- Newsletter 2-2014
- Newsletter 1-2014
- Newsletter 2-2013
- Newsletter 1-2013
- Newsletter 2-2012
- Newsletter 1-2012
- Newsletter 2-2011
- Newsletter 1-2011
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Laurent Georges (2015). Solutions and technologies for wood stoves in future's energy efficient residential buildings. Oral presentation at 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 1-4 June 2015, Vienna, Austria. (Co-presentation with ZEB).
Mette Bugge, Øyvind Skreiberg, Nils E. L. Haugen, Per Carlsson, Morten Seljeskog (2015). Predicting NOx emissions from wood stoves using detailed chemistry and computational fluid dynamics. Energy Procedia 75(August):1740-1745.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Laurent Georges (2015). The process of batch combustion of logs in wood stoves – Transient modelling for generation of input to CFD modelling of stoves and thermal comfort simulations. Chemical Engineering Transactions 43:433-438. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Merethe Ruud, Øyvind Skreiberg (2015). Hvordan oppnår du optimal trekk og riktig fyring i vedovnen? TU.no. Reprodusert på Gemini.no.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Laurent Georges, Morten Seljeskog (2015). Bioenergy and buildings. Pan European Networks Government 13, February 2015, pp. 96-97. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Mario Ditaranto, Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg (2015). Hyttetur og klimakur. Dagens Næringsliv, 13. februar 2015. Reprodusert på Gemini.no.
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Modeling of the Indoor Thermal Comfort in Passive Houses heated by Wood Stoves. Proceedings of System Simulation in Buildings 2014 (SSB2014), 10-12 December, Liege, Belgium. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Lars Martin Hjorthol, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Peiskos på sparebluss. Gemini.no.
Ricardo Luís Teles de Carvalho, Ole M. Jensen, Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg, Laurent Georges, Franziska Goile (2014). Proper indoor climate by the adoption of advanced wood-burning stoves? Proceedings of ROOMVENT 2014, 19-22 October 2014, Sao Paulo, Brazil, pp. 66-73.
Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Biofuels of the future, and modelling implications. Keynote presentation at the 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, 30th September, 2014, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany. (Co-presentation with CenBio).
Mette Bugge, Nils E. L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog (2014). CFD modelling of NOx emissions from wood stoves. 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, 30th September, 2014, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 51-56.
Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Batch combustion of logs in wood stoves – Transient fuel models and modelling of the fuel decomposition and products composition as input to CFD gas phase calculations. 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, 30th September, 2014, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 39-44.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Laurent Georges (2014). Batch combustion of logs in wood stoves – Transient modelling for generation of input to CFD modelling of stoves and thermal comfort simulations. 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, 30th September, 2014, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 45-50. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Simulation of the Indoor Thermal Environment in Passive Houses heated using Wood Stoves: comparison between thermal dynamic simulations and CFD. 1st International Workshop on CFD and Biomass Thermochemical Conversion, 30th September, 2014, DBFZ, Leipzig, Germany, pp. 57-61. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). Simulation of the Indoor Thermal Environment in Passive Houses heated using Wood Stoves. BUILDSIM-NORDIC, 25-26 September 2014, Espoo-Finland. (Co-presentation with ZEB).
Mette Bugge, Nils E. L. Haugen, Øyvind Skreiberg (2014). NOx emissions from wood stoves – A CFD modelling approach. Proceedings of 22nd European BC&E, 23-26 June 2014, Hamburg, Germany, pp. 674-679.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Laurent Georges (2014). Bioenergy future. Pan European Networks Government 9, February 2014, pp. 90-91. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg, Vojislav Novakovic (2014). On the proper integration of wood stoves in passive houses under cold climates. Energy and Buildings 72:87-95. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Morten Seljeskog (2013). Pipe og ildsted opp fra asken! Bygg Reis Deg, 16-20 October 2013, Lillestrøm, Norway. (Co-presentation with CenBio).
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg, Vojislav Novakovic (2013). On the Integration of Wood Stoves in Norwegian Passive Houses: Investigations Using Dynamic Simulations. Proceedings of Clima 2013, Prague, 16-19 June 2013. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Laurent Georges (2013). Transient wood-log stove modelling integrating detailed combustion physics. Oral presentation at 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 3-7 June 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark. (Co-presentation with ZEB).
