanced electron microscopy – SPED and HAADF-STEM – of age hardenable aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Advanced Simulations of Impacts from Large Oil Spills on Commercially Important Fish Stocks in the North Atlantic - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Advanced sorting technologies in the waste sector : Case studies compilation, IEA Bioenergy: Task 3 - Report
- Advanced TEM studies of precipitation in aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Advanced, efficient and green intermodal systems - Roadmap for automated waterborne transport. - Popular scientific lecture
- Advances in Secure IoT Data Sharing - Academic article
- Advancing Automated Freight Transport: Unveiling the Requirements and Readiness of Physical and Digital Road Infrastructure - Academic article
- Advancing life cycle assessment of bioenergy crops with global land use models - Academic article
- Advancing research through the education of master’s students at FME CINELDI - Website (informational material)
- AeroPath: An airway segmentation benchmark dataset with challenging pathology and baseline method - Academic article
- Ageing of Solid Insulation in Transformer and Reactor Windings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Agency in green path development: Circular bioeconomy in the wastewater sector - Academic article
- Agile Approaches in Critical Infrastructures - Academic lecture
- Agile Maneuvers for Push-Broom Imaging Satellites - Academic article
- AgriPV in Norway: Evaluating the initial performance and lessons learned - Poster
- AI and Climate - Popular scientific lecture
- AI and Functional safety – Pain or gain or both? - Lecture
- AI for green transition - Lecture
- AI guided Point-of-care ultrasound in rural areas – equal access to healthcare services - Lecture
- AI-Dentify: deep learning for proximal caries detection on bitewing x-ray - HUNT4 Oral Health Study - Academic article
- AI-driven Analysis: Image based qualification of Scale Loss in Fish using Machine Learning and Computer Vision - Masters thesis
- AI-driven security orchestration for digital twins-based critical infrastructures - Academic lecture
- AI-driven sustainable cities: A Nordic-inspired requirement framework - Academic article
- Air quality for various ventilation solutions in a Norwegian Zero Emission Building office - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- AIR Study - Digital Safety Twin - Deep dive - Lecture
- AIR Study - Digital Safety twin - High level - Lecture
- Al-Cu intermetallic phase growth in hybrid metal extrusion & bonding welds exposed to isothermal annealing or direct current cycling - Academic article
- Algal biotechnology - Seaweed farming for carbon removal - Lecture
- AlgalBBB: In-process epimerisation of alginates from Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta and Laminaria hyperborea - Academic lecture
- Algorithmic Governance for Food Supply Chain Transparency: an Umbrella Review - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aligning interoperability architectures for digital agri-food platforms - Academic article
- Alkalis Released from Aggregates – Significance for Concrete Performance Testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Alkalis Released from Aggregates – Significance for Concrete Performance Testing - Academic lecture
- Alpiq contributes to two hydropower innovation projects - Interview
- Alpiq trägt in zwei Projekten zu Innovation der Wasserkraft bei - Interview
- Alterations of river flow caused by three types of hydropower plants in Slovenia and Croatia - Academic article
- Aluminium Carbide and Carbon Dust in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells—A Conceptual Model for Loss in Current Efficiency - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Aluminium Reinforced Concrete in a Resource Utilization and Recycling Perspective - Academic lecture
- Ammonia as maritime fuel - Newsletter #3 - Briefs
- Ammonia combustion for gas turbine power applications - Academic lecture
- Ammonia cracking and interaction with Pd membranes - Academic lecture
- An Adaptive Special Protection Scheme Coordinating Multiple Generation Units for Damping Power System Natural Oscillations - Academic article
- An agent-based model for controlling pandemic infectious diseases transmission dynamics with the use of face masks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An AI pipeline for garment price projection using computer vision - Academic article
- An aquaculture risk model to understand the causes and consequences of Atlantic Salmon mass mortality events: A review - Academic literature review
- An efficient and easy-to-implement recovery-based a posteriori error estimator for isogeometric analysis of the Stokes equation - Academic article
- An engine emergency stop and alert system in case of MOB events - Poster
- An Improved Interface Coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics With Potential Theory-Based Wave Descriptions - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- An Improved Interface Coupling Computational Fluid Dynamics With Potential Theory-Based Wave Descriptions - Academic lecture
- An ocean of opportunities: Norway as a driver of wave energy development - Website (informational material)
- An open fireplace is cosy, but not very useful - Interview
- An Open-Innovation Platform for knowledge-based management of materials modelling workflows for industrial data - Academic lecture
- An overview of the EU-funded ACCSESS project, providing access to cost-efficient, replicable, safe and flexible CCS - Popular scientific lecture
- An XPS Study of Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries in Full Cell LNMO vs Si/Graphite - Academic article
- Analysing a grid-forming storage hub for an offshore platform cluster supplied by wind energy - Academic article
- Analysing the impact of different precipitation characteristics on hydrological performances of infiltration swales - Academic lecture
- Analysis of a high temperature heat pump integration in an amine-based CO2 capture process - Poster
- Analysis of Concrete Air Voids: Comparing OpenAI-Generated Python Code with MATLAB Scripts and Enhancing 2D Image Processing Using 3D CT Scan Data - Academic article
- Analysis of Different Modality of Data to Diagnose Parkinson's Disease Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches: A Review - Academic literature review
- Analysis of flow-based parameters in IPN Vannfly - Project results - Report
- Analysis of Inception Sites of Vented Water Trees in a Laboratory Aged High Voltage XLPE Subsea Cable - Academic lecture
- Analysis of spatial and design factors for users' acceptance of rescue rooms in road tunnels: An exploratory study using Virtual Reality - Academic article
- Analysis of visual and acoustic measures for self-evacuations in road tunnels using virtual reality - Academic article
- Analytical Computation of the Maximum Power Point of Solar Cells Using Perturbation Theory - Academic article
- Analytical Considerations - Workshop: Therapeutic Genome Editing Tools, Delivery Systems, Prospects and Challenges 8th July - Academic lecture
- Analytical Framework for Coordinated Planning and Operation of Multicarrier Energy Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Analytical modelling of piezoMEMS transducers - Poster
- Analytical orthogonality and advanced separation techniques for LNPs - Academic lecture
- Analytical tools for monitoring glycol degradation - Academic article
- Analyzing a grid-forming storage hub for an offshore platform cluster supplied by wind energy - Academic lecture
- Angular velocity changes in Valhall - Academic lecture
- Anisotropy and heterogeneity of velocity changes in Valhall overburden - Academic lecture
- ANITA2 – Multicomponent Air Analyser for ISS – 2 Years of Operation, Hardware Behaviour and Possible Improvements for Future Versions. - Lecture
- ANITA2 – the Multicomponent Air Analyser on ISS – Gas Measurement Results From the ISS Air in 2023 - Lecture
- ANN-Based Robust Current Controller for Single-Stage Grid-Connected PV With Embedded Improved MPPT Scheme - Academic article
- Anomaly detection in multivariate time series of drilling data - Academic article
- Aortic roadmapping during EVAR: a combined FEM–EM tracking feasibility study - Academic article
- Application of a data-driven approach for maximum fatigue damage prediction of an unbonded flexible riser - Academic article
- Application of blockchain in seafood supply chains - Lecture
- Application of Data Analytics and Machine Learning in Analysing Result of Numerical Ship Manoeuvring Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Application of modified Model Reference Adaptive Controller and Observer (MRACO) for speed control of an unmanned underwater vehicle - Academic article
- Application of Modified Model Reference Adaptive Controller and Observer (MRACO) for Speed Control of an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle - Academic lecture
- Application of suspended inter-array power cables in floating offshore wind farms - Academic article
- Application of Three-Dimensional CFD Model to Determination of the Capacity of Existing Tyrolean Intake - Academic article
- Applied optimization with JuMP at SINTEF - Academic lecture
- Applying Bayesian optimization to predict parameters in a time-domain model for cross-flow vortex-induced vibrations - Academic article
- Approaches Enabling Underwater Autonomy and Sensing in Sea-Based Aquaculture Settings - Multimedia product
- Approaches Enabling Underwater Autonomy and Sensing in Sea-Based Aquaculture Settings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Approaches Enabling Underwater Autonomy and Sensing in Sea-Based Aquaculture Settings - Academic lecture
- Approaches to handle disruption effects in transport infrastructure and logistics networks - Academic lecture
- Approaching a mechanistic understanding of PCEC electrodics - Academic lecture
- Approaching network-embedded business modelling in strategic nets: the case of circular reuse of large building parts in Norway - Academic lecture
- Approximating hydropower systems by feasibility spaces in stochastic dual dynamic programming - Academic article
- Approximating Hydropower Systems by Feasibility Spaces in Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming - Academic lecture
- AQUA 2024 - Copenhagen is the place to be end August - Interview
- Aqua 2024 26-30 August, Copenhagen - Interview
- AQUA 2024 taking shape - Interview
- Aquaculture field robotics: Applications, lessons learned and future prospects - Academic article
- Aquaculture field robotics: Applications, lessons learned and future prospects - Poster
- Aquaculture Robotics Research at SINTEF Ocean - Autonomy, navigation, and motion planning dedicated to improve efficiency, safety and fish welfare - Academic lecture
- Aquaculture Robotics Research at SINTEF Ocean - Autonomy, navigation, and motion planning dedicated to improve efficiency, safety and fish welfare - Academic lecture
- Aquaculture sludge as feed for black soldier fly: Transfer of chemical and biological contaminants and nutrients - Academic article
- Arctic imaginations and Arctic realities - plastics governance in the high north - Lecture
- Arct-Risk Final Report. Main results from the research project “Risk governance of climate-related systemic risk in the Arctic” (Arct-Risk) - Report
- Are architectural approaches holding water? - Interview
- Are architectural approaches holding water? - Interview
- Are century-old timber beams as serviceable as new ones? - Interview
- Are century-old timber beams as serviceable as new ones? - Interview
- Are century-old timber beams as serviceable as new ones? - Interview
- Are rigid sorting devices necessary to control size selectivity in demersal trawl fisheries? - Academic article
- Are salmon farms a source for rare earth elements in the Norwegian marine environment? Findings from an active biomonitoring - Lecture
- Are you looking to test new AI tools? Make sure you avoid the ‘Tesla trap’ - Feature article
- Arguments for Keeping Uniform Alumina Concentration and Anode-Cathode Distance in Aluminium Electrolysis Cells - Academic lecture
- Artificial Intelligence and Logistics - Lecture
- Artificial intelligence capabilities for circular business models: Research synthesis and future agenda - Academic article
- Artificial intelligence implementation in manufacturing SMEs: A resource orchestration approach - Academic article
- Artificial intelligence in lean manufacturing: digitalization with a human touch? - Academic literature review
- Artificial Intelligence in Safety Systems — Is it a pain or is it a gain (or both)? - Feature article
- As above, so below: studying above-ground rock masses to better understand underground fractures - Website (informational material)
- As our energy demands increase, so the planet continues to overheat. But there is still hope - Interview
- As our energy demands increase, the planet continues to overheat. But there is hope. - Interview
- Assembly Line Design for Industrialized Electrolyser Production - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessing fracture toughness of vintage and modern X65 pipeline steels under in situ electrochemical hydrogen charging using advanced testing methodology - Academic article
- Assessing Hydrate Formation Risk in Infill CCS Wells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessing multigenerational effects of exposure to crude oil on the arctic keystone species Boreogadus saida and the model Danio rerio. - Poster
- Assessing potential impacts on biofuel innovation on regional sustainability transition: A case-study in Innlandet, Norway - Academic lecture
- Assessing Re-Identification Capabilities of Salmon Body Parts Using AI-Based Computer Vision Methods - Masters thesis
- Assessing the cognitive demand of In-Vehicle Infotainment System functions - Poster
- Assessing the Impact of New Emerging Nanomaterials in the Mussel Mytilus edulis - Poster
- Assessing the Impact of New Emerging Nanomaterials in the Mussel Mytilus edulis - Poster
- Assessing the toxicity of a multi-polymer and multi-size microplastic mixture on early life stages of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Academic lecture
- Assessment and Validation of Small-Scale Tropospheric Delay Estimations Based on NWP Data - Academic article
- Assessment of activity and heart rate as indicators for acute stress in Atlantic salmon - Academic article
- Assessment of Anisotropic Elastic Parameters Using Laboratory Triaxial and In-Situ Pressuremeter Tests in Opalinus Clay - Academic article
- Assessment of Breakwater as a Protection System against Aerodynamic Loads Acting on the Floating PV System - Academic article
- Assessment of Cementitious Composites for High-Temperature Geothermal Wells - Academic article
- Assessment of fire safety design solutions and best practice for battery rooms in buildings in Norway - Academic lecture
- Assessment of microplastic release from cleaning of aquaculture ne - Academic lecture
- Assessment of microplastic release from cleaning of aquaculture nets - Academic lecture
- Assessment of microplastics in the sediments around Hywind Scotland Offshore Wind Farm. - Academic article
- Assessment of microplastics in the sediments around Hywind Scotland OWF - Academic lecture
- Assessment of microplastics in the sediments around the Hywind Scotland offshore wind farm - Poster
- Assessment of Norwegian Bridges Affected by ASR - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of Norwegian Bridges Affected by ASR - Academic lecture
- Assessment of resilience in a maritime autonomous transport system - Academic lecture
- Assessment of resilience in a maritime autonomous transport system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of risk and reliability challenges in hydrogen systems - Academic lecture
- Assessment of risk and reliability challenges in hydrogen systems - Academic article
- Assessment of the volatility of amine degradation compounds in aqueous MEA and blend of 1-(2HE)PRLD and 3A1P - Academic article
- Assessment of Three Critically ASR-Deteriorated Bridges - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Assessment of Three Critically ASR-Deteriorated Bridges - Academic lecture
- Assessment of turbulence models for evaporation and stratification in cryogenic storage tanks - Academic lecture
- At what temperature should the tire rolling resistance be measured? - Academic article
- Atomic resolution transmission electron microscopy visualisation of channel occupancy in beryl in different crystallographic directions - Academic article
- Atomic structure of clusters and GP-zones in an Al-Mg-Si alloy - Academic article
- Atomistic modelling of functional materials - Academic lecture
- Auditism: Symptoms, Safety Consequences, Causes, and Cure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Augmented reality (AR) marketing and consumer responses: A study of cue-utilization and habituation - Academic article
- Aumenta energia limpa e 2023 foi ano recorde para instalações eólicas - Interview
- Auroral Zone Disturbance Impacts: Time- and Distance-dependent Degradations of Network RTK Performance - Academic lecture
- Author Correction: Effect of model methanogens on the electrochemical activity, stability, and microbial community structure of Geobacter spp. dominated biofilm anodes (npj Biofilms and Microbiomes, (2024), 10, 1, (17), 10.1038/s41522-024-00490-z) - Errata
- Automated Aquaculture Operations With Vessel-Mounted Robotic Arm: An Experimental Feasibility Study - Academic lecture
- Automated Aquaculture Operations With Vessel-Mounted Robotic Arm: An Experimental Feasibility Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Automated Behavior Labeling for IIoT Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Automated computer vision based individual salmon (Salmo salar) breathing rate estimation (SaBRE) for improved state observability - Academic article
- Automated Data Retrieval and Analysis for Enhanced Product Production - Poster
- Automated measurement method for assessing thermal-dependent electronic characteristics of thin boron-doped diamond-graphene nanowall structures - Academic article
- Automated monitoring of early life-stage development in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) embryos exposed to a reference toxicant - Academic article
- Automated Segmentation and Quantification of the Right Ventricle in 2-D Echocardiography - Academic article
- Automated segmentation of the median nerve in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome - Academic article
- Automated toolpath planning with 3D implementation of a parabolic weld bead deposition model for wire arc additive manufacturing repair - Academic article
- Automatic Catch Registration as a tool for ensuring data from fisheries for biodiversity protection in line with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity framework and SDG14 - Lecture
- Automatic Segmentation of Mediastinal Lymph Nodes and Blood Vessels in Endobronchial Ultrasound (EBUS) Images Using Deep Learning - Academic article
- Automatic standard building category classification from smart meter data – A supervised learning approach - Academic article
- Automating global landslide detection with heterogeneous ensemble deep-learning classification - Academic article
- Automation and standardization of bioinformatics pipelines at SINTEF - Lecture
- Automation in the Maritime Transport System – A Framework for Planning Resilient Operations - Academic article
- Autonomous Battery Optimization by Deploying Distributed Experiments and Simulations - Academic article
- Autonomous Inspection and Maintenance Operations employing Multi-Robots: Preliminary Results - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Inspection and Maintenance Operations employing Multi-Robots: Preliminary Results - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous Marine Biodiversity Mapping and Bioprospecting Platform - Poster
- Autonomous Mobile Robots for Material Handling in Intralogistics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous Navigation for Inspection and Maintenance Ground Robotics - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Robotic Systems in Aquaculture: Research Challenges and Industry Needs - Academic lecture
- Autonomous Ship Developments in Horizon Europe - Lecture
- Autonomous ships are on the horizon: Is AI ready to take command? - https://norwegianscitechnews.com/2024/05/autonomous-ships-are-on-the-horizon-is-ai-ready-to-take-command/ - Feature article
- AUTOSHIP: the project video - Multimedia product
- Available data and knowledge gaps of the CESAR1 solvent system - Academic literature review
- AVO-based Reservoir Parameter Updates for Efficient Conformance of CO2 Storage Monitoring - Abstract
- Bacterial growth potential as a diagnostic tool for quantifying drinking water biostability - Academic lecture
- Balancing the Norwegian regulated power market anno 2016 to 2022 - Academic article
- Balder case: first pass predictions - Academic lecture
- Band alignment in Zn(1−x)MgxO:Al/SiOx/Si heterostructures for photovoltaic applications realized by atomic layer deposition: Effects of Al doping and Mg alloying - Academic article
- Barriers and strategies to medication adherence amongst people with multiple sclerosis and cognitive problems - Academic article
- Barriers in achieving sustainability in seafood value chains: Is consumer preference a barrier too? - Lecture
- Barriers to Data Analytics for Energy Efficiency in the Maritime Industry - Academic article
- Basic design of an ORC demonstrator system for implementation in an Iron & Steel plant through the DECAGONE project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Basic Networking concepts for IT/OT security course - Academic lecture
- Basin-Scale Modeling of the Baia Mare geothermal and Ore-Forming System - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Basis for engineering of pretreatment unit at Eramet Norway Porsgrunn - Report
- Battery simulation with Julia - Lecture
- Bayesian Fault Detection and Localization Through Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Plants - Academic article
- Bayesian Optimisation for Offshore Wind Farm Optimisation - Poster
- BC-GAN: A threshold-free framework for unsupervised early fault detection in rotating machinery - Academic article
- Beach litter deposition and turnover, effects of tides and weather, and implications for cleanup strategies: A case study in the Lofoten archipelago, Norway - Academic article
- Beam–plasma dynamics in finite-length, collisionless inhomogeneous systems - Academic article
- Behavioral Aspects of Agile Software Development: A Case Study on Meeting Practices - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Behaviour of retrofitted industrial gas turbine burners to ammonia blends - Academic lecture
- Beneficial use of recycled aggregates from concrete sludge using a new dry washing technology - Academic article
- Beyond Years: Is Artificial Intelligence Ready to Predict Biological Age and Cardiovascular Risk Using Echocardiography? - Editorial
- Big data. Big potential. Big problems? - Editorial
- Bioaccumulation of pharmaceuticals and stimulants in macrobenthic food web in the European Arctic as determined using stable isotope approach - Academic article
- Biocarbon as a Reductant in FeMn Processes - Expanding Process Simulation Using HSC Sim - Academic lecture
- Biocarbon pelletisation - Lecture
- BioCarbUpgrade - Overview and first results - Lecture
- BioCarbUpgrade - Project overview - Lecture
- BioCarbUpgrade Newsletter 1-2024 - Briefs
- BioCarbUpgrade Newsletter 2-2024 - Briefs
- Bio-derivable crosslinked polyesters as sustainable replacements for oil-based polyester resins - Poster
- Biology and Technology Interaction: Study identifying the impact of robotic systems on fish behaviour change in industrial scale fish farms - Academic lecture
- Biology and Technology Interaction: Study identifying the impact of robotic systems on fish behaviour change in industrial scale fish farms - Poster
- Biomass estimations of cultivated kelp using underwater RGB images from a mini-ROV and computer vision approaches - Academic article
- Biomass Torrefaction for Renewable Energy: From Physicochemical, Bulk Properties, and Flowability to Future Perspectives and Applications - Academic literature review
- BioMet: Overview and first results - Lecture
- Biosafety in Norwegian Aquaculture—Risks and Measures in RAS Facilities and Well-Boats - Academic literature review
- Biotech solutions to sustainable food for the future - Lecture
- Blockchain as a Driver of Vertical and Horizontal Information Sharing for Sustainable Innovations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Bloom’s taxonomy and development of Artificial Intelligence literacies - Academic lecture
- Border Crossing Connectivity for CCAM vehicles: A Field Test at the Norwegian-Swedish Border - Academic article
- Borehole Guided Waves Sensitivity to Well Integrity and CO2 Saturation Changes Beyond the Casing - Lecture
- Bridge between immersion cooling and TES - Lecture
- Bridging the Gap Between Labour Unions and the Management Through Leadership Development Programs? - Academic article
- Brief introduction to ontologies and semantic standards - Lecture
- Bringing companies and researchers together for workplace innovation – Action Research in practice - Academic lecture
- Bringing old brickwork back to life in heritage buildings - Interview
- Bringing old brickwork back to life in heritage buildings - Interview
- Bringing old brickwork back to life in heritage buildings - Interview
- Brown seaweed as a food ingredient contributing to an adequate but not excessive amount of iodine in the European diet. A case study with bread - Academic article
- Bubble flow in fractures - Investigation of CO2 flow in fractures with bubble flow experiments in SINTEF's tilted Hele-Shaw cell - Academic lecture
- Building a Cost-Effective Ammonia Value Chain for Maritime Applications - Lecture
- Building greenhouses on the moon out of moon dust - Interview
- Building greenhouses on the moon out of moon dust - Interview
- Building towards a healthier future - Interview Journal
- Building with Nature: Nature-based solutions in the built environment - Academic lecture
- Bulk and interfacial thermodynamics of ammonia, water and their mixtures - Academic article
- cAIge : AI and Computer Vision for Salmon Re Identification and Welfare Assessment - Lecture
- Calanus (C. finmarchicus) hydrolysate and silage improves feed intake, growth, health, and quality of Atlantic salmon (salmo salar) after seawater transfer - Poster
- Calanus finmarchicus as an alternative feed ingredient for Norwegian salmon aquaculture: environmental sustainability and future challenges and barriers - Academic lecture
- Calcium zincate and multi-layer architecture of zinc pasted electrodes - Lecture
- Calibrating an archetype model for predicting space heating energy consumption in older residential buildings: a case study of a building in Oslo and Trondheim - Masters thesis
- Calibration and validation of physics-based data-driven models for simulating the thermal behavior of indoor spaces in an assisted living facility - Academic article
- Calypso – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - In relation to oil spill response - Report
- Can automatic measuring replace humans when evaluating a shrimp fishery? - Academic article
- Can higher resource utilization be achieved in demersal fish supply chains? Status and challenges from Iceland and Norway - Academic article
- Can pots be an alternative fishing gear to gillnets? A Mediterranean case study - Academic article
- Can subsea shuttles be a cost-competitive solution for CO2 transport? - Academic article
- Can time-resolved synchrotron μ-CT imaging capture interacting deformation, mineral reactions and fluid release? – it’s complicated - Academic lecture
- CAPTIV8: A Comprehensive Large Scale Capsule Endoscopy Dataset For Integrated Diagnosis - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Capturing the future? A socio-technical perspective on CCS - Lecture
- Carbon capture and storage in the waste to energy sector: four cases from Norway - Academic lecture
- Carbon Capture Summit EUROPE 2024 - Lecture
- Carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) in Norway and Northern Europe - Academic lecture
- Carbonation and corrosion of steel in fly ash concrete, concluding investigation of five-year-old laboratory specimens and preliminary field data - Academic article
- Cardiac Valve Event Timing in Echocardiography Using Deep Learning and Triplane Recordings - Academic article
- CardioSIM, The right treatment, to the right time - Academic lecture
- Case Studies of Elastic Closed Fish Cage Concepts in Waves - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Case study of ventilation solutions and strategies for Li-Ion battery rooms in Norway - Academic article
- Case study: Challenges and possible measures in the future Norwegian distribution grid (CINELDI report 05:2024) - Report
- Case study: World Health Organization's guidelines for environmental noise revisited - Academic article
- Case study: World Health Organization's guidelines for environmental noise revisited - Academic article
- Catalysis effect of rare earth element Ce on paste boriding treatment of AISI 410 steel - Academic article
- Catalytic low temperature ammonia decomposition for COx free hydrogen production - Poster
- Catch my drift? Between-farm dispersal of biofouling waste from salmon pen net cleaning: Potential risks for fish health - Academic article
