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Innovative demonstrations for the next generation of biomass and waste combustion plants for energy recovery and renewable electricity production.

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The objective of NextGenBioWaste was to demonstrate innovative ways of improving the energy conversion and renewable electricity production using municipal solid waste materials and biomass for large-scale supply of renewable electricity and heating/cooling to end-users - at a more competitive cost and improved environmental parameters.

NextGenBioWaste dealth with waste and biomass feedstocks and covered the supply chain from fuel preparation, via conversion and residue handling, up to wholesale of energy. 

Project Overview

NextGenBioWaste will demonstrate innovative solutions in large scale systems for waste and biomass combustion for the entire supply chain from fuel via conversion to ash treatment and use. 15 legal entities have agreed to establish the NextGenBioWaste consortium comprising 7 European utility companies, 1 technology provider, 6 RTD providers, and 1 consultant/engineering company. NextGenBioWaste is organised as an integrated project (IP).


The demonstration and RTD activities are structured in 4 sub-projects that respond to the objectives of the work programme:

NextGenBioWaste will, in compliance with the stated objectives of the work programme:

  • Deliver results aimed at accelerating the market penetration of a new generation of biomass and waste combustion plants with particular emphasis on 2010 energy policy objectives.
  • Consist mainly of integrated demonstration actions with a research component of approximately 20% as a support for the planning, understanding and further improvement of the demonstrated technologies.
  • Demonstrate reduction in the costs associated with implementation of new technologies and demonstrate how the technological solutions can be integrated under full-scale operating conditions. NextGenBioWaste will perform several large-scale demonstrations of different innovative concepts for the energy supply chain.

Project information:

  • Co-funded by the European Commission under the Sixth Framework Programme
  • Contract No: TREN/05/FP6EN/S07. 56773/019809
  • Coordinator: SINTEF Energy research

Key Factors

Project duration

2006 - 2010