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EuroHope project evaluated health outcomes, quality, production and productivity of health systems in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Scotland, the Netherlands, Hungary, and Italy.

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The project studied the heart attack, stroke, hip fracture, breast cancer and premature births. SINTEF is the data provider for analyses of the correlation between cost and quality of hospital productivity. The purpose of this part of the project was to:

  • Develop hospital quality indicators of patient level based on register information.
  • Develop productivity for multi-level analyses for quality patient-level and hospital level activities and costs.
  • Develop methods to implement productivity analyses at hospital level and estimate the costs associated with quality.

The project was funded by the EU.
(Euro Hope: European Health Care Outcomes, Performance and Efficiency)
Project no.: 102002863

Key Factors

Project duration

20/06/2012 - 06/06/2013


EuroHOPE's website