- Cathodic protection of aluminium in seawater - Academic article
- CCS Haugalandet : Evaluation of CO2 logistics scenarios in the Haugalandet region - Report
- CCS technological innovation system dynamics in Norway - Academic article
- CCS Well Control Impact of CO2 on Drilling Fluid Performance - Lecture
- CCS Well Control Impact of CO2 on Drilling Fluid Performance - Chapter
- Cell factories in the making - Lecture
- Cellulose Nanofibrils/Alginates Double-Network Composites: Effects of Interfibrillar Interaction and G/M Ratio of Alginates on Mechanical Performance - Academic article
- Centres for Environment-friendly Energy Research (FME) Conference: The FMEs as enablers in mitigating climate and energy challenges - Programme management
- CESAR1 degradation - Academic lecture
- CESAR1 solvent degradation in pilot and laboratory scale - Academic article
- CESAR1 solvent degradation in pilot and laboratory scale - Academic lecture
- CFD modeling for predicting imperfections in laser welding and additive manufacturing of aluminum alloys - Academic article
- CFD Validation of Optimized Compact Heat Exchanger Designs - Academic lecture
- CFD validation of optimized compact heatexchanger designs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Challenges and Measures for Improved Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) in Salmon Farming - Lecture
- Challenges in quantifying Pt concentrations in Pd alloys by using secondary ion mass spectrometry: Strong grain orientation effects - Academic article
- Changes in cement paste during accelerated mortar bar testing for pyrrhotite containing aggregate - Academic article
- Changes in food quality attributes of Saccharina latissima following pre-treatments, frozen storage and subsequent thawing - Academic article
- Changes in the cement paste due to pyrrhotite reaction during accelerated mortar bar testing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Changes in the cement paste due to pyrrhotite reaction during accelerated mortar bar testing - Academic lecture
- Chapter 14 Composition and Calories - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chapter 2. Peptides and Proteins - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chapter 8: Data management and quality control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Characterisation and Performance Evaluation of Elastomers for Carbon Capture and Storage Infrastructure: A Focus on CO2 Transportation - Academic lecture
- Characterisation of manganese ores and slags for production of ferromanganese and Al-Mn master alloys - Academic lecture
- Characterisation of the microstructure in Al/Cu joints welded using hybrid metal extrusion & bonding - Academic lecture
- Characterising the transdisciplinary challenge in the development of Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods – what do emerging innovations tell us? - Academic article
- Characteristics and Range of Reviews About Technologies for Aging in Place: Scoping Review of Reviews - Academic literature review
- Characterization of fine geographic scale population genetics in sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) using genome-wide markers - Academic article
- Characterization of nucleic acids using Asymmetrical Flow Field-Flow Fractionation (AF4) - Poster
- Characterization of nutrients and contaminants in fish sludge from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) production sites - A future resource - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Characterization of nutrients and contaminants in fish sludge from Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) production sites - A future resource - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Characterization of pure and admixed brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations of high conservation value in the upper Danubian contact zone using ddRADseq genotyping - Academic article
- Characterizing street trees in three metropolises of central China by using Street View data: From individual trees to landscape mapping - Academic article
- Charge-Inhomogeneity-Mediated Low-Frequency Noise in One-Dimensional Edge-Contacted Graphene Heterostructure Field Effect Transistors - Academic article
- Chatbot Research and Design: 7th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2023, Oslo, Norway, November 22–23, 2023, Revised Selected Papers - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- ChatGPT: mediating complex design processes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Chemical leaching from OWF turbine coatings into seawater - Poster
- Chemicals in OWF Coatings and their Leaching into the Marine Environment - Academic lecture
- Chitin synthesis inhibition in non-model species Calanus finmarchicus - Poster
- Chlorophyll Estimation on Hypso-1 Using Ensemble Machine Learning - Academic article
- Choosing Eco-Friendly Refrigerants for Appliances - Website (informational material)
- CINELDI Memo - 5G Performance for Smart grid Communications - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Overview of Case Studies Involving Techno-Economical Power System Analysis Related to CINELDI - Report
- CINELDI Memo - The value of flexibility in EV chargers for an office building - Report
- CINELDI Memo - Utilization of PMU and Heimdall Power sensor for DLR: Increasing overview and complimentary - Report
- CINELDI strategy and roadmap for transitioning to a flexible, intelligent power grid (CINELDI report 04:2024) - Report
- Circular recycling concept for silver recovery from photovoltaic cells in Ethaline deep eutectic solvent - Academic article
- Circularity & MSW treatment in a systems perspective - Lecture
- Circularity index and benchmarks for buildings - Academic lecture
- CircWtE Take-home messages + way forward, future project opportunities - Lecture
- Clamping Pressure Behavior of Pressboard under Thermal Cycling: Experimental and Numerical results - Academic article
- Clamping pressure during step loading of power transformer with and without prior energisation - Academic article
- Classification of Concrete Bridges Based on Material Usage for Sustainable Decision-Making - Lecture
- Classifying and characterizing power system flexibility solutions - Academic lecture
- CLC technology development in LOUISE - Academic lecture
- Clean energy demand must secure sustainable nickel supply - Academic literature review
- Clean Energy Export from Norway - Website (informational material)
- Clean Harbors, Clear Future: Decarbonising Norway’s Maritime Hubs - Popular scientific article
- Climate Change Action Can’t Wait For Perfect Solutions - Feature article
- Climate change adaptation in Norwegian businesses - Awareness, integration and barriers - Academic article
- Cloud storage cost: a taxonomy and survey - Academic article
- Cloud storage tier optimization through storage object classification - Academic article
- Clouds of bubbles and droplets; formation and distribution under breaking waves - Poster
- CO adsorption on PdAg alloys: Exploring the use of genetic algorithms and universal potentials - Poster
- CO2 Abscheidung - Mögliche Technologien und Quellen - Popular scientific lecture
- CO2 Capture and Enhanced Hydrogen Production Enabled by Low-Temperature Separation of PSA Tail Gas: A Detailed Exergy Analysis - Academic article
- CO2 Capture From An Integrated Biorefinery: A Carbon-Negative Path - Poster
- CO2 capture from offshore oil installations: An evaluation of alternative methods for deposition with emphasis on carbonated water injection - Academic article
- CO2 from industry-smoke in microalgae production - Lecture
- CO2 from industry-smoke in microalgae production: From factory fume to fish feed - Lecture
- CO2 impact of alloying elements in Aluminium - Report
- CO2 Monitoring Design using Value-of-Information Analysis with Applications to the Sleipner Project - Academic article
- CO2-based Fuels and Chemicals Conference 2024 - Lecture
- Co-creation and critical factors for the development of an efficient public e-tourism system - Academic article
- Co-Designing a Conversational Agent With Older Adults With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Who Age in Place: Qualitative Study - Academic article
- Coexistence between fishery and offshore wind industries: an analysis of concerns and knowledge gaps with Norway as a case study - Academic lecture
- COGNIMAN - COGNitive Industries for smart MANufacturing - Academic lecture
- Cold thermal energy storage in the food cold chain - Lecture
- Collaboration or competition? Interactions between floating and fixed-bottom offshore wind in Norway - Academic article
- Combination of potential theory and morison-like viscous drag terms in the hydrodynamic model of a 12 mw semi-submersible floating wind turbine - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Combined silicon refining for boron removal and Si-Kerf recycling using K2O-CaO-SiO2 slags - Academic article
- Combining barotropic and baroclinic simplified models for drift trajectory predictions - Academic article
- Combustion Optimization and Burnout of Ammonia-Based Gaseous Fuels in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System Operated in Rich-Quench-Lean Mode - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comment on “Modeling AMP Degradation Product Formation” - Letter to the editor
- Common Data Dictionary (CDD) and ontologies - Academic lecture
- Cómo comprar salmón sostenible - Popular scientific article
- Compact OTSG: Demo Pilot JIP for Offshore applications - Lecture
- Companion Proceedings of the 8th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning co-located with 20th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2024) and 16th DecisionCAMP 2024 as part of Declarative AI 2024 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning-Based Solar Irradiance Decomposition Models for High Latitude Regions - Poster
- Comparative analysis of the sound conditions at the neonatal intensive care units of two Norwegian hospitals - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative Assessments of At-Sea and Inland Low- and Medium-Pressure CO2 Transport - Academic article
- Comparative evaluation of CEN standard test methods for the determination of the total sulfur content in concrete aggregates - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative evaluation of CEN standard test methods for the determination of the total sulfur content in concrete aggregates - Academic lecture
- Comparative Study of High Voltage Spinel∥Lithium Titanate Lithium-ion Batteries in Ethylene Carbonate Free Electrolytes - Academic article
- Comparative Study on Hydrothermal Gasification and Thermal Gasification via Hydrothermal Carbonization of Digestate Residues from Anaerobic Digestion - Academic article
- Comparative study on the composition of condensates, the liquid by-products of biomass torrefaction - Academic lecture
- Comparative techno-economic analysis of distribution network reinforcement and LEC flexibility for overvoltage regulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparative validation of global and climate-specific decomposition models at high latitudes - Academic article
- Comparing assisting technologies for proficiency in cardiac morphology: 3D printing and mixed reality versus CT slice images for morphological understanding of congenital heart defects by medical students - Academic article
- Comparing Inspection Strategies For Hydrogen Refuelling Stations: Time Based And Risk Based Approaches - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparing the size selectivity and exploitation patterns of two T0 codends with T90 codends in demersal trawl fishery targeting white croaker (Pennahia argentata) of the northern South China Sea - Academic article
- Comparison of 16 national methods in the life cycle assessment of carbon storage in wood products in a reference building - Academic article
- Comparison of quasi-static and dynamic mooring line models for shared mooring floating wind farms - Lecture
- Comparison of the effect of thermal and hygrothermal sub-Tg aging on the durability and appearance of multilayered filament wound composite structure - Academic article
- Comparison of the heavy metal leaching properties from crushed shotcrete and concrete waste - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Comparison of time-invariant and adaptive linear grey-box models for model predictive control of residential buildings - Academic article
- Comparison of two field systems for determination of crude oil biodegradation in cold seawater - Academic article
- Compatibility of Different Aluminium with a New Environmental-Friendly Concrete - Academic article
- Compatibility of hydrophilic PEG-modified silicone oils in PDMS and epoxy-PDMS hybrid binder systems - Poster
- Competences and governance practices for artificial intelligence in the public sector - Academic article
- Complementarity formation mechanisms in value chains for decarbonization in the Norwegian metal industry - Academic lecture
- Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems - Academic article
- Complementarity-constrained predictive control for efficient gas-balanced hybrid power systems - Lecture
- Completion Performance Evaluation in Multilateral Wells Incorporating Single and Multiple Types of Flow Control Devices Using Grey Wolf Optimizer - Academic article
- Compositional Simulation for Carbon Storage in Porous Media Using an Electrolyte Association Equation of State - Academic article
- Compositionally graded structures of zirconia toughened alumina using extrusion-based 3D printing - Academic article
- Comprehensive Analysis of Bifurcation and Frequency Splitting Phenomena in Inductive Battery Charging Systems - Academic article
- Computational Modelling of Electric Arc Behaviour in Direct-Current Smelting Furnaces Using Hydrogen as a Reductant - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Computational Rhinology: Unraveling Discrepancies between In Silico and In Vivo Nasal Airflow Assessments for Enhanced Clinical Decision Support - Academic article
- Computationally and Memory-Efficient Robust Predictive Analytics Using Big Data - Poster
- Computing Continuum Collaborative Advancements - Lecture
- Conceptual Design of Experimental Test Rig for Research on Thermo-Flow Processes During Direct Contact Condensation in the Two-Phase Spray-Ejector Condenser - Academic article
- Conceptualization of the Norwegian feed system - Report
- Conceptualization of the Norwegian feed system of farmed Atlantic salmon - Academic article
- Conceptualizing, simulating and optimizing the integrated operation of a multi-component UTES system - Academic lecture
- Conduction and Electric Fields in Dielectric Liquids in Needle-to-Plane Gaps - Academic article
- Connectedness between green bonds, clean energy markets and carbon quota prices: Time and frequency dynamics - Academic article
- Connecting data consumers with data sources - Website (informational material)
- Consensus-Based Guidelines for Communicating a Misdiagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis to Reduce Psychological Distress - Academic article
- Considerations When Designing Inclusive Digital Health Solutions for Older Adults Living With Frailty or Impairments - Academic literature review
- Constraints on fracture connectivity from amplitude variations with incidence angle and azimuth analysis - Academic article
- Constructing Si@CN@MXene from silicon waste as high-performance lithium-ion battery anodes - Academic article
- Contemporary research on hybrid threats: Status and future avenues - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Contribution of Waves to Horizontal Low Frequency Motions of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Controllable Generation of Porous Microstructures Through Generative Adversarial Networks - Academic lecture
- Conventional fishing gear, marine littering and recycling aspects - Academic lecture
- Conversation agent in a SMILE system - Lecture
- Conversational Breakdown in a Customer Service Chatbot: Impact of Task Order and Criticality on User Trust and Emotion - Academic article
- Cooling AI: How Phase Change Materials Make a Difference - Popular scientific article
- Cooling AI: How Phase Change Materials Make a Difference - Website (informational material)
- Coordinate Transformation Techniques for Improved Co-Simulation in the Maritime Industry - Academic article
- Coordinated Control of a Dual Grid Forming Unit Connecting an Offshore Wind Farm and an E-STATCOM for Damping and Inertia Provision - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Coordinated Voltage-Frequency Control for High-Efficiency Full-Range Operation of Inductive Battery Charging Systems with Large Coupling Variations - Academic article
- Coordination in Agile Product Areas: A Case Study from a Large FinTech Organization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Coordination in Agile Product Areas: A Case Study from a Large FinTech Organization - Academic lecture
- COP29: A Call for a Global North-South R&D Program - Website (informational material)
- COP29: An energy efficient industry is key to decarbonisation - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Batteries are essential to the green shift - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Carbon Dioxide Removal is needed to reach net zero by 2050 - Website (informational material)
- COP29: CCS is essential to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Cutting Global Methane Emission - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Hydropower can help integrate other renewable energy sources into the grid - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Lessons Learned From The UN Climate Change Conference - Feature article
- COP29: Make the power grid smarter and more efficient - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Maritime sector needs various emission-free concepts - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Offshore wind will be a pillar of the future energy system - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Reduce SF6 Emissions - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Smart cities help maintain balance in the power system - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Strict emission requirements will ensure balanced hydrogen development - Website (informational material)
- COP29: Sustainable cooling is crucial for managing climate change - Website (informational material)
- COP29’s First Week Exposes Urgent Need For Climate Financing - Feature article
- Copépodos: pequeñas criaturas que pueden ayudar a reducir la necesidad de importar soja - Popular scientific article
- Copepods—tiny creatures that can help reduce the need for soya imports - Popular scientific article
- Copilot's Island of Joy - Balancing Individual Satisfaction with Team Interaction in Agile Development - Academic lecture
- Co-processing potential for the Vietnamese cement industry - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- CORDIScovery podcast- Episode #33 - Fisheries of the future - Programme participation
- Corporate sustainability in practice – a case - Lecture
- Correction to: A Comparative Investigation of Duplex and Super Duplex Stainless Steels Processed through Laser Powder Bed Fusion (Metals, (2023), 13, 11, (1897), 10.3390/met13111897) - Errata
- Correction: Socioeconomic determinants of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in Norway: a registry study (BMC Public Health, (2024), 24, 1, (1296), 10.1186/s12889-024-18757-7) - Errata
- Corrigendum to “Assessment of nylon versus polyester ropes for mooring of floating wind turbines” [Ocean Engineering, 278 (June 2023)] (Ocean Engineering (2023) 278, (S0029801823007230), (10.1016/j.oceaneng.2023.114339)) - Errata
- Corrigendum to “Digitalization and real-time control to mitigate environmental impacts along rivers: Focus on artificial barriers, hydropower systems and European priorities” [Sci. Total Environ. 875 (2023) 162489] (Science of the Total Environment (2023) 875, (S0048969723011051), (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.162489)) - Errata
- Corrosion challenges in recirculated Aluminium for offshore wind - Lecture
- Corrosion Investigation by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy of AISI 446 and Ti-Coated AISI 446 Ferritic Stainless Steel as Potential Material for Bipolar Plate in PEMWE - Academic article
- Corrosion performance of different alloys exposed to HTL conditions—A screening study - Academic article
- Corrosion, Impact Toughness and Tensile Properties of Duplex Stainless Steels Manufactured by Directed Energy Deposition - Academic article
- Cost modelling and optimisation for cloud: a graph-based approach - Academic article
- Cost Of Climate Change: Why Saving Our Planet Now Is Cheaper - Feature article
- Cost-effective preparation of high-performance Si@C anode for lithium-ion batteries - Academic article
- Coupled Thermoelasticity and Non-Local Radiation Modelling for Cryogenic Storage Vessels - Academic lecture
- Coupling Coefficient and Load Estimation for Model Predictive Control of Inductive Power Transfer Systems with Constant Voltage Load - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Creation of a toolbox for the implementation of restoration actions in coastal marine areas: the CLIMAREST project - Poster
- Cristobalite Formation in Fused Quartz Crucibles for Czochralski Silicon Production in Different Conditions - Academic article
- Cristobalite Formation in Fused Quartz Crucibles for Czochralski Silicon Production in Different Conditions - Academic lecture
- Cristobalite Formation in Fused Quartz Crucibles for Czochralski Silicon Production in Different Conditions - Academic article
- Critical Infrastructures in the Cloud - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Critical review of potential technologies for a wearable benzene sensor system - Academic literature review
- Cross-disciplinary approach to restoration of a hydropower regulated river in Norway - Academic lecture
- CSEM Monitoring of CO2 Storage with Wellbores as Antennas - Abstract
- Cultivated kelp can now be as good as wild kelp - Popular scientific article
- Cultivated seaweed, current challenges and R&D demands - Lecture
- Current state of the art of traceable liquid CO2 flow measurement and liquid CO2 primary standard requirements - report A1.3.3 - Report
- Current Status of Multi-carrier Energy Systems in Europe with Main Limitations and Shortcomings to the Optimal Use of Local Energy Resources - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Curve Fitting-Based Deformation Tracking for Vision-Based Robotic Applications - Academic article
- Custom quadrature at runtime in FEniCSx - Academic lecture
- Customer journeys and process mining – challenges and opportunities - Academic lecture
- Customer journeys and process mining – challenges and opportunities - Academic article
- Cyber-incident Response in Industrial Control Systems: Practices and Challenges in the Petroleum Industry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cyber-physical metropolitan area digital substations test bench for evaluating intrusion detection systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Cyclic loading in compression – Comparison between a thermoplastic vulcanizate elastomer (TPV), a liquid silicon rubber (LSR) and two ethylene-propylene-diene rubbers (EPDM) - Poster
- Cycling versus e-scooters – what are the health impacts? - Interview
- D12.6 Neutral solution packages for CCUS implementation in smart, sustainable cities - Report
- D2.3: Concept of Operations and requirements for SEAMLESS Building blocks - Report
- D6.4 - 3MWth CLC demonstration unit testing - Report
- D7.3 Innovative approaches for rig testing in wave energy report - Report
- Data documentation and storage for advanced materials development - Academic lecture
- Data sharing for cross-disciplinary green solutions - Academic lecture
- Data Soveriegnty in Occupational Health Research - Academic lecture
- Data visualization techniques for the identification of missing values in dairy farming - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Data-driven construction of maritime traffic networks for AI-based route prediction - Academic article
- Data-driven continuous management of technical debts for sustainable software development - Popular scientific lecture
- Data-driven Modeling of Higher-Order Transfer Functions - Academic lecture
- Data-driven modeling of low-frequency hydrodynamic loads - Academic article
- Dataset for Power System Reliability Analysis Using a 6-bus Network - Database
- DAVAMS – Requirements and Plans for Demonstrators -II Springless lip seal gasket and Gate valve - Report
- De nouvelles générations de CCS pour passer à l’échelle - Interview
- Decarbonization of Metallurgical Industries – Research Approaches and Opportunities in Norway - Lecture
- Decarbonizing industrial development paths in the Humber and Teesside - Academic lecture
- Deciphering the Impact of Current, Composition, and Potential on the Lithiation Behavior of Graphite in Silicon-Graphite Anodes - Academic lecture
- Deciphering the structure of a high entropy Heusler antimonide - Academic article
- Decision Making in Service Shops Supported by Mining Enterprise Resource Planning Data - Academic article
- Decontamination of Listeria monocytogenes in Atlantic salmon production targeting process water - Academic lecture
- Decontamination of Listeria monocytogenes in Atlantic salmon production targeting process water and salmon products - Poster
- Decreasing the Global Warming Potenal for Concrete Blocks by C&D Waste - Academic lecture
- Deep learning based hybrid POD-LSTM framework for laminar natural convection flow in a rectangular enclosure - Academic article
- Deep Learning for Automatic Segmentation of Trophoblast Tissue and Gestational Sac in Early Pregnancy 3D Ultrasound - Poster
- Deep learning improves test–retest reproducibility of regional strain in echocardiography - Academic article
- Deep learning-driven optimization design for the configuration of lazy-wave umbilical cables - Academic article
- Defending and expanding industrial democracy and worker cooperatives in an age of neoliberal globalisation - Academic article
- Degradation mechanisms and toxicity of microplastic pollution - Academic lecture
- Demonstratiing Open Ocean Multi-Use - OLAMUR, Marine Co-Operation - MARCO - Academic lecture
- Demonstrating Olen Ocean Multi-use - OLAMUR (Offshore Low-trophic Aquaculture in Multi-Use Scenario Realisation - Poster
- Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Flushing for Reducing the Levels of Legionella in Service Lines and Premise Plumbing - Report
- Demonstrating the load-shifting potential of a schedule-based control in a real-life educational building - Academic article
- Demonstration of a low-cost solution for implementing MPC in commercial buildings with legacy equipment - Academic article
- Demonstration of cold thermal energy storage for air-conditioning in a CO2 supermarket refrigeration system - Academic lecture
- Demonstration of the Gaia Projection Mapping System prototype v2 (L7.5 & L5.3) - Museum exhibition
- Demonstration of the Gaia Projection Mapping System prototype v3 (L7.7 & L5.3) - Museum exhibition
- Demonstration of the Gaia Projection Mapping System prototype v3.1 (L7.8 & L5.3) - Museum exhibition
- Der tödliche Unfall in Sandvika: Ich denke, zwei Hypothesen stechen hervor - Interview
- Derivative-free discrete gradient methods - Academic article
- Derivative-free search approaches for optimization of well inflow control valves and controls - Academic article
- Derivative-Free Well Control Optimization under Uncertainty - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design and Control of Hybrid Electric Light Rail Vehicles With Open Ended Winding Machines - Academic article
- Design and development of underwater robotic arm for automated camera calibration for aquatic environment - Academic lecture
- Design and development of underwater robotic arm for automated camera calibration for aquatic environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design and Dynamic Analysis of a Co-Existence Solution Between a Semi-Submersible Offshore Fish Cage and a Spar-Type Floating Offshore Wind Turbine - Academic article
- Design and freezing performance study of a CO2 plate freezer at -50°C evaporation temperature - Academic lecture
- Design and freezing performance study of a CO2 plate freezer at -50°C evaporation temperature - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design Exploration Study with Counter-Rotating Propellers for a Zero-Emission Coaster Vessel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Design for Disassembly: A systematic scoping review and analysis of built structures Designed for Disassembly - Academic literature review
- Design of Floating Wind Farms With Shared Mooring - Poster
- Design of PEM fuel cell systems for stationary and mobile applications using VirtualFCS - Academic lecture
- Design of ultrahigh strength Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys through a hybrid approach of high-throughput precipitation simulation and decisive experiment - Academic article
- Design, fabrication, and preliminary test results of a new inverse-LGAD for soft X-ray detection - Academic literature review
- Design, research and development of pressure ulcer preventing clothing for persons with spinal cord injury - Poster
