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- What influences the use of HR analytics in Human Resource management in Norwegian municipal health care services? Read publication
- Economies of scope in the Norwegian public hospital sector
- General practitioners retiring or relocating and its association with healthcare use and mortality: a cohort study using Norwegian national data
- Socioeconomic determinants of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in Norway: a registry study
- Framskriving av behovsdata for helse- og omsorgsområdet i Harstad kommune
- Demografikostnader og endringer i helsetilstand. Sluttrapport.
- Demografikostnader og endringer i helsetilstand. Delrapport 1 Kartlegging av forutsetninger for ulike framskrivinger av helseutgifter og litteraturgjennomgang
- Demografikostnad og endringer i helsetilstand. Dokumentasjonsrapport for delprosjekt 2A: Empirisk analyse av sammenhengen mellom utvikling i levealder og endringer i helsetilstand
- Mortality and subsequent healthcare use among older patients discharged to a municipality with excess demand for elderly care Read publication
- Analyser av Oslo kommunes fordelingssystem: FO4 Sosiale tjenester og ytelser
- Disaggregated electronic health record data. Constructing and comparing levels of municipal long-term care from disaggregated electronic health record data.
- Health service personnel's early experiences from the implementation of a large-scale Electronic Health Record.
- Correction to: Socioeconomic determinants of myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome in Norway: a registry study (BMC Public Health, (2024), 24, 1, (1296), 10.1186/s12889-024-18757-7)
- HRs rolle og bruk av HR-data
- Health care expenditure and utilization of patients with ME/CFS in Norway, a retrospective registry study
- Health care costs and health care utilization of patients with ME/CFS in Norway, a retrospective registry study
- Helsetjenesteforbruk og kostnader
- Hvor mange har ME i Norge? Flere har forsøkt å regne seg fram til svar.
- Economies of Scale and Scope in Norwegian hospitals
- Digital omstilling i helse- og omsorgstjenesten gjennom økt heltidsandel og kompetanseutvikling