WoodCFD publications:
- Newsletter 2-2018
- Newsletter 1-2018
- Newsletter 2-2017
- Newsletter 1-2017
- Newsletter 2-2016
- Newsletter 1-2016
- Newsletter 2-2015
- Newsletter 1-2015
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog. Dette må du vite om å fyre i den gamle vedovnen på hytta. Adresseavisen 2 april 2021.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog. Hvordan fyre smart i den gamle ovnen på hytta? Gemini 30 mars 2021.
Franziska Kausch, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog. These simple tips will help you reduce your wood-burning stove’s environmental footprint. SINTEF blog 8 February 2021.
Øyvind Skreiberg. Folk kan bli flinkere til å fyre rett med ved. Stavanger Aftenblad 22 januar 2021.
Øyvind Skreiberg. Vedfyring i et større perspektiv. Stavanger Aftenblad 13 januar 2021.
Franziska Kausch, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog. Slik kan du fyre med god samvittighet fra hjemmekontoret under korona. SINTEF Energi blogg 26 november 2020.
Øyvind Skreiberg. Er vedfyring miljøvennlig? SINTEF Energi blogg 19 november 2020.
Øyvind Skreiberg. Is heating with wood eco-friendly? SINTEF Energy Research blog 19 November 2020.
Øyvind Skreiberg. Vedovner og vedfyring – Hvordan sikre hygge, varmekomfort og miljø- og klimavennlighet. SINTEF Energi blogg 19 november 2020.
Øyvind Skreiberg. Wood stoves and wood-burning – how to ensure “hygge”, heating comfort and eco-friendliness. SINTEF Energy Research blog 19 November 2020.
Martin Thalfeldt, Anders B. Skare, Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2020). Parametric Energy Simulations of a Nordic Detached House Heated by a Wood Stove. E3S Web of Conferences 172:1-7.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Tian Li, Mette Bugge, Nils Erland L. Haugen (2020). Assessment of Transient NOx Reduction Potential in Wood Stoves. Chemical Engineering Transactions 80:25-30.
Øyvind Skreiberg. Wood stoves and wood-burning – how to ensure “hygge”, heating comfort and eco-friendliness. SINTEF Energy Research blog 20 December 2019.
Øyvind Skreiberg. Vedovner og vedfyring – Hvordan sikre hygge, varmekomfort og miljøvennlighet. SINTEF Energi blogg 17 desember 2019.
Nils Erland L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2019). A Two-Dimensional Study on the Effect of Anisotropy on the Devolatilization of a Large Wood Log. Energies 2019, 12, 4430.
L. C. Felius, M. Thalfeldt, L. Georges, B. D. Hrynyszyn, F. Dessen, M. Hamdy (2019). Wood burning habits and its effect on the electrical energy demand of a retrofitted Norwegian detached house. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 352 (2019) 012022.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Nils E. L. Haugen, Mette Bugge, Laurent Georges (2019). CFD and building integration modelling of wood stoves - Status and further needs. Proceedings of 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 27-30 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 704-710.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Mette Bugge, Tian Li, Nils E. L. Haugen (2019). Assessment of NOx reduction potential in wood stoves. 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 27-30 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal.
Alexis Sevault, Henning Hvål Mathisen, Erling Næss, Øyvind Skreiberg (2019). Integrating PCM-based thermal energy storage on top of wood stoves: concept and CFD modelling. 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 27-30 May 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. Co-presentation with PCM-Eff.
Mette Bugge, Nils E. L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2019). Transient CFD simulations of wood stoves with varying heat storage capacity. Chemical Engineering Transactions 74:85-90.
Martin Thalfeldt, Anders Skare, Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2019). A Simplified Power Sizing Method for the Correct Building Integration of Wood Stoves. E3S Web of Conferences 111, 02066.
Alexis Sevault, Henning Hvål Mathisen, Erling Næss, Øyvind Skreiberg (2019). Latent heat storage unit integrated on top of wood stoves: concept design and preliminary modelling approach. Proceedings of Eurotherm Seminar #112 Advances in Thermal Energy Storage, 15-17 May 2019, Lleida, Spain, pp. 283-293. Co-publication with PCM-Eff.
Inge Haberle, Nils E. L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2019). Thermal conversion of large wood particles. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 6-8 May 2019, Aachen, Germany.