- Designing automated vehicle and traffic systems towards meaningful human control - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Designing for Co-designing: The Case of Oral Health Promotion in Adolescents - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Detecting anomalies in fisheries data - Website (informational material)
- Detection of a stress related acoustic signature by passive acoustic monitoring in Atlantic salmon farming - Academic article
- Detection of quasicrystalline symmetries in electron diffraction data - Poster
- Determination of zooplankton absorption spectra and their potential contribution to ocean color - Academic article
- Determining Moisture Content of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) - Academic lecture
- Determining Moisture Content of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) - Other
- Determining Moisture Content of Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) - Academic article
- Developing CCUS in Mediterranean Region – Technical Evaluation of Promising Value Chains - Poster
- Developing Deep Learning based Intelligent Perception Algorithm for Thickener Equipment Monitoring - Academic lecture
- Developing Deep Learning based Intelligent Perception Algorithm for Thickener Equipment Monitoring - Academic article
- Developing hydrogen energy hubs: The role of H2 prices, wind power and infrastructure investments in Northern Norway - Academic article
- Developing the industrial capacity for energy transitions: Resource formation for offshore wind in Europe - Academic article
- Development of a hybrid timber and aluminum based unitized façade system resilient to the future weather conditions in Europe via monitoring campaigns and computational models - Academic article
- Development of a Job Retention Vocational Rehabilitation Intervention for People with Multiple Sclerosis Following the Person-Based Approach - Academic article
- Development of a test method for adhesive tapes certification and application - Academic article
- Development of a vocational rehabilitation intervention to support return-to-work and well-being following major trauma: a person-based approach - Academic article
- Development of alginate and eggshell membrane microcarriers for cultivated meat production - Poster
- Development of CO2 dry ice heat pump system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development of Cost-Efficient CO2 Monitoring for Medium-Scale Injection Projects - Academic lecture
- Development of coupled offshore and onshore grids - Website (informational material)
- Development of Electrolysis Technologies in FME HYDROGENi - Academic lecture
- Development of smart control system for leakage warning in compact roofs - Academic article
- Development of toxicity test protocols for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) – a relevant test species for the Northern Atlantic Ocean - Poster
- Development, experimental testing, and performance analysis of a two-stage steam turbo compressor HTHP for solar assisted heat supply - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Development, implementation and outcomes of the Reducing Coercion in Norway intervention for primary mental health services - Academic lecture
- Developments and applications of the OPTIMADE API for materials discovery, design, and data exchange - Academic article
- Diffraction modeling for scattering objects with non-rigid surfaces - Academic article
- Digital Energy Service Platform - EEA grant project between KOOR and Sintef - Lecture
- Digital health: from pilotitis to pilotanic - Academic lecture
- Digital Safety Twin - Academic lecture
- Digital Technologies at the Energy, Health and Well-being Nexus - Academic lecture
- Digital Transformations Through the Lens of the Collaborative, Co-Generative and Domesticative - Academic article
- Digital Twin for Wind Energy: Latest Updates From the NorthWind Project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital Twin Project: Optimal Design and Operation of Compact Combined Cycles in Offshore Oil and Gas Installations - Lecture
- Digital Twin supported Structural Health Monitoring of Test Rigs for Wave Energy Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital Twin-based Security Orchestration, Automation and Response for IoT and CPS - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Digital Twins for Industry 5.0: Unlocking the Human Potential - Academic article
- Digital Twins in aquaculture: Taking Precision Farming to the next level - Popular scientific article
- Digital Twins in intensive aquaculture — Challenges, opportunities and future prospects - Academic literature review
- Digital Twins in Wind Energy - Academic lecture
- Digitalising Coordination Information in Long-Term Care: Experiences from an Innovation Project - Academic article
- Digitalization and Sustainable Manufacturing: Twin Transition in Norway - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Digitalization in lean manufacturing firms: a cumulative capability development perspective - Academic article
- Direct Air capture (DAC) deployment: A review of the industrial deployment - Academic article
- Direct Multiple Prediction Intervals Construction of Wind Power Generation Based on LSTM and Differential Evolution Algorithm - Academic lecture
- Direct numerical simulation of low-emission ammonia rich-quench-lean combustion - Academic article
- Direct Tungsten Extraction from Scheelite in a Molten Salt Media - Academic article
- Directing SEI formation on Si-based electrodes using atomic layer deposition - Academic article
- Disaggregated electronic health record data. Constructing and comparing levels of municipal long-term care from disaggregated electronic health record data. - Academic lecture
- Disinfection in a salmon processing plant: Impact on bacterial communities and efficacy towards foodborne bacteria and biofilms - Academic article
- Disinfection in the salmon industry: impact on bacterial communities and efficacy towards foodborne bacteria and biofilms - Academic lecture
- Disorder-induced non-linear growth of fingers in immiscible two-phase flow in porous media - Academic article
- Disorganised responsibilities: transition management at the national level - Academic lecture
- Dissecting the infodemic: An in-depth analysis of COVID-19 misinformation detection on X (formerly Twitter) utilizing machine learning and deep learning techniques - Academic article
- Dissolution of quartz in Mn-slags during production of SiMn alloy - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dissolution of Quartz in Mn-slags during Production of SiMn Alloy - Academic lecture
- Dissolution Rates of Various Manganese Alloying Elements in Aluminium - Academic lecture
- Dissolution Rates of Various Manganese Alloying Elements in Aluminium - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Distributed Field-Scale Parallel Nonlinear Domain Decomposition Solver - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Do citizens value climate change mitigation over biodiversity protection? Exploring citizen support for salt marsh management - Academic article
- Domain ontology for sharing data related to sustainable metallurgical and manufacturing industry - Academic lecture
- Down-scale wave hydrodynamic analysis for marine structures - the NORA-SARAH approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Downstream fish passage evaluation using barotrauma detection sensors at the Kongsvinger and Funnefoss power plants - Report
- Dragit sig för diskussioner om risktagande - Interview
- Drifting vessel statistics and emergency towing cases - Academic article
- Drivers and barriers for a common CCS value chain in Mid-Norway - Masters thesis
- Drone GPR and remote sensing for snow and ice applications in Norway - Lecture
- Drowsiness Detection Using Federated Learning: Lessons Learnt from Dealing with Non-IID Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Drowsiness Detection Using Federated Learning: Lessons Learnt from Dealing with Non-IID Data - Academic lecture
- Drug detection in oral fluid and urine after single therapeutic doses of dexamphetamine, lisdexamphetamine, and methylphenidate in healthy volunteers - Academic article
- DSO and LEC Collaboration Strategies for Voltage Regulation - Report
- Dual Effects of Hybrid Working on Performance: More Work Hours or More Work Time? - Academic lecture
- Dual Shear Gun for Efficient Fluid Mixing and Dispersion: Effect of Design Parameters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dual-perspective Modeling of Patient Pathways: A Case Study on Kidney Cancer - Academic lecture
- Dual-Perspective Modeling of Patient Pathways: A Case Study on Kidney Cancer - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic Boolean modeling of molecular and cellular interactions in psoriasis predicts drug target candidates - Academic article
- Dynamic Cyber Risk Assessment for Connected Medical Devices: the NEMECYS Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Dynamic Cyber Risk Assessment for Connected Medical Devices: the NEMECYS Approach - Academic lecture
- Dynamic Improvement of Sub-Resonant Frequency Control for Inductive Power Transfer Systems by Coupling Estimation and Sending-Side Gain-Scheduled Control - Academic article
- Dynamic line rating in HV distribution grid – experiences and initial hosting capacity analysis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- DYNAPORT - DYnamic NAvigation and Port call Optimization in Real Time - Lecture
- Early and mid-term results after endovascular repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms using the off-the-shelf multibranched t-Branch device: a national multi-center study - Academic article
- Early vocational rehabilitation and psychological support for trauma patients to improve return to work (the ROWTATE trial): study protocol for an individually randomised controlled multicentre pragmatic trial - Academic article
- Early warning through video monitoring: Dissolved hydrogen sulphide (H2S) affects Atlantic salmon swimming behavior in recirculating aquaculture systems - Academic article
- Easier access to metocean weather data - Website (informational material)
- Easy-MODA: Simplifying standardised registration of scientific simulation workflows through MODA template guidelines powered by the Enalos Cloud Platform - Academic article
- Eccellenze umbre, la generazione di energia dalle onde del mare passa per lo Sweet lab della Vga di Deruta - Interview
- EchoTracker: Advancing Myocardial Point Tracking in Echocardiography - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Economic assessment and grid impact of different sharing keys in collective self-consumption - Academic lecture
- Economies of scope in the Norwegian public hospital sector - Academic article
- Ecotoxicological effects of Gadolinium - Academic lecture
- Edge AI Concepts and Challenges - Lecture
- Edge AI Technologies - Lecture
- Edge AI trends and engineering principles applied to micro, meta, and end-to-end AI system verification, validation, and testing - Lecture
- Edge IoT Industrial Immersive Technologies and Spatial Computing Continuum - Report
- Edge-based Data Profiling and Repair as a Service for IoT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Editorial: special issue on “Hydropower Scheduling” - Editorial
- Editorial: Special Issue on Software Engineering and AI for Data Quality - Editorial
- Editorial: The special issue on integrating e-commerce in urban mobility planning - Editorial
- eDNA-SUSTAIN: Implementing eDNA as a tool for assessing sustainable operation of hydropower production - Briefs
- Education and body mass index before and after the obesity epidemic – the HUNT Study - Academic lecture
- EERA DeepWind Conference - Interview
- EERA DeepWind offshore wind R&I conference holds successful 21st edition - Website (informational material)
- EF gasification of seaweed - Lecture
- Effect of a vapor barrier in combination with active external rewarming for cold-stressed patients in a prehospital setting: a randomized, crossover field study - Academic article
- Effect of Additives on Rheological Properties and Fluid Loss of Oil Based Drilling Fluids - Academic article
- Effect of alloy composition on cathodic current density for cathodic protection of aluminium - Academic lecture
- Effect of Atmospheric Stability on Meandering and Wake Characteristics in Wind Turbine Fluid Dynamics - Academic article
- Effect of Calcium Nitrate on the Performance of Slag Blended Cement - Academic article
- Effect of Cu2+ on deposition mechanism and structure of ZrO2-based conversion coatings on AA6060 aluminium alloys and their susceptibility to filiform corrosion - Academic article
- Effect of cubicle hood system on methane concentrations around the lying area in cold climate dairy cattle buildings - Academic article
- Effect of cyclic mechanical stress on the material properties of silicone rubber for HV subsea cable applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of diel light cycles on vertical migration patterns of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1837) copepodids measured in an in situ mesocosm - Academic article
- Effect of Forced Gas Flow During Lightning Impulse Testing of CO2 in a Weakly Inhomogeneous Field - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of gillnet mesh size on the capture probability and capture patterns in the Asian paddle crab (Charybdis japonica) fishery - Academic article
- Effect of increased Fe levels in AlSi10MnMg - Academic lecture
- Effect of Load Variation on Power Transformer Clamping Pressure in a Test Rig - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Effect of mesh size in monofilament and multifilament gillnets on catch efficiency in the Black Sea whiting (Merlangius merlangus) fishery - Academic article
- Effect of model methanogens on the electrochemical activity, stability, and microbial community structure of Geobacter spp. dominated biofilm anodes - Academic article
- Effect of moderate heating during alkaline extraction on composition and functional properties of brewer's spent grain protein concentrates - Academic article
- Effect of Ni/SiO2 catalyst preparation method on methane decomposition and CO2 gasification cycles - Academic article
- Effect of nickle on cerium oxide support to develop cyclic catalytic methane decomposition followed by CO2 gasification - Academic article
- Effect of Phosphorus in hypo-eutectic Al-Si alloys - Report
- Effect of physical properties of biocarbon in Si and Mn-alloy production - Academic lecture
- Effect of Physical properties of biocarbon on Si and Mn-alloys production - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Effect of Pre-Deformation on Precipitation in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu Alloy - Academic article
- Effect of preheat in DED-LB/wire of Ni-base, Cu-base and Fe-base alloys - Academic article
- Effect of pretreatment on Mn-alloy production at Eramet Norway Porsgrunn (ENP) – Simulation of industrial cases with HSC Sim - Report
- Effect of ultrasound and microbubbles on nanoparticle delivery and functional vasculature in three tumor models - Poster
- Effect of UV laser texturization on hydrophobic and anti-icing properties of waterborne polyurethane nanocomposite coatings - Academic article
- Effect of wet clothing removal on skin temperature in subjects exposed to cold and wrapped in a vapor barrier: a human, randomized, crossover field study - Academic article
- Effect on catch efficiency and bycatch by introducing an Excluder device in the trawl fishery for lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) - Academic article
- Effectiveness of Subsea Mechanical Dispersion (SSMD) as a Function of Oil Properties - Academic article
- Effects of Different Doping Strategies on Cubic Li7La3Zr2O12 Solid-State Li-Ion Battery Electrolytes - Academic article
- Effects of Fish Protein Hydrolysate on the Nutritional, Rheological, Sensorial, and Textural Characteristics of Bread - Academic article
- Effects of grain boundary chemistry and precipitate structure on intergranular corrosion in Al-Mg-Si alloys doped with Cu and Zn - Academic article
- Effects of humic acid, nitrate and sulfate on hexavalent chromium removal by abiotic and biotic zero-valent iron - Academic article
- Effects of Motion, Waves, and Current on Heave Plate Hydrodynamics in Floating Wind Turbines - Academic lecture
- Efficient and sustainable: innovative pot design for a Mediterranean small-scale fishery - Academic article
- Efficient hydrogen infrastructure design using JuMP and convex approximations - Academic lecture
- Egalitarian governance and the green energy transition: an empirical test of 46 industrial economies, 1990–2020 - Academic article
- Elbilar: Därfor leder Norge elektrifiseringen - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Electric vehicle charging dataset with 35,000 charging sessions from 12 residential locations in Norway - Academic article
- Electrical aging of fluoropolymer cable insulation materials induced by partial discharge - Academic article
- Electrical Conductivity of Binary, Ternary, Quaternary and Quinary Molten Salt Mixtures Based on NaCl-CaCl2 - Academic article
- Electrical Treeing in Fluoropolymer Cable Insulation - Academic article
- Electrically tunable topological phase transition in non-Hermitian optical MEMS metasurfaces - Academic article
- Electricity demand flexibility estimation in warehouses using machine learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrification of airports and air transport: Airports becoming integrated energy systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrification of offshore O&G platforms through large offshore wind farms - Poster
- Electrifying the shelf will not happen without research - Interview
- Electrifying the shelf will not happen without research - Interview
- Electrochemical Characterization of Ba0.95La0.05(Fe1−x−yMxZny)O3−δ (M = Ni, Cu) as Air/Steam Electrode in Proton Ceramic Electrochemical Cells - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical Characterization of Silver and Iron Ions in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Academic article
- Electrochemical Characterization of Silver and Iron Ions in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Abstract
- Electrochemical Characterization of Silver and Iron Ions in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical Recovery of Sb, Te, and In in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical Recovery of Sb, Te, and In in Choline Chloride-Ethylene Glycol DES Electrolyte - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Electrochemical Study of Zr from Anodic Dissolution using a Consumable Zirconium Nitride Anode - Academic article
- Electrochemical Study of Zr from Anodic Dissolution using a Consumable Zirconium Nitride Anode - Academic lecture
- Electrochemical Study of Zr from Anodic Dissolution using a Consumable Zirconium Nitride Anode - Abstract
- Electrolysis waste heat utilization for district heating – a Norwegian case study - Academic lecture
- Electromagnetic fields from subsea power cables: A risk driver for biodiversity changes of offshore wind? - Poster
- Electromagnetic fields from subsea power cables: A risk driver for biodiversity changes of offshore wind? - Poster
- Electron scattering in materials with extended Fermi surfaces - Academic lecture
- Electrons and ions –use cases like FIB-SEM tomography and TEM lamellae - Academic lecture
- Embrittlement, degradation, and loss prevention of hydrogen pipelines - Academic article
- Embryos of lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) are robust to crude oil exposure - Poster
- Emergency preparedness in Norwegian aquaculture - Academic lecture
- Emission levels and emission factors for modern wood stoves - Academic lecture
- Emission levels and emission factors for modern wood stoves - Lecture
- Emission levels and emission factors for modern wood stoves - Academic lecture
- Emission levels from modern wood stoves - Academic lecture
- Emissions measurement techniques for solid fuel heaters in the context of the revision of Ecodesign requirements for solid fuel local space heaters & Emission levels and emission factors for modern wood stoves - Lecture
- EMMC: Modelling the Materials World - Academic lecture
- Empirical analysis of bifacial photovoltaic modules in high-latitude regions: Performance insights from a field laboratory in Norway - Academic article
- Empowering citizens for climate adaptation in Norway: leveraging (AI-driven) emerging technologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enabling a Water-Tolerant Dual-Carbon Lithium-Ion Capacitor by Use of the Salt LiFSI - Poster
- Enabling Operator-Agnostic Complex Processing of Massive Graphs through Higher-Order Pipeline Architectures - Academic lecture
- Enabling production of the rare carotenoid diatoxantin at industrial level using CRISPR/Cas9 gene edited microalgae - Academic lecture
- Enabling the use of lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide as electrolyte salt for Li-ion batteries based on silicon anodes and Li(Ni0.4Co0.4Mn0.2)O2 cathodes by salt additives - Academic article
- Enabling transition thinking on complex issues (wicked problems): A framework for future circular economic transitions of plastic management in the Norwegian fisheries and aquaculture sectors. - Academic article
- Endovascular navigation in patients: vessel-based registration of electromagnetic tracking to preoperative images - Academic article
- Énergie : 2023, année record pour les installations éoliennes - Interview
- Energy and Exergy Performance Analysis of Dual-Effect CO2 Heat Pump Chiller in Hot Climates - Lecture
- Energy communities as a tool for accelerated connection of new industrial demand - Lecture
- Energy Conservation and Co-simulation: Background and Challenges - Academic lecture
- Energy Harvesting from Natural and Anthropogenic Vibrations - Poster
- Energy Hub and Micro-Energy Hub Architecture in Integrated Local Energy Communities: Enabling Technologies and Energy Planning Tools - Academic article
- Energy production and storage in buildings. Fire safety challenges with Photovoltaics and Li-ion battery systems. - Other
- Energy profiles and electricity flexibility potential in apartment buildings with electric vehicles – A Norwegian case study - Academic article
- Energy profiles and electricity flexibility potential in Norwegian apartment buildings with electric vehicle charging - Doctoral dissertation
- Energy Recovery research through the HighEFF Centre - Lecture
- Energy scenarios Policy Options and Insights - Academic lecture
- Energy storage systems for services provision in offshore wind farms - Academic literature review
- Energy systems integration and sector coupling in future ports: A qualitative study of Norwegian ports - Academic article
- Energy-efficient route planning for optimizing underwater pipeline inspections using Resident Autonomous Underwater Vehicles - Academic article
- EnergyModelsX launch webinar Part 1 - Using the model for analyses - Lecture
- EnergyModelsX launch webinar Part 2 - Developing components for the model - Lecture
- Engageret forskning og demokrati på arbejdspladsen - Editorial
- Engineering Carbon Emission-aware Machine Learning Pipelines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Engineering Carbon Emission-aware Machine Learning Pipelines - Academic lecture
- Engineering tool for designing a ventilation strategy for small school fires based on the comfort ventilation - Lecture
- Engineering tool for designing a ventilation strategy for small school fires based on the comfort ventilation - Academic article
- Enhanced oxygen evolution reaction by controlled assembly of Co3O4 nanorods on TiB2 nanosheets - Academic article
- Enhancing bargaining power for energy communities in renewable power purchase agreements using Gaussian learning and fixed price bargaining - Academic article
- Enhancing climate resilience in buildings using Collective Intelligence: A pilot study on a Norwegian elderly care center - Academic article
- Enhancing ECU identification security in CAN networks using distortion modeling and neural networks - Academic article
- Enhancing elasticity models with deep learning: A novel corrective source term approach for accurate predictions - Academic article
- Enhancing Ferroalloy Processing through Machine Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice - Academic lecture
- Enhancing grid hosting capacity with coordinated non-firm connections in industrial energy communities - Academic article
- Enhancing human activity recognition for the elderly and individuals with disabilities through optimized Internet-of-Things and artificial intelligence integration with advanced neural networks - Academic article
- Enhancing Indoor Temperature Forecasting through Synthetic Data in Low-Data Regime - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enhancing performance of complex reservoir models via convergence monitors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enhancing Safety in Airport Ground Operations through Human-AI Teaming, Insights from the FLAIT Project - Academic lecture
- Enhancing Situational Awareness for Remote Control of Ship Cranes - Academic article
- Enhancing Situational Awareness for Remote Control of Ship Cranes - Academic lecture
- Enhancing the agency of transition scholars - Academic lecture
- Enhancing the potential of Calanus finmarchicus as raw material for sustainable aquaculture feed ingredients - Lecture
- Enhancing the Resolution of Large-Scale Sea-Ice Models Through Synthesising Satellite Imagery and Discrete-Element Modelling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Enhancing the Resolution of Large-Scale Sea-Ice Models Through Synthesising Satellite Imagery and Discrete-Element Modelling - Academic lecture
- Ensuring ambitious goals: Barrier and good practices in the planning and building process - Report
- Ensuring Data Quality for the Quality of Product, Process towards Zero-Defect Manufacturing - Popular scientific lecture
- Environmental and societal effects and impacts of hydro floating solar power plants - Report
- Environmental Fate of Nano- and Small Microplastics in Aqueous Environments - Academic lecture
- Environmental Impact of Enhanced Geothermal Systems with Supercritical Carbon Dioxide: A Comparative Life Cycle Analysis of Polish and Norwegian Cases - Academic article
- Environmental impact of Norwegian food and beverages: compilation of a life cycle assessment food database - Academic article
- Environmental impact of Norwegian self-selected diets: comparing current intake with national dietary guidelines and EAT-Lancet targets - Academic article
- Environmental impacts of carbon capture, transport, and storage supply chains: Status and the way forward - Academic article
- Environmental impacts of emerging salmon aquaculture technologies - Report
- Environmental risk assessment of accidental ammonia spills to the marine environment - Academic lecture
- Environmental risk for leakage of ammonia to sea - Lecture
- Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants for Stern Tube Application: Shear Stability and Friction Factor - Academic article
- EP01.13: A new method for placental volume measurements using tracked two-dimensional ultrasound and automatic image segmentation - Abstract
- Equal, normalized and included? Experiences with buying your own home for the mentally disabled - Academic article
- Equation of state for solid argon for prediction of hydrogen-argon mixtures. - Academic lecture
- Equation of State for Solid Argon Valid for Temperatures up to 300 K and Pressures up to 16 GPa - Academic article
- Equivalent CO2 emissions assessment of an integrated biorefinery - Lecture
- ERG-AI: enhancing occupational ergonomics with uncertainty-aware ML and LLM feedback - Academic article
- Erratum: Electrical Conductivity of Binary, Ternary, Quaternary and Quinary Molten Salt Mixtures Based on NaCl–CaCl2 - Errata
- ESN Tools as Catalysts for Alignment? - Academic lecture
- Estimating metastable thermodynamic properties by isochoric extrapolation from stable states - Academic article
- Estimating the employment effects of climate policies using Green Jobs Assement Models (GJAMs) - Academic lecture
- Estimation and Experimental Validation of Extreme Waves and Loads on a Large Monopile - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Estimation of Long-term Power Demand of Oil and Gas Installations using Hybrid Models - Academic article
- Ethical Design for Data Privacy and User Privacy Awareness in the Metaverse - Academic article
- European Energy Vision 2060 Scenarios - Academic lecture
- European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in aquaculture – Nutritional, chemical, and physicochemical quality compared to wild stocks - Academic article
- European wind energy community launches new research programme - Interview
- EVALMIT impact case "Zero emission and energy efficient buildings" - Lecture
- Evaluating grid development strategies for a regional distribution grid using dynamic line rating data - Academic lecture
- Evaluating grid development strategies for a regional grid using dynamic line rating sensors - Academic lecture
- Evaluating LLMs on Entity Disambiguation in Tables - Academic article
- Evaluating Speech Enhancement Systems Through Listening Effort - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluating the generalizability and transferability of water distribution deterioration models - Academic article
- Evaluating the Reaction Kinetics on the H2 Reduction of a Manganese Ore at Elevated Temperatures - Academic article
- Evaluating the Role of Early Contractor Involvement in Delivering Sustainable Building Projects - Academic article