Kolbeinn Kristjansson, Erling Næss, Øyvind Skreiberg, Marie Seltveit Haugen (2013). Stable heat release and distribution from batch combustion of wood. Proceedings of 21st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 3-7 June 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp. 568-572.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Laurent Georges, Morten Seljeskog (2013). Bioenergy opportunities in low-energy buildings - The case of wood stoves. Nordic Baltic Bioenergy 2013, 21-22 May, Oslo, Norway. (Co-presentation with ZEB).
Morten Seljeskog (2013). Nytt fra vedforskningen. NORSK VARMEs årsmøte, 18 March 2013, Oslo, Norway.
Laurent Georges, Øyvind Skreiberg, Vojislav Novakovic (2013). On the proper integration of wood stoves in passive houses: Investigation using detailed dynamic simulations. Energy and Buildings 59:203-213. (Co-publication with ZEB).
Morten Seljeskog (2012). Ny og lovende teknologi for akkumulering av varme fra vedovner. Bioenergidagene 2012, 5-6 November, Hamar, Norway.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Seljeskog, Edvard Karlsvik (2012). Environmental and energetic performance history and further improvement potential for wood stoves. Proceedings of 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 18-22 June 2012, Milan, Italy, pp. 1305-1310.
Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg (2012). Transient fuel models for wood log combustion. Oral presentation at 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, 18-22 June 2012, Milan, Italy.
Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg (2012). Transient fuel elemental composition models for wood logs. Renewable Energy Research Conference 2012, 16-17 April, Trondheim, Norway.
Edvard Karlsvik (2011). Pelletsovner og vedovner i lavenergibygg - Utfordringer og muligheter. Bioenergidagene 2011, 7-8 November, Sarpsborg, Norway.
Edvard Karlsvik, Øyvind Skreiberg (2011). Achieving low emissions and stable heat release from wood stoves and fireplaces firing at low load. Proceedings of Nordic Bioenergy 5-9 Sept 2011, Jyväskylä, Finland, pp. 240-245.
Edvard Karlsvik, Øyvind Skreiberg (2011). Vedforbrenning og ildstedsprosjekter ved SINTEF Energi. NORSK VARMEs første årsmøte, 22 March 2011, Gardermoen, Norway. (Co-presentation with CenBio).
Student reports:
Frode Kjøsnes (2014). Simulering av vedforbrenning. Sommerjobboppgave. Veiledere: Mette Bugge, Øyvind Skreiberg
Kristin Sveine Ytredal (2014). Undersøkelse av varmelagring i fremtidens vedovner. Prosjektoppgave. Hovedveileder: Erling Næss, Medveileder: Kolbeinn Kristjansson
Ørjan Antonsen (2013). Varmelagring i neste generasjon vedovner. Masteroppgave. Hovedveileder: Erling Næss, Medveileder: Kolbeinn Kristjansson
Kjetil Steen Rostad (2013). Fuelsim – Heat Transfer Module: A transient heat transfer workbook for wood stoves and fire‐places applications. Sommerjobboppgave. Veileder: Øyvind Skreiberg
Ørjan Antonsen (2012). Løsninger for varmelagring i fremtidens vedovner. Prosjektoppgave. Hovedveileder: Erling Næss, Medveileder: Kolbeinn Kristjansson
Marie Seltveit Haugen (2012). Termisk lagringssystem for vedovner. Masteroppgave. Hovedveileder: Erling Næss, Medveiledere: Kolbeinn Kristjansson, Inge Saanum, Øyvind Skreiberg
Wood stoves + SINTEF in the media:
Test av tennbriketter (November 4, 2014)
Nei, ikke fyr med denne på peisen (October 5, 2014)
Bioenergi er den beste løsningen! (March 19, 2014)
Pellets et godt alternativ (February 5, 2014)
Den dummeste loven som noen gang er skrevet (January 31, 2014)
Gamle ovner til ny glede (January 31, 2014)
Dette må du for all del ikke fyre i peisen med (January 15, 2014), also at NRK - Forbrukerinspektørene