NOWITECH - Research Network
Committee for innovation and commercialization
The Committee for Innovation and Commercialisation (CIC) is enhancing the industry involvement and assures that results from NOWITECH are communicated to the industry parties and that the possibilities for establishing new projects, products, services or processes with one or more partners are pursued. Commercialisation is by transfer of knowledge to the industry parties and their use of this in developing their business, and through spin-off projects and the creation of new industry. The committee is industry focused and chaired by Per Arne Wilson, NTNU . CIC cooperates with NTNU's Entrepreneurship School (NEC) and NTNU TTO in commercialisation of ideas created in NOWITECH, while Innovation Norway and Enova assist CIC in project development, including also between NOWITECH partners and SMEs outside NOWITECH .
Establishment of a spinout company Seram Coatings AS
CIC activity in commercialization of selected NOWITECH results was in 2014 focused on developing the patented process for thermally sprayed silicon carbide coating (ThermaSiC) into a new business . This was successful with the company Seram Coatings AS being established December 2014 . The process provides for an extremely hard, wear-resistant, low friction ceramic coating that can be applied to rotating machinery like main bearings in large direct drive wind turbines . This will make them less susceptible to corrosion, more durable and withstand higher temperatures; ultimately increasing lifetime and reducing cost for maintenance. Read more here.
The patented process for thermally sprayed silicon carbide coating (ThermaSiC) is now being developed as a commercial product through the new spinout company Seram Coatings AS.
Picture is copy from THERMASIC