Contact person, projects
- TESTUDO: Autonomous swarm of heterogeneous resources in infrastructure protection via threat prediction and prevention (2023 - 2026)
- TULIPS - DemonsTrating lower pollUting soLutions for sustaInable airPorts acrosS Europe (2022 - 2025)
- ATM U-Space Interface» (PJ34-W3 AURA) (2021 - 2023)
- Integrated Airport Operations (SESAR PJ 28 IAO) (2016 - )
Contact person, expertise
- TRANS4M-R prosjektpresentasjon
- Digitalisering av luftfart
- Towards Clean Aviation with TULIPS
- A distributed and scalable architecture for enabling greener multimodal door-to-door travel within the EU
- A free and open-source solver for the unsplittable multi-commodity flow problem
- SESAR AURA – A collaborative concept for the interaction of manned and unmanned airspace users
- Vil åpne europeiske luftrom for droner