NOWITECH - Research Network
NOWITECH Innovation Day
Innovations from NOWITECH -
- IFE 3DFloat offshore wind turbine simulation software
- Simo-Riflex simulation software package
- 3DWind wind park CFD simulation software
- IFEM-CFD - isogeometric finite element fluid structure simulation tool
- No poster
- Floatopt/WindOpt spare buoy offshore wind turbine and mooring optimization software tool
- INVALS general purpose optimization software
- Commercial grade rotor CFD
- No poster
- Buckling resistant blades
- PM generator magnetic vibrations
- Composite Fatigue Damage Estimator
- No poster
- Novel design of semi-submersible platform for 5 MW wind turbine
- Dual layer corrosion protection coatings
- Power System Simulation Tool (PSST)
Power Grid And Market Analyser (PowerGAMA) - Network Optimisation (Net-Op)
- Viper – preliminary estimates of energy production from offshore wind power plants
- HVDC grid lab implementation
- Wind energy supply to oil and gas platforms
- NOWIcob – strategic O&M decision support tool
- Optimization based decision support tool for O&M
- Droplet erosion resistant blade coatings
- Remote inspection: A remotely controlled robot installed inside wind turbine nacelle.
- Thermally sprayed SiC coatings (ThermaSiC)
- Turbine control
- No poster
- ReaTHM™ Testing of Offshore Wind Turbines
- Logistic decision support for routing and scheduling
- PM generator integrated designs
- Droplet erosion test facility
- Drivetrain Fault Detection Method
- Gearbox Vulnerability Map
- Wind turbine electrical interactions
- Control of multi-terminal HVDC grids
- Network reduction
- Wind farm collection grid optimisation
- STAS – A unified state-space model of a wind power plant
- No poster
- Loss Minimization in Long Offshore Wind Farm AC Export cables
- Wind-band model for wind farms
- Commercial grade sea-loads CFD

John Olav Giæver Tande
913 68 188