- Evaluation of Casing - Cement Debonding: Correlation Between Acoustic Logging, X-ray Imaging and Leakage Rate - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of heat pump solutions for offshore platforms – a case study - Lecture
- Evaluation of high temperature corrosion in wet ammonia-containing atmospheres - Poster
- Evaluation of novel PCR-based method to assess gill injuries in fish caused by the cnidarian Ectopleura larynx - Academic article
- Evaluation of the tensile properties of X65 pipeline steel in compressed gaseous hydrogen using hollow specimens - Academic article
- Evaluation of Thermal Conductivities of Molten SiO2-Al2O3-CaO Slags - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of Thermal Conductivities of Molten SiO2-Al2O3-CaO Slags - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of Thermal Network Modelling and Finite Element Analysis for Ampacity Rating Calculation of Wind Farm Export Cable - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Evaluation of turbo compressor performance for a water based High Temperature Heat Pump - Lecture
- Evaluation of turbo compressor performance for a water based HTHP to be utilized in solar assisted heat supply - Academic lecture
- Evaluation of two CaMn1−x−yTixFeyO3−δ-based granules oxygen carriers for chemical looping applications - Academic article
- Evaluation of Wind Farm Control Strategies - Coupling with Drivetrain Degradation - Report
- Evaluation outcome. ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable D6.3. - Report
- Event Ethnography in Practice: Following global environmental treaty negotiations - Academic lecture
- Event Ethnography to study the global negotiations on the treaty to end plastic pollution: dataset from the first session of negotiations (INC-1) - Academic article
- EVERYFISH and OPTIFISH – Cross-European collaborations for the digitalization of catch registration on all fishing vessels - Lecture
- Evidence of charge multiplication in thin 25 μm × 25 μm pitch 3D silicon sensors - Academic article
- Evolution of Precipitates in a Mechanical Vibration-Assisted Metal Inert Gas Welded Joint of 6082-T6 Aluminum Alloy Made with an ER5356 Filler Wire - Academic article
- Ex Vivo Demonstration of a Novel Dual-Frequency Ultrasound Method for Quantitative Measurements of Liver Fat Content - Academic article
- Examples of data-driven services in a smart building - Lecture
- EXIOBASE energy accounts: Improving precision in an open-sourced procedure applicable to any MRIO database - Academic article
- Existing and Upcoming Challenges for Extending Electric Vehicle Battery Lifetime Through 2nd Life Applications - Academic article
- Experience from the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab - Lecture
- Experiences and recommendations from the ECoDiS project - Report
- Experiences from the introduction of a hybrid energy and capacity-based distribution grid tariff in Norway - Poster
- Experiences from the introduction of a hybrid energy and capacity-based distribution grid tariff in Norway - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experiences Of Safety And Reliability In Remote Control Of Safety Critical Operations From Oil And Gas, Automated Transport - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experiences with design, installation and operation of an exposed seaweed farm off the Norwegian coast - Lecture
- Experimental and numerical study on hydrogen-induced failure of X65 pipeline steel - Academic article
- Experimental and simulation studies of oxygen-blown, steam-injected, entrained flow gasification of lignin - Academic article
- Experimental characterization of elastomers for the CO2 transport applications - Poster
- Experimental determination of equivalent hydrogen gas pressure from electrochemical hydrogen charging - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of a transcritical CO2 refrigeration system incorporating rotary gas pressure exchanger and low lift ejectors - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ pellets as oxygen carriers in a counter-current packed-bed reactor for efficient chemical looping CO2 splitting - Academic article
- Experimental investigation of simultaneous nitrification-denitrification and phosphorus removal in pilot-scale sequencing batch moving bed biofilm reactors (SB-MBBRs) - Academic article
- Experimental Investigation of Solid Formation under CO2 Liquefaction Conditions for Ship Transport at 7 and 16 Bar with Water Content up to 300 ppm - Academic article
- Experimental Investigation of Towing of a Semi-submersible Floating Offshore Wind Turbine - Academic article
- Experimental reproduction of inhomogeneous fjord waves - Academic article
- Experimental Setup to Investigate the Permeability of Annular Cement to Fluid Flow - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experimental studies of convection-enhanced dissolution at metre-scale - Academic lecture
- Experimental Study of Clamping Pressure during Step Loading of Power Transformer with and without Prior Energisation - Academic article
- Experimental study of fire exposed expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation protected by selected coverings - Academic article
- Experimental study of volumetric sand production with gas flow - Academic article
- Experimental study on erosion of clays during rapid flows - Academic article
- Experimental study on the effect of pressure on single and two stage combustion of decomposed ammonia (NH3-H2-N2) blends over a swirl stabilized burner - Academic article
- Experimentation and Evaluation of the Usability of an AR-Driven Zero Defect Manufacturing Solution in a Real Life Complex Assembly Setting - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Experiments to Study Weathering of Surface Oil Slicks Resulting from Sub Sea Dispersant Injection (SSDI) Operation - Academic article
- Expert Answers - Interview Journal
- Explainable AI for delivery route optimization using Reinforcement Learning - Poster
- Exploring a Gaming-Based Intervention for Unemployed Young Adults: Thematic Analysis - Academic article
- Exploring citizens' stances on AI in public services: A social contract perspective - Academic article
- Exploring Electrochemical Charging: A Potential Substitute for Hydrogen Gas in Hydrogen Embrittlement Testing? - Academic lecture
- Exploring Growth Patterns of Maurolicus muelleri across Three Northeast Atlantic Regions - Academic article
- Exploring How AI Can Fill Data Gaps for Better Decision Making on Plastics Governance - Poster
- Exploring new solid electrolyte support matrix materials for molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFCs) - Academic article
- Exploring the barriers to diagnosing malnutrition in cancer patients: A study on oncologists' perspectives - Poster
- Exploring the barriers to diagnosing malnutrition in patients with cancer: A study on oncologists' perspectives - Academic article
- Exploring the complementary effects of business analytics capabilities and π-shaped skills on innovation outcomes - Academic article
- Exploring the impact of information and communication technologies on loneliness and social isolation in community-dwelling older adults: a scoping review of reviews - Academic literature review
- Exploring the Organizational Models for Data Science in Agile Software Development: Challenges and Strategies from a Multi-Case Study - Academic lecture
- Exploring the Organizational Models for Data Science in Agile Software Development: Challenges and Strategies from a Multi-Case Study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Exploring the Potential of Atlantic Mesopelagic Species Processed on Board Commercial Fishing Vessels as a Source of Dietary Lipids - Academic article
- Exploring the potential of borehole seismic monitoring techniques for assessing well Integrity and leakage in CO2 injection projects at field scale - Academic lecture
- Exploring the potential of microbial biomass and microbial extracted oils in tribology: a sustainable frontier for environmentally acceptable lubricants - Academic article
- Exploring the technical feasibility of carbon capture onboard ships - Academic article
- Exposed Aquaculture Operations: Strategies for Safety and Fish Welfare - Academic literature review
- Exposure to cooking emitted volatile organic compounds with recirculating and extracting ventilation solutions - Academic article
- Extended environmental design - Academic lecture
- Extended environmental design - Lecture
- Extending the frequency range of ISO 717-2 - a look at options and issue - Academic article
- Extracellular Matrix Sulfation in the Tumor Microenvironment Stimulates Cancer Stemness and Invasiveness - Academic article
- Extrapolating into no man's land enables accurate estimation of surface properties with multiparameter equations of state - Academic article
- Extreme mismatch between phytoplankton and grazers during Arctic spring blooms and consequences for the pelagic food-web - Academic article
- Factors affecting driving performance in patients with Multiple Sclerosis – still an open question - Academic article
- Factsheet: Emissions from modern wood stoves - Briefs
- Failure Consequence Cost Analysis of Wave Energy Converters—Component Failures, Site Impacts, and Maintenance Interval Scenarios - Academic article
- Fair investment strategies in large energy communities: A scalable Shapley value approach - Academic article
- Farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) avoid intrusive objects in cages: The influence of object shape, size and colour, and fish length - Academic article
- Fast light alloy stamping technology (FAST) for manufacturing lightweight pressings from dissimilar aluminium alloy-tailor welded blanks - Academic article
- Fast mass spectrometry-based screening and complementary analysis for enzyme discovery and characterization of xylan debranching enzymes - Academic lecture
- Faster decarbonization of heavy industries in low-carbon power grids: using process flexibility for handling grid congestions - Academic article
- Faster simulations of floating wind turbines with shared mooring - Website (informational material)
- Fatigue assessment of suspended inter-array power cables for floating offshore wind turbines - Academic article
- Fe/Zr binary MOF-based separator for highly efficient polysulfide adsorption and conversion in Li-S batteries - Academic article
- Feasibility of Biochar from Seaweed for Ferroalloy Production - Academic article
- Feasibility of conducting a cohort randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of a nurse-led package of care for knee pain - Academic article
- Feasibility of Waste Materials from Metal Industry for Thermal Energy Storage Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Feature/vector entity retrieval and disambiguation techniques to create a supervised and unsupervised semantic table interpretation approach - Academic article
- Federated Learning and Unlearning as Enablers of Wind Turbine Digital Twins - Academic article
- Federating cross-domain BIM-based knowledge graph - Academic article
- Fertilizer quality of anaerobic digestate produced from marine residual resources - Poster
- Film drainage and critical velocity of fluid particles in power-law fluids - Academic article
- Final exploitation strategy and roadmap. ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable D7.3. - Report
- Final PMA for multimodal traffic management. ORCHESTRA Project Deliverable D3.3. - Report
- Fines Generation and Strength of Various Carbon Materials Used in the Ferroalloy Industries - Academic article
- Fines Generation and Strength of Various Carbon Materials Used in the Ferroalloy Industries - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fire resistance upgrade of cultural heritage doors - Academic lecture
- Fire safety challenges with photovoltaics and Li-ion battery system installations in buildings - Academic article
- First hydrodynamic tests of a 3×3 floating wind park with shared mooring - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Fish Behavior Identification Based on Computer Vision - Academic lecture
- Fish eggs with a sticky surface experience prolonged exposures during an oil spill due to aggregation of oil droplets - Poster
- Fish Farming: How do Robotics Affect the Fish in Aquaculture? - Interview
- Fish residues can compensate for raw materials shortages and improve our health into the bargain - Popular scientific article
- Fishing gears from biodegradable plastics - Academic lecture
- Fish-Machine Interaction, Interview at NRK - Interview
- Fish-Machine Interaction, Interview at NRK Radio - Interview
- Fleet repositioning in the tramp ship routing and scheduling problem with bunker optimization: A matheuristic solution approach - Academic article
- Flexibility for increased electrification and utilization of the distribution grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Flexibility through power-to-heat in local integrated energy systems with renewable electricity generation and seasonal thermal energy storage - Academic article
- Flexible and modular energy systems modelling with JuMP - A case study from the Arctic - Academic lecture
- Flexible Integration of Energy Communities in Distribution Grids - Lecture
- Flexible operation of heat pumps and TES as dispatchable loads – scientific fiction or reality? - Lecture
- Floating assembly & storageyards: model tests - Poster
- Flow-through imaging and automated analysis of oil-exposed early stage Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) - Academic article
- Fluid mechanics of Na-Zn liquid metal batteries - Academic literature review
- Flux-Assisted Sessile Drop Method on the Stability and Wettability of Al on TiC - Academic lecture
- Forced surge motion of a floating bridge pontoon to evaluate the hydrodynamic damping properties - Academic article
- Formation of dimethyldichlorosilane (M2) in the Müller-Rochow process at the molecular level - Academic article
- Formation of slag in Si an FeSi production - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Formation of slag in Si and FeSi production from SiO2 materials, limestone, and iron oxide - Academic article
- Former airport is now an ‘eco-town’ - Interview
- ForWind joins NorthWind as associate research partner - Interview
- Fostering alternative fuels in Norwegian ports: does public policy address the challenges? - Report
- Fostering circular value chains through twin transition? - Lecture
- Fostering quality of life in young adults living with multiple sclerosis: a pilot study of a co-created integrated intervention - Academic article
- Fracture network characterization through fractal dimension and Gutenberg–Richter parameter: Decatur open-source dataset as a study case - Academic article
- Framework for Automated Wound Detection and Tracking in Industrial Scale Fish Farms - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Framework for Automated Wound Detection and Tracking in Industrial Scale Fish Farms - Academic lecture
- Framework for combined life cycle environmental, economic, and social assessment of reclaimed construction products - Academic lecture
- Framework for high-level CCUS value chain screening - Lecture
- Framework for life cycle assessment‑based circular business model development - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Framework for Robust Localization of UUVs and Mapping of Net Pens - Academic lecture
- Friction and Wear Performance of Composite SiC-YAG Thermal Spray Coatings in Water-Based Lubricants for Maritime Applications - Academic article
- FRIENDSHIP Webinar on Solar Heat for Industrial Processes Decarbonisation - WP3 Heat pump for solar thermal boost - Lecture
- From Barriers to Opportunities in Smart Cities: Creating Value Through Data and Digital Technologies - Academic lecture
- From generation to application: Exploring knowledge workers’ relations with GenAI - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note I: Conceptual process design and simulation - Academic article
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note I: Conceptual process design and simulation - Academic lecture
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note I: Conceptual process design and simulation - Lecture
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note II: Preliminary techno-economic assessment - Academic article
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note II: Preliminary techno-economic assessment - Academic lecture
- From laboratory scale to innovative spruce-based biorefinery. Note II: Preliminary techno-economic Assessment - Lecture
- From laboratory to industrial use: Understanding process variation during enzymatic protein hydrolysis with dry film fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy - Academic article
- From Milk to Cow. Reflections on the data governance of Parmigiano Reggiano - Academic article
- From Ontology to Workflow Execution in OpenModel. Application: Environmentally friendly reinforced concrete. - Academic lecture
- From TRD to the USA: The value of long-term, on-site collaborations between research institutes - Website (informational material)
- From wires to waves, a novel sensor system for in vivo pressure monitoring - Academic article
- Frost-salt Testing Non-air Entrained High-performance Fly-ash Concrete Part II: Parameter Study of Effect of Internal Cracking on Glue Spall Stress - Academic article
- Frost-salt Testing Non-air Entrained High-Performance Fly-ash Concrete.Part I: Relations Liquid uptake - Internal Cracking – Scaling - Academic article
- Full conversion to natural refrigerants - Feasible and likely to happen? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Function, Structure and Organization of Light‐Harvesting Proteins in Diatoms - Non-fiction book
- Functional and Non-Functional Requirements in Edge AI Systems - Lecture
- Functional binders to tackle transition metal dissolution in LNMO cathode materials - Poster
- Functional requirements for inclusive transport - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Functional Requirements for Onshore Operation Centers to Support Remotely Operated Ships - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Functional resonance analysis method for emerging risks in hydrogen handling: An analysis of an experimental test - Academic article
- Fused quartz crucibles for Czochralski silicon production - Academic lecture
- Future Development of Underground Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Fuzz Testing of a Wireless Residential Gateway - Academic article
- Fuzzing the ARM Cortex-M: A Survey - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Gas Sensing Properties of PLD Grown 2D SnS Film: Effect of Film Thickness, Metal Nanoparticle Decoration, and In Situ KPFM Investigation - Academic article
- General practitioners retiring or relocating and its association with healthcare use and mortality: a cohort study using Norwegian national data - Academic article
- Generalization strategies for improving bus travel time prediction across networks - Academic article
- Generating inputs for the calibration of oil spill effects models: Filling data gaps for marine and freshwater species of importance and application of oil spill biomonitoring system. - Poster
- Generative AI in Software Engineering Must Be Human-Centered: The Copenhagen Manifesto - Short communication
- Genesis of column sprites: formation mechanisms and optical structures - Academic article
- Genetic Regulation of Diatom Photosynthesis - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Geometrical and Physical Characterization of Solid Oxide Fuell Cell Electrodes - Academic lecture
- Georeferenced X (formerly twitter) data as a proxy of mobility behaviour: case study of Norway - Academic article
- Get to know your spectrometer, and how it compares to other spectrometers on the market - Academic lecture
- GHG emissions accounting. Recommendations for the methodology to follow in the zero emission neighbourhood definition - Report
- Ghost fishing by self-baited lost, abandoned or discarded pots in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) fishery - Academic article
- Ghost fishing efficiency in swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus) pot fishery - Academic article
- GIS for underground H2 storage - Poster
- Giving more value to alginates - Academic lecture
- Glioblastoma Segmentation from Early Post-operative MRI: Challenges and Clinical Impact - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Global employment and skill level requirements for ‘Post-Carbon Europe’ - Academic article
- GNSS Anomaly Detection with Complex-Valued LSTM Networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- GNSS receivers successfully failed - Academic lecture
- Goa: GWMC secures patent for laterite-based concrete block - Interview
- GoNorth 2024: Exploring untouched depths - Website (informational material)
- GoNorth heads for Greenland - Website (informational material)
- GPU-accelerated Full-Waveform Inversion using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Method - Abstract
- Grand challenges of wind energy science - meeting the needs and services of the power system - Academic literature review
- GraphMa: Towards new Models for Pipeline-Oriented Computation on Graphs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Green upscaling of an established path? The case of salmon farming in Norway - Academic article
- Greenhouse gas emission reduction from innovative sprayed concrete - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Greenhouse gas emission reduction opportunities for the Norwegian salmon farming sector - can they outweigh growth? - Academic article
- Greenhouse gas emission reduction potential in road tunnels – Can we reach the European Union goals with existing materials and technologies? - Academic article
- Greenhouse gas emissions in the Norwegian Food Sector using different approaches - Poster
- Greenhouse gas emissions in the Norwegian Food Sector using different approaches - Poster
- Greenhouse gas emissions of shipping with onboard carbon capture under the FuelEU Maritime regulation: A well-to-wake evaluation of different propulsion scenarios - Academic article
- Ground source heat in Norway – on the value gained by firm, renewable, carbon neutral, local and areal effective thermal resources by the Geothermal Energy Association of Norway - Lecture
- Growth of solitary slugs in long pipes - Academic article
- Guided Understanding and Assessment of Cybersecurity Risks with an LLM-enabled Navigator - Academic lecture
- H2 production by utilizing energy storage materials - Poster
- Hamiltonian neural networks for partially observed systems - Poster
- Handling of long-term storage in multi-horizon stochastic programs - Academic article
- Handook of Seafood and Seafood Product Analysis - Non-fiction book
- Hardware-Independent Deep Signal Processing: A Feasibility Study in Echocardiography - Academic article
- Hardware-in-the-Loop platform based on Smart Meters for Demonstrating Advanced Distribution Management Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Harnessing nature to combat climate change in cold regions - Interview
- Harvesting the riches of earth through bioprospecting and biotechnological exploitation of genomic data. - Academic lecture
- HAZOP study of a water electrolysis plant used in green hydrogen production - Academic lecture
- Health Risks and Health Effects of Firefighter Work: A Multidisciplinary Project using Register Data, Laboratory Studies and Real Fire Scenarios - Lecture
- Health service personnel's early experiences from the implementation of a large-scale Electronic Health Record. - Academic lecture
- Healthcare professionals' experience with nutritional care beyond formal quality systems — A qualitative study - Academic article
- Health-promoting housing and care concepts for elderly with dementia? - Academic lecture
- Health-Promoting Housing and Care Concepts for Older People with Dementia? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Hearing loss and access to hearing screening and interventions services in Tanzania - Lecture
- Heat Exchanger modeling in the HighEFF centre - Lecture
- Heat exchangers for Decagone technology - Lecture
- Heat pump-driven adsorption CO2 capture for simple and cost-effective retrofits of coal power plants - Academic article
- Heat Recovery from Hydrogren Production with a PMR - Academic lecture
- Heat strain in professional firefighters: physiological responses to a simulated smoke dive in extremely hot environments and the subsequent recovery phase - Academic article
- Heidrun Åre – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - Report
- HeriTACE: Case-study selection at building and neighbourhood levels - Report
- Heterogenous Edge AI Solutions Across Industrial Sectors - Lecture
- High concentration of microplastics entering human food chain in Tamil Nadu - Interview
- High Frequency Dielectric Properties and Losses in Partial Discharge Resistant Rotating Machine Insulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- High Latitude Ionospheric Gradient Observation Results from a Multi-Scale Network - Academic lecture
- High resolution depth profile scanning of plankton organisms—VERTILICE - Academic article
- High -Temperature Heat Pumps Task 2 – Integration Concepts - Report
- High voltage power electronic converters - Dielectric performance, stresses and testing - Academic lecture
- High yield and wide lateral size growth of α-Mo2C: exploring the boundaries of CVD growth of bare MXene analogues - Academic article
- HighEFF innovations - a summary of innovations in HighEFF from eight years of research - Lecture
- High-Fidelity Reconstruction of 3D Temperature Fields Using Attention-Augmented CNN Autoencoders With Optimized Latent Space - Academic article
- High-Frequency Modeling for Determination of Motor Voltage Stresses in a 6.6 kV Variable Speed Drive - Academic article
- High-frequency ultrasound in pressure ulcer assessment in persons with spinal cord injury: a pilot study - Academic lecture
- High-intensity Endurance and Strength Training in Rehabilitation for Patients with Multiple Sclerosis - Poster
- High-Performance Fluorine-Lean Thin Aromatic Hydrocarbon Membranes Based on Polyvinylidene Fluoride for Hydrogen Fuel Cells - Academic article
- High-Performance Porous pSi/Ag@C Anode for Lithium-Ion Batteries - Academic article
- High-Speed Optical Characterization of Protein-and-Nanoparticle–Stabilized Microbubbles for Ultrasound-Triggered Drug Release - Academic article
- High-throughput morphological profiling for immunology and nanomedicineHigh-throughput morphological profiling for immunology and nanomedicine - Academic lecture
- High-Voltage Circuit Breaker Condition-Dependent Failure Rate with Covariates - Academic article
- Histomolecular Validation of [18F]-FACBC in Gliomas Using Image-Localized Biopsies - Academic article
- Hole Cleaning in Deviated Weels - Lecture
- Holistic risk perspectives and new production systems - Lecture
- Host-gut microbiota interactions shape parasite infections in farmed Atlantic salmon - Academic article
- Housing Qualities, Spaces and Dispositions for Low-Income Families: Effects on Experiences of Wellbeing, Home and Belonging - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Housing qualities, spaces and dispositions for low-income families: Effects on experiences of wellbeing, home and belonging. - Academic lecture
- How a fundamental understanding can make more robust spectroscopic solutions for real-world applications - Academic lecture
- How a fundamental understanding of spectroscopic sensors makes robust solutions for real-world applications - Poster
- How aligned are industry strategy and government policy for the decarbonization of energy-intensive process industries? - Academic article
- How can we increase the security awareness of seafarers? - Academic lecture
- How Do Cancer Patients Keep Track of Their Patient Journeys? - Academic lecture
- How Do Cancer Patients Keep Track of Their Patient Journeys? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- How Do Stakeholders in Norway's Private and Public Sectors Perceive the Prospects and Feasibility of Commercializing Positioning and Navigation Technologies for Autonomous Driving? - Academic lecture
- How does artificial intelligence impact employees’ engagement in lean organisations? - Academic article
- How hydropower plants influence fish migration: insights from the Glomma River - Website (informational material)
- How industries can track their impact on nature – and why they should - Website (informational material)
- How robots affect fish surprises researchers - Interview
- How to build multi-sector value chains for the net-zero transition: Insights from carbon capture and storage in Norway - Academic lecture
- How to build multi-sector value chains for the net-zero transition: Insights from carbon capture and storage in Norway - Academic lecture
- How to preserve the biomass and factors affecting the stability and quality - Lecture
- How to put a stop to energy waste? - Website (informational material)
- HS3 as a novel solvent for carbon capture: Model validation and an industrial case study with comparison against 30 wt% MEA - Academic article
- Human and Organizational Risk Modelling in Cybersecurity - Academic lecture
- Human pharmaceuticals in the arctic – A review - Academic literature review
- Human Smart Cities, Data Visualisation and Citizen Engagement - Lecture
- Hybrid AI for industrial systems - Lecture
- Hybrid AI for industrial systems - Lecture