Axel Cablé, Laurent Georges, Pierre Peigné, Øyvind Skreiberg, Lionel Druette (2019). Evaluation of a New System Combining Wood-Burning Stove, Flue Gas Heat Exchanger and Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery in Highly-Insulated Houses. Applied Thermal Engineering 157, 5 July 2019, 113693.
Laurent Georges, Martin Thalfeldt, Øyvind Skreiberg, Walter Fornari (2019). Validation of a transient zonal model to predict the detailed indoor thermal environment: case of electric radiators and wood stoves. Building and Environment 149:169-181.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Mette Bugge, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Laurent Georges. WoodCFD handbook. SINTEF Energi AS, December 2018, ISBN 978-82-594-3780-8.
Øyvind Skreiberg. WoodCFD - and how to preserve "hygge" for the future. SINTEF Energy Research blog 21 December 2018.
Øyvind Skreiberg. WoodCFD - Hvordan sikre Hygge også i fremtiden. SINTEF Energi blogg 17 desember 2018.
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Investigation of the detailed indoor thermal environment of buildings heated using wood stoves. EERA Bioenergy December 2018 newsletter.
Nils Erland L. Haugen, Inge Haberle, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Numerical simulation of the transient behavior of wood log decomposition and combustion. EERA Bioenergy December 2018 newsletter.
Inge Haberle (2018). 100% renewable energy for heating and cooling of buildings not connected to district heating networks in Europe in 2050 – technology options and the potential role of wood stoves. Trial lecture.
Inge Haberle. Numerical simulation of transient behavior of wood log decomposition and combustion. PhD thesis 2018:280, NTNU. Main supervisor: Nils Erland L. Haugen, Co-supervisor: Øyvind Skreiberg
Laurent Georges, Martin Thalfeldt, Øyvind Skreiberg, Walter Fornari (2018). Zonal model to predict the detailed indoor environment - Case of electric radiators and wood stoves. IBPSA Nordic / NORVAC 2018 workshop at VVS-dagene 2018, 17-19 October, Lillestrøm, Norway.
Inge Haberle, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Simulating thermal wood particle conversion: Ash-layer modeling and parametric studies. Energy & Fuels 32:10668-10682.
Anders Skare (2018). Validation of a method to select the optimal nominal power of a wood stove in residential buildings. NTNU Master thesis. Main supervisor: Laurent Georges, Co-supervisors: Martin Thalfeldt, Øyvind Skreiberg
Inge Haberle, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Combustion of thermally thick wood particles: A study on the influence of wood particle size on the combustion behavior. Energy & Fuels 32(6):6847-6862.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog (2018). Performance history and further improvement potential for wood stoves. Chemical Engineering Transactions 65:199-204.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Laurent Georges (2018). Transient heat production and release profiles for wood stoves. Chemical Engineering Transactions 65:223-228.
Alexis Sevault, Jerol Soibam, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Investigation of an Innovative Latent Heat Storage Concept in a Stovepipe. Chemical Engineering Transactions 65:25-30. Co-publication with PCM-Eff.
Laurent Georges, Martin Thalfeldt, Øyvind Skreiberg, Per Sahlin, Patrik Skogqvist (2018). Validation of a zonal model to capture the thermal stratification in a room heated by a stove. Proceedings of RoomVent 2018, 2-5 June 2018, Espoo, Finland, pp. 511-516.
Martin Thalfeldt, Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Characterization of the free plume created by stoves using laboratory measurements. Proceedings of RoomVent 2018, 2-5 June 2018, Espoo, Finland, pp. 505-510.
Mette Bugge, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Hysteresis in wood log combustion, demonstrated through transient CFD simulations and experiments. 26th EUBCE, 14-17 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Alexis Sevault, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). A comparison of selected latent heat storage configurations for wood stoves. 26th EUBCE, 14-17 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark. Co-presentation with PCM-Eff.
Alexis Sevault, Jerol Soibam, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Numerical modeling of a latent heat storage system in a stovepipe. Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Energy Storage, 25-28 April 2018, Adana, Turkey, pp. 969-983. Co-publication with PCM-Eff.
Mathieu Hamon, Guangyu Cao, Øyvind Skreiberg, Laurent Georges, Morten Seljeskog, Roger Khalil, Alexis Sevault, Hans Martin Mathisen (2018). Assessment of the effects of using wood stoves on indoor air quality in two types of Norwegian houses. Springer Proceedings in Energy - Cold Climate HVAC 2018, pp. 887-897.
