The publications are dedicated to the determination of the thermal properties of dry-cured ham with Differential Scanning Calorimeter, State of the Art on biochemistry of dry-cured ham as well as technical solutions in today's productions, possibility for energy recovery from production as well as usage of ambient air as energy source for cooling. DryMeat educated also two project- and one master-student.
Peer-Reviewed papers:
- Changes in the profiles of metabolites originating from protein degradation during ripening of dry cured ham; Degnes KF, Kvitvang HFN, Haslene-Hox H, Aasen IM (2017) Food Bioprocess Technol. DOI 10.1007/s11947-017-1894-3
- Petrova, I., et al. (2016). "Evolution of proteolytic and physico-chemical
characteristics of Norwegian dry-cured ham during its processing." Meat Science 121: 243-249" - Influence of climate conditions and the energy consumption of refrigeration systems in the food processing industry, Bantle M., Petrova I., Tolstorebrov I., Kvalsvik K., Nordtvedt T.S. Eikevik T.M. International Congress of Refrigeration, 16th to 22nd August 2015, Yokohama/Japan (accepted paper)
- The influence of temperature modes during salting and resting stages on the mass transfer in dry-cured ham. Petrova Inna et al. , International Congress of Refrigeration, 16th to 22nd August 2015, Yokohama/Japan (accepted paper)
- Drying kinetics and modeling of dry-cured ham with different salt concentrations, Petrova I., Eikevik T.M.,Nordic Baltic Drying Conference, 17th-19th June 2015, Gdansk/Polen
Paper download (as PDF) - Manufacture of dry-cured ham: a review. Part 1 Biochemical changes during the technological process; Petrova I. Aasen I.M., Rustad T., Eikevik T.M., European Food Research and Technology, 1st July 2015
- Manufacture of dry-cured ham: A review. Part 2 Drying kinetics, modeling and equipment; Petrova I., Bantle M., Eikevik T.M.;K European Food Research and Technology, 25th June 2015.
- Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Bantle, Michael; Hafner, Armin; Kuz, Bartos; Eikevik, Trygve Magne.
Energy efficiency by vapor compression in superheated steam drying systems
Proceedings 11th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants, Hangzhou, China 2014
Available at www.iifiir.org - I. Tolstorebrov , M. Bantle, T.M. Eikevik, A DSC study of the thermal properties of dry-cured ham, International Cold Chain Conference, 23.-25. June 2014, London, Englan
Available at www.iifiir.or
Conference papers:
- Petrova, I., & Eikevik, T.M. (2016). Drying kinetics of pork muscle obtained for five different drying modes and three salt concentrations. Proceedings of 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS), 7th to 10th June 2016, Gifu, Japan
- Tolstorebrov I., Petrova, I., Eikevik, T.M. (2016). The investigation of thermal properties for Norwegian dry-cured ham using DSC technique. Proceedings of 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS), 7th to 10th June 2016, Gifu, Japan
- Evaluation of three drying models for dry-cured ham. Karoline Kvalsvik, International Congress of Refrigeration, Student contribution, 16th to 22nd August 2015, Yokohama/Japan
Not available at the moment. - M. Bantle, I. Petrova, J. Raiser, T.M. Eikevik, Dynamic model and kinetics for convective drying of ham with different salt contents, International Drying Symposium, 24.-27. August 2014, Lyon, France
(paper as PDF)
Production of dry-cured ham: challenges and perspectives of research, Inna Petrova Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU (trykt utg.) 2017:30, 2017
- Characterization of ripening process by mass-spectrometry analyses, Inga Maria Aasen, 2nd International Symposium on Fermented Meat, 20.-23. October 2014, Valencia/Spain
Presentation as PDF - Drying Process and Energy Economics; Michael Bantle, 2nd International Symposium on Fermented Meat, 20.-23. October 2014, Valencia/Spain
Presentation as PDF - Food Security and Ethics from an energetic point of view. Bantle Michael; Ethics of Food Security in a Changing Society; 2014-09-24 London/Great Britain
Presentation as PDF - FT-ICR combined with MALDI-imaging – a novel tool to follow the ripening of dry-cured meat
Presentation as PDF
Master and Project work:
- Simon Danco (Project student): Mass transfer in a 3D food structure, Project NTNU, winter 2015/16
- Karoline Husevåg Kvalsvik: Evaluation of three Drying Models for dry-cured ham; project work NTNU Fall 2014
Project work download (PDF) - Karoline H. Kvalsvik: Project work; Modelling of drying processes for dry-cured ham (Focus on drying dynamic)
- Karoline H. Kvalsvik: Summer-job; Modelling of drying process for dry-cured ham (Focus on energy systems)
- Jasmin Raiser: Convective Drying and Sorption Characteristics of cured meat slices. Project NTNU, Winter 2013
Project work download (PDF)
- CT-skanning av St. Kristina spekeskinke, utført av Animalia, Stefania Gudrun Bjarnadottir
- Metabolite profiling as a tool to follow the ripening of dry-cured ham, Technical Report, Inga Marie Aasen
- Dry-cured ham: modelling of salting and drying process, Technical Report, Karoline Kvalsvik and Michael Bantle
- Hva med en kortreist superkinke (in Norwegain):