- Hybrid AI for industrial systems - Lecture
- Hybrid meetings - Academic lecture
- Hybrid real time LCA for performance monitoring in mineral extraction and processing facilities - Poster
- HybriGrowth - Hybrid, energy-efficient farming by combined greenhouse and vertical growth - Academic lecture
- Hydration of Composite Cements Containing Novel SCMs - Academic article
- Hydrodynamic Coefficients of Generic Subsea Modules in Forced Oscillation Tests—Importance of Structural Elements - Academic article
- Hydrodynamic Forces on a Near-Bottom Pipeline Subject to Wave-Induced Boundary Layer - Academic article
- Hydrodynamic modelling of floating seaweed farms - Poster
- Hydrogen adsorption in clay minerals and shale - Lecture
- Hydrogen and Cushion Gas Adsorption–Desorption Dynamics on Clay Minerals - Academic article
- Hydrogen and NH3 co-adsorption on Pd–Ag membranes - Academic article
- Hydrogen bunkering from a fuel island onto fishing vessels - Academic article
- Hydrogen diffusivity in X65 pipeline steel: Desorption and permeation studies - Academic article
- Hydrogen embrittlement testing: electrochemical versus hydrogen gas charging - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen in Glass Sector: A Comparison between Risk-Based Maintenance and Time-Based Maintenance Approaches - Academic article
- Hydrogen production by steam methane reforming in a protonic membrane reformer - Lecture
- Hydrogen production from methane in a protonic membrane reformer - Lecture
- Hydrogen Production with a Protonic Ceramic Membrane Reactor on Porous Fe-Cr Alloy - Academic article
- Hydrogen reactivity of Nchwaning ore - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen sampling systems adapted to heavy-duty refuelling stations' current and future specifications – A review - Academic literature review
- Hydrogen use for silicon production - Academic lecture
- Hydrogen, renewable electricity, and natural gas with CCS: How can economically efficient and sustainable energy export value chains be developed? - Academic lecture
- Hydrological simulation of infiltration swales based on historical and futures climates data in cold climate regions - Academic lecture
- Hydrolytic Degradation of Monofilaments Used for Fishing Gear – A Comparison Between PA 6 (nylon) and Biodegradable Materials (PBSAT and PBSA) - Poster
- Hydropower investment decisions. The ProdRisk-Shop simulator: decision support tool for revenue calculations - Report
- HyPeak: a science-policy network to promote sustainable hydropeaking - Poster
- I4.0 AAS – for Safety Life Cycle – APOS 2.0 & IEC61511 SRS interoperability exchange through AML model - Lecture
- I4.0 AAS for safety lifecycle - Lecture
- IAQ and ventilation measurements at the “ZEB Laboratory” office building in Norway - Academic article
- ICT-Architecture applied on pilot building - Report
- ICUE - Illuminating the path to cure endometriosis - Lecture
- Identification of cyber threats and vulnerabilities in Norwegian distribution networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- IDTA Submodel “Safety instrumented functions (SIF) for the process industries“ - Academic lecture
- IEA Wind Task 49: Reference Site Conditions for Floating Wind Arrays - Academic article
- IEA Wind Task 49: WP1 - Reference Site Conditions for Floating Wind Arrays - Poster
- IFC Properties Validation Using Deep Graph Neural Network - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- IIR at COP29 in Baku: Week 1 in review [1/2] - Interview
- Immiscible Displacement of Oil by Water : An Experimental Investigation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Immune digital twins for complex human pathologies: applications, limitations, and challenges - Academic article
- IMO Compendium and ISO-28005 - Lecture
- Impact of automation and zero-emission propulsion on design of small inland cargo vessels - Academic article
- Impact of biobased packaging materials on quality changes of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) during frozen storage - Academic lecture
- Impact of biobased packaging materials on quality changes of cod (Gadus morhua) and haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) during frozen storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of Chemical Leachates from Car Tire Rubber on Marine Microalgae: Toxic Mechanisms and Ecosystem Implications - Poster
- Impact of Correlation between Hydro Inflow and Solar Availability on Production Schedules of Hybrid Plants in Western Africa, Eastern Asia, and Northern Europe - Academic lecture
- Impact of external factors on bus speed profile: insights from continuous GPS data analysis - Academic lecture
- Impact of Hydrogen Integration and Implementation on Costs in Glass Production - Academic article
- Impact of Integration of Hydrogen Electrolysers in the Operation of Coastal Power Grid - Academic lecture
- Impact of Integration of Hydrogen Electrolysers in the Operation of Coastal Power Grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impact of Microplastics and Additives in Marine Ecosystems - Academic lecture
- Impact of practical challenges on the implementation of data-driven services for building operation: Insights from a real-life case study - Academic article
- Impact of seawater temperature and physical-chemical properties on sorption of pharmaceuticals, stimulants, and biocides to marine particles - Academic article
- Impact of the flow-field distribution channel cross-section geometry on PEM fuel cell performance: Stamped vs. milled channel - Academic article
- Impact of the Offshore Wind Development Plans in the North Sea on the Decarbonization of the European Energy System - Academic article
- Impact of unmanaged PV development on hosting capacity in coupled MV-LV distribution networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Impacts of Sample Storage and Reference Compounds in the OECD 309 Surface Water Mineralisation Test - Academic lecture
- Implementation of a hybrid grid tariff in Norway: distributional effects, metered consumer response and design trade-offs - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Implementation of mRNA–Lipid Nanoparticle Technology in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) - Academic article
- Implementing decarbonisation measures in Norwegian ports - Academic article
- Implementing Pre-Reduction in Mn-Alloy Production: A Case Study at Eramet Porsgrunn - Academic lecture
- Implementing vocational rehabilitation for people with multiple sclerosis in the UK National Health Service: a mixed-methods feasibility study - Academic article
- Improved anti-icing coatings using functionalized hybrid additives - Academic lecture
- Improved hydrological modelling of infiltration swales in cold climates using underground water levels - Academic lecture
- Improved Pole Placement and Compaction of MIMO Vector Fitting Applied to System Identification - Academic article
- Improved prediction of stress and pore-pressure changes in the overburden for infill drilling - Academic lecture
- Improved Synthetic Methodology, Substrate Scope and X-ray Crystal Structure for N, N’-disubstituted Guanidines - Academic article
- Improvement in Precision Forging of an Aluminium Pump Body for Automobile Exhaust Gas Treatment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improvement in Precision Forging of an Aluminium Pump Body for Automobile Exhaust Gas Treatment - Poster
- Improvement of the 2007–2015 Earthquake Catalog Along the 300 km Long Postglacial Merasjärvi–Stuoragurra Fault Complex in Northern Fennoscandia Using Automatic Event Detection - Academic article
- Improvements in postharvest apple handling from a pathology perspective - Abstract
- Improving energy efficiency in seafood freezing with brine technology - Academic lecture
- Improving energy efficiency in seafood freezing with brine technology - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improving Last-Mile Maritime Communication Using Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces - Book review
- Improving Last-Mile Maritime Communication Using Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Improving value chain data lifecycle management utilising design for Lean Six Sigma methods - Academic article
- In a 1st, state dept's invention of bricks from waste gets patent - Interview
- In a presentation, Ted once said I’d like my epitaph to be “I simplified.” - Short communication
- In Reply: Noninvasive Assessment of Intracranial Pressure: Deformability Index as an Adjunct to Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter to Increase Diagnostic Ability - Letter to the editor
- In Reply: Possible Factors Missed While Assessing Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter and Deformability Index in Patients with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury - Letter to the editor
- In situ and operando (S)TEM investigations of MXene-based anodes for Li-ion all-solid-state batteries - Academic lecture
- In situ fabricated ZnO nanostructures within carboxymethyl cellulose-based ternary hydrogels for wound healing applications - Academic article
- Inception of vented water trees in high voltage XLPE cable insulation: Effect of inorganic contaminations inside the semiconductive material - Academic article
- Incidence, risk factors, and clinical implications of postoperative blood in or near the resection cavity after glioma surgery - Academic article
- Including Lifetime Hydraulic Turbine Cost into Short-Term Hybrid Scheduling of Hydro and Solar - Academic article
- Inclusive Architecture – a user-centred strategy - Lecture
- Inclusive Architecture, from Theory to Practice: Illustrated Through a Case Study of the Center for Cancer and Health in Copenhagen - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Inclusive Education through Open and Distance Learning in the Digital Age - Lecture
- Incorporating Objective Weights in the Risk Assessment of Wave Energy Converters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Increased Understanding of Building Operational Performance Through Occupant-Centric Key Performance Indicators - Academic article
- Increasing citizen engagement in sustainable architecture using augmented reality: A pilot study - Academic article
- Increasing maritime cybersecurity awareness through game-based learning - Academic article
- Increasing the energy efficiency of a dairy by implementing a high temperature heat pump – a theoretical evaluation. - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Incremental approach for active passenger guidance during cruise ship emergencies - Academic lecture
- Industrial adaptation of polymeric membranes in humid high H2S natural gas feed streams - Academic lecture
- Industrial biotechnology in Norway Status and opportunities - Academic lecture
- Industrial biotechnology in Norway, status and opportunities - Academic lecture
- Industrial cold storage of fruit and berries – specific energy use and operational processes - Academic lecture
- Industrial cold storage of fruit and berries - specific energy use and operational processes - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Industrial data marketplace - Website (informational material)
- Industrial energy communities: Energy storage investment, grid impact and cost distribution - Academic article
- Industry as a flexibility provider in the energy system - Lecture
- Influence of aluminium doping on high purity quartz glass properties - Academic article
- Influence of ammonia-water fog formation on ammonia dispersion from a liquid spill - Academic article
- Influence of Digital Communication Configuration in Virtual Teams: A Faultline Perspective - Academic article
- Influence of hot-dip galvanization on the fatigue performance of high-strength bolted connections - Academic article
- Influence of Metal Support Interaction on Product Selectivity during Anisole Hydrogenation - Academic lecture
- Influence of prior corrosion on the fatigue behavior in a simulated recycled 6082 Al-alloy - Academic lecture
- Influence of wind farm fault current control strategies on distance protection during unsymmetrical faults - Academic article
- Information package for assessment of new amine solvents - Brochure
- Infrastructuring data for green organizing: The case of the maritime industry - Academic lecture
- Inkjet-Printed Planar Silver/Silver Chloride Pseudo Reference Electrode for Microfluidic Potentiometric Sensor Applications - Academic article
- In-lab receiver testing based on live captured RFI events - Academic lecture
- In-lab receiver testing based on live captured RFI events from the ARFIDAAS project - Academic lecture
- Innovation across the edge-AI computing continuum - Lecture
- Innovations and technological opportunities in SMILE - Lecture
- Innovative Approaches to Sustainable Manganese Ferroalloy Production: Carbon-Free Technologies and Energy Efficiency - Lecture
- Innovative heat exchanger design using extruded aluminium profiles for PCM-based TES systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Innovative MSA-based flowsheet to produce Made-in-Europe NMC cathodes - CICERO - Academic lecture
- Innovative Road Safety Education Program - Poster
- Innovative vanillin yielding from lignin: process modelling and assessment - Academic article
- In-process epimerisation of alginates from Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta and Laminaria hyperborea - Academic article
- Input data for moisture profiles in multi-family residential buildings: how much extract is needed? - Academic lecture
- Input data for moisture profiles in multi-family residential buildings: how much extract is needed? - Academic article
- Insights from an extensive triaxial testing campaign on a shale for comparative site characterization of a deep geological repository - Academic article
- Insights from the field: implementing schedule-based control strategies for load shifting in educational buildings - Academic lecture
- Insights from the Field: Implementing Schedule-Based Control Strategies for Load Shifting in Educational Buildings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Insights into ZEN pilot projects: An overview and experience summary - Report
- Inspection and maintenance robotics: Status and trends - Lecture
- Inspection of hydrogen transport equipment: A data-driven approach to predict fatigue degradation - Academic article
- Integrated Analyses of Mooring Lines, Soil and Anchors for Floating Wind Turbines - Poster
- Integrated designs for future floating offshore wind farm technology – Towards nature inclusive innovations - Academic lecture
- Integrated designs for future floating offshore wind farm technology – Towards nature inclusive innovations - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrated energy system planning under short-term and long-term uncertainty: Modelling and algorithms - Academic lecture
- Integrated energy system planning under multi-timescale uncertainty: Modelling and algorithms - Academic lecture
- Integrated heating and cooling system with borehole thermal energy storage for a greenhouse in Romania - Academic article
- Integrated port energy systems for decarbonized maritime industry - Academic lecture
- Integrated process design Latest results and discussion - Lecture
- Integrating Cold Thermal Energy Storage for Air Conditioning Demand in a CO2 Refrigeration System at a Supermarket - Academic article
- Integrating direct air capture with small modular nuclear reactors: understanding performance, cost, and potential - Academic article
- Integrating liquid hydrogen infrastructure at airports: Conclusions from an ecosystem approach at Rotterdam The Hague Airport - Academic article
- Integrating Machine Learning for Real-Time Structural Monitoring of Net Cages - Academic lecture
- Integrating Machine Learning for Real-Time Structural Monitoring of Net Cages - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrating nature-based solutions within the built environment to address societal challenges - Academic lecture
- Integrating Power-to-Heat Services in Geographically Distributed Multi-Energy Systems: A Case Study from the ERIGrid 2.0 Project - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Integrating Process Simulation and Life Cycle Assessment for Enhanced Process Efficiency and Reduced Environmental Impact in Ferromanganese Production - Academic article
- Integration assessment of turquoise hydrogen in the European energy sector - Academic article
- Integration of Chemical Looping Combustion in the Graz Power Cycle - Academic article
- Integration of CO2 liquefaction with catalytic membrane reactors for efficient decarbonization - Academic lecture
- Integration of Energy Flexible Technologies – Solar and Heat Pump assisted Carbon Capture, Utilisation and/or Storage - Lecture
- Integration of Local Energy Communities in Electricity Distribution Grids: FINE project deliverable - Report
- Integriertes CO2-Kälteanlagensystem einer Molkerei - Energieflussanalyse und Potenzial für einen kalten thermischen Energiespeicher - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Integrity of Drilling Fluid As Primary Barrier for CCS Wells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Intelligent Ship Transport System - Introduction to the Maritime ICT Reference Architecture - Report
- Intelligent Ship Transport System - Onboard Maritime ICT Architecture and Standards - Report
- Intelligent Ship Transport System - Overview of Standardization Activities - Report
- Intelligent Ship Transport System - User-Centric Development of International Maritime ITS - Report
- INTEND: Cognitive Computing Continuum for Intent-Based Data Operations - Academic lecture
- INTEND: Human-Like Intelligence for Intent-Based Data Operations in the Cognitive Computing Continuum - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Inter seasonal validation of non-contact NIR spectroscopy for measurement of total soluble solids in high tunnel strawberries - Academic article
- Intercomparison of Global Wave Reanalysis Products. Revisited - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Interest in Working Remotely: Is Gender a Factor? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Intermittent Light Scheduling for Energy Cost Reduction in Vertical Farming - Academic article
- International Aircraft Noise Regulations - Lecture
- International experience on rainwater harvesting and stormwater utilisation – a literature review - Academic literature review
- Interorganizational accidents in Norwegian Salmon farming - Lecture
- Into the deep: Exploring the molecular mechanisms of hyperactive behaviour induced by three rare earth elements in early life-stages of the deep-sea scavenging amphipod Tmetonyx cicada (Lysianassidae) - Academic article
- Intra-arm Balancing Control for Modular Multilevel Converter with Cell Loading Operated under High Power Imbalances - Academic article
- Intro to variational quantum algorithms: QAOA theory and hands-on - Lecture
- Introduction of hydrogen technologies to mitigate the impact of thermal consumption in a university campus - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Introduction to ADRF2024 workshop on Generative AI in inspection and maintenance (I&M): Learnings across sectors, low-hanging industry use cases, and future challenges and opportunities - Lecture
- Introduction to ERF2024 workshop on Actionable data with AI-based analytics in I&M robotics – Success stories from the industry and future R&D challenges - Lecture
- Introduction to the OTEAPI-DLite framework - Lecture
- Introduction: On the need for A Research Agenda for Lean - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Introduction: OpenModel Exploitation Workshop - Lecture
- Investigadores noruegos estudian cómo mejorar la explotación de las especies mesopelágicas para obtener productos de mayor valor añadido - Popular scientific article
- Investigating hope in oral health promotion for adolescents: an exploratory study based on observations at the dental clinic - Academic article
- Investigating Load Arches and the Uplift Capacity of Rock Anchors: A Numerical Approach - Academic article
- Investigating macroscopic geometrical and physical properties of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell electrodes - Academic lecture
- Investigating Microplastic Leaching in Marine Environments Part 1: Microplastic Characterisation - Academic lecture
- Investigating Statistical Modelling of Excitation Forces in Inhomogeneous Waves - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigating the performance of Robust Daily Production Optimization against a combined well–reservoir model - Academic article
- Investigating the pH buffering effects of PAA as a binder for aqueous processing of LNMO - Poster
- Investigating the photoprotective properties of marine microalgal pigments in skin - Masters thesis
- Investigating the Role of Plastics in Transmitting Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens from Wastewater to the Marine Environment - Poster
- Investigating the socio-political acceptance of negative emission technologies: A group model building approach - Academic article
- Investigating the use of marine microalgal pigments for the prevention of skin cancer. - Academic lecture
- Investigating toxicity pathways of crumb rubber-derived particles and leachates on blue mussels Mytilus edulis - Poster
- Investigation of Biomarkers of Sexual Maturity in Boars using Targeted Metabolomics - Poster
- Investigation of Pressure Drop on Agglomerates from H2Si project - Report
- Investigation Of Safety Barrier Role In Hydrogen Related Undesired Events - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of the areas with high D07-band emission in multicrystalline silicon wafers using electron microscopy and hyperspectral photoluminescence imaging - Academic article
- Investigation of the Importance of Frame Height Compared to Test Specimen Height During Laboratory Sound Absorption Measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Investigation of uniformity in fused quartz crucibles for Czochralski silicon ingots - Academic article
- Investigations into Ageing of Monofilaments Under Various Test Conditions in the Sea - Poster
- Investigations of gas flow in charge materials with biocarbon - Lecture
- Investigations of SiO2 + C agglomerates: Characterization and reactions during heating - Report
- IoT and Edge Computing Intelligent Connectivity Advancements - Lecture
- IoT-Edge-Cloud Continuum for Manufacturing - Lecture
- iPuma: High-Performance Sequence Alignment on the Graphcore IPU - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Is access to data a barrier to achieving sustainability in the plastic value chain? - Website (informational material)
- Is AM nice or niche? The concerning gap between value proposals of additive manufacturing of spare parts and prospective customers’ perceived benefits - Academic lecture
- Is there a new deep-sea fishery on the horizon? - Popular scientific article
- ISO 28005 Electronic Port Clearance (EPC) Part 3 Data Elements for Ship and Port Operation - Lecture
- ISO 28005 Electronic Port Clearance (EPC) Part 3 Data Elements for Ship and Port Operation - Lecture
- It takes two to tango: the second session of negotiations (INC-2) for a global treaty to end plastic pollution - Academic article
- It’s the cold water too: Thermal contamination contributes to Legionella in building water systems - Academic lecture
- JutulDarcy.jl - a Fully Differentiable High-Performance Reservoir Simulator based on Automatic Differentiation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Kaizen as Engineering Change and Follow-Up - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Key Factors To Integrate Hydrogen For The Glass Manufacturing Industry - Academic lecture
- Key Factors To Integrate Hydrogen For The Glass Manufacturing Industry - Academic article
- Key findings from the Norwegian MaritimeNH3 project - Briefs
- Keynote: Artificial Intelligence with knowledge - Lecture
- KI-drevet sikkerhetsorkestrering, automatisering og respons for digitale tvillingbaserte kritiske systemer - Academic lecture
- Kinetic study of novel oxygen carriers for chemical looping for hydrogen production: Ca0.6La0.4Ti0.1CrxMn0.9-xO3-δ (x = 0, 0.3, 0.45, 0.6 & 0.9) - Academic lecture
- Kinetic study of novel oxygen carriers for chemical looping for hydrogen production: Ca0.6La0.4Ti0.1CrxMn0.9-xO3-δ (x = 0.3, 0.45 & 0.6) - Academic lecture
- Kinetic study of the SiC producing reactions - Report
- Kinetics of SiO oxidation and implications for circumstellar dust formation - Poster
- Kinetics study on the H2 reduction of Nchwaning manganese ore at elevated temperatures - Academic lecture
- Knowledge acquisition about what consequences and effects the development of offshore wind will have for the seafood industry - Lecture
- Knowledge and strategies for facilitating urban freight and last-mile deliveries amid digital transitions - Academic article
- Knowledge sharing and learning in projects - Focusing on time restriction - Academic article
- Knowledge-based strategy for optimized operation of nanofiltration plants for removal of natural organic matter in drinking water production - Academic lecture
- Koala-UI: An Interactive User Interface for Tabular Data Linking - Academic lecture
- Koala-UI: An Interactive User Interface for Tabular Data Linking - Academic article
- KSP-K CHARISMA - Research project awarded by NRC: Offical kick-off - Lecture
- Laboratory and field investigations of alkali-silica reaction prevention by supplementary cementitious materials: Influence of the free alkali loading - Academic article
- Laboratory Estimations of Dry Dynamic Normal Fracture Compliances Using Seismic and Ultrasonic Frequencies - Abstract
- Laboratory method for investigating the influence of industrial process conditions on the emission of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from carbonaceous materials - Academic article
- Laboratory Middleware for the Cyber-Physical Integration of Energy Research Infrastructures - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Laboratory vs field performance of AARaffected concrete. State of the art and paths moving forward using European and North American guidelines - Academic lecture
- Langfjellet – Weathering properties and behaviour at sea - Report
- Language models and human-AI teaming for safety and quality in ground operations on airports – experiences from the FLAIT project - Lecture
- Large-scale fire experiments in a cross-laminated timber compartment with an adjacent corridor – Partly and fully protected with a water sprinkler system - Academic article
- Laser Sintering as a Tool for Densification of LLZO Films for Solid-State Batteries - Poster
- Last year noted as record-setting for wind power - Interview
- Latency-Aware Node Selection in Federated Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Latency-Aware Node Selection in Federated Learning - Academic lecture
- LCA as a tool for understanding environmental impacts and benefits of CCUS and alternative fuels: insights from the second LCA to CCUS & alternative fuels workshop - Website (informational material)
- LCA for iclimabuilt Pilot Line 2: Thermoelectric generators - Academic lecture
- Lean and the green economy: the promise of a waste-free society? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Lean as a compensatory tool for neurodiverse employees - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Learning active manipulation to target shapes using model-free, long-horizon deep reinforcement learning - Academic lecture
- Learning active manipulation to target shapes with model-free, long-horizon deep reinforcement learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Learning by doing - collaboration between researchers and stakeholders in developing an integrated oral health model for older people with frailty - Academic lecture
- Learning dynamical systems from noisy data with inverse-explicit integrators - Academic article
- Learning from and overcoming transition failures in urban transport? - Academic lecture
- Learning from mistakes in project-based organizations - Academic article
- Learning from partially observed Hamiltonian systems - Academic lecture
- Learning PDEs with pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks - Academic lecture
- Learning separable PDE models with pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks - Academic lecture
- Lecture: Thermal energy storage technologies for flexibility in buildings - Lecture
- LedaFlow for CO2 - Adapting the multiphase flow simulator LedaFlow to CO2 injection simulations - Academic lecture
- LedaFlow model improvements for three-phase gas dominated flows - Lecture
- Lesion Frequency Distribution Maps of Traumatic Axonal Injury on Early Magnetic Resonance Imaging After Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Associations to 12 Months Outcome - Academic article
- Lessons learned – Operating with two energy system optimization models - Academic lecture
- Lessons learned from innovative energy solutions to enable zero emissions areas - Academic article
- Level Up your Cell Factories with ELISER: A Database with Thousands of Metabolic Engineering Designs. - Academic lecture
- Leveraging Boundary Spanning for Enhanced Collaborative Capacity in Innovative Procurement Projects - Academic lecture
- Leveraging Boundary Spanning for Enhanced Collaborative Capacity in Innovative Procurement Projects - Academic lecture
- Life cycle assessment of Calanus finmarchicus products - Lecture
- Life cycle inventory library for embodied emissions in ventilation components - Academic article