Martin Thalfeldt, Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2018). Validation of a zonal model to capture the detailed indoor thermal environment of a room heated by a stove. Springer Proceedings in Energy - Cold Climate HVAC 2018, pp. 653-663.
Anders Arvesen, Francesco Cherubini, Gonzalo del Alamo Serrano, Rasmus Astrup, Michael Becidan, Helmer Belbo, Franziska Goile, Tuva Grytli, Per Kristian Rørstad, Line Rydså, Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg, Sajith Vezhapparambu, Anders Hammer Strømman (2018). Cooling aerosols and changes in albedo counteract warming from CO2 and black carbon from forest bioenergy in Norway. Scientific Reports 8, Article 3299.
Øyvind Skreiberg. Drying firewood logs – just how dry can a research topic get? SINTEF Energy Research blog 23 January 2018.
Øyvind Skreiberg. Tørking av vedkubber – Hvor tørt kan et forskningstema egentlig bli? SINTEF Energi blogg 18 januar 2018.
Inge Haberle, Nils Erland L Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Drying of thermally thick wood particles: A study of the numerical efficiency, accuracy and stability of common drying models. Energy & Fuels 31(12):13743-13760.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Laurent Georges (2017). Wood stove material configurations for increased thermal comfort. Energy Procedia 142:488-494.
Inge Haberle, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Comparison of numerical efficiency of the thermal and the kinetic rate drying model applied to a thermally thick wood particle. Energy Procedia 142:37-42.
Alexis Sevault, Roger Khalil, Bjørn Christian Enger, Øyvind Skreiberg, Franziska Goile, Liang Wang, Morten Seljeskog, Rajesh Kempegowda (2017). Performance evaluation of a modern wood stove using charcoal. Energy Procedia 142:192-197.
Anders Skare (2017). Evaluation method to select the optimal nominal power of a wood stove in residential buildings. NTNU Project thesis. Main supervisor: Laurent Georges, Co-supervisors: Martin Thalfeldt, Morten Seljeskog
Inge Haberle, Øyvind Skreiberg, Joanna Lazar, Nils Erland L. Haugen (2017). Numerical models for thermochemical degradation of thermally thick woody biomass, and their application in domestic wood heating appliances and grate furnaces. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 63:204-252.
Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Computational Fluid Dynamics for improving micro- to large-scale woody biomass and municipal solid waste combustion units. EERA Bioenergy News 2017 (7), p. 5.
Mette Bugge, Nils E. L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Transient CFD simulations of wood log combustion in a wood stove. 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
Inge Haberle, Øyvind Skreiberg, Nils Erland L. Haugen (2017). Numerical simulation of devolatilization of wood logs and pressure generation in the wood log center. Proceedings of 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 561-565.
Alexis Sevault, Roger Khalil, Bjørn Christian Enger, Øyvind Skreiberg, Franziska Goile, Liang Wang, Morten Seljeskog, Rajesh Kempegowda (2017). Performance evaluation of a modern wood stove when using charcoal. 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden.
A. Cablé, L. Georges, P. Peigné, Ø. Skreiberg, K. Chetehouna (2017). Coupled ventilation system and wood logs-stove for use in low energy dwellings: an investigation using dynamic energy simulations. Proceedings of 25th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, 12-15 June 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 611-617.
Morten Seljeskog, Alexis Sevault, Asbjørn Østnor, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Variables affecting emission measurements from domestic wood combustion. Energy Procedia 105:596-603.
Morten Seljeskog, Franziska Goile, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Recommended revisions of Norwegian emission factors for wood stoves. Energy Procedia 105:1022-1028.
Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). The ultimate wood stove. CenBio Final Conference, 13-14 March, Ås, Norway.
Øivind Lie, Simen Gjølsjø, Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Maks varme av veden. Hytteliv 1/2017:46-48.
Kolbeinn Kristjansson, Erling Næss, Øyvind Skreiberg (2016). Dampening of wood batch combustion heat release using a phase change material heat storage: Material selection and heat storage property optimization. Energy 115:378-385.
