GrateCFD handbook
GrateCFD Newsletter:
Newsletter 2-2020; Newsletter 1-2020; Newsletter 2-2019; Newsletter 1-2019; Newsletter 2-2018; Newsletter 1-2018; Newsletter 2-2017; Newsletter 1-2017
Publications and presentations
Jingyuan Zhang, Tian Li, Henrik Ström, Boyao Wang, Terese Løvås (2023). A novel coupling method for unresolved CFD-DEM modeling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 203, 123817.
Nils Erland L. Haugen, Mette Bugge, Alexander Mack, Tian Li, Øyvind Skreiberg (2022). A bed model for grate fired furnaces: CFD modelling and comparison with experiments. Energy & Fuels 36(11):5852-5867.
Jingyuan Zhang, Tian Li, Henrik Ström, Terese Løvås (2022). Computationally efficient coarse-graining XDEM/CFD modeling of fixed-bed combustion of biomass. Combustion and Flame 238, 111876.
Miao Yang, Jingyuan Zhang, Shenghui Zhong, Tian Li, Terese Løvås, Hesammedin Fatehia, Xue-Song Bai (2022). CFD modeling of biomass combustion and gasification in fluidized bed reactors using a distribution kernel method. Combustion and Flame 236, 111744.
Nils Erland L. Haugen, Jonas Krüger, Jørgen R. Aarnes, Ewa Karchniwy, Adam Klimanek (2021). Thermophoresis and its effect on particle impaction on a cylinder for low and moderate Reynolds numbers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 181, 121996.
Øyvind Skreiberg (2021). Hvordan påvirker brenselskvaliteten driftssikkerhet, virkningsgrad og utslipp? Drift og vedlikehold av biovarmeanlegg - NOBIO seminar, 30 september 2021, Gardermoen, Norge.
Corinna Netzer, Maurice H. Waldner, Tian Li, Terese Løvås (2021). Numerical investigation on the release of chlorine and sulfur species from the fuel bed within a Waste-to-Energy plant. 30. Deutscher Flammentag, 28-29 September 2021, Hannover, Germany, with paper included in proceedings.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Mette Bugge, Judit Sandquist, Fredrik Buvarp, Nils E. L. Haugen (2021). A detailed experimental study on the thermal decomposition behaviour of wood pellets under inert and oxidative conditions in a fixed bed reactor. Chemical Engineering Transactions 86:67-72.
Mette Bugge, Nils E. L. Haugen, Tian Li, Jingyuan Zhang, Øyvind Skreiberg (2021). Validation of a numerical approach for simulation of the thermal decomposition behaviour of biomass in grate combustion plants. Chemical Engineering Transactions 86:73-78.
Jingyuan Zhang (2021). Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling for biomass and waste to energy production. PhD thesis 2021:177, NTNU. Main supervisor: Terese Løvås, Co-supervisor: Tian Li
Øyvind Skreiberg, Mette Bugge, Judit Sandquist, Fredrik Buvarp, Nils E. L. Haugen (2021). A detailed experimental study on the thermal decomposition behaviour of wood pellets under inert and oxidative conditions in a fixed bed reactor. ICheaP15, 23-26 May 2021, e-conference.
Mette Bugge, Nils E. L. Haugen, Tian Li, Jingyuan Zhang, Øyvind Skreiberg (2021). Validation of a numerical approach for simulation of the thermal decomposition behaviour of biomass in grate combustion plants. ICheaP15, 23-26 May 2021, e-conference.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Nils E. L. Haugen, Mette Bugge, Per Carlsson, Corinna Netzer, Tian Li, Terese Løvås (2021). Modelling of Grate Fired Woody Biomass and Waste to Energy Plants - Status and Further Needs. EUBCE 2021, 26-29 April, e-conference.
Corinna Netzer, Tian Li, Terese Løvås (2021). Nitrogen Oxide Prediction within a Woody Biomass Fuel Bed Using Detailed Chemistry. 10th European Combustion Meeting, April 14-15, 2021, Virtual Meeting.
Boyao Wang, Jingyuan Zhang, Terese Løvås, Tian Li (2021). CFD-DEM modeling of biomass pyrolysis in a fixed bed reactor. 38th International Symposium on Combustion, January 24-29, Adelaide, Australia.
Corinna Netzer, Tian Li, Terese Løvås (2021). Numerical Analysis of Nitrogen Oxide Formation in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration. 38th International Symposium on Combustion, 24-29 January 2021, Adelaide, Australia.
Corinna Netzer, Tian Li, Terese Løvås (2021). Surrogate Reaction Mechanism for Waste Incineration and Pollutant Formation. Energy & Fuels 35(9):7030-7049.