- Light transport in turbid water for 3D underwater imaging - Academic article
- Lighten the Load: Reducing the Carbon Footprint of Safety Boots - Academic lecture
- Lightning Impulse Testing in Short Air-Gaps and Memory Effect of Previous Discharges - Academic article
- Limit(less): A choreographic score for human and robot - Academic article
- Limits for the Current Efficiency in Hall-Héroult Cells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Linking chemical disruption of molting processes to reduced survival of crustaceans - Academic lecture
- Lipid droplet distribution in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) oocytes is related to the fertilisation and developmental outcome - Academic article
- Lipid nanoparticles – the key to the RNAvolution in medicine - Lecture
- Lipidome Plasticity Enables Unusual Photosynthetic Flexibility in Arctic vs. Temperate Diatoms - Academic article
- Liposomal nor-NOHA: A Promising Strategy for Targeted Cancer Immunotherapy - Poster
- Liquid hydrogen spill and evaporation modelling - Academic lecture
- Liquid Hydrogen Transport Landscape - Poster
- Local Drift Forecasting with Simplified Ocean Models and Multi-Level Data Assimilation - Doctoral dissertation
- Local Structural Response of Concrete Shells due to Wave Impact: Calculated Responses From Measured Slamming Pressures Vs. Hydroelastic Measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Local Structural Response of Stiffened Steel Panels due to Wave Impact: Calculated Responses From Measured Slamming Pressures Vs. Hydroelastic Measurements - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Localized advanced ship predictor for maritime situation awareness with ship close encounter - Academic article
- Logical X Operations for Constrained Problems - Academic lecture
- Long-term operational planning for flexible residential buildings with seasonal storage and capacity-based grid tariffs - Academic article
- Long-term stability investigation of capric acid as potential phase change material - Academic lecture
- Low Energy Anodes for Sustainable Electrowinning (LEAn) - Academic lecture
- Low Molecular Weight Alginate Oligosaccharides as Alternatives to PEG for Enhancement of the Diffusion of Cationic Nanoparticles Through Cystic Fibrosis Mucus - Academic article
- Low-cost monitoring - Lecture
- Low-Cost Sensor Technologies for Underwater Vehicle Navigation in Aquaculture Net Pens - Academic lecture
- Low-Cost Sensor Technologies for Underwater Vehicle Navigation in Aquaculture Net Pens - Academic article
- LowEmission - OG21 workshop on low-emission technologies for 2030 and 2050 targets - Lecture
- LowEmission 2023 Annual Report - Report
- LowEmission Research Centre - R&D for reducing emissions on the Norwegian Continental Shelf - Lecture
- Low-Temperature Phase Separation of CO2 from Syngas Mixtures─Experimental Results - Academic article
- Low-Viscosity Nonaqueous Sulfolane-Amine-Methanol Solvent Blend for Reversible CO2 Capture: Part II. Blend Optimization, Water Effect, and Speciation - Academic article
- LURAD: Design study of a comprehensive radiation monitor package for the gateway and the lunar surface - Academic article
- LX-mixers for QAOA: Optimal mixers restricted to subspaces and the stabilizer formalism - Academic article
- Machine learning and hybrid modelling as a means to transform the geoscience industry - Lecture
- Machine Learning Methods for Structure Loss Classification in Czochralski Silicon Ingots - Academic article
- Machine learning on faults – how can ML be used towards derisking of CO2 storage? - Academic lecture
- Machine learning-aided risk-based inspection strategy for hydrogen technologies - Academic article
- Macroscopic properties of solid oxide fuel cell electrodes via microstructure-based numeri- cal homogenization - Academic lecture
- Macroscopic properties of solid oxide fuel cell electrodes via microstructure-based numerical homogenization - Academic article
- Main findings from T4.2: General requirements for PDI and CCAM services for SAE4 driving on public roads - Lecture
- Mainstreaming the neighbourhood approach into EU building policies - Report
- Making paradoxes visible: lessons learned from a cross-industrial collaboration project addressing circular economy - Academic lecture
- Making Research Accessible Using a Digital Tool: Communicating Research Results Related to Norwegian Salmon Farming Using a Lightweight Web Application - Popular scientific article
- MaksGrid project aims to increase utilization of Norwegian power grid by 25% - Interview
- Man0EUvRE - Energy System Modelling for Transition to a net-Zero 2050 for EU via REPowerEU - Lecture
- Man0EUvRE Data Management Plan V1.1 - Report
- Management of Solid Insulation in Transformer and Reactor Windings - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Managing pore pressure for regional CO2 storage resources - SINTEF experience and tools - Academic lecture
- ManEUvRE Project Management Plan V1.0 - Report
- Manganese- and Nitrogen-Doped Biomass-Based Carbons as Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction - Academic article
- Manifestation of Negative Microfracture Compressibility Due to Capillarity in Tight Rocks at Partial Saturation with Free Gas - Academic article
- Manual Dexterity in Open-Water Wetsuited Swimmers: A Cohort Crossover Study - Academic article
- Many spectrometer users; not enough instrument knowledge - Academic lecture
- Mapping the Microbiome of Two Drinking Water Distribution Systems in Norway - Academic lecture
- Mapping to IEC 61508 software developed to ISO 26262 - Academic article
- Mapping to IEC 61508 the hardware safety integrity of elements developed to ISO 26262 - Academic article
- Marine ecotoxicity of amines used as solvents in carbon capture processes: Species sensitivity distributions and additive toxicity aspects. - Poster
- Maritime cybersecurity - Academic lecture
- Maritime cybersecurity threat modelling - attacker-centric and system-centric threats - Lecture
- Maritime Energy Transition, FME MarTrans - Popular scientific lecture
- Maritime fleet composition under future greenhouse gas emission restrictions and uncertain fuel prices - Academic article
- Maritime hydrogen infrastructure and value chains in the decarbonization governance of shipping in Norway - Academic lecture
- Maritime transition in the Nordics: State-of-the-art overview and innovation system analysis - Report
- Material failures on offshore wind turbines - Report
- Material integration study and modelling of a MgCl2:alumina water-sorption thermochemical energy storage system - Poster
- Material use and energy consumption of new production systems for salmon aquaculture - Report
- Materials Acceleration Platforms (MAPs) Accelerating Materials Research and Development to Meet Urgent Societal Challenges - Academic article
- Materials science and ontologies - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Maximising Value: how to utilize biproduct from hydrogen production? - Lecture
- Measurements of the Viscosity of Hydrogen and a (Hydrogen + Methane) Mixture with a Two-Capillary Viscometer - Academic article
- Measuring Community Response to Noise—Factors Affecting the Results of Annoyance Surveys - Academic literature review
- Measuring environmental concentrations of hydrogen peroxide following bath treatment - Academic article
- Measuring mRNA-LNPs - Lecture
- Mechanical response of cement and shale admixtures under cyclic triaxial loading monitored by in-situ synchrotron micro-computed tomography - Academic article
- Mechanism of fatigue failure in a simulated recycled 6082 Al-alloy - Academic lecture
- MeDORA - Membrane-assisted Dissolved O2 Removal from Amine solutions for CO2 capture - Academic article
- MeDORA – Membrane-assisted Dissolved Oxygen Removal from Amine solution for CO2 capture - Academic lecture
- Melt viscosity of light alloys: Progress and challenges - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Membranes and membrane processes for CO2 separation: MEMFO's long-term effort in reducing carbon emissions - Academic article
- Membranes and membrane reactors for blue H2 production - Poster
- Membranes for CO2 capture and blue H2 production – Overview of activities at SINTEF - Lecture
- MEMS Fiber Optic Sensors for Environmental Monitoring - Academic lecture
- MEMS-integrated metasurfaces for dynamic linear polarizers - Academic article
- MEMS-metasurface–enabled mode-switchable vortex lasers - Academic article
- MEMS-tunable topological bilayer metasurfaces for reconfigurable dual-state phase control - Academic article
- Mental Health and Parenting Practices and Styles Among Parents Receiving Child Welfare Services in Norway: A Cross-Sectional Study - Academic article
- Merging Worklife Organizational Innovation and Educational Programs: Promoting Continuous Adaptations to the Global Economy - Academic article
- Metagovernance of co-creation in city–university partnerships: How to avoid being stuck in the middle? - Academic article
- Metallic Additives Leaching and Extractions from Biodegradable Plastics Used in Fishing Gears and Potential Materials: Are They Truly More Environmentally Friendly? - Poster
- Metallic Additives Leaching and Extractions from Biodegradable Plastics Used in Fishing Gears and Potential Materials: Are They Truly More Environmentally Friendly? - Poster
- Metasurfaces for Miniature, Low-Cost and Light-Weight Adaptive Optics. - Academic lecture
- Metering and AI technologies for improved energy use in buildings - Lecture
- Methodological considerations for increasing realism in hazard assessment of plastic and rubber leachates - Academic lecture
- Methodology for activation of flexible resources and BESSs for optimal voltage support in medium voltage distribution grid - Academic lecture
- Methodology for activation of flexible resources and BESSs for optimal voltage support in medium voltage distribution grid - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Methods and concepts for OR for autonomy in small ports - Report
- MgB2-Based MVDC Superconducting Power Cable in Liquid Hydrogen for Hybrid Energy Distribution - Academic article
- Microbiome in marble- and biofilters in ozone water treatment - Poster
- Microencapsulation of fish oil with brewer's spent grain proteins: Effect of citric acid and emulsion pH - Academic article
- Microstructural characterisation of Al/Cu joints welded using hybrid metal extrusion & bonding - Academic lecture
- Microstructural Evolution in a 6060 Extrudable Al-Alloy: Integrated Modeling and Experimental Validation - Academic article
- Microstructure Development in Duplex Stainless Steels from Additive Manufacturing with Coaxial Directed Energy Deposition and Heat Treatment - Academic article
- Mie–FH: A quantum corrected pair potential in the LAMMPS simulation package for hydrogen mixtures - Academic article
- Mikroalger i industrielle symbioser - Popular scientific lecture
- Miniaturized nanoelectrospray interface for coupling capillary electrophoresis with mass spectrometry detection - Academic article
- Mirrors in space: can geoengineering help fix the climate problem? - Website (informational material)
- Mitigating health impairment from emotional work in the teacher profession: Intervening through education? The development of an occupational health psychology course for employees in Primary education - Poster
- Mode of Action of AlgE1 - A modular mannurnate C-5 Epimerase - Lecture
- Mode of Action of AlgE1: A Modular Mannuronate C-5 Epimerase - Poster
- Mode of Action of AlgE1: A Modular Mannuronate C-5 Epimerase - Poster
- Mode of Action of AlgE1: A Modular Mannuronate C-5 Epimerase - Poster
- Mode of action of AvAlgE1 - Academic lecture
- Model based performance analysis of a transcritical combined heating and cooling CO2 cycle for a school cantina in India - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Model Building for Rock Physics-Guided Seismic Survey Optimization for CO2 Injection Monitoring - Academic article
- Modeling and Control of an Underwater Calibration Arm - Academic lecture
- Modeling and Control of an Underwater Calibration Arm - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modeling and Predicting Welfare of Farmed Atlantic Salmon: Integrative Domain Representation and Reasoning Strategies - Academic article
- Modeling and Predicting Welfare of Farmed Atlantic Salmon: Integrative Domain Representation and Reasoning Strategies - Presentation - Academic lecture
- Modeling CSF circulation and the glymphatic system during infusion using subject specific intracranial pressures and brain geometries - Academic article
- Modeling of Creep in Refractory Lining in Anode Baking Furnaces - Academic article
- Modeling the Effect of Composition and Billet Temperature on Extrudability and Properties of AlMgSi Alloys - Academic article
- Modelling and analysis of multi-timescale uncertainty in energy system planning - Academic lecture
- Modelling and validation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons emissions from offshore oil production facilities - Academic article
- Modelling heat ingress in LH2 containment systems – thermal resistance networks vs. the finite element method - Poster
- Modelling of an onboard R290 refrigerated sea water (RSW) system for ice production on small fishing vessels in India - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Modelling of Biomass-to-X: Challenges and Strategies - Academic article
- Modelling of Biomass-to-X: Challenges and Strategies. - Lecture
- Modelling of electrode surface chemistry and kinetics on the atomic scale - Academic lecture
- Modelling of factors affecting fault stability - Poster
- Modelling of failure in aluminium high-pressure die castings - Academic lecture
- Modelling of Ferro-Silicon-Magnesium dissolution in iron melt - Lecture
- Modelling of gas entrainment in near-horizontal stratified flows with LedaFlow - Academic lecture
- Modelling of multiyear variability of oceanographic variables in the area surrounding South Georgia, Southern Ocean - Poster
- Modelling the atom clustering kinetics under the influence of excess vacancies during natural ageing in 6xxx alloys - Academic lecture
- Modelling the effect of acoustic streaming and ultrasound-enhanced diffusion on nanoparticle transport in a soft porous media - Doctoral dissertation
- Modelling the fate of brine releases during Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) operations and the extend of the effects in the marine environment - Lecture
- Modelling the Impact of Chemical Injection Using LedaFlow Slug Capturing - Academic lecture
- Modelling the spatial evolution of vacancies across grains in multicomponent aluminium alloys - Academic lecture
- Modelling tool for Legionella growth potential assessment in premise plumbing systems - Poster
- Moderator: 3rd Conference on Digitalisation for Sustainable Process Industries - Popular scientific lecture
- Modular control architecture for safe marine navigation: Reinforcement learning with predictive safety filters - Academic article
- Modular Framework for Lifetime Prediction of Composite Materials Affected by the Environment - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Moisture in Transformers and Reactors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Molting inhibition in Calanus finmarchicus from exposure to the chitin synthesis inhibitor teflubenzuron - Masters thesis
- MOMEC - Mapping of Energy Consumers - Report
- Monitoring chemical emissions from offshore wind farms: assessing impacts, gaps and opportunities - Academic lecture
- Monitoring Clamping Pressure in 40 MVA Power Transformer: A Study of Short and Long-Term Trends - Poster
- Monitoring Clamping Pressure in 40 MVA Power Transformer: A Study of Short and Long-Term Trends - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Monitoring CO2 storage sites (the SPARSE project) - Poster
- Monitoring principles for CCS wells - Poster
- Monitoring Principles for CCS Wells - Academic article
- Monitoring State of Charge in a Latent Thermal Energy Storage System with a Salt Hydrate as Phase Change Material - Academic lecture
- Monitoring State of Charge in a Latent Thermal Energy Storage System with a Salt Hydrate as Phase Change Material - Lecture
- Monitoring State of Charge in a Latent Thermal Energy Storage System with a Salt Hydrate as Phase Change Material - Academic lecture
- Monte Carlo-based rendering of 3D echocardiography for mixed reality-guided atrial septal puncture positioning - Academic article
- MOOC Entrepreneurs - An Institutional Entrepreneurship Perspective on Massive Open Online Courses in Higher Education - Academic lecture
- Mouth Opening Frequency of Salmon from Underwater Video Exploiting Computer Vision - Academic article
- Mouth Opening Frequency of Salmon from Underwater Video Exploiting Computer Vision - Presentation - Academic lecture
- Moving sterile Crispr salmon from the tank to sea cages - regulatory barriers and social impacts - Academic lecture
- MPC-based control structure for high-power charging stations capable of providing ancillary services - Academic article
- MSW for Energy Recovery – 2020-2035 Scenarios for a Large City - Website (informational material)
- MTAD: Multiobjective Transformer Network for Unsupervised Multisensor Anomaly Detection - Academic article
- Multi-billet extrusion of aluminium for large section panels (MultiBE) - Academic lecture
- Multi-criteria assessment of inland and offshore carbon dioxide transport options - Academic article
- Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods: A Case of Software Vendor Selection - Academic article
- Multifidelity Multilevel Monte Carlo Method for Rapid Uncertainty Quantification in CO2 Storage Applications - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Multi-Hardware-in-the-Loop Laboratory Testing of Power Converters and Intelligent Electronic Devices for Large-Scale Power System Applications - Academic article
- Multi-material additive manufacturing through electrostatic metal powder attraction and laser-induced forward transfer - Academic article
- Multimodal 2D and 3D microscopic mapping of growth cartilage by computational imaging techniques - a short review including new research - Academic literature review
- Multimode Froth Flotation Process Operating Performance Assessment Based on Deep Embedded Graph Clustering Network - Academic article
- Multi-omics assessment of gametogenesis in polar cod exposed to crude oil - Poster
- Multi-omics assessment of gametogenesis in polar cod exposed to crude oil - Poster
- Multi-Resolution Learning of Partial Differential Equations with Deep Operators and Long Short-Term Memory Networks - Academic lecture
- Multi-resolution learning with deep operator- and recurrent neural networks - Poster
- Multi-resolution learning with deep operator- and recurrent neural networks - Poster
- Multi-scale modelling of redox-mediated hybrid zinc-air flow batteries for more resilient integrated power systems - Academic lecture
- Multiscale simulation of directed energy deposition (DED) for duplex stainless steel - Lecture
- Multi-sectoral interactions in sustainability transitions: a socio-technical system perspective - Academic lecture
- Multi-system interactions and institutional work: Actor interactions at the interface of residential storage systems and electric vehicles in Germany - Academic article
- Multi-use realisation of low-trophic aquaculture with offshore wind farming or fish farming in the North Sea and Baltic Sea - Academic lecture
- Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection via Low-Rank and Sparse Decomposition - Academic article
- Multivariate Time-Series Methods with Uncertainty Estimation for Correcting Physics-Based Model: Comparisons and Generalization for Industrial Drilling Process - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Myocardial contraction patterns in heart failure – opportunities for new diagnostic markers - Academic lecture
- Nanoenabled Immunomodulatory Scaffolds for Cartilage Tissue Engineering - Academic article
- Nanoparticle-loaded microbubbles for treatment of lung cancer - Academic article
- Nanoscale silicate melt textures determine volcanic ash surface chemistry - Academic article
- Natural refrigerants - Website (informational material)
- Nature Crisis – how can we contribute? - Lecture
- Nature-Based Solutions to Address Climate Change and Combat Biodiversity Loss - Academic lecture
- Navigated ultrasound bronchoscopy with integrated positron emission tomography—A human feasibility study - Academic article
- Navigating quality, health and environmental risk: A novel framework for wastewater resource recovery products - Academic article
- Navigating Quality, Health and Environmental Risk: A Novel Framework for Wastewater Resource Recovery Products (Case study: Soil Improver) - Academic lecture
- Navigating the Future: Innovations and Advancements in Smart, Autonomous Inland and Short-Sea Shipping - Popular scientific lecture
- Navigating Trust in Virtual Worlds - Academic lecture
- Navigating Waves: A financial analysis of Norway’s seafood sector (2005-2020) - Report
- Navigational support framework for maritime autonomous surface ships under onshore operation centers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Negative CO2 Emission Gas Power Plant As Technology for Utilization of Sewage Sludge, Production of Electrical Energy, and CO2 Capture - Case of Chamber Under Transpiration Cooling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- NEMECYS: Addressing Challenges to Building Security Into Connected Medical Devices - Academic article
- Networked Federated Meta-Learning Over Extending Graphs - Academic article
- Neural Fields for Inversion Problems - Academic lecture
- Neural Network for IFC class recognition - Academic article
- Neural Operator Learning for Long-Time Integration in Dynamical Systems with Recurrent Neural Networks - Academic lecture
- Neural Operator Learning for Long-Time Integration in Dynamical Systems with Recurrent Neural Networks - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- New and accurate thermodynamic property data of CO2-EGS relevant working fluids with data fitted to existing thermodynamic models - Academic article
- New dienelactone hydrolase from microalgae bacterial community-Antibiofilm activity against fish pathogens and potential applications for aquaculture - Academic article
- New guidelines for green roofs - Interview
- New guidelines for green roofs - Interview
- New guidelines for green roofs - Interview
- New guidelines for green roofs - Interview
- New industries: Kelp cultivation and the developing industry on greens from the ocean - Lecture
- New Insight into Toughness Enhancement in a Lath Martensitic Steel - Academic article
- New insights on the production, biodegradation and characterization of dissolved organic carbon from cultivated Saccharina latissima in Norway - Lecture
- New materials with very low lattice conductivity from first principles and machine learning - Academic lecture
- New Medical Cybersecurity and Design Solutions (NEMECYS) - Academic lecture
- New project will map out realistic pathways to zero-emissions - Website (informational material)
- New Project Will Revolutionise Industrial Water Management - Interview
- New Public Management and hospital efficiency: the case of Norwegian public hospital trusts - Academic article
- New research centre announced dedicated to the realisation of Gigatonne CCS - Interview
- Next-Generation Battery Manufacturing - Website (informational material)
- Nickel silicide for protecting metal dusting - Academic lecture
- Non-destructive condition assessment methodology for generator bars - Report
- Non-equilibrium turbulent boundary layers in high reynolds number flow at incompressible conditions: effects of streamline curvature and three dimensionality - Academic article
- Noninvasive Assessment of Intracranial Pressure: Deformability Index as an Adjunct to Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter to Increase Diagnostic Ability - Academic article
- Nonlinear interpolated Variational Autoencoder for generalized fluid content estimation - Academic article
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Bird Strike Prevention in Wind Turbines - Poster
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Enhanced Navigation of Autonomous Surface Vessels - Poster
- Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Enhanced Navigation of Autonomous Surface Vessels - Academic article
- NORCICS Demonstrators on Future Secure Cyber-Physical Electricity System - Lecture
- Nordic Hydrogen Hubs – Roadmaps Towards 2030 and 2040 (NordicH2ubs) - Poster
- Nordic perspectives on the emerging biochar business - Academic article
- NordiCoats - Jotun workshop - Lecture
- Nor-Fishing 2024: Episode 3 - Where is the fish: Migrating species! - Programme participation
- NorthWind at Arendalsuka: AI and offshore wind - Interview
- NorthWind director John Olav Tande to step down – New leadership opportunity at Centre - Interview
- NorthWind partners awarded EU funding - Interview
- NorthWind partners receive funding for five offshore wind research projects - Interview
- Noruega estuda armazenamento de CO2 em escala de gigatoneladas - Interview
- Norway and Europe: Securing future energy and welfare - Report
- Norway’s CCS Partnership between the State, Industries, Academia, and NGO’s - Lecture
- Norway’s offshore wind industry launches new strategy - Interview
- Norway's Position on Global Hydrogen Value Chains: A Dual Model Approach - Lecture
- Norway's Role in the Hydrogen Value Chain: A Dual- Model Approach - Lecture
- Norwegian boys dislike school the most - Interview
- Norwegian schools are not adequately accessible to all their users - Interview
- Norwegian schools are not adequately accessible to all their users - Interview
- Not Inevitable: Navigating Labor Displacement and Reinstatement in the Pursuit of AI for Social Good - Academic article
- Novel Numerical Method for Studying Water Freezing on Surfaces Texturized by Laser - Academic article
- Novel Recuperated Power Cycles for Cost-Effective Integration of Variable Renewable Energy - Academic article
- NTNU Campus Gløshaugen: Presentation of a selection of ZEN KPIs in a pilot project - Report
- NTNU Energy Transition Podcast. #63 Unlocking the Potential of Floating Wind Farms (with Synne Nybø, SINTEF Ocean) - Programme participation
- Numerical and experimental study of a series of contrarotating propellers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical Assessment of a Rich-Quench-Lean Staging Strategy for Clean and Efficient Combustion of Partially Decomposed Ammonia in the Constant Pressure Sequential Combustion System - Academic article
- Numerical investigation of hydrogen- fired prechamber ignition of the ammonia main charge in reciprocating engines - Lecture
- Numerical Investigation of Premixed and Non-premixed Ammonia Main Charge Configurations Ignited by a Hydrogen-Fired Prechamber - Academic article
- Numerical Investigation of Reheat Hydrogen Flames in the Sequential-Combustion Stage of a Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical modeling of a potential CO2-supplied enhanced geothermal system (CO2-EGS) in the Åsgard field, Norway - Academic article
- Numerical modelling of the solid- and fluid dynamic phenomena controlling the ring plate valve motion and tumbling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Numerical simulation of lignin gasification: The role of gasifying agents in entrained-flow reactors - Academic article
- Numerical studies of viscous flow around straight and curved tandem cylinders - Doctoral dissertation
- Nutrient upcycling and flows of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in Hediste diversicolor (OF Müller, 1776) (Annelida: Nereididae) fed aquaculture sludge - Academic article
- Nutrients availability in liquids from HT processing - Lecture
- Nutritional quality and climate impact of Norwegian adults’ diet classified according to the NOVA system - Academic article
- NW at NTNU’s FME conference - Interview
- Objective Analysis of Melanin Spots as Welfare Signals in Atlantic Salmon Using AI-Based Computer Vision - Masters thesis
- Observing fish behavior in towed fishing gear—is there an influence of artificial light? - Academic article
- Observing Upper-Ocean and Surface Properties, Currents and their Gradients from Meso to Submesoscales - Lecture
- Occupational accidents in Norwegian aquaculture - Lecture
- Occupational health and safety (OHS) in Norwegian Salmon farming - an employee survey - Lecture
- Occupational health and safety survey in Norwegian fish farming - Lecture
- Offshore wind farm site selection in Norway: Using a fuzzy trigonometric weighted assessment model - Academic article
- Offshore wind: multinational R&I cooperation necessary - Interview
- Oil droplet fouling on lesser sandeel (Ammodytes marinus) eggshells does not enhance the crude oil induced developmental toxicity - Academic article
- Oil field drainage with variable low-emission energy supply - Academic lecture
- Oil spill risk assessment based on ocean model ensemble prediction system - Poster
- Oil-Based vs Water-Based Fluids Behavior with Experimental Cuttings-Bed Erosion in Horizontal Wells - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Old brickwork can be brought back to life in old heritage buildings - Interview
- On efficient modelling of radical production in cavitation assisted reactors - Academic article
- On the cost competitiveness of blue and green hydrogen - Academic article
- On the Evolution of Stress and Microstructure in Radio Frequency-Sputtered Lead-Free (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O3 Thin Films - Academic article