Jacob Hadler-Jacobsen (2016). A model for pyrolysis of thermally thick wood particles. SINTEF Summer Job Project report. Supervisors: Nils Erland L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg
Eivin Dyvik Sellevold (2016). Modeling of indoor environment of building heated using wood stoves. NTNU Master thesis. Main supervisor: Laurent Georges, Co-supervisor: Øyvind Skreiberg
Guangyu Cao, Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog (2016). An experimental study on how a wood stove affects the indoor air quality when used as the main source of heating in two representative Norwegian dwellings, one modern and one old. Indoor Air 2016, 3-8 July 2016, Ghent, Belgium.
Morten Seljeskog, Alexis Sevault, Birger Rønning, Magnus Rishaug, Asbjørn Østnor, Øyvind Skreiberg (2016). Variables affecting particulate emissions from residential wood combustion – simultaneous sampling on hot and ambient filter. 20th ETH-Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles, 13-16 June 2016, Zurich, Switzerland.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Mette Bugge, Morten Seljeskog, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Inge Haberle, Laurent Georges (2016). Computational Fluid Dynamics as an Efficient Design Tool for Wood Stoves. 24th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 6-9 June 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Joanna Polak, Guangyu Cao, Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2016). Experimental study of the airflow distribution inside and between two zones with temperature differences with an air curtain system. Proceedings of CLIMA 2016, 22-25 May 2016, Ålborg, Denmark.
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2016). Simple Modelling Procedure for the Indoor Thermal Environment of Highly Insulated Buildings Heated by Wood Stoves. Journal of Building Performance Simulation 9(6):663-679.
Joanna Lazar, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Jonas Kruger, Andrzej Szlek (2016). Numerical Study of Hydrogen Inhibition of Char Gasification Using Detailed Hetero- and Homogeneous Chemical Kinetics. Energy & Fuels 30(6):4411-4418.
Philipp Betchart (2015). Viscosity measurements. NTNU Project thesis. Main supervisor: Erling Næss, Co-supervisor: Kolbeinn Kristjansson
Eivin Dyvik Sellevold (2015). Modelling the indoor thermal environment in passive houses heated by wood stoves. NTNU Project thesis. Main supervisor: Laurent Georges, Co-supervisor: Øyvind Skreiberg
Joanna Polak (2015). Experimental study of the airflow distribution in a room with heating equipment. NTNU Master thesis. Main supervisor: Guangyu Cao, Co-supervisors: Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg
Laurent Georges, Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg (2015). En balansert kombinasjon av stråling og konveksjon gir best komfort. Varmenytt 4-2015, p. 22.
Benjaminsen, Christina; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Seljeskog, Morten. Her er "vedfyringens ABC". Gemini 3 desember 2015. Reprodusert på forskning.no.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Mette Bugge, Morten Seljeskog, Nils Erland L. Haugen, Laurent Georges (2015). CFD as an efficient design tool for wood stoves. Expert workshop on Highly efficient and clean wood log stoves, IEA Bioenergy Task 32, 29 October 2015, Berlin, Germany.
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2015). Wood stoves for future's energy efficient buildings. Expert workshop on Highly efficient and clean wood log stoves, IEA Bioenergy Task 32, 29 October 2015, Berlin, Germany.
Benjaminsen, Christina; Skreiberg, Øyvind. Cheaper heating using environmentally-friendly wood-burning stoves. Gemini 9 February 2015.
Benjaminsen, Christina; Skreiberg, Øyvind. Miljøvennlig vedfyring gir deg billigere varme. Gemini 3 februar 2015. Reprodusert på Adresseavisen nett.
Skreiberg, Øyvind. Vi skal gjøre det mer effektivt og miljøvennlig å fyre med ved. blog.sintefenergy.com 2 februar 2015.
StableWood modelling publications:
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Laurent Georges (2015). Solutions and technologies for wood stoves in future's energy efficient residential buildings. Oral presentation at 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1-4 June 2015, Vienna, Austria. (Co-presentation with ZEB).
Mette Bugge, Øyvind Skreiberg, Nils E. L. Haugen, Per Carlsson, Morten Seljeskog (2015). Predicting NOx emissions from wood stoves using detailed chemistry and computational fluid dynamics. Energy Procedia 75:1740-1745.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Laurent Georges (2015). The process of batch combustion of logs in wood stoves - Transient modelling for generation of input to CFD modelling of stoves and thermal comfort simulations. Chemical Engineering Transactions 43:433-438. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Modeling of the Indoor Thermal Comfort in Passive Houses heated by Wood Stoves. Proceedings of System Simulation in Buildings 2014 (SSB2014), 10-12 December, Liege, Belgium. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Biofuels of the future, and modelling implications. Keynote presentation at the 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, 30th September, 2014, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany. (Co-presentation with CenBio).
