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Other projects
- COREu (2024 - 2027)
- H2Glass (2023 - 2026)
- IntelLiGent - Innovative and sustainable high-voltage Li -ion cells for next generation (EV) batteries (2022 - 2025)
- SUMBAT - Sustainable Materials for the Battery Value Chain (2022 - 2025)
- Hydra - Hybrid power-energy electrodes for next generation lithium-ion batteries (2020 - 2024)
- Digiwell: Digital wells for optimal production and drainage (2020 - 2024)
- Agent-based modeling: Insights into consumer behavior, urban dynamics, grid management, and market interactions Read publication
- Simulation and optimization of a coupled reservoir and multi-phase flow network model
- Impact of Hydrogen Integration and Implementation on Costs in Glass Production
- SustainableTech – A Holistic Framework for Integrated Techno-Economic and Sustainability Assessments
- A modified derivative-free SQP-filter trust-region method for uncertainty handling: application in gas-lift optimization
- An agent-based model for controlling pandemic infectious diseases transmission dynamics with the use of face masks
- Optimal Industrial Clusters: Flex4Fact Summer Research Report
- Derivative-Free Well Control Optimization under Uncertainty
- Derivative-free search approaches for optimization of well inflow control valves and controls
- Well Control Optimization with Output Constraint Handling by Means of a Derivative-Free Trust Region Algorithm
- Hydrogen can remove harmful emissions from energy-demanding industries
- Glem energieffektivisering med dagens ordninger!
- PiecewiseAffineApprox.jl
- SustainableTech - Framework for systematic and integrated life-cycle and techno-economic assessments
- ABM modeling and development in the Behaviour project
- Real-time optimization of fast and slow dynamics with a look-ahead strategy
- LowEmission Webinars - An open source framework for Integrated Production Modelling (IPM) – collaboration of LowEmission and the DigiWell project
- On the use of agent-based modelling for investigating household energy retrofit behaviour
- Investigating the role of energy behavior in the low carbon transition with agent-based models