- On the fundamental principles of metabolite release rates - Poster
- On the inaccuracies of point-particle approach for char conversion modeling - Academic article
- On the partial oxidation of methanol and its sub-reactions over silver - Poster
- On the performance of modern wood stoves – Results from the knowledge building project SusWoodStoves - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- On the potential role of flexible Norwegian hydropower in managing challenging renewable energy variability events in Europe - Lecture
- On the visibility of GP-zones in 6xxx Al alloys in atomic LAADF-STEM - Academic article
- Onboard carbon capture and storage (OCCS) for fossil fuel-based shipping: A sustainability assessment - Academic article
- One mesh does not fit all: A dual compartment codend provides flexible selectivity opportunities to manage mixed fisheries - Academic article
- One-step CO2 hydrogenation to hydrocarbons on K promoted, carbon supported Fe catalysts. - Poster
- On-line condition monitoring of EHV XLPE oil-filled terminations by using a new sensing system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Online measurement of impurities in CO2 by using electrical permittivity - Abstract
- Online measurement of impurities in CO2 by using electrical permittivity - Poster
- Ontologies for Advanced Materials - Lecture
- Ontologies for FAIR Data Documentation: Enabling Data Accessibility - Lecture
- OntoTrans: Ontology-driven translation of innovation challenges - Academic lecture
- Open access segmentations of intraoperative brain tumor ultrasound images - Academic article
- Open Database of Simulated Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Well Integrity Log Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- OpenMod4Africa - Lecture
- Operando and in situ transmission electron microscopy: exploring real-time nanoscale phenomena of battery materials - Academic lecture
- Operation and control of compact offshore combined cycles for power generation - Academic article
- Operation of an EV Parking Lot Subject to Capacity-Based Grid Tariffs Offering Demand Response - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operation track record and repair of direct electrical heating system - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operational cycles for maritime transportation: Consolidated methodology and assessments - Academic article
- Operational integration of uncrewed aerial vehicles into roadway agencies' snow avalanche risk assessment process - Academic article
- Operational support framework for maritime autonomous surface ships under onshore operation centers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Operations Research in Maritime Logistics - Editorial
- Operator- and recurrent neural network learning for partial differential equations - Academic lecture
- Opportunities and challenges in new production systems for salmon farming in Norway—Industry perspective - Academic article
- Optical measurement instrument for detection of powdery mildew and grey mould in protected crops - Academic article
- Optimal capacity design of amine-based onboard CO2 capture systems under variable marine engine loads - Academic article
- Optimal Clustered, Multi-modal CO2 Transport Considering Non-linear Costs - a Path-planning Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimal experimental design for identification of hydrodynamic loading models - Academic article
- Optimal Experimental Design for System Identification of Hydrodynamic Models - Poster
- Optimal Industrial Clusters: Flex4Fact Summer Research Report - Report
- Optimisation and Macroeconomic models in Circular Economy analyses - Lecture
- Optimisation of a Production Chain for Active Corrosion Protection via Digitalisation - Academic article
- Optimising Nurse Staffing at the Emergency Department of Ålesund Sykehus - Report
- Optimization and parameterization of electrochemical systems in BattMo, the battery modeling toolbox - Academic lecture
- Optimization approach of DED process to fulfil the requirements on material properties and component performance of waterjet impeller - Academic article
- Optimization of Geometric Design of Extruded Products Incorporating Properties, Cost and CO2 Footprint - Academic article
- Optimization of Offshore FPV Modules in Early Design Phase - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing Aluminum Alloys for Dynamic Cables in Floating Wind Energy Transmission - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing Feeding Strategies in Aquaculture Using Machine Learning: Ensuring Sustainable and Economically Viable Fish Farming Practices - Academic lecture
- Optimizing Feeding Strategies in Aquaculture Using Machine Learning: Ensuring Sustainable and Economically Viable Fish Farming Practices - Academic article
- Optimizing Ni–Cr patterned boron-doped diamond band electrodes: Doping effects on electrochemical efficiency and posaconazole sensing performance - Academic article
- Optimizing the gasification characteristics of bio-oil distillation sludge by obtaining co-pyrolysis char with walnut shells - Academic article
- Optimizing the tapping process based on a predictive model accounting for human factors - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Optimizing ventilation systems considering operational and embodied emissions with life cycle based method - Academic article
- Organising social sector: employees and tasks - good practices from Norway - Lecture
- Organs grown on microchips may offer a quantum leap for women’s health - Interview
- Orientation of reduced graphene oxide in composite coatings - Academic article
- Origins and Importance of Intragranular Cracking in Layered Lithium Transition Metal Oxide Cathodes - Academic article
- Out of balance, out of sight: Issues with the design and accessibility of a corpus of fake and real news - Academic lecture
- Outlier Detection in Bayesian Neural Networks: Exploring Pre-activations and Predictive Entropy - Academic article
- Overeating land - Dilemmas and opportunities at the intersection of land and nature dependent societal systems - Academic lecture
- Overview of maritime ICT standards for communication between ships and between ship and shore - Report
- Overview underground CO2 storage seen from Norway - examples using ML on faults, and simulations of caprock properties - Lecture
- Oxidative degradation of triethylene glycol - Academic article
- Oxygen Exchange Kinetics of BaGd0.3La0.7Co26-d Air/Steam Electrode for Proton Ceramic Electrochemical Cells - Academic lecture
- Oxygen Exchange Kinetics of BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6-d Air/Steam Electrode for Proton Ceramic Electrochemical Cells - Academic lecture
- PAH emission from individual carbonaceous materials in a laboratory-scale and its relationship with PAH emission from a mixture of carbonaceous materials in pilot-scale experiments producing MG-Si - Academic article
- PALLAMONIA: High purity hydrogen recovery from ammonia with Palladium membrane technology - Academic lecture
- Parallel Session: Explainable AI - Academic lecture
- Parametric investigation, formulation, and benchmarking of energy consumption for the powder bed fusion process - Academic article
- Parametric modeling and rock stress data integration for enhanced rock mechanics applications - Lecture
- Parametric simulation to optimize moisture removal from urban apartment blocks - Academic article
- Parametric simulation to optimize moisture removal from urban apartment blocks - Academic lecture
- Pardon my trench: reflections on the uptake of trenchless technologies in the Norwegian water sector - Academic article
- Parenting sense of competence and associated factors among parents facing adversity in Norway: a cross-sectional study - Academic article
- Part 2 ─ Tailoring of Pyrolytic Char Properties with a Single Particle CFD Model with a Focus on the Impact of Shrinking, Vapor Cracking, and Char Permeability - Academic article
- Partial Discharge Inception in Ceramic Substrates Embedded in Silicone Liquid, Silicone Gel, and Mineral Oil at Fast Voltage Rise and Sinusoidal Voltage - Academic article
- Partial Discharge Inception Voltage of Pigtail Samples with Type II Insulation and Sinusoidal vs Switched Voltage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Partial Discharges with Fast Switched Voltage on Impregnated Pressboard in a Mineral Oil and a Synthetic Ester - Academic article
- Partial parameterization of a Physiology-based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for Atlantic halibut(Hippoglossus hippoglossus) - Masters thesis
- Partial-Distributed Architecture for Multisensor Fault Detection, Isolation, and Accommodation in Hydrogen-Blended Natural Gas Pipelines - Academic article
- Partial-Distributed Filtering for Fault Detection, Isolation and Accommodation in Natural-Gas Pipelines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Participants’ experiences after using the EPIO pain self-management program – a qualitative study EAPM European association of psychosomatic medicine - Academic lecture
- Passivity-based Screening to Identify Critical Nodes for Converter Interoperability in Power System - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pathogen-specific patterns of milking traits in automatic milking systems - Academic article
- Patient experiences with Helsenorge during cancer pathways. - Lecture
- Patient Perspectives on Coercion Reduction in Mental Health Care – Insights from Qualitative Studies - Academic lecture
- Paving the way for sustainable decarbonization of the European cement industry - Academic article
- Peculiarities of the run-off-river hydropower potential in Romania - Academic article
- Perceptions of customer-facing digital technology: a qualitative interview study from grocery retail - Academic article
- Perceptions of decarbonisation challenges for the process industry in Sweden and Norway - Academic article
- Performance analysis of an active on-board refrigeration system using propane for improved fish preservation in small fishing boats - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance and stability of cellulose triacetate membranes in humid high H2S natural gas feed streams - Academic article
- Performance comparison of a lab and industrial scale propane-butane cascade heat pump - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance development of modern wood stoves - Lecture
- Performance Evaluation of an Open Source Implementation of a 5G Standalone Platform - Academic article
- Performance of a Cable-Driven Robot Used for Cyber–Physical Testing of Floating Wind Turbines - Academic article
- Performance of Calcium Nitrate as Accelerator for Cement Blended with Blast Furnace Slag - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance testing of CO2-NH3 cascade freezer for seafood processing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Performance variability of solar irradiance model chains applied to building-integrated photovoltaic systems at high latitudes - Academic article
- Peroxodicarbonate – a renaissance of an electrochemically generated green oxidizer - Academic literature review
- Perspectives on ambitious goals and collaboration - Report
- Perspectives on hydrogen export from Norway to Europe - Academic lecture
- Phase behavior and black-oil simulations of Hydrogen storage in saline aquifers - Academic article
- Phase Behavior and Black-Oil Simulations of Hydrogen Storage in Saline Aquifers - Lecture
- Phasing the barriers to Industry 4.0: Enhancing the understanding of the challenges of digitalization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Phonon lifetime studies in thermoelectric materials by combining inelastic neutron scattering and ab-initio calculations - Poster
- Photogrammetry and LiDAR from UAS in steep terrain - Report
- Physicochemical- and bioactive properties of acid preserved Alaria esculenta and Saccharina latissima during storage - Academic article
- Physicochemical properties of La0.5Ba0.5Co1-xFexO3-δ (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) as positrode for proton ceramic electrochemical cells - Academic article
- Physics-based and data-driven modelling and simulation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells - Academic article
- Physics-guided federated learning as an enabler for digital twins - Academic article
- PiecewiseAffineApprox.jl - Academic lecture
- PiezoMOEMS: A playground for light manipulation - Academic lecture
- Pilot Scale Electrolysis of Peroxodicarbonate as an Oxidizer for Lignin Valorization - Academic article
- Pilot tests with waste and biomass in a 150 kW auto-thermal CLC unit - Academic lecture
- Pilot-Scale Aluminothermic Production of Silicon Alloy and Alumina-Rich Slag - Academic article
- Pioneering Sustainable CO2 Conversion to C3 Chemicals and High-Value Lipids for Feed and Food Applications - Lecture
- Pioneering the Future of EDGE AI - Lecture
- Pipe wall thickness estimation by frequency–wavenumber analysis of circumferential guided waves - Academic article
- Pitting Detection and Characterization From Ultrasound Timelapse Images Using Convolutional Neural Networks - Academic article
- Plane Prior for RGB-D based Visual Odometry - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Plasma polymerized coatings on elastomers - Academic lecture
- Plasma tryptophan pathway metabolites quantified by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry as biomarkers in neuroendocrine tumor patients - Academic article
- Plasma-enabled multifunctional platform for gram-scale production of graphene and derivatives - Academic article
- Plasmonic electro-optic modulators on lead zirconate titanate platform - Academic article
- Plastics as a Potential Vector for Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens From Wastewater Discharge in the Marine Environment – the PlastiSpread Project - Poster
- Plastics as a Potential Vector for Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance and Pathogens from Wastewater Discharge to the Marine Environment and Human Food Value Chain - Academic lecture
- PlastiSpread: Exploring Plastics as a Vector for Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance from Wastewater in the Marine Environment - Poster
- Plenary speakers announced for AQUA 2024 - Interview
- Podkast: Smart forklart: 85. Wave Energy (bølgeenergi) - Interview
- Policies matter in creating climate resilient societies in cold regions - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) and additives detected in non-target analysis of organic content from fishing gears material - Poster
- Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a broad applicability marker for LC–MS/MS-based biodistribution analysis of nanomedicines - Academic article
- Polyethylene glycol (PEG) as a broad applicability marker for LC–MS/MS-based biodistribution analysis of nanomedicines and advanced therapeutics - Poster
- Polymer membranes stability under sour-humid natural gas mixtures and their role towards de-carbonization - Academic lecture
- Polystyrene nanoplastics affected the nutritional quality of Chlamys farreri through disturbing the function of gills and physiological metabolism: Comparison with microplastics - Academic article
- Ports as intermediary transition workers - Academic lecture
- Ports as urban transition actors towards zero-emission transport - Academic article
- Positive results from SusWoodStoves - Lecture
- Possibilities and challenges of using robot manipulators in additive manufacturing (AM) - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Post-consumer recycling plastics (PCR), a safe alternative to pristine plastic bags? A case study: Degradation and toxicity of PCR vs pristine plastic bags. - Academic lecture
- Poster: Lessons learned from innovative energy solutions to enable zero emissions areas - Poster
- Potential for surplus-heat-to-power conversion in current and future aluminium production process with off-gas recycling - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Power demand on zero emission constructions sites - Lecture
- Power Fluctuations caused by Wind Turbulence on a 15MW Floating Offshore Wind Turbine - Report
- Power of Flexibility - Facilitating the Energy Transition with Hybrid Hydropower Solutions : Technical Report - Report
- Power purchase agreements for plus energy neighbourhoods: Financial risk mitigation through predictive modelling and bargaining theory - Academic article
- Power system flexibility solutions: Classifications, planning frameworks, and barriers - Academic lecture
- Power system impacts of new environmental constraints for hydropower in Norway - Report
- Powering Coastal Fishing Vessels with Electricity and Hydrogen in Norway - Academic lecture
- Practical and Ethical Considerations for Generative AI in Medical Imaging - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Practical Experiences from Application of a Comprehensive Simulator for Pumped Storage Hydropower Investment Decisions on a Real Investment Case - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Practices of Anticipation: How Public Sector Organizations Anticipate Artificial Intelligence and Its Regulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pragmatism in industrial modelling: An application to ladle lifetime in the steel industry - Academic article
- Preclinical Efficacy of Cabazitaxel Loaded Poly(2-alkyl cyanoacrylate) Nanoparticle Variants - Academic article
- Predicted 4D seismic response in Valhall for 2003-2019 - Academic lecture
- Predicted effects of impurity elements on Al alloy microstructure and properties from thermodynamic simulations - Report
- Predicting ignitability of oil slicks for in-situ burning operations as a function of weathering and oil properties - Academic article
- Predicting prevalence of noise annoyance using the CTL method - Academic article
- Prediction of ammonia ignition/quenching and emissions of NOx, NH3 and H2 in a non-premixed swirl combustor using the EDC model - Academic article
- Prediction of Galvanic Corrosion in Aluminium-Stainless Steel Bolted Connection in Offshore Environment: Advanced Modelling and Simulation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Prediction of galvanic corrosion in aluminium-stainless steel bolted connection in offshore environment: advanced modelling and simulation - Lecture
- Predictive Digital Twin for Condition Monitoring Using Thermal Imaging - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Predictive Heating Control and Perceived Thermal Comfort in a Norwegian Office Building - Academic article
- Preface - Foreword
- Preliminary developments and insights of the Smart Building Hub: A Norwegian e-infrastructure for energy-flexible and healthy buildings - Academic article
- Preliminary Experimental Results of a Temporal Planning-based System for Autonomous Inspection using UGV - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Preliminary Testing and Simulations of Pot Integrated Abart (PIA) at Alcoa Mosjøen - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- PreMa_Energy efficient primary production of managnaese alloys through application of novel energy systems in drying and preheating of furnace feed materials - Lecture
- Preparation and Investigation of High Surface Area Aerogels from Crosslinked Polypropylenes - Academic article
- Preparing buildings for data-driven operation. Examples from the ZEB Laboratory - Report
- Presentation at the IndustryUKA 2024 - Lecture
- Presentation: NoRSTRESS Research Project - Lecture
- Preservation of brown algae by added acids or fermentation - Lecture
- Pressurized combustion of decomposed ammonia fuels - Academic lecture
- Preventing explosive mixture formation in PEM electrolysers’ water recovery tanks - Academic lecture
- Prevention of explosive mixtures in electrolyser plants' water recovery tanks - Academic lecture
- Pricing Mechanisms' Impact on Welfare Distribution in Energy Communities with Energy Storage - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- PriMA-Care: Privacy-Preserving Multi-modal Dataset for Human Activity Recognition in Care Robots - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Privacy: Regulatory principles, technologies, and consumer awareness - Academic lecture
- Probing Phonon Lifetimes in Strongly Anharmonic SrTiO3 - Academic lecture
- Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Autonomous Systems Safety - Report
- Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Marine Propulsors - smp'24 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Process design and environmental assessment of an integrated biorefinery for Bioethanol and Bio-Oil production - Lecture
- Process Modeling and Optimization of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide-Enhanced Geothermal Systems in Poland - Academic article
- Processing machine-learning fault scores from 3-D seismic to map fault density in the overburden of CO2-reservoirs - Academic lecture
- Processing of cultivated seaweed for enhanced food safety and nutritional properties - Masters thesis
- Production and Analysis Methods for more Environmentally Relevant Small Microplastic and Nanoplastic Test materials - Poster
- Production and characterization of biocarbon from slow pyrolysis of different woody biomasses - Academic lecture
- Production and characterization of biocarbon from woody biomasses produced at 1000 °C - Academic article
- Production and characterization of biocarbon under different conditions - Academic lecture
- Professional Digital Development among Teachers in 1:1 Schools – Skills, Collaboration, and Needs. - Academic lecture
- Profilometry: a non-intrusive active stereo-vision technique for wave-profile measurements in large hydrodynamic laboratories - Academic article
- Progressive Weakening of Granite by Piezoelectric Excitation of Quartz with Alternating Current - Academic article
- Project ACCSESS: Addressing drastic CO2 emissions cuts and removal in four key industries - Academic lecture
- Propagation of flow noise in multilayered oil pipeline systems subject to water and gas injection - Lecture
- Properties of Fused Quartz Crucibles for Czochralski Silicon Production - Academic lecture
- Propulsion Systems and Fuel Supply Infrastructure for Zero-Emission Costal Fishing Vessels - Academic lecture
- Prospective LCA of brown seaweed-based bioplastic: Upscaling from pilot to industrial scale - Academic article
- Protective factors for suicidal ideation: a prospective study from adolescence to adulthood - Academic article
- Prototyping in Polymethylpentene to Enable Oxygen-Permeable On-a-Chip Cell Culture and Organ-on-a-Chip Devices Suitable for Microscopy - Academic article
- Proud seafarers have strong doubts about the safety of autonomous ships - Interview
- Providing Emotional Support During the Process of Multiple Sclerosis Diagnosis (PrEliMS): A Feasibility Randomised Controlled Trial - Academic article
- Proxy Models for Rapid Simulation of Underground Thermal Energy Storage - Academic lecture
- Pseudo-Hamiltonian neural networks for learning partial differential equations - Academic article
- Pseudo-Hamiltonian system identification - Academic article
- Psychological interventions for mood and cognition after stroke and transient ischaemic attack: A protocol for an umbrella review - Academic article
- Psychological safety in hybrid work - Lecture
- PULSE SPRAY DRYING - energy-efficient production of food ingredients - Popular scientific article
- Pulse Spray Drying: Energy-Efficient Production of Food Ingredients - Website (informational material)
- Pulse-Echo Ultrasound for Quantitative Measurements of Two Uncorrelated Elastic Parameters - Academic article
- Pumped Hydropower Storage for Balancing High Shares of Variable Renewable Generation in Europe - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Pyintegrity: An Open-Source Toolbox for Processing Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Well Integrity Log Data - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Q&A: Can we capture CO₂ from the ocean? - Website (informational material)
- Q&A: Investigating Direct Air Capture (DAC) - Website (informational material)
- Q&A: Using non-traditional bioresources for Bio-CCS - Website (informational material)
- Quality assessment of LNP-RNA therapeutics with orthogonal analytical techniques - Academic article
- Quality of Lipids During Frozen Storage of Polychaete (Alitta virens) - a Low Trophic Marine Resource Relevant for Aquaculture Feed - Academic article
- Quality of photogrammetry and LiDAR from UAS - Report
- Quantification and Characterisation of Microplastic Release from Different Aquaculture Nets Towards Emission Reduction - Poster
- Quantification of climate change impact on rainfall-induced shallow landslide susceptibility: a case study in central Norway - Academic article
- Quantifying Anisotropic Viscoelastic Parameters Using In-Situ Pressuremeter Testing in Shale - Poster
- Quantifying the short-term asymmetric effects of renewable energy on the electricity merit-order curve - Academic article
- Quantum Error correction - theory and hands-on - Academic lecture
- Raft Protocol for Fault Tolerance and Self-Recovery in Federated Learning - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Raft Protocol for Fault Tolerance and Self-Recovery in Federated Learning - Academic lecture
- Raising the Bar: Why an Industrial Standard for Testing Hydraulic Sealability of Well Abandonment Materials in Laboratory is Essential for Well Integrity - Academic lecture
- Raising the Bar: Why an Industrial Standard for Testing Hydraulic Sealability of Well Abandonment Materials in Laboratory is Essential for Well Integrity - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rapid and non-destructive quantification of meat content in the legs of live red king crab (Camtschaticus paralithodes) by nearinfrared spectroscopy - Academic lecture
- Rapid and non-destructive quantification of meat content in the legs of live red king crab (Camtschaticus paralithodes) by near-infrared spectroscopy - Academic article
- Rapid and scalable detection of synthetic mRNA byproducts using polynucleotide phosphorylase and polythymidine oligonucleotides - Academic article
- Rapid pedestrian-level wind field prediction for early-stage design using Pareto-optimized convolutional neural networks - Academic article
- Rapid pulse drying of marine biomasses - Academic lecture
- Rare earth elements and yttrium (REY) in fjord waters: Comparison between seawater in the Trondheimfjord (Norway), its local riverine REY sources and the North Atlantic - Academic article
- Rate-Dependent Evolution of Microstructure and Stress in Silicon Films Deposited by Electron Beam Evaporation - Academic article
- Real-time Automated Pore Pressure And Wellbore Stability Updates In A Digital Twin - Lecture
- Real-time Automated Pore Pressure And Wellbore Stability Updates in A Digital Twin, Using Smart Agents And Log Predictions Ahead of Bit, Example From Norwegian Continental Shelf" - Academic lecture
- Real-Time Exchange of IEC 61850 Sample Values over 5G for Grid Monitoring and Operation - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real-Time Person Re-Identification to Improve Human-Robot Interaction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Real-time segmentation of the aorta in 2D ultrasound images for detecting abdominal aorta aneurism - abstract - Lecture
- Real-world implementation of the Copenhagen Adduction Exercise: what do football teams modify and why? - Academic article
- Rebuilding the self through valued action and group connections after acquired brain injury: Participant perspectives of the VaLiANT group intervention - Academic article
- REBUS project (2020–2023). Final report - Report
- Recapturing sludge from Atlantic salmon production in closed containment systems in the sea - Academic article
- Recent Developments in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems: A Review - Academic literature review
- Recommendations for residential cooker hood solutions and airflow rates - Academic lecture
- Recommendations for residential cooker hood solutions and airflow rates - Academic article
- Reconfiguring human-AI collaboration: integrating chatbots in welfare services - Chapter
- Recovery of Li and LiOH from Primary and Secondary Sources - Academic lecture
- Recovery of Li by Molten Salt Chlorination - Academic lecture
- Recovery of Li, Co, Cu and Ni by Molten Salt Chlorination - Academic article
- Recovery of LiOH by advanced electrodialysis - Academic lecture
- Recovery of Lithium for a European battery value chain - Academic lecture
- Recovery of lithium from oxalic acid leachate produced from black mass of spent electric vehicle Li-ion batteries - Academic article
- Recruitment of Volunteers with Immigrant Backgrounds: The Impact of Structural and Individual Aspects - Academic article
- Recycling of Metals Using Molten Salts - Academic lecture
- Reducing CO2 emissions, energy consumption, and decarbonization costs in manganese production by integrating fuel-assisted solid oxide electrolysis cells in two-stage oxide reduction - Academic article
- Reducing GHG emissions of food cold chain in Norway - Report
- Re-examination of PressPack test objects after seven years of storage - Report
- Reference Power Cable Models for Floating Offshore Wind Applications - Academic article
- Refractories for Hydrogen Use in Metal Production: A Review - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Refractory Materials in Chlorine-Containing Atmospheres - Poster
- Regional Capacity Expansion Planning of Electricity and Hydrogen Infrastructure: A Norwegian Case Study - Academic article