Corinna Netzer, Tian Li, Lars Seidel, Fabian Mauß, Terese Løvås (2020). Stochastic Reactor-Based Fuel Bed Model for Grate Furnaces. Energy & Fuels 34(12):16599-16612.
Shuai Wang, Yanqing Niu, Tian Li, Denghui Wang, Shi'en Hui (2020). Experimental and kinetic study on the transformation of coal nitrogen in the preheating stage of preheating-combustion coupling process. Fuel 275, 117924.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Michael Becidan (2020). Circular economy and value chain thinking - The future of Waste-to-Energy. EERA Bioenergy News 13:8-9.
Øyvind Skreiberg (2020). Computational Fluid Dynamics for improving large-scale woody biomass and Municipal Solid Waste combustion units. IEA Bioenergy Task 36 June 2020 newsletter.
Jingyuan Zhang, Tian Li, Henrik Ström, Terese Løvås (2020). Grid-independent Eulerian-Lagrangian approaches for simulations of solid fuel particle combustion. Chemical Engineering Journal 387, 123964.
Sondre Relling (2019). Development of a low-dissipation solver for large eddy simulation based on OpenFOAM. NTNU Master thesis. Main supervisor: Terese Løvås, Co-supervisor: Tian Li
Corinna Netzer, Tian Li, Terese Løvås, Lars Seidel, Fabian Mauß (2019). A Reactor Network Approach for Grate Fired Plants using Detailed Chemistry. 29. Deutscher Flammentag, 17-18 September 2019, Bochum, Germany, with paper included in proceedings.
Jingyuan Zhang, Tian Li, Henrik Ström, Terese Løvås (2019). A two-grid formulation for simulation of fixed-bed biomass combustion. Nordic Flame Days, 28-29 August 2019, Turku, Finland.
Tian Li, Øyvind Skreiberg, Terese Løvås, Peter Glarborg (2019). Reduced mechanisms for emission control in solid fuel combustion with SNCR. 7th International Workshop on Model Reduction in Reactive Flow (IWMRRF), 18-21 June 2019, Trondheim, Norway.
Tian Li, Øyvind Skreiberg, Terese Løvås, Peter Glarborg (2019). Skeletal mechanisms for prediction of NOx emission in solid fuel combustion. Fuel 254, 115569.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Tian Li, Liang Wang, Mette Bugge, Terese Løvås (2019). An evaluation of effects of fuel parameters and flue gas recirculation on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations. Chemical Engineering Transactions 74:217-222.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Tian Li, Liang Wang, Mette Bugge, Terese Løvås (2019). An evaluation of effects of fuel parameters and flue gas recirculation on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations. ICheaP14, 26-29 May 2019, Bologna, Italy.
Corinna Netzer, Tian Li, Terese Løvås, Lars Seidel, Fabian Mauß (2019). A Reactor Network Approach for Grate Combustion Plants based on Detailed Chemistry. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 6-8 May 2019, Aachen, Germany.
Jingyuan Zhang, Tian Li, Henrik Ström, Terese Løvås (2019). Simulation of thermally thick wood particles combustion with an Eulerian–Lagrangian method. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 6-8 May 2019, Aachen, Germany.
Jørgen R. Aarnes, Nils E. L. Haugen, Helge I. Andersson (2019). Inertial particle impaction on a cylinder in turbulent cross-flow at modest Reynolds numbers. International Journal of Multiphase Flow 111:53-61.
Jørgen R. Aarnes, Nils E. L. Haugen, Helge I. Andersson (2019). High-order overset grid method for detecting particle impaction on a cylinder in a cross flow. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 33(1-2):43-58.
Øyvind Skreiberg, Tian Li, Elettra Vantaggiato, Liang Wang, Mette Bugge, Terese Løvås (2019). An evaluation of effects of operational parameters on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations. Energy Procedia 158:103-110.
Jørgen R. Aarnes, Tai Jin, Chaoli Mao, Nils E. L. Haugen, Kun Luo, Helge I. Andersson (2020). Treatment of solid objects in the Pencil Code using an immersed boundary method and overset grids. Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 114(1-2):35-57.
Fredrik Buvarp (2018). Experimental development of combustion models. SINTEF Summer Job Project report. Main supervisor: Per Carlsson, Co-supervisors: Mette Bugge, Judit Sandquist
Øyvind Skreiberg, Tian Li, Elettra Vantaggiato, Liang Wang, Mette Bugge, Terese Løvås (2018). An evaluation of effects of operational parameters on NOx emissions through detailed chemical kinetics simulations. 10th International Conference on Applied Energy, 22-25 August 2018, Hong Kong, China.
