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Climate adaptation of buildings and infrastructure

The Norwegian climate has always set the premises for the design of buildings. In addition, global warming is now increasing the vulnerability of the built environment, and building structures and infrastructure in parts of the country must withstand even more stress.

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To maintain the expected service life of the built environment, we need better methods for assessing risk and technical solutions that consider the local climate. SINTEF has expertise in:

  • Climate loads on buildings and infrastructure
  • Local climate adaptation
  • Moisture and safety in new and existing buildings 
  • Durability and service life of materials and constructions
  • Green solutions for buildings and urban areas
  • Surface water management
  • Construction in avalanche-prone environments
  • Geotechnical consequences of changes in groundwater level
  • Risk and vulnerability analyzes 
  • Decision-making processes in planning and engineering
  • Municipal climate plan work





‘Blue-green’ roofs can prevent stormwater run-off

‘Blue-green’ roofs can prevent stormwater run-off

Urban growth, densification and climate change are putting increasing pressure on our water drainage systems. We now need better systems to manage the increasing number of uncontrolled stormwater events.