- Regional quality estimation for echocardiography using deep learning - Lecture
- Regional quality estimation for echocardiography using deep LEARNING - Poster
- Regression-Based Estimation of Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Loads on the INO WINDMOOR 12MW Semi-Submersible - Poster
- Regulatory and legal frameworks recommendations for short sea shipping maritime autonomous surface ships - Academic article
- Regulatory Implications for considering flexible resources in network expansion planning: main lessons from regional cases in the H2020 FlexPlan project - Academic article
- Reinforcement learning based MPC with neural dynamical models - Academic article
- Relative-to-resident abuse in Norwegian nursing homes: a cross-sectional exploratory study - Academic article
- Relaxed Nonlinear Vector Fitting for Calculation of Rational Approximation of Systems Defined by Input/Output Responses in the Frequency Domain - Academic article
- Reliability Analysis of Distribution Grids with Local Backup Power Supply - Poster
- Reliability assessment combining importance resampling and the cross entropy method - Academic lecture
- Reliability assessment combining importance resampling and the cross entropy method - Academic article
- Reliability engineering responses to technical failures in green H2 production for ammonia and other applications: insights from database analysis and literature review - Lecture
- Remote Inclusion of Vulnerable Users in mHealth Intervention Design: Retrospective Case Analysis - Academic article
- Remote sensing of currents from wave spectra with of horizontal shear - Poster
- Remote sensing of zooplankton surface patches - are we underestimating surface abundances? - Academic lecture
- Remote sensing of zooplankton surface patches - are we underestimating surface abundances? - Academic lecture
- Removing the bottleneck for common periwinkle (Littorina littorea) aquaculture - Poster
- Renewable Energy Assisted Carbon Capture, Utilization and/or Storage: Heat Pumps - Design, Construction, and Integration - Lecture
- Renewable Energy Complementarity (RECom) maps - a comprehensive visualisation tool to support spatial diversification - Academic article
- Report on methodological innovations of iterative FCM sessions - deliverable 2.1 COMPAREIT - Report
- Report+out from TMS 2024 - Lecture
- Reprogramming Yarrowia lipolytica metabolism for efficient synthesis of itaconic acid from flask to semipilot scale - Academic article
- REPTILE: a Tool for Replay-driven Continual Learning in IIoT - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Research and Development Reduce Emissions from Wood Burning - Website (informational material)
- Research Challenges for Eco-Efficient and Circular Industrial Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Research Data: A Public Good and/or a Private Asset? - Academic article
- Research Data: A Public Good or a Private Asset? - Abstract
- Research in Architecture: Fortification or another termite in the foundation of creativity? - Academic lecture
- Research indicates that certain features in new cars may actually compromise safety - Interview
- Research summary of WP2 in HydroSun project - Academic lecture
- Researchers Use Machine Learning to Detect Pitting Corrosion - Interview
- Reservoir monitoring using Seismic, Electromagnetics, gravity, and surface deformation - Lecture
- Resilience Engineering 20 Years - Progress, challenges and opportunities - Report
- Resilient supply chains under pressure: Investigating how shocks impacted the environmental footprint of Norwegian seafood products - Academic lecture
- ResiVis: A Holistic Underwater Motion Planning Approach for Robust Active Perception Under Uncertainties - Academic article
- ResiVis: A Holistic Underwater Motion Planning Approach for Robust Active Perception Under Uncertainties - Multimedia product
- Responsible AI in Agile Software Engineering - An Industry Perspective - Academic lecture
- Rest in phase transition: Should charging habits in next generation EVs be adapted? - Academic article
- Retention of prions in the polychaete Hediste diversicolor and black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, larvae after short-term experimental immersion and feeding with brain homogenate from scrapie infected sheep - Academic article
- Rethinking Distribution Grid Operational Planning with Flexibility Resources - Poster
- Rethinking Distribution Grid Operational Planning with Flexibility Resources - Poster
- Rethinking distribution network operational planning with flexibility resources - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Rethinking Independence in Safety Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Returning to work with long covid in the UK during lockdown and other COVID-19 restrictions: A qualitative study - Academic article
- Reuse of offshore assets and infrastructure for CO2 storage - Academic lecture
- Revenue assessment of damage aware wind farm control for secondary frequency regulation provision - Academic article
- Reverberation and background noise in three classrooms in the Kilimanjaro region - Lecture
- Reverberation and background noise in three classrooms in the Kilimanjaro region - Lecture
- Review of High Temperature Heat Pump Compressors and Calculation of their Working Range - Academic lecture
- Review of Metal Screw Extrusion: State of the Art and Beyond - Academic literature review
- Review on CO2 removal from ocean with an emphasis on direct ocean capture (DOC) technologies - Academic literature review
- Review: Urban Water Security and Safety - Academic literature review
- Revisiting The Comparison Of Low- Versus Mid-Pressure Transport Of CO2 Based On Industrial Considerations And Detailed Cost Evaluations - Lecture
- Revisiting the response of microstructure and performance to cold pre-strain and the early aging stage in Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloy - Academic article
- Revisiting the vacancy diffusion behavior under the influence of solute trapping in dilute alloys - Academic lecture
- Revisiting Tin Oxide anodes with a scalable nanoscale fabrication process - Poster
- Revolutionising Intelligence Edge AI Anywhere, Anytime - Lecture
- RFMO-BBNJ-GBF synergies: Nearing the dawn of ratification of the BBNJ treaty – how will the interplay with fisheries regimes play out in the global commons - Lecture
- RGD-alginate beads as a structure element for fibroblast culture - Poster
- RHC-ETIP HWG Buildings - Activity summary for 2019-2023 - Lecture
- Rheology and nanoparticle release characterization of an injectable hydrogel-based drug delivery device - Academic lecture
- Riding towards better athlete health - Editorial
- RISE Joins FME NorthWind as Associate Research Partner - Interview
- Risk Assessment from Unfavourable Moisture and Water in Innovative Timber Façade: A Participatory Approach - Academic lecture
- Risk Assessment from Unfavourable Moisture and Water in Innovative Timber Façade: A Participatory Approach - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risk-Based Inspection and Maintenance of a Liquid Hydrogen Bunkering Facility - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Risks of Environmental Impacts of Accidental Spills of Ammonia to the Marine Environment - Poster
- Risk-taking behaviour among Norwegian adolescents using private or rented e-scooters - Academic lecture
- Road user opinions and needs regarding small modular autonomous electric vehicles: Differences between elderly and non-elderly in Norway - Academic article
- Robot Vision for agri applications - Lecture
- Robotics and AI for Inspection and Maintenance at SINTEF - Lecture
- Robotics and drones for inspection and maintenance of offshore and onshore energy infrastructure - Lecture
- Robotics and drones for inspection and maintenance of offshore and onshore energy infrastructure - Academic lecture
- Robotics and Remote Operations - Lecture
- Robust Choice of Virtual Impedance for Virtual Synchronous Machines Accounting for Grid Impedance Uncertainty - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Robust Hole-Detection in Triangular Meshes Irrespective of the Presence of Singular Vertices - Academic article
- Robust In-situ Contact Angle Measurements with Confidence Estimation for X-ray Micro-CT Data - Lecture
- Robustness-Based Evaluation of GHG Emissions and Energy Use at Neighborhood Level - Academic article
- Rock Mechanics to Seismic 4D (RM2S4D) - Software
- Rock physics modelling and inversion for CO2storage monitoring - Lecture
- Rock Physics-Guided Seismic Survey Optimization for CO2 Injection Monitoring-Model Building - Abstract
- Role of Onshore Operation Centre and Operator in Remote Controlled Autonomous Vessels Operation - Academic article
- Role of Sound Construction and demolition Waste Management in Circular Economy - Editorial
- Rolling-out pioneering carbon dioxide capture and transport chains from inland European industrial facilities: A techno-economic, environmental, and regulatory evaluation - Academic article
- RR-256. Solubility of Light Hydrocarbons in Amine Treating Solutions - Report
- Rubbery organic frameworks (ROFs) toward ultrapermeable CO2-selective membranes - Academic article
- RUMP: Robust Underwater Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments of Fast-moving Obstacles - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- RUMP: Robust Underwater Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments of Fast-moving Obstacles - Poster
- RUMP: Robust Underwater Motion Planning in Dynamic Environments of Fast-moving Obstacles - Multimedia product
- Ruthenium-based pyrochlores as anodic electroctalysts for PEM water electrolysis - Lecture
- S7 E12 Innovative Nature-Based Solutions In Cold Regions - Lecture
- S7 E13 NBS Policies And Strong Collaboration Are Closing The Gaps On Climate Resilience In Arctic Regions - Lecture
- Safe delivery of goods and services with smart door locks: Unlocking potential use - Academic article
- Safe housing for a meaningful everyday life. Development of housing for people with drug addiction, psychiatric disorders and violence risk - Academic article
- Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport - Academic article
- Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport - Academic lecture
- Safe pipelines for Hydrogen Transport - Academic lecture
- Safe pipelines for hydrogen transport - results from the HyLINE project - Academic lecture
- Safe, robust, and productive Exposed Aquaculture Operations - Challenges and solutions - Report
- Safe, robust, and productive Exposed Aquaculture Operations - Challenges and solutions - Report
- SAFESUB: Safe and Autonomous Subsea Intervention - Academic lecture
- SAFESUB: Safe and Autonomous Subsea Intervention - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Safety Aspects of Introducing Hydrogen For Power Supply of Electric Construction Machinery - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) for the Process Industries - Lecture
- Safety research must be an enabler of the hydrogen industry, not a hinderance - Website (informational material)
- Safetycage: A general procedure to flag wrong classifications. - Poster
- SafetyCage: A misclassification detector for feed-forward neural networks - Academic article
- Salmon trade duration: The application of firm-level trade transaction data from the Norwegian salmon industry - Academic article
- Sammendrag om det PCCH-Arctic prosjektet - Popular scientific lecture
- Sandstone Hydrogen Exposure Experiment under in-Situ Reservoir Conditions from a Depleted and Decommissioned Gas Field - Academic lecture
- Scalar orientation of policies and technology legitimacy: The case of decarbonization in Norway - Academic article
- Scalar orientation of policies and technology legitimacy: the case of decarbonization in Norway - Academic lecture
- Scale Resolving CFD Simulations of Aerodynamic Performance of Wind Turbines - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Scaling CCS - Non-technical challenges and solutions for carbon capture in Norway and beyond - Interview
- Scaling up 3D printed hybrid sorbents towards (cost) effective post-combustion CO<inf>2</inf> capture: A multiscale study - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Scanning precession electron diffraction (SPED) at NTNU - Academic lecture
- Scenario analysis tool for estimating future waste composition and amounts toward a circular economy - Academic article
- School absence policy and health care use – a difference-in-difference cohort analysis - Academic lecture
- School absence policy and healthcare use: a difference-in-difference cohort analysis - Academic article
- School climate during the COVID-19 pandemic in three European countries: A cross-sectional pre-post quasi experimental study - Academic article
- Scientists Unite! Improving hazard assessment of microplastics - Popular scientific lecture
- Screening kinetic models for CO2-to-methanol over CuO–ZnO–ZrO2–Al2O3 (CZZA) and CuO–ZnO–ZrO2 (CZZ): are they consistent with the experimental evidence? A critical review of the existing kinetic models and relevant literature on experimental characterization of copper-based catalysts for CO2-to-methanol process - Academic article
- Screening of nano-particles as grain-refiners for Additive Manufacturing of AA6061 - Academic lecture
- SDG 14.4 is four years late – is anything being done? - the EVERYFISH project - Popular scientific lecture
- SEA4DQ 2024 Workshop Summary - Academic article
- SeAgriculture 2024: In-process epimerisation of alginates from Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta and Laminaria hyperborea - Poster
- Sealing Ability of Cement Plugs: Investigation of Critical Testing Parameters - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Searching for slowly-biodegrading constituents using whole petroleum substance biodegradation testing with deconvolution and non-target analysis of GCxGC-FID/TOFMS data - Poster
- Seaweed challenges and solutions - Academic lecture
- Seaweed farming for carbon removal - Lecture
- SEC-AIRSPACE: Addressing Cyber Security Challenges in Future Air Traffic Management - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Security Architecture for Distribution System Operators: A Norwegian Perspective - Academic article
- Security Orchestration with Explainability for Digital Twins-Based Smart Systems - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Security Risk Assessment of Connected Medical Devices - Academic lecture
- Security-by-design challenges for medical device manufacturers - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Seeing is believing: 3D-printed boundary objects for the additive manufacturing twin transition - Academic lecture
- Seeing is Believing: 3D-Printed Boundary Objects for the Additive Manufacturing Twin Transition - Academic article
- Seeing the Invisible: A Photovoice Exploration of Living With and Managing the Invisible Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis - Academic article
- Seeking decision-making performance: Examining the role of E-commerce capability, digital business intensity, and organizational agility - Academic article
- Selected papers from the 15th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Trondheim, Norway, June 11–13, 2024 - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Selectivity in snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) pot fishery: Effect of escape gap shape and size for conservation of fishery resources - Academic article
- Self-separating core-shell spheres with a carboxymethyl chitosan/acrylic acid/Fe3O4 composite core for soil Cd removal - Academic article
- Self-Supervised Modular Architecture for Multi-Sensor Anomaly Detection and Localization - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Semantic data and knowledge management for chemicals and materials-based industries - Lecture
- Semantic dataspace for battery production equipment - Poster
- Semantic Knowledge Management for Materials: the benefits of a FAIR data and model-based approach in industrial research and development - Article in business/trade/industry journal
- Semi-pelagic trawling in the U.S. West Coast groundfish bottom trawl fishery: Effects on catch efficiency and seafloor interactions - Academic article
- Sensitivity analysis of parameters for carbon sequestration: Symbolic regression models based on open porous media reservoir simulators predictions - Academic article
- Sensitivity of CSEM Response to CO2 Plumes in Deep Storage Formation Utilizing Wellbore Infrastructure - Lecture
- Sensor-Fault Detection, Isolation and Accommodation for Natural-Gas Pipelines Under Transient Flow - Academic article
- Sensor‑guided motions for manipulators in manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sensors on UAVs for snow mapping - Report
- Sequencing the Production of Mass Customized Walls - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SERE Resilient Seas (episode 2: Diverse Innovation Drives Us) podcast - Interview
- Session Chair on "Activity Recognition, Human Tracking and Localization" - Academic lecture
- Settled Barite as a Potential Barrier Material: A Field Case Study - Academic lecture
- Sewer Network and Smart Water Meter Data for Modelling and Analysis of Water Distribution and Sewer Networks - Database
- SFI AutoShip webinar: Navigator experiences of periodically unmanned bridge – an empirical study - Academic lecture
- SFI BLUES Annual report 2023 - Report
- SFI BLUES spring event 2024 - Floating assembly and storage yards model tests - Poster
- SFI BLUES spring event 2024 - introduction - Lecture
- SFI BLUES spring event 2024 - Model Tests of floating assembly and storage yards - Lecture
- SFI PhysMet RA3: Sustainable and high performance materials development - Academic lecture
- SFI PhysMet RA3: Sustainable and high performance materials development - Academic lecture
- Shale Anisotropy Made Simple - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Shale Anisotropy Made Simple - Academic lecture
- Shale Anisotropy Made Simple - Poster
- Shared policies, datasets and standardization - Academic lecture
- Shared solutions for active, collective, and inclusive neighbourhoods - Academic article
- Shared solutions for active, collective, and inclusive neighbourhoods - Academic lecture
- Shell case: Estimating velocity change from rock mechanical model - Academic lecture
- Ship Manoeuvring Study of a Vessel Transiting a Ship Tunnel - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Ship model-based route optimisation for decision support in deep sea shipping - Academic article
- Ship-model based route optimisation - Academic lecture
- SiC crust formation during pilot experiment at ELKEM for H2Si - Report
- SiC forming reaction during the smelting of Si - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SiC forming reaction during the smelting of Si. - Academic article
- SiH2- A new process for Si-production based on hydrogen - Academic article
- SiH2- A new process for Si-production based on hydrogen - Academic lecture
- Silicon kerf loss as a potential anode material for lithium-ion batteries - Academic article
- Silicon Solar Cells: Trends, Manufacturing Challenges, and AI Perspectives - Academic literature review
- Silver Catalysed Partial Oxidation of Methanol to Formaldehyde and its Sub-reactions. - Academic lecture
- Silver Catalysed Partial Oxidation of Methanol to Formaldehyde and its Sub-reactions. - Academic lecture
- Simplified coupling models using ANN for application in multimodular structures - Poster
- Simplified mathematical model of oxy-fuel combustion of municipal solid waste in the grate furnace: effect of different flue gas recirculation rates and comparison with conventional mode - Academic article
- Simulating Vortex-Induced Vibrations in Sheared Current by Using an Empirical Time-Domain Model with Adaptive Parameters - Academic article
- Simulating winter maintenance efforts: A multi-linear regression model - Academic article
- Simulation of emissions from salmon post-harvest steps: comparing the ENOUGH tool with a LCA study - Poster
- Simulation of freezing a sea water droplet moving in a cold air - Academic article
- Simulation study on preventing explosive mixture formation in PEM electrolysers’ water recovery tanks - Academic article
- Simultaneous Optimization of Work and Heat Exchange Networks - Academic article
- SINDIT: A Framework for Knowledge Graph-Based Digital Twins in Smart Manufacturing - Academic lecture
- SINDIT: A Framework for Knowledge Graph-Based Digital Twins in Smart Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Singular Value Decomposition-based Multiple Model Approach towards Developing Digital Twin Applications in Ship Performance Prediction - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SINTEF at Hydrogen Week 2024: From research to market deployment - Interview
- SINTEF at Hydrogen Week 2024: From Research to Market Deployment - Interview
- SINTEF project on advancing the use of ammonia as a maritime fuel presents findings at key maritime conference - Website (informational material)
- SINTEF to lead new research centre on carbon capture - Interview
- SINTEF to lead NOK 500M gigaCCS R&D&I centre - Interview
- SiO reduction using hydrogen - Poster
- SiO reduction using hydrogen - Poster
- SiOx Li-ion battery anodes produced from reduced diatom frustules - Poster
- Size selectivity of flatfish in trawl codends - Academic article
- Sizing and optimization of a cold thermal energy storage (CTES) for a dairy: A case study - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Skeletonema marinoi ecotypes show specific habitat-related responses to fluctuating light supporting high potential for growth under photobioreactor light regime - Academic article
- Slack Use in Large-Scale Agile Organizations: ESN Tools as Catalysts for Alignment? - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SLCP: Stochastic Latent Consistency Policy for closed loop 6-DOF Grasping - Masters thesis
- Sleep pathology and use of anabolic androgen steroids among male weightlifters in Norway - Academic article
- Small micro- and nanoplastic test and reference materials for research: Current status and future needs - Academic literature review
- SMARAGD: Data Interoperability for Decision Support in the Norwegian Agrifood Sector - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SMARAGD: Data Interoperability for Decision Support in the Norwegian Agrifood Sector - Academic lecture
- Smart buildings, nZEB concept and presentation of nZEB Laboratory - Lecture
- Smart Collaboration – Review of Human-Machine Collaboration in Lean Production, Zero Defect Manufacturing and Human Centered Manufacturing - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Smart Grid Standardisation: Contributions and Opportunities of EU Horizon 2020 Projects - Academic article
- Snow measurements with UAV GPR tools - Abstract
- Snow Storage Information in Hydropower Scheduling - Report
- Social acceptance for salmon produced in new production systems - Report on willingness to pay for new production systems and social acceptance of salmon farming in general - Report
- Social Capital in Software Product Management: A Case Study From a Large-Scale Agile Context - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Socioeconomic determinants of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in Norway: a registry study - Academic article
- Software bill of materials in critical infrastructure - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Software Product Management in Large-Scale Agile - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Software: The Gaia System (projection mapping system development). Prototype versions 2, 3, 3.1 - Software
- Solubility of light hydrocarbons in amine treating solutions - Academic lecture
- Sound and hearing loss - Lecture
- Sound and hearing loss - Lecture
- Sound insulation properties of hollow box timber floors: a summary - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Sound insulation properties of single and double CLT walls - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- SP3 results: A step closer to sustainable reuse of offshore assets and infrastructure - Interview
- Sparse low-cost CO2 monitoring using passive seismic data - Poster
- SPARSE monitoring concepts - Academic lecture
- Sparse Non-Linear Vector Autoregressive Networks for Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection - Academic article
- SPARSE Outreach and dissemination - Lecture
- SPARSE Second workshop -Day 1 project overview - Lecture
- Sparse seismic data analysis at the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab, Norway - Academic anthology/Conference proceedings
- Sparse Seismic Data Analysis at the Svelvik CO2 Field Lab, Norway - Abstract
- SPARSE SINTEF updates - Lecture
- Sparse Variational Bayesian Inversion for Subsurface Seismic Imaging - Academic article
- Sparsity-Induced Full Waveform Inversion: Variational Bayesian and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Methods - Abstract
- Spatiotemporal Elastic Bands for Motion Planning in Highly Dynamic Environments - Academic lecture
- Spatiotemporal Elastic Bands for Motion Planning in Highly Dynamic Environments - Academic article
- Speed of Sound measurements for CCS – Let’s hear it! - Website (informational material)
- Spontaneous ignition and flame propagation in hydrogen/methane wrinkled laminar flames at reheat conditions: Effect of pressure and hydrogen fraction - Academic article
- 'Spotting & Bonding' - A novel method for Multi stack, Wafer -level bonding of PiezoMEMS devices - Poster
- 'Spotting & Bonding' - A novel method for Multi stack, Wafer -level bonding of PiezoMEMS devices - Poster
- Spread of invasive species via biofouling of marine vessels: A brief assessment - Report
- Stabilitet av oljeemulsjoner - Effekt av temperatur og emulsjonsbryter - Report
- Stability of beryllium-tungsten coatings under annealing up to 1273 K - Academic article
- Staff shortage and rising care demands... Insights from Norway - Lecture
- Stagnation isn't going away: Are we stuck with Legionella? - Academic lecture
- Stakeholder Contributions to Developing a Hydrogen Economy. - Lecture
- Stakeholder Contributions to Developing a Hydrogen Economy. - Lecture
- Standardized evaluation of the extent of resection in glioblastoma with automated early post-operative segmentation - Academic article
- Standoff at the four-way stop sign: late-night diplomacy at the fourth session of negotiations (INC-4) on the global treaty to end plastic pollution - Academic article
- StasHH - Standard-Sized Heavy-duty Hydrogen - Lecture
- State of the art and pathways for maritime application of H2/NH3 - Poster
- State of the Art Review: Avalanche Hazard Assessment Supported by UAS - Report
- Status update on HEU IntelLiGent project - Academic lecture
- Steady State and Transient Modelling of A Three-Core Once-Through Steam Generator - Academic lecture
- Steady State and Transient Modelling of A Three-Core Once-Through Steam Generator - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Steam reforming of biomass gasification tar impurities with Ni-Co/Mg(Al)O catalysts: Experimental studies using model tar components - Doctoral dissertation
- Steam reforming of biomass gasification tar impurities with Ni-Co/Mg(Al)O catalysts: Experimental studies using model tar components - Academic lecture
- StereoYolo+DeepSORT: A Framework to Track Fish from Underwater Stereo Camera in Situ - Academic article
- Stochastic and self-consistent 3D modeling of streamer discharge trees with Kinetic Monte Carlo - Academic article
- Strain inversion based on directional velocity change - Academic lecture
- Strain inversion based on directional velocity change - Academic lecture
- Strain-induced multiferroic behavior in CuFeS2 - Academic lecture
- Strategic Client Management in the Construction Industry. A Report to the Norwegian and UK Construction Industries - Report
- Strategic Client Management in the Oil and Gas and Construction Industries. A Report on a Study into the Oil and Gas and Construction Industries in Norway and the UK - Report
- Strategic Client Management in the Oil and Gas Industry. A Report to the Norwegian and UK Oil and Gas Industries. - Report
- Strategic guidelines for implementation of urban geofencing solutions - Report
- Strategies for circular economy in the Nordics: a comparative analysis of directionality - Academic article
- Streamer inception in technical air with and without C5-fluoroketone for a rod-plane gap - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Streamer inception probability in air at atmospheric pressure - An experimental and theoretical analysis - Academic article
- Stress path dependence of time-lapse seismic effects in shales: experimental comparison at seismic and ultrasonic frequencies - Academic article
- Stress responses in surgical trainees during simulation-based training courses in laparoscopy - Academic article
- Strong doubts about safety - Interview
- Structural characterization and immunomodulating assessment of ultra-purified water extracted fucoidans from Saccharina latissima, Alaria esculenta and Laminaria hyperborea - Academic article
- Structural Connections Between Al-Mg-Zn Alloy Phases and a Quasicrystalline Phase in an Al-Mg-Cu-Ag Alloy - Academic lecture
- Study of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS) Trustworthiness: Hardware Point of View - Academic chapter/article/Conference paper
- Study on Drying of Seaweeds and Importance of Glass Transition and Stabilization - Academic article