Jingyuan Zhang, Tian Li, Terese Løvås (2018). Simulating thermochemical conversion of thermally thick wood particles with an Eulerian-Lagrangian method. 37th International Symposium on Combustion, 29 July - 3 August, Dublin, Ireland.
Nguyen Cong Thanh (2018). A thermogravimetric and kinetic study on devolatilization of biomass. NTNU Master thesis. Main supervisor: Terese Løvås, Co-supervisor: Liang Wang
Elettra Vantaggiato (2018). Reduced chemical model development for grate fired biomass application. NTNU Project thesis. Main supervisor: Terese Løvås, Co-supervisor: Tian Li
Geir Skjevrak, Liang Wang, Tore Filbakk, Øyvind Skreiberg, Henrik Kofoed Nielsen, Johan E. Hustad (2018). Effects of Fuel Additives on Quality of Agricultural Wastes Pellets. 26th EUBCE, 14-17 May 2018, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Liang Wang, Geir Skjevrak, Øyvind Skreiberg, Hongwei Wu, Henrik Kofoed Nielsen, Johan E. Hustad (2018). Investigation on Ash Slagging Characteristics during Combustion of Biomass Pellets and Effect of Additives. Energy & Fuels 32(4):4442-4452.
Liang Wang, Geir Skjevrak, Øyvind Skreiberg, Hongwei Wu, Henrik Kofoed Nielsen, Johan E. Hustad (2017). Investigation on Ash Slagging Characteristics during Combustion of Biomass Pellets and Effect of Additives. 6th Sino-Australian Symposium on Advanced Coal and Biomass Utilisation Technologies, 4-8 December 2017, Perth, Australia.
Inge Haberle, Øyvind Skreiberg, Joanna Lazar, Nils Erland L. Haugen (2017). Numerical models for thermochemical degradation of thermally thick woody biomass, and their application in domestic wood heating appliances and grate furnaces. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 63:204-252.
Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Computational Fluid Dynamics for improving micro- to large-scale woody biomass and municipal solid waste combustion units. EERA Bioenergy Newsletter 2017 (7), p. 5.
Øyvind Skreiberg (2017). Modellering og numeriske simuleringer for økt bærekraft (in Norwegian). SINTEF blog article.
Related publications from CenBio:
Grate combustion and environment:
Cooling aerosols and changes in albedo counteract warming from CO2 and black carbon from forest bioenergy in Norway; Anders Arvesen, Francesco Cherubini, Gonzalo del Alamo Serrano, Rasmus Astrup, Michael Becidan, Helmer Belbo, Franziska Goile, Tuva Grytli, Per Kristian Rørstad, Line Rydså, Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg, Sajith Vezhapparambu, Anders Hammer Strømman; Scientific Reports, 2018, 8, Article 3299
Norwegian Waste-to-Energy: Climate change, circular economy and carbon capture and storage; Carine Lausselet, Francesco Cherubini, Gabriel David Oreggioni, Gonzalo del Alamo Serrano, Michael Becidan, Xiangping Hu, Per Kr. Rørstad, Anders Hammer Strømman; Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2017, 126:50-61
Life-cycle assessment of a Waste-to-Energy plant in central Norway: Current situation and effects of changes in waste fraction composition; Carine Lausselet, Francesco Cherubini, Gonzalo del Alamo Serrano, Michael Becidan, Anders Hammer Strømman; Waste Management, 2016, 58:191-201
Detailed Operational Mapping of a Grate Fired Biomass Combustion Plant for Improved Combustion Process Control; Roger A. Khalil, Azhar Malik, Xiaoke Ku, Øyvind Skreiberg, Morten Fossum, Michael Becidan, Terese Løvås; Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2016, 50:85-90
Norwegian Waste-to-Energy (WtE) in 2030: Challenges and opportunities; Becidan, Michael; Wang, Liang; Fossum, Morten; Midtbust, Hans-Olav; Stuen, Johnny; Bakken, Jon Iver; Evensen, Egil; Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2015, 42:2401-2406
Enhanced NOx Reduction by Combined Staged Air and Flue Gas Recirculation in Biomass Grate Combustion; Ehsan Houshfar, Roger Antoine Khalil, Terese Løvås, Øyvind Skreiberg; Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(5):3003-3011
NOx Emission Reduction by Staged Combustion in Grate Combustion of Biomass Fuels and Fuel Mixtures; Ehsan Houshfar, Øyvind Skreiberg, Dušan Todorović, Alexandra Skreiberg, Terese Løvås, Aleksandar Jovović, Lars Sørum; Fuel, 2012, 98:29-40