Mette Bugge, Nils E. L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog (2014). CFD modelling of NOx emissions from wood stoves. 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, 30th September, 2014, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 51-56.
Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Batch combustion of logs in wood stoves – Transient fuel models and modelling of the fuel decomposition and products composition as input to CFD gas phase calculations. 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, 30th September, 2014, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 39-44.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Laurent Georges (2014). Batch combustion of logs in wood stoves – Transient modelling for generation of input to CFD modelling of stoves and thermal comfort simulations. 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, 30th September, 2014, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 45-50. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Simulation of the Indoor Thermal Environment in Passive Houses heated using Wood Stoves: comparison between thermal dynamic simulations and CFD. 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, 30th September, 2014, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 57-61. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Simulation of the Indoor Thermal Environment in Passive Houses heated using Wood Stoves. BUILDSIM-NORDIC, 25-26 September 2014, Espoo-Finland. (Co-presentation with ZEB).
Mette Bugge, Nils E. L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). NOx emissions from wood stoves – A CFD modelling approach. Proceedings of 22nd European BC&E, 23-26 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 674-679.
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg, Vojislav Novakovic (2014). On the proper integration of wood stoves in passive houses under cold climates. Energy and Buildings 72:87-95. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg, Vojislav Novakovic (2013). On the Integration of Wood Stoves in Norwegian Passive Houses: Investigations Using Dynamic Simulations. Proceedings of Clima 2013, Prague, 16-19 June 2013. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Laurent Georges (2013). Transient wood-log stove modelling integrating detailed combustion physics. Oral presentation at 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 3-7 June 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Co-presentation with ZEB).
Kolbeinn Kristjansson, Erling Næss, Øyvind Skreiberg, Marie Seltveit Haugen (2013). Stable heat release and distribution from batch combustion of wood. Proceedings of 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 3-7 June 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 568-572.
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg, Vojislav Novakovic (2013). On the proper integration of wood stoves in passive houses: Investigation using detailed dynamic simulations. Energy and Buildings 59:203-213. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg (2012). Transient fuel models for wood log combustion. Oral presentation at 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 18-22 June 2012, Milan, Italy.
Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg (2012). Transient fuel elemental composition models for wood logs. Renewable Energy Research Conference 2012, 16-17 April, Trondheim, Norway.
Wood stoves + SINTEF in the media:
- Ja, dette fjerner sotet fra peisen (February 6, 2016)
- Så mye bedre er nye vedovner (January 28, 2016)
- Vil forby disse ovnene (January 23, 2016)
- Foreslår å forby gamle vedovner (January 22, 2016)
- Vil forby gamle vedovner (January 22, 2016)
- Ekspertenes beste vinterråd (January 21, 2016)
- Nå kan vedfyring være helsefarlig (January 21, 2016)
- Nå kan dette være helsefarlig (January 21, 2016)
- Her ser du hvorfor du IKKE skal brenne juletreet i peisen (January 4, 2016)
- Farlig å fyre med juletreet (January 3, 2016)
- Slik tar du helsesjekk på vedovnen (December 29, 2015)
- Her er forskerens tips til sikker og miljøvennlig vedfyring (October 21, 2015)
- Sjekk om du bør ha feier på besøk (October 20, 2015)
- Sjekk om du bør bytte vedovn (October 15, 2015)
- Hvordan redusere svart karbon fra vedfyring? (May 11, 2015)
- Tips for optimal vedfyring (March 10, 2015)
- Spør en forsker: Vedovner med vannkappe (December 4, 2014)
- Test av tennbriketter (November 4, 2014)
- Nei, ikke fyr med denne på peisen (October 5, 2014)
- Bioenergi er den beste løsningen! (March 19, 2014)
- Pellets et godt alternativ (February 5, 2014)
- Den dummeste loven som noen gang er skrevet (January 31, 2014), also here
- Gamle ovner til ny glede (January 31, 2014), also here
- Dette må du for all del ikke fyre i peisen med (January 15, 2014), also at NRK - Forbrukerinspektørene