Experimental Investigation on NOx Reduction by Primary Measures in Biomass Combustion: Straw, Peat, Sewage Sludge, Forest Residues, and Wood Pellets; Ehsan Houshfar, Terese Løvås and Øyvind Skreiberg; Energies, 2012, 5(2)270-290
Combustion properties of Norwegian biomass: Wood chips and forest residues; Ehsan Houshfar, Judit Sandquist, Wilson Musinguzi, Roger A. Khalil, Michaël Becidan, Øyvind Skreiberg, Franziska Goile, Terese Løvås, Lars Sørum; Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, Vols. 110-116:4564-4568
Dual-fuel cycles to increase the efficiency of WtE installations; Michael Becidan, Rahul Anantharaman; Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2012, 29:727-732
Effect of Excess Air Ratio and Temperature on NOx Emission from Grate Combustion of Biomass in the Staged Air Combustion Scenario; Ehsan Houshfar, Øyvind Skreiberg, Terese Løvås, Dušan Todorović, Lars Sørum; Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(10):4643-4654
Characterization of ash deposits from municipal solid Waste (MSW) incineration plants; Liang Wang, Bjarte Arne Øye, Øyvind Skreiberg, Michael Becidan, Polina Vatland, Morten Fossum, Johnny Stuen; Energy Procedia, 2017, 142:630-635
Ash deposits characterization in a large-scale municipal waste-to-energy incineration plant; Wang, Liang; Øye, Bjarte Arne; Becidan, Michael; Stuen, Johnny; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2016, 50:25-30
Composition and morphology of ash produced in a Waste-to-Energy (WtE) plant; Wang, Liang; Øye, Bjarte Arne; Becidan, Michael; Fossum, Morten; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2016, 50:157-162
Investigation of Rye Straw Ash Sintering Characteristics and the Effect of Additives; Wang, Liang; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Becidan, Michael; Li, Hailong; Applied Energy, 2016, 162:1195-1204
Investigation of Biomass Ash Sintering Characteristics and the Effect of Additives; Liang Wang, Geir Skjevrak, Johan E. Hustad, Øyvind Skreiberg; Energy Fuels, 2014, 28(1):208-218
Investigation of additives for preventing ash fouling and sintering during barley straw combustion; Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Michael Becidan; Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 70(2):1262-1269
Sintering of Rye Straw Ash and Effect of Additives; Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Michael Becidan, Hailong Li; Energy Procedia, 2014, 61:2008-2011
Effect of Sewage Sludge Addition on Potassium Release and Ash Transformation during Wheat Straw Combustion; Liang Wang, Terese Løvås, Ehsan Houshfar; Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2014, 37:7-12
The effect of peat ash addition to demolition wood on the formation of alkali, lead and zinc compounds at staged combustion conditions; Backman R., Khalil R., Todorović D., Becidan M., Skreiberg Ø., Goile F., Skreiberg A. and Sørum L.; Fuel Processing Technology, 2013, 105:20-27
Testing of Zeolite and Kaolin for Preventing Ash Sintering and Fouling during Biomass Combustion; Liang Wang, Michael Becidan, Øyvind Skreiberg; Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2013, 35:1159-1164
Sintering Characteristics of Sewage Sludge Ashes at Elevated Temperatures; Liang Wang, Geir Skjevrak, Johan E. Hustad, Morten Grønli; Fuel Processing Technology, 2012, 96:88-97
Sintering Characteristics and Mineral Transformation Behaviors of Corn Cob Ashes; Liang Wang, Johan E. Hustad, Morten Grønli; Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(9):5905-5916
The effect of kaolin on the combustion of demolition wood under well-controlled conditions; Khalil R., Todorović D., Skreiberg Ø., Becidan M., Backman R., Goile F., Skreiberg A. and Sørum L.; Waste Management and Research, 2012, 30(7):672-680
Ash related behaviour in staged and non-staged combustion of biomass fuels and fuel mixtures; Becidan M., Todorović D., Skreiberg Ø., Khalil R., Backman R., Goile F., Skreiberg A., Jovovic A. and Sørum L.; Biomass and Bioenergy, 2012, 41:86-93
A Critical Review on Additives to Reduce Ash Related Operation Problems in Biomass Combustion Applications; Liang Wang, Johan E. Hustad, Øyvind Skreiberg, Geir Skjevrak, Morten G. Grønli; Energy Procedia, 2012, 20:20-29
Effects of additives on barley straw and husk ashes sintering characteristics; Liang Wang, Øyvind Skreiberg, Johan E. Hustad, Geir Skjevrak, Morten G. Grønli; Energy Procedia, 2012, 20:30-39
Sintering behavior of agricultural residues ashes and effects of additives; Liang Wang, Michaël Becidan, Øyvind Skreiberg; Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(9):5917-5929
Experimental Investigation on Corrosion Abatement in Straw Combustion by Fuel Mixing; Roger A. Khalil, Ehsan Houshfar, Wilson Musinguzi, Michaël Becidan, Øyvind Skreiberg, Franziska Goile, Terese Løvås, Lars Sørum; Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(6):2687-2695
Effects of Sewage Sludge and Marble Sludge Addition on Slag Characteristics during Wood Waste Pellets Combustion; Liang Wang, Geir Skjevrak, Johan E. Hustad, Morten Grønli; Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(12):5775-5785
Effects of Particle Shrinkage and Devolatilization Models on High-Temperature Biomass Pyrolysis and Gasification; Ku, X., Li, T., Løvås, T.; Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(8):5127-5135
CFD-DEM simulation of biomass gasification with steam in a fluidized bed reactor; Ku, Xiaoke; Li, Tian; Løvås, Terese; Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 122:270-283
S-Cl-Na-K chemistry during MSW gasification: A thermodynamic study; Becidan, Michael; Houshfar, Ehsan; Wang, Liang; Lundstrøm, Petter; Grimshaw, Anthony, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 2015, 43:2012-2016
Numerical simulations of staged biomass grate fired combustion with an emphasis on NOx emissions; Bugge, Mette; Skreiberg, Øyvind; Haugen, Nils Erland L; Carlsson, Per; Houshfar, Ehsan; Løvås, Terese; Energy Procedia, 2015, 75:156-161
Numerical Simulations of the Sandia Flame D Using the Eddy Dissipation Concept; Lysenko, Dmitry; Ertesvåg, Ivar Ståle; Rian, Kjell Erik; Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 2014, 93(4):665-687
Numerical simulation of non-premixed turbulent combustion using the Eddy Dissipation Concept and comparing with the Steady Laminar Flamelet model; Dmitry Lysenko, Ivar S. Ertesvåg, Kjell Erik Rian; Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2014, Volume 93(4):577-605
Towards simulation of far-field aerodynamic sound from a circular cylinder using OpenFOAM; Dmitry A. Lysenko, Ivar S. Ertesvåg, Kjell Erik Rian; International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 2014, 13(1):141-168
Large-Eddy Simulation of the Flow Over a Circular Cylinder at Reynolds Number 2 × 104; Dmitry A. Lysenko, Ivar S. Ertesvåg, Kjell Erik Rian; Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2014, 92(3):673-698
Influence of drag force correlations on periodic fluidization behavior in Eulerian–Lagrangian simulation of a bubbling fluidized bed; Xiaoke Ku, Tian Li, Terese Løvås; Chemical Engineering Science, 2013, 95:94-106
Automatic generation of kinetic skeletal mechanisms for biomass combustion; Terese Løvås, Ehsan Houshfar, Mette Bugge, Øyvind Skreiberg; Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(11):6979-6991
Modeling of turbulent separated flows using OpenFOAM; D. Lysenko, I.S. Ertesvåg, K.E. Rian; Computers & Fluids, 2013, 80:408-422
Numerical investigation of particles turbulent dispersion in channel flow; Tian Li, Li-Hao Zhao, Xiaoke Ku, Helge Andersson, Terese Løvås; Thermal Science, 2012, 16(5):1510-1514
Eulerian-Lagrangian simulation of a bubbling fluidized bed reactor: Assessment of drag force correlations; Xiaoke Ku, Tian Li, Terese Løvås; Thermal Science, 2012, 16(5):1442-1445
Reduced Chemical Kinetics Mechanisms for NOx Emission Prediction in Biomass Combustion; Ehsan Houshfar, Øyvind Skreiberg, Peter Glarborg and Terese Løvås; International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2012, 44(4):219-231
Large-eddy simulation of the flow over a circular cylinder at Reynolds number 3900 using the OpenFOAM toolbox; Dmitry A. Lysenko, Ivar S. Ertesvåg, Kjell Erik Rian; Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2012, 89(4):491-518
Optimal mixtures to reduce the formation of corrosive compounds during straw combustion: a thermodynamic analysis; Michaël Becidan, Ehsan Houshfar, Roger A. Khalil, Øyvind Skreiberg, Terese Løvås, Lars Sørum; Energy & Fuels, 2011, 25(7):3223-3234